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Natural Gas Processing, Transmission &


1. Pipelines that collect natural gas from multiple wells are called 1 point

Distribution lines

Transmission lines

Treatment lines

Gathering lines

2. Natural gas processing plants remove the following substances from the natural gas stream 1 point

Water, carbon dioxide, sulfur and Natura Gas Liquids

Only water, carbon dioxide, sulfur and other impurities

Only methane

Natural Gas Liquids

3. Natural gas treatment plants remove the following from the natural gas stream 1 point


Water, carbon dioxide, and sulfur



4. Fill in the blank 1 point

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, or FERC, regulates __________.

All international natural gas pipelines

All interstate natural gas pipelines.

All natural gas pipelines

None of the above

5. What is the range of each natural gas pipeline compressor station? 1 point

60-80 miles

50-70 miles

40-60 miles

30-50 miles

6. Interstate pipelines are between 24 to 42 inches in diameter. 1 point



7. Choose the type(s) of underground gas storage facilities 1 point

Storage Containers

Salt Caverns


Depleted oil well reserves


8. What is the purpose of natural gas storage? 1 point

To store the resources for private use for the companies who transport them.

To store natural gas

To ensure everyone has gas when they need it

To moderate gas prices

9. What agency releases a report regarding gas storage? 1 point


National Fuel

Energy Information Administration


10. The largest methane leak occurred in 1 point

The Strategic Petroleum Reserve in 2015

San Bruno California and killed 8 people

The Aliso Canyon Gas Storage Facility in Southern California

BP’s Deepwater Horizon rig in the Gulf of Mexico

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