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5, SEPTEMBER 2007 2733

Concentric Anchor Beacon Localization Algorithm

for Wireless Sensor Networks
Vijayanth Vivekanandan and Vincent W. S. Wong, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—Many applications in wireless sensor networks re- calization schemes require node information from the entire
quire sensor nodes to obtain their absolute or relative geograph- network to be gathered together and be processed by a single
ical positions. Although various localization algorithms have been device. The location results are then propagated back to each
recently proposed, most of them require nodes to be equipped
with range-determining hardware to obtain distance information. node. With respect to robustness and energy efficiency, distrib-
In this paper, we propose a concentric anchor beacon (CAB) uted algorithms are preferred over centralized schemes. The
localization algorithm for wireless sensor networks. CAB is a localization algorithms can further be divided into range-based,
range-free approach and uses a small number of anchor nodes. angle-based, and range-free approaches. Range-based schemes
Each anchor emits beacons at different power levels. From the (e.g., [5] and [6]) assume that sensor nodes have the ability
information received by each beacon heard, nodes can determine
in which annular ring they are located within each anchor. Each to obtain distance estimates to other nodes. In angle-based
node uses the approximated center of intersection of the rings as schemes (e.g., [7] and [8]), the relative angular information
its position estimate. We also propose two heuristics, namely CAB between nodes is required. Range-free approaches (e.g., [9] and
with Equal Area and CAB with Equal Width, to determine the [10]) assume that no specialized angle or range-determining
transmitting power levels of the beacons. Simulation results show hardware is necessary for the sensor nodes. To determine
that the estimation error is reduced by half when anchors transmit
beacons at two different power levels instead of at a single power the absolute geographical location, most of the localization
level. CAB also gives a lower estimation error than some other algorithms also assume the use of special anchor nodes. Each
range-free localization schemes (e.g., Centroid and Approximated anchor may be equipped with a Global Positioning System
Point-In-Triangulation) when the anchor-to-node range ratio is (GPS) receiver to obtain its absolute position information.
less than 4. Although both range-based and angle-based approaches pro-
Index Terms—Localization, position estimation, wireless sensor vide a lower estimation error than the range-free approach, they
networks. require specialized hardware for sensor nodes to obtain rela-
tively accurate distance (or angle) measurements to other nodes
I. I NTRODUCTION and anchors. This may not be cost effective for applications
that require hundreds of sensor nodes over a large coverage
S IGNIFICANT advances in hardware technology have led
to the miniaturization of devices that are capable of com-
munication with each other. Wireless sensor networks consist
area. This paper focuses on improving distributed range-free
algorithms with higher accuracy.
of hundreds or thousands of tiny nodes that are deployed to In this paper, we propose a concentric anchor beacon (CAB)
monitor and gather data in a target geographical area. These localization algorithm for wireless sensor networks [11], [12].
nodes have limited processing capabilities and energy in which CAB is a distributed range-free approach and uses a small per-
to operate. Wireless sensor networks are envisioned to allow centage of anchor nodes. Each anchor emits several beacon sig-
the ease of deployment through redundancy and ad hoc place- nals at different power levels. Each beacon carries information
ment. Applications such as remote surveillance and habitat including the anchor’s position, its power level, and the esti-
monitoring require sensor nodes to obtain their absolute or mated maximum distance that the beacon can travel. Nodes lis-
relative geographical positions [1]. When an event occurs (i.e., ten and record the beacons from the anchors than can be heard
a stimulus is being detected), the sensor nodes can forward the as well as the corresponding power levels. From the information
data information along with their coordinates. received by each beacon heard, nodes can determine within
Various centralized and distributed localization algorithms which annular ring they are located. Each node uses the approx-
have been recently proposed (e.g., [2]–[5]). Centralized lo- imated center of intersection of the rings as its position esti-
mate. In addition, we also propose two heuristics, namely CAB
with Equal Area (CAB-EA) and CAB with Equal Width (CAB-
Manuscript received August 15, 2005; revised June 14, 2006 and EW), to determine the transmitting power levels of the beacons.
July 28, 2006. This work was supported by the Natural Sciences and Engi-
neering Research Council of Canada under Grant 261604-03. The review of
The proposed CAB localization algorithm has the following
this paper was coordinated by Dr. W. Zhuang. advantages: First of all, CAB is cost effective as it does not
V. Vivekanandan is with the Corinex Communications Corporation, require specialized range-determining hardware in the sensor
Vancouver, BC V6C 1L6, Canada (e-mail:
V. W. S. Wong is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineer- nodes. Second, CAB is distributed and energy efficient. Each
ing, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4, Canada (e-mail: sensor node only relies on the beacon signal packets transmitted by the anchors to estimate its location. Neighboring sensor
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at nodes do not need to exchange information. In addition, CAB is
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TVT.2007.899962 simple to implement. Each anchor is only required to transmit

0018-9545/$25.00 © 2007 IEEE


beacon signals at different power levels. No message exchange the location of the node. At least three anchors are needed for
is necessary between anchors. nodes to obtain a unique position estimate. In these schemes,
Simulation experiments are conducted to evaluate the per- the estimation accuracy depends on the accuracy of the distance
formance of the CAB localization algorithm by varying the information used in lateration or bounding. In the iterative
number of anchors heard, anchor-to-node range (ANR) ratio, localization algorithm proposed in [18], nodes with sufficient
and radio pattern degree of irregularity (DOI). Simulation neighboring anchors first compute their positions by lateration.
results show that the estimation error reduces by half when Once these nodes have obtained their position estimates, they
anchors transmit beacons at two different power levels instead behave as anchors and broadcast their location information.
of at a single power level. In addition, we also compare CAB Thus, nodes that do not have enough anchor neighbors can now
with two other range-free localization algorithms: Centroid [9] use these additional pseudo-anchors to compute their position
and Approximated Point-In-Triangulation (APIT) [10]. Results estimates. However, error may accumulate in each iteration of
show that CAB provides higher accuracy than Centroid. CAB localization.
gives a lower estimation error than APIT when the ANR ratio In lieu of distributed schemes using inaccurate distance in-
is less than 4. Results also show performance improvement formation, several angle-based schemes that involve measuring
when the Centroid scheme is extended by using different power the angles of the sensor node seen by the anchor nodes have
levels. been proposed. This is achieved by using antenna arrays. In
This paper is organized as follows: The related work is [7], the Ad-hoc Positioning System (APS) scheme originally
summarized in Section II. The CAB localization algorithm is proposed in [5] is extended to an angle-based scheme, where
described in Section III. The performance evaluation of CAB nodes that have at least two bearings to anchors can determine
and the comparisons with APIT and Centroid are presented their positions. Both range and angle information is used in [8]
in Section IV. The extension of CAB to other localization so that only one anchor’s information for position estimation is
algorithms is described in Section V. Conclusions are given in necessary. This is due to the fact that if the bearing (or direction)
Section VI. and the distance from a node are known, the location can be
Some of the distributed schemes rely on special hardware
to determine range and/or angle measurements between nodes.
In this section, we provide an overview of the several types of Although this additional information improves the accuracy
localization algorithms. Survey papers in this area can be found of localization, the tradeoff is a higher implementation cost.
in [13]–[15]. Another approach for distributed schemes is to avoid any
For the centralized algorithms, one such scheme is based on special hardware and simply rely on range-free algorithms. In
convex optimization [2]. In this scheme, the intersection of the the range-free Centroid algorithm [9], anchors are placed in
communication range of all neighboring nodes is considered as a grid configuration. Each sensor identifies which anchors it
the location of the sensor node. A bounding box is constructed can hear from and then estimates its location as the average
by using the intersection points of the radio ranges, and the of the coordinates of all anchors heard. Its simplicity and ease
centroid is taken as the position estimate of the node. In of implementation result in a coarse estimation of the sensor
general, centralized algorithms incur communication overhead node position, which relies heavily upon the percentage of
by gathering network-wide information to a central point and anchors deployed. In the APIT algorithm [10], each node first
propagating results back to the network. determines if it is within a particular triangle formed by a
Centralized schemes that have been adapted for distributed set of anchors within anchor range. The position is estimated
operation include algorithms based on multidimensional scal- to be the center of intersection of all triangles within which
ing (MDS) [3], [6], [16]. MDS is a centralized algorithm the node has been identified. The APIT scheme significantly
originally used as a psychoanalysis tool to place objects in improves upon the Centroid range-free scheme but relies on
space in order to visualize their relationship based on simi- sensor nodes being able to hear many anchor nodes. In addi-
larity or dissimilarity measures. These measures are treated as tion, the scheme requires neighborhood information exchange,
distance-like data and are used to construct a model in order to thereby increasing the communication requirements of the
visualize and interpret the data in a 2-D or 3-D embedding of sensor node.
the objects, hence the term scaling. Its application in wireless Some applications in wireless sensor networks only require
sensor network localization has been adapted for distributed the relative positions of the nodes and not their absolute or
operation in [6] and [16]. These algorithms have been shown global coordinates. In [19], a relative network coordinate sys-
to be accurate and only require three or four anchor nodes to tem is created from a reference group of nodes. All nodes
convert the MDS relative position results into global positions. use the time of arrival technique to determine their positions
However, these adapted schemes also require a considerable with respect to those referenced nodes. In [20], rules based
amount of overhead for communications and computation. on graph rigidity concepts are used to obtain the topology
Distributed schemes based on anchor location propagation information. The algorithm has two phases. The first phase is a
throughout the network include [4], [5], and [17]. Each anchor distributed leader election algorithm. The second phase uses an
broadcasts its location information to the rest of the network optimization technique to obtain the relative position estimates.
in a hop-by-hop manner. The anchor’s position and the hop Several other schemes have explored the use of mobile
count (or distance) from the node are used to bound or laterate anchors and nodes in sensor networks. In [21], a single mobile

anchor traverses the network and allows stationary sensor nodes

to compute their location estimates based on the locations of at
least three neighboring nodes. Multiple mobile anchors are used
in [22]. In [23], both anchors and sensor nodes are mobile. The
sequential Monte Carlo algorithm is used for localization. In
[24], an extended Kalman filter-based state estimator is used in
tandem with mobile robots for localization.
Several localization schemes have considered multiple trans-
mission levels for communication. The work in [25] con-
sidered the possibility of quantized received signal strength
(RSS) and presented an analysis of the accuracy with varying
levels of quantization. In [26], anchors transmit at multiple Fig. 1. Anchor beacon transmission ranges for (a) CAB-EA and (b) CAB-
power levels. The sensor nodes determine the minimum level EW. The total number of different power levels is equal to 3. The anchor lies
at the center of the circle. Ai and wi denote the area and width of the ith ring,
at which they can sufficiently hear the beacons transmitted, respectively.
which corresponds to a smaller transmission radius. In a slightly
different approach, the work in [27] uses multiple power levels a sensor node Prcv . In this paper, we assume the use of the
to constrain the location of the nodes within rings. However, following path loss model:
the method of estimation requires neighborhood information
k · Ptx
propagation. In [28] and [29], the range (or distance) informa- Prcv = (1)
tion is modeled as rings based on RSS values from nodes. This rn
approach requires neighborhood information exchange and the where k is a constant, r denotes the distance between the anchor
use of a grid-scan algorithm for position estimation. and the sensor node, and n denotes the path loss exponent. Note
Although distributed range-based algorithms have a higher that other path loss models (e.g., log-normal model [30]) can
accuracy than the distributed range-free approaches in general, also be used for CAB.
the range-free approaches are more cost effective. In this paper, Let Pthreshold denote the minimum required received signal
we focus on the design of a distributed range-free localization power to decode the beacon signal correctly. Pthreshold depends
algorithm that has the following features: 1) simple to imple- on the target bit error rate and the modulation scheme being
ment; 2) maintain a high accuracy compared to other range- used [31]. Let Pmax denote the maximum power that an anchor
free schemes; and 3) does not require communication between node can transmit. The maximum range (or distance) rmax
neighboring sensor nodes in order to reduce the communication corresponds to the maximum distance between the anchor and
overhead. the sensor node such that the sensor can decode the signal
correctly. By substituting Pthreshold , Pmax , and rmax into (1),
we have
k · Pmax
In this section, we begin with a discussion of the background Pthreshold = .
(rmax )n
and assumptions. It is followed by the description of the CAB-
EA and CAB-EW localization algorithms. We then discuss the By rearranging the terms, rmax can be expressed as
advantages and limitations of our proposed scheme.   n1
k · Pmax
rmax = . (2)
A. Background and Assumptions
Our proposed CAB algorithm differs from other range-free
In the proposed scheme, each sensor node estimates its localization approaches in that anchors transmit several beacon
position solely based on the information gathered directly signals at different power levels. This requirement is feasible in
from the anchor nodes. Since our scheme does not depend on current wireless sensor networks. For example, the Mica2 mote
neighboring sensor node communication, it is independent of sensor nodes have a range of 18 m for transmission power of
network connectivity. Sensor nodes do not require any spe- −10 dBm, and 50 m for 0 dBm [32], [33].
cial range-determining hardware for localization. On the other Ideally, the different power levels divide the possible trans-
hand, anchors are equipped with GPS modules. Thus, anchor mission ranges of an anchor into a circle and rings. The lowest
nodes are more costly, consume more energy, and are larger in power level creates a circular coverage area, and the following
size than normal sensor nodes. In addition, as in the case of higher levels are distinguished by rings emanating from this
some other schemes (e.g., [10]), anchors are assumed to have lowest level. Consider the example in Fig. 1(a). If the sensor
larger communication range than normal sensor nodes. The node can hear the beacons with power levels P1 , P2 , and P3 ,
ANR ratio is equal to the maximum communication range of an then the distance between the anchor and the node is less than
anchor divided by the communication range of a sensor node. r1 . That is, the sensor node lies within the innermost circle.
In a wireless propagation environment, given the signal On the other hand, if the node can only hear the beacon with
power transmitted by an anchor node to be Ptx , the path loss power level P3 , then the node is assumed to be within the outer-
model can determine the average signal power received by most ring.

In the next section, we describe how the transmitting power

levels of the beacons are chosen and the procedures to estimate
the location of a sensor node. Note that if a beacon is heard by
a node, it is assumed that the received signal power is greater
than or equal to Pthreshold .


In this paper, we consider two variations of the CAB localiza-
tion algorithm, namely CAB-EA and CAB-EW. For CAB-EA, Fig. 2. Example of localization by using CAB.
we assume that the area of the innermost circle and the rings
are all the same. That is, in Fig. 1(a), the circle with radius r1 TABLE I
has the same area as each of the rings outside that circle. The
relationship between the beacon transmission ranges ri and the
maximum transmission range rmax is given by

ri = rmax , i = 1, 2, . . . , m (3)

where i denotes the beacon number starting from the lowest

power level (or transmission range), m denotes the total number
of different beacon power levels, ri denotes the transmission C. CAB Localization Algorithm
range for beacon i, and rmax denotes the maximum range that We now describe the CAB localization algorithm in detail.
an anchor can transmit at the corresponding maximum power The algorithm described below is applicable to both CAB-
level Pmax . EA and CAB-EW. Each anchor transmits the beacon signals
The relationship between the ith transmitting beacon power at varying power levels consecutively. The time between two
level Pi and the maximum transmitting power level Pmax is beacon transmissions follows a general distribution with the
  n2 mean equal to T .1 Each beacon signal packet includes the
i anchor’s ID, the anchor’s location, the transmitting power level
Pi = Pmax , i = 1, 2, . . . , m. (4)
m Pi information, and the estimated maximum distance that the
beacon signal can be heard. Each node listens for beacons and
The derivations for (3) and (4) are given in the Appendix. collects the anchor’s information. For each beacon heard, the
For CAB-EW, we assume that the width of the innermost cir- sensor node determines within which region of the anchor’s
cle and the rings are all the same. The relationship between the concentric transmission circles it lies. Fig. 2 shows an example
beacon transmission ranges ri and the maximum transmission with a sensor node surrounded by three anchors. Each anchor
range rmax is given by transmits beacons at two different power levels. The corre-
sponding information table collected by the sensor is shown
i in Table I.
ri = rmax , i = 1, 2, . . . , m. (5)
m Depending on the percentage of anchors deployed, each
sensor node can hear multiple beacons from different anchors.
The corresponding relationship between power transmission For computational simplicity, information from at most three
levels Pi and the maximum transmit power Pmax is given by neighboring anchors is used to estimate a sensor’s location. In
 n order to increase the accuracy of the position estimate, it is
i necessary to minimize the region of intersection by choosing
Pi = Pmax , i = 1, 2, . . . , m. (6)
m the three anchors that are farthest. This is accomplished by
calculating all the possible triangular areas that are made up
The derivation for (6) is given in the Appendix. of the anchors heard and by choosing the three anchors that
Before deployment, measurement is necessary to relate the form the largest triangle. In Section IV, we will show that this
path loss exponent n, the transmission power Pi , and the rule gives a lower estimation error than choosing the anchors
coverage range ri . Thus, the maximum range is empirically randomly.
determined to be the distance from an anchor node transmitting Each sensor node can receive multiple beacons with different
at maximum power at which a sensor node has a received signal power level information from the same anchor. Based on this
power equal to the minimum threshold power. This is important information, the sensor node can determine which particular
in order to ensure the accuracy of the range-free approach. In ring or inner circle it lies within from that anchor. We call this
Section IV, we will study the effects when the information the constraint region. Mathematically, this region is bound by
between Pi and ri is not accurate due to interference from
neighboring environments. We will also conduct sensitivity 1 The above technique reduces the likelihood of collision of beacon signal
analysis for the path loss exponent n. packets transmitted by two different neighboring anchors simultaneously.

either two equations of circles (for the ring case) or just one
equation of a circle (for the innermost region of the anchor).
The last column in Table I shows the constraint regions that the
sensor node lies within based on the scenario in Fig. 2.
Given the three chosen anchors, two of them are selected at a
time to calculate the intersection points. The valid intersection
points satisfy the constraint regions of all three anchors. The
invalid intersection points are those that do not lie within
the other anchor’s constraint region. Consider the example Fig. 3. Irregular radio patterns for different values of DOI.
in Fig. 2. Let (xA , yA ), (xB , yB ), and (xC , yC ) denote the
positions of anchors A, B, and C, respectively. Let I denote depends on the percentage of anchor nodes deployed. This
the set of intersection points. For each point (x, y) ∈ I, it is a percentage can be decreased by increasing the maximum radio
valid intersection point if the following constraints are satisfied: range of the anchors. However, this results in less accuracy
since the intersection areas become larger. Also, since our

r1 ≤ (xA − x)2 + (yA − y)2 ≤ rmax scheme’s computation relies on a circular radio model, it can
 be affected by irregular radio propagation, to which some other
r1 ≤ (xB − x)2 + (yB − y)2 ≤ rmax range-free schemes are relatively immune. In Section IV, we
 will present the results of our scheme under different degrees
(xC − x)2 + (yC − y)2 ≤ r1 .
of irregular radio patterns. Finally, our scheme also depends on
The final position estimate is taken as the average of all the the estimation of the path loss exponent n. In Section IV, we
valid intersection points. Fig. 2 shows the estimated position will also study the impact of the errors of path loss exponent on
determined by four valid intersection points. position estimation.
The above description of the CAB localization algorithm is
also valid when the sensor node only receives beacon signals IV. P ERFORMANCE E VALUATION AND C OMPARISON
from two neighboring anchors. The valid intersection points
can be determined from the intersection of those rings (or In this section, we present the performance evaluation of
circles). The final position estimate is taken as the average of the CAB-EA and CAB-EW as well as the comparisons with APIT
valid intersection points. On the other hand, if the sensor node [10] and Centroid [9] algorithms. All algorithms are simulated
receives beacon signals from only one anchor, then a random in Matlab. The wireless sensor network consists of 280 nodes,
coordinate within the ring that the sensor node resides will be and a varying number of anchors are randomly placed. The net-
chosen as the position estimate. work topology is a square of side 10R by 10R, where R is the
sensor node communication range. The average connectivity
among nodes is equal to eight.
D. Discussion We first use the technique in [10] to model the irregular radio
There are three distinct advantages of the CAB localization pattern. In this model, all nodes within half of the maximum
algorithm. First, CAB is distributed and is simple to imple- transmit radio range of anchors are guaranteed to hear from
ment. For the anchors, their only task is to transmit beacon the anchor, whereas nodes between the maximum radio range
signals with different power levels. For each sensor node, and half of that range may or may not hear from the anchor
the determination of the intersection points from three chosen depending on the radio pattern in that direction. The DOI
anchors as well as the position estimate by averaging are not parameter is defined as the maximum radio range variation
computationally intensive. Second, no information exchange per unit degree change in direction. Examples of different
between neighboring sensors is necessary. This reduces the en- DOI values of this irregular radio pattern model are shown
ergy requirement for localization. In addition, CAB has a higher in Fig. 3.
accuracy than some other range-free localization algorithms. For our simulation of CAB, we assume a path loss exponent
Simulation comparisons will be presented in the next section. (n) of 2. The ANR ratio is set at 3. The DOI value is set at 0.05.
For the qualitative comparisons with some other localiza- The estimation errors are normalized with respect to the sensor
tion algorithms, APIT [10] requires communication between node range (R).
neighboring nodes for the exchange of tabular information
of nearby anchors. CAB does not require that procedure and
A. Performance of CAB-EA and CAB-EW
achieves better results under smaller ANR ratio. In comparison
to Centroid [9], which requires a grid-based deployment, CAB Fig. 4 shows the percentage of nodes that are able to hear at
is able to perform sufficiently well in ad hoc deployments. least three anchors versus the percentage of anchors deployed.
Whereas ring sizes are determined from RSS values in [29], In general, it is desirable to deploy a minimal percentage of
the rings in CAB are predetermined according to the number anchor nodes to localize the system. The results show that for
of power levels desired to be used by the anchor. No message 9% of anchor nodes deployed, ANR values of 3 or higher enable
exchange is required between anchors in CAB. at least 85% of all nodes to obtain position estimates.
Our scheme is not without limitations. Being solely depen- Fig. 5 shows the accuracy gain of CAB-EA and CAB-EW by
dent on anchor nodes for position estimation, the accuracy increasing the number of power levels of the beacons (i.e., an

Fig. 4. Comparison of the percentage of nodes localizable versus the percent-

age of anchors deployed for varying levels of ANR (DOI = 0.05).

Fig. 6. Comparison of estimation error between CAB-EA and CAB-EW for

different DOI values. (a) DOI = 0. (b) DOI = 0.05. (c) DOI = 0.10. (m = 3
and ANR = 3).

the number of different power levels increases to three (or

higher), the performance improvement is marginal. This is due
to the fact that when m is further increased, the anchor coverage
area is subdivided into a circle and more concentric rings. The
irregular radio pattern model introduces more errors to the rings
with smaller ring width. However, for CAB-EW [see Fig. 5(b)],
the performance improvement is significantly better for three
power levels than two. For anchor percentages greater than
12%, CAB-EW with three power levels outperforms its two-
power-level counterpart by 0.25R. Thus, for CAB-EW, it is
beneficial to use three power levels. For CAB-EA, two power
Fig. 5. Average estimation error under different number of power levels of the
beacons for (a) CAB-EA and (b) CAB-EW (ANR = 3 and DOI = 0.05). levels are sufficient.
The comparison between CAB-EW and CAB-EA by using
increase of m). When beacons are being transmitted at a single three beacons and varying DOI values is shown in Fig. 6. In
power level (m = 1), the intersection area is constructed by Fig. 6(a), the perfect radio propagation model results in CAB-
determining the intersections of three circles centered at their EA marginally outperforming CAB-EW. When the DOI value
corresponding anchors. It is clear that with two different power is increased to 0.05, as shown in Fig. 6(b), CAB-EW achieves
levels (m = 2), it reduces the intersection area to intersections lower estimation error for anchors deployed of 7% or greater.
of rings and circles. Fig. 5(a) shows that the estimation error As the DOI value is further increased to 0.10 in Fig. 6(c),
reduces by at least 0.44R when m increases from 1 to 2 for CAB-EW is clearly more accurate, which achieves 0.27R lower
CAB-EA, which is a significant improvement. Notice that when error for 16% of the anchors deployed. These results show that

Fig. 8. Comparison of estimation error using randomly heard anchors versus

optimally chosen anchors (CAB-EA, m = 2, ANR = 3, and DOI = 0.05).

Fig. 7. Comparison of estimation error between CAB-EA and CAB-EW for

different G-DOI values. (a) G-DOI = 0. (b) G-DOI = 0.05. (c) G-DOI =
0.10. (m = 3 and ANR = 3).

CAB-EW is more resilient to DOI irregularity than CAB-EA.

This is due to the fact that CAB-EA has rings closer together
near the maximum transmission range. For larger DOI values,
the irregularity results in error prone determination of the ring
within which the sensor node is located. However, CAB-EW
has uniformly separated rings and is therefore less prone to
errors near the edge of the maximum transmission range. Thus, Fig. 9. Comparison of estimation error by using either three, four, five, or six
we can conclude that the use of CAB-EA is suitable for m = 2, randomly heard anchors and three optimally chosen anchors (CAB-EA, m = 2,
and for CAB-EW, it is best to use m = 3. ANR = 3, and DOI = 0.05).
Besides using the DOI parameter to model noise, we also
use the Gaussian DOI (G-DOI) model proposed in [3]. In Results in Fig. 8 show that for CAB-EA, the optimal approach
this model, the radio pattern irregularity in any direction is provides a much lower estimation error than the random choice.
a Gaussian random variable with the mean equal to the true As an example, when the percentage of anchors deployed is
propagation distance. We select the variance to be either 0%, 11%, the optimal choice provides an estimation error that is
5%, or 10%. Results from Fig. 7 show that although the G- 0.95R lower than the random choice on average. In addition,
DOI model does not ultimately affect the relative performance for the optimal choice, the estimation error decreases when
between CAB-EA and CAB-EW, it increases the overall esti- the percentage of anchors deployed increases. This is expected
mation error of both schemes. This is to be expected since the since there are more anchors from which to choose.
G-DOI model is a more harsh representation of radio pattern The choice of using at most three anchors for position
irregularity than the DOI model. estimation is to reduce the computational complexity since
It is possible that a sensor node may receive beacon signals considering more anchors results in many more intersection
from more than three anchors. In CAB, only three neighboring points to be computed. We are aware that choosing the anchors
anchors are used for localization. Fig. 8 shows the comparison that result in the largest triangle region does not always guar-
between two different ways of choosing those neighboring antee the smallest coverage intersection since the intersection
anchors. For the case of random choice, the three anchors heard also depends on the size of the circle or ring constraining the
with the lowest IDs are chosen. For the case of optimal choice, position of the node. Comparison of estimation error using
the three anchors that form the largest triangle are chosen. several anchors is shown in Fig. 9. Results from Fig. 9 show

Fig. 11. Comparison between Centroid, APIT, CAB-EA (m = 2), and CAB-
EW (m = 3) by increasing the percentage of anchors deployed (ANR = 3 and
DOI = 0.05).

before the deployment of sensors. Thus, anchor nodes can

transmit the proper value of rmax .
Based on the results in this section, we suggest that the fol-
lowing parameters be used for the implementation of the CAB-
EA localization algorithm: m = 2, r1 = 0.707rmax , ANR ≤ 3,
and the percentage of anchors deployed to be higher than 9%.
Fig. 10. Comparison of estimation error between CAB-EA and CAB-EW For applications requiring greater accuracy, the use of CAB-
for percentage changes in estimated path loss exponent using different DOI
values. (a) DOI = 0. (b) DOI = 0.05. (c) DOI = 0.10. (m = 3, ANR = 3
EW is suitable with the following parameters: m = 3, r1 =
and Anchor Percentage = 10%). 0.33rmax , r2 = 0.66rmax , ANR ≤ 3, and the percentage of
anchors deployed to be higher than 9%.

that by using three anchors that form the largest triangle (i.e.,
B. Comparisons Between CAB, APIT, and Centroid
optimal choice), it gives a lower estimation error than using
three or more randomly chosen anchors. In this section, we present the performance comparison be-
In order to determine the position of a sensor node, the tween CAB, Centroid [9], and APIT [10]. These two are chosen
anchor node needs to transmit the beacon signal packets at because both are also range-free localization algorithms. Based
varying power levels consecutively. The beacon signal packet on the results presented in the previous section, we use two
has various fields including one that indicates the estimated and three different power levels for CAB-EA and CAB-EW,
maximum distance that the beacon signal can be heard (i.e., respectively.
rmax ). As shown in (2), rmax depends on several parameters Fig. 11 shows the position estimation errors as a function
including the path loss exponent n. The value of n may not of the percentage of anchors deployed. CAB has better per-
always be estimated correctly. We determine the estimation formance than both APIT and Centroid. As an illustration,
error to the variation of n. The procedures for the sensitivity when the percentage of anchors deployed is 16%, CAB-EW
analysis are as follows: Assume the actual path loss exponent with three power levels achieves 0.78R accuracy, and CAB-
n = 3. The estimated path loss exponent n̂ is within the (−30%, EA with two power levels has an average error of 0.81R.
+30%) range of n. Thus, n̂ is between 2.1 and 3.9. r̂max is The other schemes, i.e., APIT and Centroid, achieve 0.94R
determined by substituting n̂ into (1) and (2). The position and 1.31R accuracy, respectively. Note that the performance
estimation errors are determined by using CAB. of CAB can further be improved by utilizing information from
Results from Fig. 10 show that an overestimation of n has a more than three anchors at the expense of a higher computation
slightly higher error than underestimation. In the case when n complexity.
is underestimated, rmax will be overestimated. Thus, nodes use Fig. 12 shows the results of the estimation error as a function
larger circles and rings to estimate their positions. When n is of ANR ratio. The percentage of anchors deployed is 9%. As
overestimated, rmax will be underestimated. This corresponds the ANR value increases, this results in a loss of accuracy
to smaller than actual circles and rings equations. Results show in all schemes. In the Centroid scheme, nodes can now hear
that the correct identification of the path loss exponent in an anchors that are further away. This results in a more coarse-
environment is crucial to the performance of CAB. We expect grained estimation of position. In the APIT scheme, the ANR
that the characterization of the channels had been performed actually improves the accuracy until ANR equals 5. The error

Fig. 12. Comparison between Centroid, APIT, CAB-EA (m = 2), and Fig. 14. Comparison between Centroid, APIT, CAB-EA (m = 2), and
CAB-EW (m = 3) for varying levels of ANR (DOI = 0.05). CAB-EW (m = 3) under different node connectivity values (ANR = 3 and
DOI = 0.05).


CAB-EA outperforms the other two schemes, whereas CAB-

EW outperforms all schemes since it incorporates three power
levels. However, for higher DOI values, APIT eventually has
better performance than both CAB schemes.
Fig. 14 shows the position estimation error as the average
node connectivity (i.e., average node degree) varies. Both CAB-
EA and CAB-EW have better performances than APIT and
Centroid. Since the Centroid and CAB schemes do not re-
Fig. 13. Comparison between Centroid, APIT, CAB-EA (m = 2), and
quire neighboring node information exchanges, the estimation
CAB-EW (m = 3) under different DOI values (ANR = 3). accuracy of these schemes does not depend on the average
node degree or the connectivity information. On the other
then increases with higher ANR values. This unique behavior hand, APIT uses the neighboring information to determine the
can be attributed to the InToOut error identified in [10], which constraining triangles. Its performance significantly improves
is more significant at low ANR values and diminishes with when node connectivity increases.
increasing ANR. The CAB algorithm only relies on anchor In terms of message load, we now provide quantitative com-
information and thus increases in error as ANR increases. The parisons between Centroid, APIT, and CAB. In Table II, m de-
higher ANR values result in larger ring areas that in turn create notes the number of power levels used in CAB, and sn denotes
larger intersections within which the node estimate is taken. the average number of neighboring sensor nodes. In general, we
Fig. 12 also shows that APIT outperforms both CAB schemes expect that m < sn . Thus, CAB incurs less message exchanges
for ANR greater than 4. Note that in APIT, each sensor node than APIT, yet both incur a higher message exchange than
consumes additional energy for the exchange of information Centroid. Note that only anchors transmit messages in CAB,
between neighboring nodes. In CAB, information exchange whereas in APIT, both anchors and sensors transmit messages.
between neighboring nodes is not necessary. Since there are many more sensors than anchors, the total
Fig. 13 shows the effects of irregular radio propagation on the amount of messages exchanged in APIT is higher than CAB.
accuracy of the range-free schemes. The percentage of anchors From the computational perspective, Centroid only requires
deployed is 9%. Due to the use of fixed empirical range values a single computation to obtain a position estimate. In CAB,
for different transmitting power levels of the beacons, the CAB however, 4C2α 2 computations are required to compute the
schemes are more sensitive to the irregular radio pattern than
Centroid and APIT. When the DOI values are less than 0.09, 2 The notation Cqp = p!/((p − q)!q!).

intersections of the rings of each anchor, where α denotes Once the nodes have determined their constraining circles,
the number of anchors used to compute the position estimate. the linear matrix inequalities can be obtained, and the solu-
Similarly, for APIT, βC3α computations are required to de- tions can be determined by the corresponding semi-definite
termine which triangles of anchors the node lies within. The programs.
parameter β indicates the number of grid values that must be For anchor propagation schemes such as APS [5], in addition
updated to compute the overlapping region of the triangles. to the hop-by-hop transmission of beacons, the anchors can also
transmit at different power levels to directly reach further sensor
nodes. Nodes can then simultaneously execute both APS and
V. E XTENSION OF CAB TO O THER CAB procedures, and ensure that the estimated position based
L OCALIZATION S CHEMES on APS falls within the intersection of the rings and circles
determined by CAB. Alternatively, when nodes calculate dis-
The novelty of the CAB algorithm is the different power lev-
tances based on hop count, they can use the information from
els at which the anchor nodes broadcast beacons. Although we
the power levels heard to ensure that the calculated distances
have used this property to construct a range-free scheme that es-
are accurate prior to computing a position estimate. In addition,
timates positions of sensor nodes to be within the intersections
APS can benefit from selecting only the closest anchors for
of rings or circles, it is evident that different aspects of CAB
position estimation since distances calculated from anchors that
can be applied to some other previously proposed localization
are farther away can be inaccurate.
schemes. The three different aspects of the CAB algorithm are
Range-free schemes can also benefit from the use of multiple
the following: 1) different power level beacons; 2) circular and
beacons from anchors. The main benefit is the additional infor-
ring position constraints; and 3) position estimation based on
mation gathered by the node in terms of how close it is from
information of the selected anchors. These techniques can be
the anchor by simply monitoring the received power levels.
independently applied to several other schemes to enhance the
In the Centroid scheme, each node determines its location by
averaging the positions based on all of the different anchors
In traditional range-based schemes, specialized ranging hard-
heard. By using multiple power levels, more information can
ware is required to obtain the distance information between
be gathered by nodes to further enhance the position estimate.
nodes. However, due to channel fading and interference, es-
Nodes can therefore assess the different power levels in order
timation based on RSS does not always provide a robust
to estimate their position more accurately. Thus, a node that can
means of distance information. By incorporating the anchor
hear more than one power level from an anchor will give more
beacon property, the reliance on specialized hardware and/or
weight to that anchor than another anchor that can only hear a
RSS measurements can be reduced. The corresponding result
single power level.
is that range-based schemes can function in a relatively range-
The APIT scheme can also be extended since its structure is
free manner depending on scheme-specific details. The only
similar to CAB in the use of anchors with larger transmission
assumption in CAB is that there is a reference maximum
ranges than nodes. Instead of using a scan-grid algorithm to
transmission power and the corresponding transmission range
determine the overlapping of only triangles formed by anchor
that is empirically derived prior to system deployment to take
positions, the overlapping of circular regions can also be in-
into account environment propagation characteristics.
cluded to further optimize the position estimate. Alternatively,
The incorporation of circular and ring constraints can sep-
the overlapping of rings can be used in the scan-grid algorithm
arately be applied to existing schemes in order to provide an
to estimate the position of the node. In order to reduce the errors
overlapping region-based localization as opposed to localiza-
identified as InToOut and OutToIn in [10], sensor nodes can
tion via lateration or triangulation. Finally, instead of using all
obtain estimates of distance from the three closest anchors by
information gathered from all anchors heard to determine posi-
using the corresponding distance related to the lowest power
tion estimates, we selectively choose three anchors from which
level heard from an anchor. Using these three estimated dis-
the position estimate will be computed. In the proposed CAB
tances, lateration can be used to ensure that the APIT results
algorithm, it is advantageous to do so from a computational
satisfy the circular constraints.
point of view, which is necessary for practical implementations.
Other schemes may also be able to benefit from the selectivity
of anchor information, i.e., whether to reduce computational B. Example: Extension of the Centroid Scheme by
cost or to avoid information that may be prone to errors. Using Different Power Levels
In this section, we extend the Centroid scheme by using
different power levels. In the Centroid scheme, the position
A. Possible Scheme-Specific Modifications
estimate is taken as the average of the positions of anchors
In the convex positioning scheme [2], instead of using an- heard. However, if we can incorporate the multiple power level
chors and nodes with fixed radio range, the use of different beaconing used in the CAB algorithm, more information can
power level beaconing can be advantageous. Nodes can listen be provided to the sensor nodes. In this case, each anchor is
to beacons from other nodes and determine their communi- weighed according to the number of different power levels
cation constraint as the distance corresponding to the low- the sensor node can hear from the anchor. Therefore, nodes
est power level heard from another node. The accuracy of that are closer to some anchors weigh their positions closer
the approach depends on the number of power levels used. to those anchors correspondingly. The results are shown in

Recall that for CAB-EA, the area of the innermost circle and
the rings are the same. For convenience, we denote the inner-
most circle as the first ring. Since the areas of the innermost
circle and the second ring are the same, we have

πr22 − πr12 = πr12 ⇒ r22 = 2r12 .

The areas of the innermost circle and the third ring are
the same, i.e.,

πr32 − πr22 = πr12

which implies

r32 = r22 + r12 = 3r12 .

Similarly, the areas of the innermost circle and the fourth ring
Fig. 15. Comparison between Centroid and Centroid-CAB by increasing the are the same, i.e.,
percentage of anchors deployed with different power levels (ANR = 3 and
DOI = 0.05). πr42 − πr32 = πr12

which implies
Fig. 15. We denote the extension of the Centroid scheme
with multiple power levels as Centroid-CAB. Results show that r42 = 4r12 .
Centroid-CAB gives a lower position estimation error than the
original Centroid scheme. From the above equations, we have

ri2 = i · r12 , i = 1, 2, . . . , m. (7)

VI. C ONCLUSION By substituting rm = rmax and i = m into (7), we have
In this paper, we have proposed the CAB localization al-
gorithm for wireless sensor networks. CAB is a distributed
rmax = m · r12 . (8)
range-free approach that does not require information exchange Substituting (8) into (7), we have
between neighboring sensors. It has a low computational
overhead that is simple to implement. CAB uses anchors that i 2
ri2 = r .
broadcast beacon signals at varying power levels. From the m max
information by each beacon signal, each sensor node can iden- Thus
tify the annular ring within which it resides in. The estimated   12
position of the node is taken as the average of all the valid inter- i
ri = rmax , i = 1, 2, . . . , m.
section points. We have also proposed two heuristics, namely m
CAB-EA and CAB-EW, to determine the transmitting power
levels of the beacons. We have presented the performance
evaluation of CAB-EA and CAB-EW by changing ANR, DOI, D ERIVATION OF (4)
G-DOI, and the number of anchors heard. Sensitivity analysis From (1), we have
of CAB-EA and CAB-EW by varying the path loss exponent n   n1
was also conducted. Simulation results show that CAB provides k · Pi
ri = . (9)
a lower position estimation error than APIT and Centroid under Pthreshold
a wide range of conditions. It is also evident that the novel
method of anchor beaconing can be applied to some other previ- By substituting rm = rmax and Pi = Pmax into (9), we have
ously proposed localization algorithms. We have also presented (rmax )n k
the results of the extension of the Centroid scheme by using = . (10)
Pmax Pthreshold
different power levels. Future work includes determining the
optimal transmitting power levels of the beacons by formulating From (9) and (10), we have
it as a constrained optimization problem. Pi
(ri )n = (rmax )n , i = 1, 2, . . . , m.

A PPENDIX By rearranging the terms, we have

In this Appendix, we derive (3), (4), and (6). We use the same ri
Pi = Pmax , i = 1, 2, . . . , m. (11)
notations as introduced in Section III. rmax

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