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English 122 – Multi-Genre Reading Project Double Entry Diary

Student Name: Sujin Park

Topic: How parents effect the children behaviours?

Text Title and Author/Speaker/Originator: Whose Fault When Children Disobey? Kim

Fill in the left-hand column with a quotation from the text or in the case of a work of art, a specific description
of the particular visual feature you wish to critically assess. In the right-hand column, reflect personally and
critically on the passage/feature as you clarify how it illuminates some aspect of your essential question.

Quotation/Visual Feature How it Sheds Light on My Topic/Exploratory

“There is a good quote by Dr. Charles, he says one Irresponsible parents or adults put the children at a
generation of deeply loving parents would change the higher risk of becoming adults that will have negative
brain of the next generation and with that the world.” impact on the society, the world. The bad cycle will never
end because the children will pick up on their parents'
behaviours. Bad parenting leads to more bad parentings,
and negative things like mental illness, drug abuse, youth
drinking and so on.

“Children stimulate the intense feelings of our own It is not easy to understand others but you when you are
childhood and often we respond to them unconsciously stressed, when you are under pressure. In the situation
and without thinking.” where you so stressed, if there’s a stimulus that triggers
your violent response, it is hard to lose your reason and
the control over your anger.

“we have to make this unconscious behaviour conscious. When you are under pressure, it is hard to be conscious
We need to stop acting unconsciously towards our of your own action. You lose the ability to see and stop
children. We need to bring it into the life for we are what you're doing. If you discipline the children out of
damaging our children in ways that you could never anger, it has way more harmful effects on them than you
imagine.” imagined. Parental anger only causes the children to
develop an aggressive, fearful, angry personality.

Quotation/Visual Feature How it Sheds Light on My Essential Question

“When you use anger to control a child like a dog with Parents could unintentionally damage their kids, leaving a
an electric fence, they register the shock in their body. deep, long-lasting, irrevocable wound or scars on them by
You set them on the path to obeying fear. There will be trying to control them using fear and discipline them with
things in their life that they will not examine. you cut off anger. Fears could trigger them anxieties or fight or flight
possibilities for them forever.” response.

“we have to know how harmful parental anger is to Parental anger scares the children and it can even lead to
young children because recognizing is the first step to traumatic childhood experiences that the children are left
transforming it” on their own to figure out and heal from. Every parent
gets angry at their children, but it is their choice whether
to behave violently to their child, damaging and hurting
them. The children are not to blame; therefore, they
need to be responsible for their violent actions by
recognizing, admitting, apologizing and willing to make
sure it never happens again.

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