My Resume Personal Particular: Experiences As An Employee

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Personal Particular

Name : Ardiansyah Pribadi

Place / Date of birth : Jakarta 23 July 1981
Sex : Male
Marital Status : Maried
Mail Address : JL.Lingkungan Sukalila No.55Rt 01 / Rw 08
Kel. Kagungan , kota Serang – Banten
Phone : Home: 62 – 0254-218321
Mobile Phone : +6282111519021

E-Mail Address :

Academic Background

1987 – 1993 : SD Negeri 09 Cilincing North Jakarta (elementary school )

1993 – 1996 : SMP Negeri 244 Cilincing North Jakarta (Junior High school )
1996 – 1999 : SMU Negeri 73 North Jakarta (senior High school )
1999 – 2003 : Maritime Higher Education and Training Institute
( Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pelayaran / AIP ) Jakarta with GPA= 2.97

Courses & Training

 Typing, Windows & Introduction Ms.Word, Jakarta ( 2000 )

 Bridging Program ( Export Procedure, Import Procedure, Air cargo Introduction,
Freight forwarder Orientation, and service attitude), Jakarta (2000)
 Computer Microsoft Office
 Export Procedure (plus simulation) at PPEI jakarta, (2003)
 English Course for two years from Basic Level until Advance Level ( Jakarta 1996 –1998)
 Ship – Shore Oil Loading Master Officer training ( Cirebon - 2009 )
 SLICKBAR Oil spill Trainning ( Cikarang - 2010 )
 PIMMAG Oil Spill Training ( Malaysia - 2010 )

Working Experiences


 PT.Radita Hutama Internusa ( Charles Taylor Adjusting), from 15th June 2012 until now, as a Marine surveyor and
Adjuster, my line of duty were at Risk and claim damage department which handling case of pre- shipment, During
shipment and or Discharge operation Risk Surveyor for marine cargo either by Sea or land conveyance . and also
handling investigation of Damaged claim of the marine cargo for marine cargo insurance.

 PT.Marunda Graha Mineral, from 20th September 2010 Until 19 July 2011, as barging Supervisor for ISP-Bangkuang
Site (central Kalimantan ), I’m responsible for monitoring all Loading and Discharging of Barging activity at site .

 PT.Shell Indonesia, from 01st August 2009 until 12th September 2010, as Terminal Operation Supervisor at Shell Pulau
Laut Terminal ( South Kalimantan ). I’m responsible for all operational activity at Shell Pulau Laut Terminal including
ship – shore operation (loading and discharging of oil product), Safety and environmental issues , daily terminal stock
report, human Resources Development and others operational related activities .

 PT. BERAU COAL, from 15th July 2008 until 15th July 2009, as shipping supervisor ( Loading Master, charter and
claim officer ). Main duty was to monitor all loading and discharging activity at jetty and at transhipment point. Also
monitoring all barge activity.

 PT,Unicontainer Selatan Indonesia, as temporary administration support from 01 st February 2008 until 30th June 2008

 PT.UPS SUPPLY CHAIN SOLUTIONS INDONESIA, since July 08th 2004 until December 3rd 2006 , as Ocean Export
Handling Account Of :
- Sears Roebuck & Co.
- Kaman Music Corporation
- Harley Davidson
- Levi Strauss
- Oneida Ltd.
- Carole Hochman Design Group
- VF Jeanswear

Responsible for handling a shipment from origin until arrived at the destination / consignee warehouse
Include all the document export and entry data into the system. Handling all the Supply chain and all Logistic matter
from the beginning until the cargo arrived at the destination

 PT.BFI Finance Indonesia, Sunter Branch, since December 01st 2003 until May 31st 2004
As a Credit Control Executive. Responsible for controlling the bad debt ratio which occurred

Experiences as Apprentice

 PT.Berlian Laju Tanker, Tbk Merak branch, since August 12th 2001 until
January 12th 2002, as a boarding agent for every ship handling Loading and Unloading cargo of the
Ship which mostly are Chemical and Coal
 PT.Manggala Samudera Karya, Merak Branch ( Cigading / Ciwandan ) Port, Since January 16th 2002 until June 10th
2002, as Operational Officer And Operational finance Controller , my responsibility was to ensure the process of
loading and unloading of the ship cargo at the pear which mostly the cargo was Break Bulk Cargo and General Cargo
such as :
- Steel Scrap, steel Slab and Steel Pipe for Krakatau Stell Industrial Company, Soya bean For PT. INDOFOOD
INDONESIA and Other general cargo.
 Banten Port Administration Office ( ADPEL BANTEN ), since June 17th 2002 until
July 19th 2002

Skill Sets
 Language Skill :
- English good in speaking and writing
- Arabic poor in conversation good in writing
 Computer Skill :
- Windows application such as word, excel, others
- Creating simple website / Blog
 Field operational skill :
- Able to operate 2,5 ton forklift equipment
- Able to operate 1-2,5 ton fix crane / lifting equipment
- Able to arrange and monitor of loading or discharging oil product from ship to shore
- Certified IMO Level 1 in combating oil spill
- Shipping agent activities such as monitoring vessel arrival, confirming berthing schedule with the port, arrange all
documentation for the vessel clearance to all authorized government department (harbour master, custom,
quarantine and other local port authority) prior arrival, at the port and before the ship sailed, and also support and
provide all the vessel and crew need such as provision, sign on and sign of crew.


Attn : Mr. M. Mujieb

PT.Shell Indonesia
Pulau Laut Terminal
Pulau Laut Barat – Indonesia
Phone : + 628118001851

Mr. Andy Suhartopo.

Phone : +6281210754381

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