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Perceptions of Objective.

Educational programs fOr the occupational

therapist and the occupational therapy assistant are man-
dated to include content on technologies in their curricula.
Computer Literacy Given the increasing use oftechnology skifls among occu-
pational therapists, especially computer technology skifls, it
Among Occupational seemedjudicious to ascertain the current and desired levels
ofskiff ofoccupational therapy students as weff as their
opinions about computer technology.
Therapy Students Method. Program directors from five baccalaureate-
level curricula distributed the Computer Opinion Survey
and the Computer Knowledge Survey to 109 junior and
senior occupational therapy students. The students were
instructed to complete and return questionnaires to their
Adelle M. Williams, Augustine O. Agho, program directors who, in turn, fOrwarded the question-
naires to the principal investigators.
Margo B. Holm Resulrs. Respondents were generally positive about
computer technoLogy, and the level ofknowledge they
Key Words: education • technology desired about computer technology applications in occupa-
tional therapy was much greater than their current level
ofknowledge. Although respondents'positive attitudes were
significantly correlated with their current levels ofcom-
puter knowledge, no significant relationshlp was estab-
Lished among positive attitudes, current levels ofcomputer
Imowledge, and number ofcomputer courses completed
befOre entering an occupational therapy cunicuLum.
Conclusions. Even though the respondents were com-
puter literate (i.e., they had a general working knowledge
ofthe uses, limitations, and impact ofcomputers), no rela-
tionship was established between their previous computer
course work and their current knowledge ofthe use of
computer technoLogy in occupational therapy. The Linkage
between generic computer literacy and knowLedge ofits
relationship to the use ofcomputer technology in occupa-
tionaL therapy was not evident to this sample ofjunior
and senior students.

n its 1991 Essentials and Guidelines fOr an Accredited

Adelle M. Williams, PhD. is Associare Professor and Direcror,

Healrh Services Adminisrrarion, Deparrmenr of AJlied Healrh,
I Educational Program for the occupational therapist
and the occuparional rherapy assisranr, rhe American
Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) mandared rhar
Slippery Rock Universiry, Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania 16057 conrenr on technologies be included in occupational thera-
pist and occupational therapy assistant curricula (AOTA,
Augusrine O. Agho, PhD. is Associare Professor and Direcror, 1991a, 1991b). An AOTA position paper on occupational
Division of Healrh Care Management, School of AJlied therapy and assisrive rechnology defines some of the rech-
HeaJrh Sciences, Florida A&M Universiry, Tallahassee, nologies lIsed by occupational therapists in terms of the
federal definition of assistive technology devices (ATDs)
Margo B. Holm, PhD. OTRIL. FAOTA. is Professor, Universiry of and describes them as "any item, piece of equipmenr, or
PlIger Sound, Tacoma, Washingron, and Adjllncr Assisranr producr system, wherher acquired commercially off the
Professor of Psychiarry, School of Medicine, Universiry of shelf, modified, or customized, that is used to increase,
Pitrsburgh, Pitrsburgh, Pennsylvania. maintain, or improve functional capabilities of individuals
with disabiliries" (Technology-Relared Assisrance for In-
This artide was accepted for publication April 13, 1995.
dividuals Wirh Disabiliries Acr of 1988 [Public Law

The American Journal ofOccupational Therapy 217

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100-407J as cited in AOTA, 1991c,p.l076). The purpose of this study was to (a) describe entry-
Kanny, Anson, and Smith (1991) surveyed entry- level occupational therapy students' opinions about com-
level occupational therapy curriculum directOrs and iden- puter technology, (b) compare students' perceptions of
tified 11 areas of technology training included in their their current and desired knowledge of computer applica-
curricula: augmentative communication; cognition and tions in occupational therapy, and (c) examine the rela-
memory; device interfaces; environmental access; com- tionship among opinions about computer technology,
puter technology; ethical, legal, and funding issues; pros- current and desired knowledge of computer applications,
thetics and orthotics; roles of service providers; sensory and the number of semesters of computer technology
aids; vehicle modifications; and wheeled mobility. Given courses completed (i.e., level of computer literacy).
the increased use of technology in current occupational
therapy practice (Angelo, 1992; Angelo & Smith, 1993;
Anson, 1994; Bates, Spencer, Young, & Rintala, 1993; This study is part of a larger study on computer literacy
Bay, 1991; Buning & Hanzlik, 1993; Holm & Rogers, among allied health students. A random sample of nine
1991; Lau & O'leary, 1993; Pedretti et al., 1992; Post, baccalaureate entry-level occupational therapy programs
1993; Rogers & Holm, 1991; Shuster, 1993; Smith, (seven state universities and cwo private liberal arts col-
1993; Swinth, Anson, & Deitz, 1993), it is not surprising leges) was selected from a directory of accredited schools
that 88% of the survey respondents indicated that intro- offering these programs (Peterson Guide Publishing Com-
ductory-level technology skills should be included in pany, 1993). Data were collected with cwo survey instru-
entry-level occupational therapy curricula. ments, which were mailed to entry-level program direc-
Although 11 areas were specified, computer technol- tors who were requested to administer the questionnaires
ogy content constituted 25.5% of required content in to their students and return the completed surveys to the
technology and 41.9% of elective content in technology second author. Part I of the survey contained questions
in the 59 programs that responded to the survey, the regarcLng general attitudes about computers; Part II con-
largest percentages of both required and elective technol- tained questions about current and desired levels of
ogy content in occupational therapist curricula (Kanny et knowledge about computer applications in the field of
al., 1991). In current practice, computer technology can occupational therapy. Data were also collected about
be used for patient evaluation and intervention as well as respondents' enrollment status (junior or senior), age,
to gain easy access to patient databases, develop comput- gender, race, number of required computer courses taken,
erized patient care and discharge plans, access product access to computers at school or home, and types of soft-
databases and rehabilitation technology suppliers, partici- ware regularly used. A cover letter was attached to the
pate in distance learning, and communicate with other surveys explaining the objective of the study and solicit-
professionals via the Internet (Anson, 1994; Hammel & ing voluntary participation. The program directors of five
Smith, 1993; Powell, 1994; Smith, 1993). Technology occupational therapy programs administered the ques-
competencies for preservice training (e.g., occupational tionnaires to their students and returned the completed
therapy educational curricula) and continuing education, questionnaires to the second author, representing a 56%
including computer technology competencies, have been return rate.
developed by the AOTA Technology Special Interest
Section (Hammel & Smith, 1993).
We reasoned, however, that to provide students with The sample included 109 occupational therapy students;
the ATD learning experiences needed to become compe- 27 (24.77%) were juniors and 82 (75.23%) seniors. The
tent users of computer technology, occupational therapy mean age of the respondents was 24 years; 15 (13.76%)
educators muSt first evaluate the computer literacy skills were men and 94 (86.24%) were women. Ninety-eight
of their students and faculty members. Computer litera- respondents (90.00%) were European-American, 8
cy, which is defined as the extent to which a person has a (7.34%) African-American, 1 (.92%) Hispanic, 1 (.92%)
general working knowledge of the uses, limitations, and Asian-American, and 1 (.92%) Native American.
impact of computers, could soon be considered a pre- Eighty-four (77.06%) respondents had taken a com-
requisite skill that occupational therapy students must puter literacy course, with 33 (39.29%) of those respon-
have to compete and survive in occupational therapy dents indicating that the course was required. In response
curricula as well as in a society that increasingly depends to the question on the number of computer courses
on computer technology (Montag, 1984; Hammel & taken, 14 (12.84%) respondents reported having taken
Smith, 1993). less than one course over a semester, 49 (44.95%) had

218 March 1996. Volume 50, Number 3

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one course, 18 (16.51 %) had twO courses, 3 (2.75%) had The second instrument used in this study was a
three courses, and 2 (1.83%) had more than three cours- modified version of the Computer Knowledge Survey
es. Eighty-one (74.31 %) respondents reponed having (CKS) (Parks, Damrosch, Heller, & Romano, 1986).
access to a computer and 97 (88.99%) reponed a work- The CKS is a 20-item tool designed to have respondents
ing knowledge of commonly used word processing and self-assess their current and desired levels of computer
spreadsheet applications. knowledge in three general areas: how computers func-
tion, issues of privacy and confidentiality, and computer
Instrument applications in their chosen field of study. Respondents
Two instruments were used for data collection. The Com- rate their current and desired knowledge for each item
puter Opinion Survey (COS) (Mauser & Simonson, with a 5-point scale that ranges from 1 (very low) to 5
1984) was used to assess general opinions toward comput- (very high). Cronbach's index of internal consistency of
er technology. The COS is a 26-item tool designed to the scale was 0.95.
assess the extent to which respondents agree with state-
ments such as "I feel very negative about computers in
Opinions About Computer Technology
general" and "If I use a computer, I could get a better pic-
ture of the facts and figures." Each statement is rated with Descriptive statistics of respondents' opinions about com-
a 6-point scale that ranges from 1 (strongly agree) to 6 puter technology (COS) are presented in Table 1.
(strongly disagree). The reliability and validity of the Fourteen items (5, 7, 9,11,12,14, 18, and 19-25) were
instrument has been demonstrated in previous studies stated in the negative and were therefore recoded so that
(Mauser & Simonson, 1984; Montag, Simonson, & for reporting purposes, lower means would reflect posi-
Mauset, 1984; Thomas, 1985). In this study, the 26 tive opinions and higher means would indicate negative
items loaded on a single factor, and the instrument opinions. Item means ranged from 1.44 to 3.42, with an
achieved an acceptable Cronbach's index of internal con- overall mean of 2.22, indicating that respondents' opin-
sistency of 0.94. ions were generally positive about computer technology.

Table 1
Mean Scores on the Computer Opinion Survey (N = 109)
!cem Starement Range M SD Rank b
1 Having a computer available to me would improve my productivity. J--6 1.66 0.98 3
2 If I have ro usc a comp"rer for some reason, ir would probablv save me some time and work. 1--6 ] .73 0.88 4
3 If I use a compurer, I could ger a bercer piCture of tne facrs and figures. 1-6 2.47 1.05 20
4 Having a compurc=r available ro me would ill1lJrove my general sarisFacrion. 1--6 2.28 III Iii
5' Having ro use a computet could make my life less enjoyable. 1-6 2.06 1.08 12
6 Having a compurer available ro me could make things easier for me. ]-6 1.88 090 5
7" I feel very negative abuut computers in genetal. 1-6 1.95 l.l7 8
8 Having a computer available ro me could make things more fun fm me. 1-6 2.61 1.25 23
9' If I had a computer at my disposal, I would try ro get rid of it. 1-6 1.44 0.79 I
]0 I luok forward to a time when computers arc more widely used. 1-6 2.51 1.19 22
I]" I doubt if .I would ever Ilse computers very much. 1-6 1.90 1.04 6
12' I avoid using computers whenever I can. I-Ii 2.12 1.27 13
13 I enjoy using computers. 1-6 231 1.15 17
14' I feel rhar there are roo mallY computers arnund now. 1--6 2.05 1.15 II
15 Computers are probably goillg to be an imporrallr parr of my life. 1-6 1.99 0.92 9
16 A eumpurer could make learning fUll. 1-6 2.04 0.92 10
17 If I were ru us~ a compurer, I cnuld ger a lOt of sarisfacrion frum ir. 1-6 2.31 1.00 17
18' If I had ro use a computer, jt would pmbahly h~ more rrouble rhan ir was worrh. 1-6 2.16 1.03 14
19' 1 am usually uncomforrable when I have ro use compurers. 1-6 299 1.48 24
20' I somerjmes get nervous JUSt thinking ahout cnmpurers. 1-6 239 1.26 19
21' I will probably never learn ro use a cam purer. 1-6 1.60 0.83 2
22' Cumputer> are tOO complicated to be of much use [(J Ille. 1--6 1.94 104 7
23' If! had rn use a computer all the time, 1 would probably be verv unhappy. 1-6 2.47 137 20
24' I somerimes feel intimidated when I have ro use a compurer. 1-6 314 1.51 25
25' I somerimes feel due compurers are ~mcHrcr rhan I am. 1-6 342 145 26
21i 1can rhink of Illan)' ways rhar I could usc a compurer. 1-6 2.20 113 15
OlNegarive sraremenrs were recoded co march (he scoring scheme of positive sr;uemenrs; rherefore, lower means indicare more posirive opinions (respondenrs
s(rongly disagreed wirh [he sraremenr), and higher scores indican.: more negarive opinions.
hRank indicares rh.e mOSt positive response 0) ro rhe mnst negative response (26).

The Amerimn journal o/Ormpatlona! Therapy 219

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The rotal possible score on the COS was 156, and after ReLationship Between Current KnowLedge and Computer
recoding, respondents' scores ranged from 28 ro 122, Literacy
with a mean of 57.60. The 10 items with the lowest We hypothesized that (a) greater levels of computer
means (strongest agreement with the statements) indicat- knowledge would be highly correlated with the number
ed that respondents agreed that computers are valued, of computer courses completed; (b) positive opinions
easy to learn, could improve productivity, and could toward computer technology would be highly correlated
probably save time and work. with the number of computer courses taken; and (c) pos-
itive opinions toward computers would be highly corre-
Computer KnowLedge: Current and Desired LeveLs of
KnowLedge lated with current levels of computer knowledge. Pearson
product-moment correlations did not support two of the
Results of the comparison between current and desired three hypotheses. Greater current levels of computer
levels of computer knowledge (CKS) are presented in knowledge were not found to be highly correlated with
Table 2. Because of mulriple t-test comparisons, a Bon- the number of computer courses taken (r = -.02, not sig-
ferroni correction was used (Shott, 1990). Therefore, an nificant) nor were positive opinions (lower mean scores)
unadjusted p value of .0025 was required for an alpha toward computer technology strongly correlated with the
level of p < .05 (i.e., .05/20 comparisons = .0025). number of computer courses taken (r = -.04, not signifi-
Significant differences were established between respon- cant). Positive opinions toward computer technology,
dents' perceived current knowledge and their desired however, were moderately correlated with current levels
knowledge of computers for all 20 items of the CKS. In of computer knowledge (1' = -.36, P < .001).
each instance, respondents' desired levels of computer
knowledge were significantly higher than their current Discussion
level of computer knowledge. Out of a possible total of This study investigated occupational therapy students'
100 points, the respondents' mean total score was 50.70 attitudes toward computers and their evaluation of po-
for perceived current knowledge and 83.32 for desired tential gaps between their current and desired levels of
level of knowledge. computer knowledge. Relationships among computer lit-

Table 2
Mean Scores on the Computer KnOWledge Survey (N = 109)
Currenr Desired
Knowledge Knowledgeb
Irem Compurer Knowledge Are~ Iv! SD Iv! SD I Valuec

1 Howa compurer funcrions 2.98 0.93 4.32 1.00 ] 2.53'

2 The issues of confidenrialiry in com purer informarion rnanagemenr 2.05 1.38 3.57 1.16 10.85*
3 YOllr expccred role in yOlll field 2.25 1.40 3.97 1.18 ll..? 1*
4 Com purer appJicarions in youI' field 2.56 1.17 4.46 0.81 15.39*
5 Howa cornpurer can assisr yOll in providing parienr care 2.52 1.11 4.61 0.79 17.35*
6 How comp"rers al'e used by managers 2.42 1.36 4.09 0.97 1 J .50-
7 How compurers are used ro perform sr~risrical analyses 2.37 1.30 3.67 1.28 8.82*
8 The impacr of compllrer rechnology on rrearmenr ourcomes 2.14 1.35 4.30 0.88 14.65'
9 The imp~cr of compurer rechnology on cosr of healrh c~re 2.03 1.26 4.23 1.05 16.12*
10 How ro wrire a compurer program 1.81 1.07 3.45 1.54 11.01'
II How ro use a compurer 3.27 0.94 4.72 0.83 13.25*
12 How ro use a comp"rel' as a word processor 3.85 1.10 4.82 0.79 8.89*
13 The porenrial problems in compllrerized sysrems 2.16 1.28 3.81 1.2] 12.76*
14 The componenrs of a com purer sysrem 2 . 3 3 ] .21 3.82 1.46 I] .33-
15 The porenrials of comp"rers 2.77 1.27 4.30 0.95 11.44'
16 The limirarions of compurel's 2.50 \.22 4.08 1.08 11.74-
17 The av~iJ~biliry of rypes of compurers on rhe marker 2.42 1.45 3.92 1.09 9.95'
18 How ro lise cnrnpurers ro manage dara 2.25 1.20 3.98 1.20 11.01'
19 How (0 use compurel's in your school library for lilel'~rure search 3.52 1.00 4.67 083 9.85"
20 How camp"rers are llsed by arhers in your field 2.47 1.28 4.47 0.74 15.23'

Nole. For all means. lower means indicare lower levels of knowledge, and higher me~ns indic~re highel' levels of knowledge.
'ToraJ Iv! = 50.70, roral SD = 17.10
hT oral Iv! = 83.32, roral SD = 14.02
'I value of rhe difference berween rhe rwa ror;li means= -21.99, p < .01
P< .05 wirh Bonferroni correcrion

220 lv/arch 1996, Volume 50, Number 3

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eracy, perceived current levels of computer knowledge, tudes toward computer technology. Even though the re-
and attitudes toward computers were also investigated. spondents were literate in commonly used word processing
The results suggest that the occupational therapy students and spreadsheet applications, they did not acknowledge a
surveyed were generally enthusiastic abour com purer significant relationship between their previous computer
technology and were aware of the positive impact com- course work and their current knowledge of the use of
puters can have on their professional lives. Considering computer technology in the occupational therapy profes-
the average age of the students surveyed, this result is not sion. Somehow, the linkage between generic computer
surprising because students graduating from high school literacy and the use of computer technology in occupa-
within the past 10 years have had more exposure to com- tional therapy was not apparent to this sample of junior
puters in high school and even grade school. and senior students.
Consistent with the findings obtained in studies of Measures that may facilitate the linkage between
nursing students (Delaney, 1989; Feeg, 1984; Felton & generic computer literacy and knowledge of the uses of
Brown, 1985; Litwack, Linc, & Bower, 1985; Parks et computer technology in occupational therapy include
al., 1986; Thomas, 1985), these occupational therapy the adoption of common computer literacy competen-
students perceived themselves as having Jow levels of cies as prerequisites for admission to occupational thera-
knowledge of computer applications in their field. They py educational programs. For example, if literacy in word
also expressed a strong desire to increase their computer processing, data management, and graphics programs
knowledge. According to our findings, gaps between cur- were prerequisites for admission, basic concepts would
rent and desired knowledge of computer applications in not have to be taught before occupational therapy appli-
occupational therapy for which computer literacy insrruc- cations of computer technology are introduced. Students'
tion would be most appropriate include (a) computer perceived knowledge of computer applications in occu-
applications in patient care, (b) impact of computer tech- pational therapy (see Table 2, CKS item 4) might be
nology on health care costs and treatment outcomes, (c) greater with increased availability of computer technolo-
potentials and limitations of computer technology, (d) gy, presentation of computer applications throughout the
uses of computers, and (e) basic components of a com- professional curriculum, use of computer technology
puter. These results are consistent with technology con- during clinical rotations, and increased faculty member
tent identified in the foundation computer technology proficiency in computer technology applications neces-
preservice (education program) competencies developed sary for the current practice of occupational therapy
by the AOTA Technology Special Interest Section (Ham- (Hammel & Smith, 1993; Kanny et al., 1991).
mel & Smith, 1993).
The results of this study, however, suggest that taking
computer courses before entering an occupational therapy Occupational therapy students from five baccalaureate
curriculum is not significandy related to increased com- programs were surveyed about their opinions toward
puter knowledge relevant to occupational therapy. What computer technology and their perceptions of current
is unknown, however, is the type of content included in and desired levels of knowledge about com puter technol-
the computer courses the respondents had tal(en. Another ogy applications in the field of occupational therapy. The
limitation of the study is the ability to generalize to the respondents were generally positive about computer
type of institutions the respondents were enrolled in, or technology, and the level of knowledge they desired
the total number of students who received the surveys about computer technology applications in occupational
versus those who completed them (actual response rate). therapy was signiflcandy greater than their current level
After removing the surveys from the envelopes and enter- of knowledge. Although respondents' positive attitudes
ing the data (which were not coded by institution to pro- toward computer technology were signiflcan tly correlated
tect the anonymity of the respondents), the research with their current levels of computer knowledge, no sig-
assistant destroyed the envelopes, precluding specifIC nificant relationships were established between positive
identification of the five responding curricula. Hence, we attitudes toward computer technology and number of
are unable to make any statements about the type of computer courses completed before entering an occupa-
institutions the respondents attended, which limits gener- tional therapy curriculum or between current levels of
alizability of the results. For the 109 respondents to the computer knowledge and number of courses taken ....
COS and CKS, however, there was a moderately suong
and significant relationship between their current level of References
computer knowledge and the positive nature of their atti- American Occuparional Therapy Associarion. (J 99] a). Essen-

The American journal ofOccupational Therapy 221

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222 March 1996, Volume 50, Number 3

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