Lecture Manual Geology For Civil Engineers (2.0 Units) II Mineralogy PDF

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Chapter II

Learning Outcomes
a. Understand the mineral properties and its importance to society and engineering projects.
b. Classify, Characterize, and identify major rock-forming minerals in hand specimen and thin
c. Evaluate conditions of environment through the presence of minerals.

The study of the characters of minerals ( eg: quartz, pyroxene, amphibole, mica, chlorite, garnet) is
known as Mineralogy. A mineral is a naturally occurring homogeneous substance, inorganically
formed with a definite chemical composition, with a certain physical properties and crystalline
Under favourable conditions, the internal atomic structure of minerals result in the development of a
definite external geometrical shape ie crystal form.
The stability of minerals depends on temperature, pressure and chemical composition of the
environment. At present more than 3000 mineral species have been established. The earth’s crust is
mainly composed of feldspars and quartz and accounts 55% and 10% respectively. Pyroxenes,
amphiboles, chlorites, micas, clay carbonates are widely spread too. Following a few rare minerals are
also common:
Phenacite …Be2 (SiO4) Bertrandite … Be 4 (Si2O7) (OH)4
Baddeleyite …Zr O2 Cordierite … Hg3 S2 Cl2

1.0 Elementary knowledge on symmetry elements of crystallographic system

1.1 Physical properties of minerals
1.1.1 Form:
The form of mineral is defined as its shape. The external shape of mineral reflects the internal
arrangement of atoms. When a mineral occurs as a well-developed crystal, it is called crystallized.
If the growth of the crystals is hampered due to interference of other crystal grains then the
resulting form is called crystalline. When just traces of crystalline structures are present, it is
called cryptocrystalline. Due to random network of ions or the total absence of crystalline
structure, amorphous (or) shape less forms result. Some of important forms are listed below.

No. Name of the Form Description Minerals Examples

1 Lamellar Form Mineral appears as thin separable Muscovite, Biotite
2 Tabular Form Minerals appears as slabs of uniform Feldspars, Gypsum
3 Fibrous Form Minerals appears as fine threads Asbestos
4 Pisolitic Form Minerals appears as sphericals Bauxite
5 Rombic Form Rhombic shape Calcite, Garnet
6 Bladed Form Minerals appear as independent Kyanite
blade or lath-shaped grains
7 Granular Form Innumerable equi-dimensional grains Chromite, Graphite,
of course/medium/fine size Magnitite
8 Reni Form Kidney shaped Hematite
9 Prismatic Form Elongated Crystals Olivine, Augite
10 Spongy Form Porous Pyrolusite, Bauxite
11 Cubic Form Geometrical shape Garnet, Pyrite, Galena
12 Massive Form No definite shape Graphite, Olivine, Quartz,
Haematite, Magnesite,
Jasper, Pyrolusite
13 Nodular Form Irregularly shaped compact bodies Flint
with curved surfaces

1.1.2 Color:
Minerals show great variety of colors and can be identified by their color.
Color wise the minerals are of two types

(i) Dark colored minerals
(ii) Light colored minerals.
Mineral colors are generally related to the spatial arrangement of the constituent atoms or the
impurities present in the minerals or all of these.
For example:
(i) The color related to atomic structure. Diamond is colorless and transparent whereas
Graphite is black and opaque even though both contain carbon.
(ii) The color related to impurities: Generally pure quartz colorless and transparent. But
commonly due to impurities it shows colors such as pink, purple and etc.
1.1.3 Streak:
The streak of mineral is color of its powder. Many minerals exhibit a different color in the powder
form compared to form of mass. The powder of the mineral is obtained either by scratching the
mineral with a pen knife or rubbing it across piece of unglazed porcelain plate called streak plate.
Most transparent minerals show a white streak. Colored minerals show a dark color streak of the
mineral. Sometimes the streak is altogether different in color from the color of the mineral.

No. Streak Minerals

1 Dark brown, black Pyrite, Magnetite, Chromite, Pyrolusite, Biotite, Graphite
2 Bluish black Pyrolusite
3 Cherry red Haematite
4 Dark grey Galena
5 White Calcite, Jasper, Olivine, Muscovite, Asbestos, Kyanite,
Garnet, Talc, Calcite, Magnesite
6 Colorless Quartz
7 White to grey Augite, Biotite
8 Hrey to greenish grey Hornblende
9 Silver white Muscovite
10 Greenish black Biotite, Pyrite
11 Red or reddish brown Haematite

1.1.4 Lustre:
Lustre is the nature of shining on the surface of the mineral under reflected light. It varies
considerably depending upon the amount and type of light reflected. Based on the type of shining,
lustres are grouped as metallic and non-metallic. Metallic lustre is the type of shining that appears
on the surface of the metal. Non-metallic lustres are named considering the type of shining that
appears in some common materials. Some important non-metallic lustres that are observed
mainly in rock-forming minerals are:
No. Non-metallic Lustre Description Minerals
1 Vitreous lustre Shining like a glass Quartz, Calcite.
2 Subvitreous lustre Subvitreous lustre is similar to Pyroxenes (augite)
vitreous lustre but with less
3 Pearly lustre Shining like pearl Talc, Muscovite
4 Silky lustre Shining like silk Asbestos
5 Resinous lustre Shining like resin Opal, Agate
6 Greasy lustre Shining like grease Graphite,
7 Adamantine lustre Shining like diamond Garnet, Diamond
8 Earthy or Dull lustre No shining earth or chalk Magnesite, Bauxite

1.1.5 Cleavage:
The definite direction or plane along which a mineral tends to break easily is called the cleavage
of that mineral. Crystallized and crystalline minerals can have cleavage. Amorphous minerals

do not show cleavage. Cleavage, if present, occurs as innumerable planes along which mineral
is equally weak. Hence all such parallel planes of weakness are referred to as a set.

Depending upon their atomic structure, crystalline minerals will have 1 set of cleavage (or) 2
sets (or) 3 sets (or) 4 sets (or) 6 sets of cleavages (or) no cleavage.

Since atomic structure of a mineral is definite, the cleavage character of the mineral will also be
definite. Depending upon the degree of perfection, cleavage may be described as perfect or
eminent or excellent (mica), good (calcite), imperfect or poor or indistinct (apatite).
No. Cleavage Sets Minerals
1 None Quartz, Flint, Jasper, Olivine, Garnet, Haematite
2 Indistinct Pyrolusite, Graphite, Apatite
3 Present 1 Mica, Chlorite, Talc, Asbestos
4 Perfect 3 Calcite, Magnesite, Galena
5 Perfect 2 Feldspar, Hornblende, Kyanite, Augite

1.1.6 Fracture:
Fracture is the nature of randomly broken surface of mineral. Based on the nature of a broken
surface, fractures are described as even fracture, uneven fracture, hackly fracture, and
conchoidal fracture.

No. Name of Fracture Description Minerals Example

1 Even Fracture If the broken surface Magnesite, Chalk
of a mineral is plain
and smooth, it is
called even fracture
2 Uneven Fracture If the broken surface Augite, hornblende, mica, chlorite,
is rough and irregular talc, pyrite, haematite, magnetite,
Pyrolusite, graphite, bauxite.
3 Hackly Fracture If the broken surface Asbestos, Kyanite, chlorite,
is very irregular like
the end of a broken
4 Conchoidal If the broken surface Agate, Flint, Jasper, galena, bauxite.
Fracture is smooth and curved
5 Even to Uneven Olivine, Magnesite
6 Conchoidal to sub- Garnet,

1.1.7 Tenacity:
The tenacity is a measure of the cohesiveness of minerals as shown by its resistance to breaking,
crushing or other deformation methods. The different kinds of tenacity are classified as follows:
(i) Brittle: The minerals breaks into powder
(ii) Malleable: The minerals be beaten into sheets
(iii) Ductile: The mineral can be drawn into thin wires
(iv) Sectile: The mineral can be cut into thin sheets
(v) Elastic: The minerals bend on the application of pressure but regains the original
shape when the pressure is released.
1.1.8 Hardness:
Hardness may be defined as the resistance offered by the mineral to abrasion or scratching.

For example,
1. If mineral specimen is muscovite (mica), when it is tested on the mohs’ scale of
hardness, it should not scratched by gypsum but by calcite. The composition of the
mineral appears to have less influence over hardness.
2. Graphite and diamond which possess the same composition, but different atomic
structures, represent nearly two extremes of the hardness in the mineral kingdom i.e.
graphite is extremely soft and diamond is extremely hard.

Mohs’ Scale of Hardness: In 1882 an Australian mineralogist, Mohs proposed a relative scale
for hardness of minerals. The standard set of ten reference minerals used to determine the
hardness of any unknown mineral is called Mohs’ scale of hardness.

The actual minerals of the set and their hardness are as follows:
No. Minerals Hardness
1 Talc 1
2 Gypsum 2
3 Calcite 3
4 Flourite 4
5 Apatite 5
6 Feldspar 6
7 Quartz 7
8 Topaz 8
9 Corundum 9
10 Diamond 10

Thus Talc is the least hard mineral and Diamond is the hardest mineral. The relative hardness
of an unknown mineral is determined by scratching it with the Mohs’ scale of hardness starting
with Talc and followed by minerals of increasing hardness. Common minerals like finger nail
(H = 2.5), a copper coin (H=3.5), a broken glass piece (H=5.5) and pen knife (H=6.5) may be
used to fix the lower limit.

1.1.9 Specific Gravity (density):

Specific gravity of mineral depends on their chemical composition and atomic structure. The
specific gravity of a mineral is the weight of it to the weight of an equal volume of water. In the
laboratory, specific gravity of minerals is determined using either Walker’s steel yard or Jolly’s
spring balance. In determining specific gravity care should be taken to select only fresh (ie un-
weathered) minerals free from inclusions, impurities and other insoluble.

For routine identification of minerals based on physical properties, determination of actual

specific gravity is tedious and unnecessary because most of the rock forming minerals have
specific gravity range of 2.5 to 3.5, while common ore minerals like magnetite, hematite,
ilmenite, galena, pyrite, Pyrolusite and Psilomelane, have specific gravity over 3.5. Only few
minerals have a specific gravity less than 2.5. Thus based on this range of specific gravity of
minerals, the density character of minerals may be described as high, medium or low.

The medium density refers to the common rock-forming minerals and higher density refers to
the common ore minerals.
No. Character Specific Gravity Minerals
1 Low Density <2.5 Talc, graphite
2 Medium Density 2.5 to 3.5 Feldspars, quartz, flint, jasper, olivine,
augite, hornblende, mica, chlorite,
asbestos, calcite, Magnesite, bauxite
3 High Density > 3.5 Kyanite, garnet, pyrite, haematite,
magnetite, chromite, galena, Pyrolusite,

General Physical Properties of Minerals

No. Mineral Hardness Density (sp.gr) Cleavage
1 Feldspar 6 - 6.5 2.6 - 2.73
2 Quartz 7 2.6 – 2.7
3 Flint 7 2.65
4 Jasper 6.5 – 7 6.5 – 7
5 Olivine 6.5 3.34
6 Augite 5–6 5–6
7 Hornblende 5–6 5–6
8 Muscovite 2.5 – 3 2.8 – 2.9
9 Biotite 2.5 – 3 2.7 – 3.3

10 Asbestos 2.9 -3.2
11 Chlorite 1.5 – 2.5 2.7 – 3.0
12 Kyanite 4 -5 length and 3.6 – 3.7
6– 7 breadth
13 Garnet 6.5 – 7.5 3.5 – 4.3
14 Talc 1 2.7
15 Calcite 3 2.7

Economic Minerals
No. Mineral Hardness Density (sp.gr) Cleavage
1 Pyrite 6–7 5 2 – 3 sets
2 Haematite 5–6 5.2 Absent
3 Magnetite 5–6 5.2 Absent
4 Chromite 5.5 – 6 4.1 – 5.1 Absent
5 Galena 2.5 – 3.0 7.5 Perfet
6 Pyrolusite 4.5 – 5.1 Indistinct
7 Graphite 1–2 2 – 2.3 Indistinct
8 Magnesite 4–5 3.0 – 3.2 3 sets
9 Bauxite 2-4 2 – 3.5 Absent

1.1.10 Degree of Transparency:

This is also known as “diaphaneity”. Depending up on the resistance offered by the minerals to
the passage of light through them, they may be classified as transparent, translucent and opaque.
This character of a mineral depends on chemical composition, impurities, inclusions, weathering
and also thickness.

Rock-forming minerals usually appear to be opaque when they are thick, but lose this opaque
character if they are made thinner. But metallic ore minerals remain mostly opaque, even when
they are made thinner. Therefore, the distinction between a really opaque mineral and other not
opaque minerals will help to distinguish ore minerals from rock-forming minerals.

1.2 Study of the following rock forming minerals

1.2.1 Quartz Family
Next to feldspars and mafic minerals, quartz is the most common rock forming mineral. It is SiO2
in composition and may be treated as an oxide or as a silicate. Structurally, it is a tectosilicate ie;
in its atomic structure, the SiO4 tetrahedra are arranged in a three dimensional network pattern.
Quartz, Tridymite and Crystabalite are important crystalline forms of silica with SiO 2
composition but possess different physical properties and hence these are called Polymorphs.

a. Varieties of Quartz:
Rock crystal: Transparent form of quartz and purest.
Amethyst: Purple / violet colored; transparent form of quartz
Rose quartz: Pale pink / rose colored variety of quartz
Smoky quartz: smoky yellow / brown color of quartz
Milky quartz¨ milky white in color due to a large no. of mica cavities
Ferruginous quartz: Contains iron oxides which impart reddish color

b. Uses:
Employed in jewellery ( eg: amethyst ); Making spectacle glasses;
Sand papers; toothpaste; Pottery; silica bricks.
Depend on its piezo – electric properties, a certain type of quartz is used to control the
frequency of radio-circuits
1.2.2 Feldspar Family
It refers to a group of different minerals which possess similar chemical composition, atomic
structure; physical and optical properties. These are aluminous silicates of K. Na; Ca or Ba and
may be considered as isomorphous compounds.

a. Feldspars are sub-divided into: Plagioclase Feldspars and Alkali Feldspars

Feldspar Group Range Composition Occurrence

Albite Ab 100 - An 0 Granites; Styentes;
Oligoclase Ab 90 – An 10 Diorites; Ryolites;
Andesite Ab 70 – An 30 Trachytes;
Na Al Si3 O8
Labradorite Ab 50 – An 50 Gabbros;
Bytownite Ab 30 – An 70 Sandstones;
Ca Al2 Si2 O8
Anorthite Ab 10 - An 90 Schists;

b. Uses:
Feldspars are used in the manufacture of Porcelain; Pottery; glazes on earth ware; Sanitary
ware; in the manufacture of glass and ceramic industries
1.2.3 Augite
It is a silicate of calcium, magnesium, iron and aluminum with a composition of (Ca Mg Fe
Al)2 (Al) Si2 O6. It forms as a crystals, lamellar and sometimes fibrous. Augite occurs in Black
and greenish black in color.

a. Varieties: Diallage is a variety of augite which in hand-specimen appears as lamellar

(lamellar structure is due to a parting parallel to the planes). Diallage is characteristic of
b. Occurrence: augite occurs as short prismatic crystals in volcanic rocks, Andesite,
basalts and as crystals or plates in dykes and in plutonic rocks such as gabbro’s,
dolerite and in diorite. It also occurs in ultrabasic rocks such as pyroxenites and

1.2.4 Hornblende
It is a silicate of aluminium, calcium, magnesium and iron with sodium represented by the
formula (Ca Na Mg Fe Al)7-8 Si8 O22 (OH)2. Hornblende occurs as crystals, prismatic in habit.

a. Varieties: Edenite is a light coloured hornblende poor in iron whereas Pargasite is a

dark – green or bluish green variety and basaltic hornblende is a brown or black variety
containing titanium and sodium.
b. Occurrence: It occurs as a primary mineral in acid and intermediate igneous rocks
such as granites, Syenites, diorites etc and Ultrabasic rocks viz., hornblendite and
common in metamorphic rocks of hornblende – gneisses, hornblende schist’s and
1.2.5 Biotite
1.2.6 Muscovite
1.2.7 Calcite
1.2.8 Garnet
1.3 Properties and Process of Formation of All Materials
The form of mineral is defined as its shape. The external shape of mineral reflects the internal
arrangement of atoms. When a mineral occurs as a well-developed crystal, it is called crystallized. If
the growth of the crystals is hampered due to interference of other crystal grains then the resulting form
is called crystalline. When just traces of crystalline structures are present, it is called cryptocrystalline.
Due to random network of ions or the total absence of crystalline structure, amorphous (or) shape less
forms result. Some of important forms are listed below.
1.4 Coal and Petroleum
1.4.1 Origin and Occurrences


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