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Continuing nursing education is the process directed towards
the personnel and professional growth of nurses and the personnel while they
are employed by a health care agency. It is essential for the upliftment of
professional as well as administrative field. It is not only applicable for the
nursing field but also to all the professional fields.
Continuing nursing education is a modern, imperative, it must be
future oriented growth, geared to the facing new situations and the making of
new responses appropriate for these situations. New knowledge is emerging
rapidly in the physical, biologiacal, behavior and mediaclservices, which
constitute the foundation of nursing, problems in nursing must be solved by the
rational effort based upon systematic inquiry
Continuing nursing education program me should be developed by
nurses and conducted within nursing or general education system in
cooperation with the nurses.
Acc to dictionary of education:-
Continuing education is any extension of opportunities for reading, study
and training to any person and adult following their competition of or withdrawal
from full time school and or college programmes.
Acc to copper:-
Continuing education is all the learning activities that occur after an individual
has completed his basic education.
Acc to Shannon:-
The education which builds on previous education.
*unified approach
*relationship with other systems

*accessibility for all health professionals
*integration with the management process
*analysis of needs as a basis for learning conformity
*internally coordinated
*relevance in planning
*creditability and economies
*appropriate in implementation
*To ensure safe and effective nursing care, nurses need to keep abreast with
interest, knowledge and technical advances.
*To meet the needs of population and should cater to the needs of service.
*Development of nurses will occur by updating their knowledge prepapare them
for specialization.
*For carrier improvement.
*Professional roles are changed as society altered and a new knowledge and
technologies emerge.
*Nursing factors require a high degree of skill, knowledge,competence and
educational preparation.
*The demand after specialized nursing services in increasing more rapidly.
*The planned programmers’ are need to increase their competence as
*Nurses with research aptitude and preparation are needed.
*To provide and prepare faculty who seeing continuing nursing education as a
personal responsibility as well as professional and university responsibility.
*CNE is needed for the nurses who wish to share their own destiny must be
aware of the forces at work which will affect their future roles.
*It also helps to maintain role as bedside nurse, supervisor, and administrative
role and to perform delegating functions.
*It provides opportunities for educational growth.
*Nursing requires a high degree of skill, knowledge, competences educational
preparation to function effectively.
*to provide &prepare faculty who see CNE as a personal responsibility as well
as professional &university responsibility.

*To provide a variety of continuing nursing education opportunities of high
quality to nurses in both education and service changes.
It encompasses various aspect of life and is not limited to professional
*CNE is concerned with the development of the nurses as a person, practitioner
as a citizen.
*It focuses on individual learner philosophy is thought of relating to basic beliefs.
*It provides a direction for action; it is useful to think through ones personal
*Philosophy is based on values social change.
Elements Of Continuing Nursing Education :-
 Learner
 Teacher/Nurse Educator
 Educational Preparation
 Competencies And Other Characteristics
 Faculty Administrator
 Motivation Of The Learner
 Involvement Of The Learner
 Organized Learning Experience
 Need For The Society
 Universalization
 Leisure
 Liberal Education
 Inter Professional
 Learning Process
* Learner as A Person as A Nurse and As A Citizen.
* It Is Seen As A Totality, A Sound Philosophy Of Education Recognizes All
Three Aspects Of Life Long Learning.
* Diversity Is A Part of Learning Process and Contributes To the Development
Of The Individual.
Ex:- Music, Dance Or Participating In Extra-Curricular Activities Like Ncc,Nss.

* The Learner In His Life Plays Many Different Roles.
Eg:- Adult, Family Member,Learner,Friend,Etc…
* In Every Aspect Of Life There Are Some Continuing Nursing Education.
* It Aims As A Self Directed Learning.
Ii).Teacher/Nurse Educator :-
* He She Has To Accept the Concept Of Lifelong Learning And His
Responsibility To Encourage Nurse To Recognize The Values Of Participating
In Different Type Of Educational Activities.
* Educator Must Be Aware Of Source Of Information About Related Continuing
Educational Activities.
E.g.:- Self Directed Individual Study In-service Education
* Teacher Should Act As A Role Model.
*Creative Teaching Is Essential.
*Skillful Teacher Has To Aware Of Difference In Learning, What Is Already
Know & Encouraging Exploration In Those Areas Yet To Be Discovered.
* Guide & counselor the teacher.
* Motivator and an encourage for the students.
* Select and evaluate materials prepared by others.
* Administrative role like  planning,
 Directing
 Budgeting and
 Evaluation.
* Masters degree In his/her area of nursing expertise or a doctorate in adult
* Credentials with more publications
* Writing and organizing skills.
* a continuing learner
* Clinical expertise
* Depth of using knowledge and skill in its application.
* Interest in the subject, enmusiasm in teaching.
* Adequate knowledge about teaching skills and method of teaching.
* Broad base knowledge.
* Concern for people
* Flexibility
* Sensitive to group responsibilities
* Willing to travel
* Resource fullness
* Detailed advance preparation and organization for teaching
* Self- confidence
* A sense of humors
* Broader outlook
* A best for life
* An innate curiosity
* Love of adventure
* Desire to search the unknown
* Interest in self – development and in others development.
* Teaching is part of his/her responsibility
* He should process a high degree of administrative skills.
* He must asses and uses the various abilities of different faculty members
* Search for faculty with wide varied knowledge
* Help the faculty member to strengthen their teaching skills
* Provide conductive environment for faculty members.
* Give adequate orientation, creating opportunities on the job which contributes
faculty growth.
* Supports his faculty and accepts responsibility, encourages team spirit,
working with other members
* Adequate administrative support permits the maximum use of faculty time for
their effective performance.
* To accept the personal responsibility for their own continued learning
motivation of the learner is essential.
* Internal motivation i.e. the personal needs desire to learn is more effective
than external incentives like
* The truly motivated person will learn without external requirements
* expanded learning opportunities for nurses.
* He/she learners because he has a need for the knowledge.
* For the motivated learner, difficulties encountered in the process are seen as
challenges, not as obstacles.
* Learner has to participate in the learning process.
* Learning depends upon the student himself.
* it can be done by only learner
* it depends upon the effort put forth by the learner.
* Teacher is involved more directly in program me planning and in the conduct
of courses and deciding which educational experiences and the activities are
most suitable for specific group of learners.
* In certain aspects teacher will include learners views while organizing the
learning experience.
* Quality of life and needs of society influences the learning needs of the nurses.
* Citizens are vitally, concerned and actively involved in seeking the solutions
to the problem forced by the society.
* Adequate preparation for participation approach is essential for continuing
nursing education.
* it is necessary for continuing education.
* The individual has to learn how to use leisure time constructively, participate
in more educational activities or skill development
* Future nursing practice will place heavy demand an all health professionals,
* Human practice requires practitioners, with the insight, understanding and
attitudes which can be full filled through liberal education.
Accept the personal responsibility for their only continued learning motivation
of the learners is essential
Internal motivotatoin i.e. the personal need desire to learn is more effective than
external incentives like certificates
 grades
 Credits
 The truly motivated person will learn without external
requierments’expanded learning opportunities’ for nurses
 He/she learners because he has a need for the knowledge
 For the motivated learner, difficulties encountered in the process are
seen as challenges, not as obstacles.
Involvement of the learner in the learning process :-
 Learner has to participate in the learning process
 Learner depends upon the student himself.
 It can be done by only learner
 It depends upon the effort put forth by the learner
Organized learning Experiences:-
 Teacher is involved more directly in program planning an I the conduct
of courses and deciding which educational experiences and the activities
are most suitable for specific group of learners.
 In certain aspects teacher will include learners vies while organizing the
learning experience.
The need of the society
 Quality of life and needs of society influences the learning needs of the
 Citizens are vitally concerned and actively involved in seeking the
solutions to the problem forced by the society.
 Adequate Preparations for participation approach is essential for
contuing nursing education.
 It is necessary for continuing Nursing Education.
The leisure:-
The individual has to learn how to use leisure time constructively, participate in
more educational activities for skill development.
Liberal education:-
 Future nursing practice will place heavy demand on all health
professional’s efforts.
 Human practice requires practitioners’, with the insight, understanding
and attitudes which can be fulfilled through liberal education.
 Self confidence
 A sense of hum our
 Broader Outlook ‘A zelt for life
 An innate curiosity
 Love of adventure
 Desire to search the cumknow
 interest in self development and in others development
The faculty Administrator:-
 teaching is part of his/her responsibility
 he should posses a high degree of administrative skills
 he must asses and uses the various abilities of different faculty
 Search for faculty with wide varied knowledge.
 Help the faculty member to strengthen their teaching skills
 Provide conductive environment for faculty members
 Give adequate orientation, creating opportunities on the job with which
contributes faculty growth.
 Supports his locality and accepts responsibility, encourages team spirit,
working with other members.
 Adequate administrative support permits the maximum use of faculty
time for their effective performance.
 Administrative role like planning

Budgeting and
Educational Preparation :-
 Masters degree in his/her area of nursing expertise or a doctorate in
adult education
 Credentials with more publications
 writing and organizing skills
 a continuing learner
 clinical expertise ‘depth of nursing knowledge and skill in its application
 interest in the subject, enthusiosing in teaching
 Adequate knowledge about teaching skills and method of teaching
 Broad base knowledge
Competencies and other characteristics:-
 Concern for people
 Flexibility
 Sensitive to group responsibilities
 Willing to gravel
 Resource fullness
 Detailed advance preparation and organization for teaching.
Ex: - Music, dance or participating in extracurricular activities like NCC,
 The Lerner in his life plays many different roles
E.g. Adult, family member, learner, friend etc.
 In every aspect of life theme are some continuing nursing education.
 If aims as a self directed learning
Teacher/nursing educator:-
 He/she has to accept the concept of life long learning and his
responsibility to encourage these to recognize the values of participating
in different type of education activities.
 Educator must be aware of source of information about related
continuing educational activities.
Ex: - self directed individual study. In-service education
Teacher should act a role model
 Creative teaching is essential
 Skillful teacher has to aware of difference in learning, what is already
know &encouraging exploration in those yet to be discovered
 Guide & Counselor the teacher
 Motivators and in encouraging exploration in those yet in those yet to be
 Guide & counselor the teacher
 Motivator and an encourager for the shouldness’select and evaluate
materials’ prepared by others.
Principles of CNE:
 Provision for school and nursing faculty; involvement in planning and
teaching the continuing nursing education (CNE) courses tend to
maintains high education standards for the program.
 An adequate stall is essential for planning implementing and evaluating
a program which is based upon learning needs.
 Responsibility of the direct of continuing nursing education :
- Determination of learning needs of the nurse population.
- Development and implementation of a program to meet these needs.
- Evaluation of results.
 Staff services are required with sufficient number
- Advisory
- Secretarial
- Administrative
- Additional Supportive Services may required periodically
- Assistance with
Evolution tools
Data analysis
Computer Programming
 An advisory committee has to be appointed which includes :-
Faculty members from a variety of nursing practice
Directors of hospital nursing services
Representatives from State licensing authority voluntary
Extended care facilities
Hospital association
Medical and allied health Professionals
Regional medical Program me

 The community may serve as a liaison is between the school of nursing

and health community.
 Continuing nursing education program may be decentralized (i.e.….
Faculty of an academic department would initiate, plan, implement &
evaluate or centralized (a separate department or extension division is
responsible for the continuing nursing education program of the entire
 Financial support is by either university grants or self supporting.
 Faculty may be assigned to continuing education as a regular part of the
normal teaching load, but periods they will get extra remuneration or non
university faculty may hired on a contract basis to teach specific course
Agencies of Continuing Education:-
Open universities AGENCIES University departments
University – departments:
 Historically university department have been associated with continuing
education in the form of awarding degrees through external
examinations, research and private study.
 In recent lines conscious efforts are made to convert external and private
studies into organized and structured learning activities in the form of
 In India many universities have started separate departments for
organizing education.
 Most of such departments offer students regular supply of lesion written
by experts in the field & self evaluation materials for making their own
progress in studies.
Open Universities:
 Open Universities are different from correspondence approach in many
 Organizationally they are entirely devoted to the distance education.
 They deliver lesions to the students & using full media-(Multi Media)

 Correspondence course offered by the university departments usually
rely on written form of communication.
 This single medicine approach brings in its own limitations.
Ex:- it becomes difficult to after science course which requires
demonstration of experiments and working of instruments and tools.
 This limitation is overcome by open universities through a combination
of andio-visual media with print and periodic face to face encounters.
 There are seven open universities in India.
Andhra Pradesh Open University
IndiraGandhi National Open University
Kota Open University
Yeshvanthrao Chavan Open University
Nalanda Open University
Annamallai Open University
Karnataka Open University

Adult – Education
Democracy without education is meaningless. It is education and not
freedom that makes a nation great but the situation as prevailing in our counting
this respect is not only distressing but disgraceful.
“A state may pass a low, making education computer but unless people
accept such laws, no state can enforce them by military or police measures.
“No nation can leave its security to the police and the arm to a larger
extent. National security depends upon the education of citizens, their
knowledge of affairs, their character and sense of discipline and their ability to
participate effectively in security measures”- Kothari Commission”.
So Adult education is this the foundation on which alone free India can
build up a welfare state which will recognize claim of both individual freedom
and social security.


It is the education of grown up men and women who are more than 18
years old. Education for adults mainly those who could not get any formal
education in the early days of their lives.
Adult education includes all activities with an educational. Purpose,
carried on by people in the ordinary business of life, which use only part of their
energy to acquire intellectual equipment.
“Acc to Bryson”
Adult education is a course to be taken up concurrently with work and
the learning of living. It is to be given on part time basis.’
“Acc to Ernest baker”
Adult education is a practice in which adults engage in systematic and
sustained self educating activities in order to gain new forms of knowledge,
skills, antitrades or values.
“Acc to Merriam, Sharte, BZ, Brockett Rolph. G”
1. Because of ever changing social condition the scope of education is
also widening.
2. Now it Is not continued to literacy only but it has become alife long
3. Adult education is to provide every adult citizen with an opportunity
for the education of the type which he wishes and which he should
have for his personal enrichment, professional advancement and
effective participation is social & political life.
i. Individual Point of View :
From individuals point of views the purpose of adult education
 Remedial
 Development of physical health
 Vocational development
 Development of social skills
 Self development
 Recreational Aim
i) Remedial :
 Adult education provides education to those adults who what not
receive education because of certain reasons.
 If provides opportunity to such adults to make up their deticernly
in this respect.
ii) Development of physical health :-
 It aims at education the adult in the fundamental principles of
health for prevention at disease.
iii) Vocational Development :-
 It aims at improving vocational efficiently of the individual by
providing him taking in his respective vocation.
iv) Development of Social skills :-
 It aims at training the adult for social living to teach they the sense
of rights and duties & live in harmony in their colleagues.
v) Self Development
 It aims at training creative faculties of the adult for their self-
vi) Recreational aim
 It aims at training the adults for the best use of leisure with proper

ii) Social Point of View:

Co Inculcation
Promotion of social
of Social operative
groups idedogy
of National

Point of

i. Promotion of social cohesion :-

 It means to promote unity of diversity
 It aims at creating a common culture where social cohesion can
be brought at functional level
 With the help to Adult education, Individualism and special that
exists among different groups can be readied.
ii. Building co-operative groups :
 It aims at building co-operative groups for healthy co-ordination &
cohesion between individual happiness and social progress.
iii. Conservation and improvement of national resources :
 It aims at conservation and improvement of natural resources by
creating new awakening among the adults.
iv. Inculcation of social ideology :
 Pare It helps to adults to prepare there to subordinate their private
welfare to natural welfare
 It aims at the improvement of the life of people socially,
economically and also it conveys the ideas for self help.
Adult learning:
 It is on art of science helping adults to lean an international and
professionally guided activity that aims at charge in adult persons.
 Adult learning described adult learning as a process of self
directed enquiry
“Malcolm Knowles”
Characteristics of adult learners:
i. Autonomous and self directed
ii. Accumulate a foundation of experience and knowledge
iii. Goal oriented
iv. Relevancy
v. Practical
vi. Need to be shown respect
vii. Self concept
viii. Experience
ix. Readiness to learn
x. Time perspective.

1) Need Assessment:- Participation of the learners in naming what is
to be learned
2) Safety in the environment and the process:-We create a context
for learning the context can be made safe
3) Sound relationships: - Between teacher and learner and among
4) Sequence:-The context and reinforcement.
5) Praxis:-Action with reflection or learning by doing
6) Respect:-For learners and as decision makers
7) Ideas, feelings and actions:- Cognitive, affective and psychomotor
aspects of learning.
8) Immediacy:-It is the learning
9) Clear role:-It is the role development.
10) Team work: It is useful small groups.
11) Accountability:-How do they know.
12) Engagement of the learners in what they are learning.


A NEW HOPE FOR THE ILLITERATE:-Adult education brings a new hope for
the illiterate masses who failed to get education during their school years.
 The illiterate adults can hope to take part in the day to day activities of
their country.
 Adult education is needed to wider intellectual horizon of partially
liliterature adults.
 It is needed to complete India’s political awakening.
 It is needed to broaden the political horizon of the adult’s i.e. value of
 It is needed to set the culture tone of the community.
 It is needed to make adult life a happy &joyous living.
 It is needed to satisfy the recreational needs of rural adults.
 It is train the adult in co-operative primary education.
 Education does not end with schooling it is a lifelong process.

It has to be organized in sound likes to so that all the adults in the country
may get benefit from it.
 Youth clubs and mahilla mandals are organized.
 In village panchayats, secretary of co-operative society if any,
primary school teachers should combine their efforts.
 There should be 2 full time officers at the block level 1-one man
and one woman.
Every district should have a district social education officer whose main
job would be to supervise the work of all social education officers both
male and female.
There should be an officer of the rank of a joint or deputy director at the
state level to look after the administration of all aspects of adult
 Ministry of education is in charge of all the programmers’ of adult
 So all these programmers’ are directly implemented by it either
through the safe education department.
 It was limited to the teaching of literacy that is teaching like literature
adults how to read & write.
 The concept of adult education was enlarged to include the knowledge
of certain useful subjects such as hygiene, civics and problems of every
day of life. A new concept emerged i.e. the concept of “social education”.
 Adult education is asked in use once again because the term adult
education was better understands by UNESCO and many other

 Books and pamphlets
 Daily newspapers: all over the world the daily news.
 Periodicals:weekly,fortnightly,monthly
 Charts, graphs and maps
Black board, bulletin, film, filmstrips, maps, graphs, charts, records.
Acc to Munro, the chief methods of teaching the adults are:-
1. Learner-dominated methods
2. Teacher-dominated methods
3. Co-operative methods
In these methods the learner dominates. He initiates and mostly depends upon
 Here experience dominates along with drill and practice.
 The learner concentrates his efforts by repeating an activity a
number of times.
*here the process involves thinking out of a thing or learning by insight,
supplemented by use of……
 Library
 Laboratory
 Questionnaire
 Survey
 Field trips
It combines the essentials of first& two methods.
Here the teacher is more active and dominates the learning process.
a) Lecture method
B) Counseling

C) Case work:-here the teacher goes into the history of an individuals case and
teaches him/her, the way to lead a happy and satisfying life.
D) Demonstration:-
i) Method Demonstration:-peoples are shown how to do things.
Ex:-washing a baby’s sore eyes.
ii) Result Demonstration:-adults are shown the start and end of
Ex: - use of manure lends itself only to the result demonstration.
 Apprenticeship:-a student learns through working in close co-operative
with his teacher.
 Group discussion.
1) Classes of people like teachers, governments services, volunteers, social
education workers, etc………
ms,correrspondence schools, community centers, agriculture extension
3) Informal educational institution like forums, study circles, discussion groups,
listening groups, camps, etc
4) Recreational educational bodies like theatres.
5) Institutions whose primary function is not education.
Ex:-religious bodies


Numerous problems in the way of social education act as obstacles and
hinder the progress of social education.

i) Non cooperative adults:-

In the rural areas especially in several backward regions there is severe
orthodoxy among the adults and they refuse to cooperate with others.

Solution: To solve this problem the help of panchayats of municipal committee
should be taken.
ii) Problem of social education workers:-
For successful program me of social education it is necessary to get devoted
teachers with missionary goal.
Solution:the economic status of adult education workers should be
considerably raised.
iii)problems of attendance:-
the attebdance of adult ducation is generraly very poor.they do not come
Solution:to make the programme so interesting and inspiring that adult feel
great pleasure in attending.
iv)problems of vocational training:-
teachers working in the field of adult education are hardly to teach about
vocation of daults.
Solution:the experyts should frequently invite to give lectures and practical
demonstration of adults.
v)problrm of equipment:-
the centers for adult education are not property equipped.the books copies nd
other material not available.
vi)problem of social backwardness;-
*differences of caste and creed give rise to numerous problems in this regard.
*many people do not like to site by the side of scheduled caste or backword
class people.
vii)problems of suitable literature:-
adults need easy and interesting literature for self study after they picked up
reading and writing.
viii)problem of finance:-
lack of funds available for adults education is great handicap in the way of its

 Planning is the key stone for the administrative process. Without
planning, continuing education offerings are fragmented, haphazardly
constructed and often unrelated.
 “a successful continuing education program is the result of careful and
detailed planning”.
 Effective planning is required at all levels
a) Local
b) State
c) Regional
d) National
e) International
 Meet the nursing needs
 Use available resources
 Avoid duplication and fragmentation of efforts
 The selection of teaching faculty may depend upon the availability of the
 Planning is ongoing process.
i) What has to be done?
 Understand clearly what your unit is expected to do in relation to the
work assign.
 Break the unit work into separate jobs in terms of manpower, material
 Think each job responsibilities.
ii) Why it is necessary?
Alternate methods which are necessary to meet the goals and eliminate
unnecessary motion, materials.
iii) How it has to be done?
Look for better ways of doing in terms of the utilization of men, materials,
equipments and money.
iv) Where it has to be done:-

Study the flow of work, availability of material and equipment best suited to do
the job.
v) When it has to be done?
Time schedule for the maximum utilization of time, money,naterials.
vi) Who should do the job?
Determine what skills are needed to do the job successfully. Select or train the
man best fitted for the job.
 Establishing goals
 Objectives
 Needs priorities
 Available resources
 Budget
1) establishing goals with the purpose or mission of the organization:-
 Purpose gives direction in planning
 It identifies reason for existence
 Purpose are based on the learning needs and social needs
2) establishing goals and objective:-
 Planning moves towards goals which are siginificant&realistic.
 An objective is specific; it is desired end or accomplished to be sought.
 To assist the nurse in identifying and meeting current learning needs
 To encourage the nurse to identify and influence social changes which
have implications for nursing and to modify practice accordingly.
 To promote the development of leadership potential of the nurse.
 To identify the nursing problems and in seeking solutions to them.
 To develop varied teaching methods for extending nursing knowledge
and competency.
 To designated new information from varied channels.
 To assist the nurse educator in increasing teaching effectiveness.
 To facilitate return a practice.

 To assess the health needs of nurses, hospitals, and community to plan,
implement and evaluate the educational programmers’ in hospitals and
health facilities.
 To seek opportunity for and collaborate with other health disciplines to
effect improvement of health care delivery systems.
3) Determining needs and priorities:-
 Assessment of needs will be done by survey, through mailed
quesstionnaries, interview formal and informal discussions with
participants and check list.
 After assessing the need prioritization of needs has to be done.
4) Assessing the available resources for establishing the program:-
 Careful assessment of ways and means to meet the established
program goal.
 Faculty finances and facilities may be seen for continuing nursing
 A broad subway is necessary for the major resources.
 Upon the resources planning includes deciding necessary to the activity
and then determinining the availability.
5) plan the budget, appropriate for the program:-
 Separate budget is required for each specific activity and each individual
is offering is expected to be self supporting.
 Some time budget will sanction by governments, university grants, fee
collected from participles.
 The coordinators have to write the proposal after the problem has bee
identified and substantiating data collected, guidelines studied,
guidelines has to be followed in writing the proposal.
 Applies adult learning principles when helping employees learn new
 Use teaching techiques that empower staff.
 Creatively will minize these difficults.
 Prepare empolyees readily regarding knowledge and skill deficits.
 Actively seeks out teaching opportunities.

 Frequently assess learning needs of the unit.
The proposal should be written with ,carefulness clear, concise familiar term,
which include enough details.
a)cover sheet includes:-
 Name of project
 Summary of project
 Name of finding resource
 Name and address of institution submitting project.
 Name of prinicipal initiator and others involved in proposal preparation
 Date of submission
b)proposal abstract
c)proposal narrative:-
 Statement of objectives
 Description of the nature of problem
 Documentation of existence problem with appropriate data
 Description of the existing efforts to solve problem or create
 Define target group
 State goals of project
 Procedure:-
 Description of phases and work performed at each stage, duration
 Show how work will be organized
 Personnel handling each component of work
 Facilities required
 Resources that will be identified and utilized
 Evaluation procedure
d)budget narrative:-
explain each budgetary item
 Criteria and data used to make estimates
 Break down of budgetary materials where appropriate

 Statement outlining details of institution requestingfunds
 Vitae of personnel involved
 Supporting statements from cooperating clientele and co-operating
individuals or agencies.
Programming of professional courses in nursing is a joint responsibility of a
director of continuing nursing education and a dean of school of nursing.
University faculty may be assigned to continuing education in nursing as a part
of teaching load or an extra compensation basis.

Board of regents


Dean of CNE Dean of School Dean of other

of Nursing departments

Dean of other Dean of Advisory

continuing committee CNE
nursing education

Organizational chart of continuing nursing education showing joint


Organizational chart of continuing education in nursing showing
decentralized responsibility for CEN in departmental level

Board of regents


Other deans Dean of School

Of Nursing

Director of Director of Director of

continuing nursing program graduate
education programme


Organizational chart of showing centralized responsibility for the
continuing nursing education program

Board of regents


Dean of general Dean of school of

extension nursing

Director of
nursing extension


 Evaluation is needed to assess the effectiveness of the program or
progress in order to find out what extent pre-set goals have been
achieved evaluations should be done at different stages of program.

To identify the area this requires greater attention interms of participation
of, trainees, academic activities, management.
To identify bottlenecks in various activities carried out during the
operation program.
To assess the applicability of training in the field and actual situation.
Qualitative improvement in instruction, promote better training,
determine future changes and needs.
For quality control or qualitative improvement.
 Evaluation should cover:-
 the professional growth and satisfaction of participants
 the outcome of the course and whole program/activity/task.
 Effectiveness of faculty members.
 Transfer the knowledge
 Effect on the system
 Procedure for evaluation:-
 Pretest-post test
 Attitude tests
 Observation of skills/performance evaluation
 Questionnaire
 Audio or video tapes
 Evaluation design:-
 Focus of evaluation-what do you want to find out?
 Devise the instrument-collection of information
 Organize the information-coding,organizing, storing and
 Analyze the information
 Report the findings
 Reassessing the goals
 Updating, modifying the plan periodically based on needs.
 Evaluate the design for………


 It is a common belief that nurses feels that their education finishes when
they complete the basic nursing programme.
 “once a nurse always a nurse”.
 But with fast changes in medical technology nurse has to keep update
 It is on regular basis
 While planning continuing education or in-service education the
following steps included.
 Identifying the learning needs
 Setting goals &objectives
 Planning &organizing
 Assessing the available resource
 Implementing the programme
 Evaluating the programme
1) Identifying the learning needs;-
A training activity education program must create of enthuciasium in the
nurse learner.
a) Define learning needs
b) Types of learning needs
c) Sources of identifying needs.
d) Approaches used to assess the learning needs
e) Sample performance
f) Common tools used to assess the learning needs
2) Setting goals and identifying specific objectives:-
Important to establish goals, purpose and define the specific objective,
which will give direction in planning.
3) Planning and organizing course and designing learning experiences:-
It is the realation of efforts and capacities of individuals and groups
engaged upon a common task.

4) Selection of resources:-
Financial resources
Human resources
Facilities and equipments, supplies
Establishing the budget
5) Implementing the programme:-
a) Develop the agenda
b) Prepare correspondence to guest speaker.
6) Evaluating the programme:-
It is coming near to end on the last day the evaluation of the following areas
Rating scale
Questionnaire Opionionnarie


Nurses who continue their education in the field enjoy marked
professional advantages.Usually continuing education in nursing means
obtaining certification in certain nursing specialities. An increasing number of
studies are evaluating the effects of continuing nurse education on practice.The
relationship between research methods and the development of knowledge is
explored by comparing the research orientations of two evaluate studies
investigating the same issue.
This comparison acts as a back drop for the methodological critique of
selected studies. It asserts that while not without it’s challenges, the experiment
can make a valuable contribution when evaluating the causal relationship
between continuing professional nurse education and practice.


 To allow magnet staus
 To know the effectiveness of teaching method followed in continuing
education programme
 To identify and increase number of participants involved in CEP
 To uncover the existing problem and to take remedial measurs

 To investigate the possible caiuses of a problem &evaluating tool forCEP
 The research in continuing education helps thr nurses trained for
eduationalopportunities to upgrade nursing education.
 To ensure safe and effective nursing care.
 Development of nurses will occur by updating their knowledge and
prepare them for satisfaction.
 Highlight innovations and trends in health care.
 Explore professional and practical issues.
 Introduce new knowledge and new technology to nurses
 Promote the linkage between local practice to regiuonal and national
Acc to journal of nursing education
 Nurses who diversity their professional skills contribute directly
to improved patient safety.
 Continuing nursing education enables nurses to develop strong
expertise levels for the benefit of practice.
1)the problem of implementing valid research results in nursing practice is well
2)a gap often exists between what is known and what is pracised.
3)continuing professional education has been promoted as one way to bridge
the gap between and practice so the patients may benefit.
4)the term “continuing professional education”, however, often conjures up
images of traditional lectures by experts in dark theatres.
5)a more encompassing description might be “any and all ways by which
(health professionals)learn and change after formal training is completed.”
6)a taxomony of interventions to improve practice has been developed by the
cocharane on Effective professional practice.
 Getting research into practice is not as simple as choosing an
intervention and hoping for the best.

 Mediating factors include the characteristics of the patient and
practitioner and the desired behavior change.
 Furthermore, administrative or financial policies may exist wiyh in
organisations and settings that act as disincentives to improving the
practice of individuals.
 Interventions should ideally be tailored to an individulas stage of change.
Ex:-health professionals might already be aware of the need for cervical
screening and may not require an educational intervention, but they may
need a prompt on patient’s chart.
If practitioners lack of awareness, information, skills the strategies
such as the “Educational Workshop” that invole a high degree of
interaction might be effective.
Planning for improving practice:-
As professionals, we need to develop system of scrutinizing our practice with
a view to self improvement.
1)an initial needs assessment can be accomplished using strategies such as
reflection, reading band discussions with respected peers.
2)it may be that practitioners tend to choose topics in which they have the
greatest interest and are already quite knowledgeable.
3)the next step is to choose a learning activity, there may be discrepancy
between the health professionals preference for a style of continuing education
and what might be most effective in actually improving practice.
4)reading materials can be useful if they are evidence based.secondary
sources such as this journa, research &cocharne library is another important.
5)although short “courses” are popular, practice is likely to improve if lectures
are minimized and a high level of reflection and interaction is encouraged.

Distance education has a opened the portal of universalization of education. It
is a system of education where the students learns by self and progress
according to his own capacity. He/her achieves educational goal by himself
sitting at home or in the study centers with the help of printed assignments,
visual aids and other media.

Distance education or distance learning is a field of education that focuses on
teaching methods and technology methods and technology with the aim of
delivering teaching. Distance education is a form of education in which the
students of universities and they do not attend the regular classes.
Distance education in nursing has greatly influenced the nursing personnel
by the emerging technologies. Nurses no longer need to travel long distance to
attend seminars or conferences instead there are educational program
conducted 24hrs of the day of via the Internet and web TV net work. Technology
of education is being developed with the aim not only making education more
widely available but also of improving the quality of education.
Distance education is systematically organized form of self study in
which student counseling the presentation of learning material and the seeing
and supervising of the student success is carried out by a team of teachers
each of whom has responsibility.
It is a system of rational actions for the imparting of knowledge skills, and
attitudes, where by originally direct social relationship between teacher and
students are substituted to a great extent by indirect relations.
Distance education is an alternative made for receiving highest
education, professional education and technical education, which distinguishes
it from conventional campaus, based made of teaching and learning.
 There are multiple “distance” to be navigated in distance learning
programs.[Granger 1995]
 Knowledge.what do the learners actually know?
 Prior skills.what can they actually can do?
 Language.what is the level of their language ability?
 Culture.what is their cultural background?
 Context.what is the context that learners actually inhabit?
 Learning patterns and styles.what are their learning styles?

 Learning goals and motivation.what needs, interests, goals and
motivations the program assumes that learners have as opposed to the
actual goals and motivations of learners.
1)In distance education, an institution teaches;The teacher prepares the
learning materials from which he himself may never teach.
2)Another teacher may use the material and evaluate students work.
3) The goal of linking learning materials to learning is at his centre of the
organizational structure.
4) It gives new meaning to the concept of the independence of the adult learner.
5) Management of skills are essential.
6)The constant process of writing creatively for distance students, whether
alone or in a course team frame work, poses, problems to staff causing
1) It is aimed at teaching, guiding and supporting the students in all location.
2) It is not only providing certificates and degrees but aklso helps in personal
growth and training for better job prospects, job-enhancement and in-service
3) Brings changes in attitude and knowledge.
4) Provides flexibility of time to enable stuents to pace their studies.
5) Makes education socially more relevant.
6) Promotes habit of life long learning among teachers and thus establish a
learning society of teachers.
7) To impart latest information and skills in the field of education.
8) Provides opportunities for self enrichment and professional upgrading.
1) There is little face to face relationship between the teacher and learner.
2) There is little oral instruction
3) No fixed classroom &lecture room
4) Learning is on individual’s basis
5) It involves use of multi-media approach, postal coaching &education through
radio and television.
6) Learning is on part time basis
7) it’s now applied for teacher education program me i.e. for in-service
education of teachers.
 The separation of teaching behaviors and learning behaviors
 Use of technical media
 Possibility of two-way communication
 Possibility of occasional seminars or meetings between student and
 It is a form of indirect instruction.
Ex:-printed materials, teaching, learning aids, a-v aids and computers.
 A fringe form of ordinary teaching
 Institutionalized form of individuals study
 Education through teaching aids
 Expanded form of teaching by correspondence with feed back
 Special type of mass education
 It is the form of correspondence course
 It is table component of higher education, where the deprived section of
 It accommodates the learner from upper age group, employed, material
status, etc.
 Educational activities:-ex;t.v, radio, video, newspaper or postal
 Distance education programmes are generally developed outside of the
main stream educational net work
 Learning opportunities:-provides supplementary learning opportunities
to the people
 Non-formal education for youth and adult provides, opportunity to learn
various job skills, life skills.
 To improve the primary school instruction.
 It requires careful planning to attain realistic goals.

The different approaches to identify the forms of D.E.
 Use of technical media
 The basis for the learning materials
Printed –based (80%)
Broad casting(100%0
Face to face seminars and summer school or contact classes
 These are cost effective and can be used by people with literacy
problems and it is a successful method of teaching languages.
 Provision for two-way communication
 Possibility of occasional seminars
 The correspondence schools send learning materials by post to the
student,the student studies the materials and posts assignments back to
the institution which makes and comments upon them and posts them
back to student.
 The students will meet their tutor for evaluation of their home-study &for
explanation and preparation of the next stage of learning.
 Indirect communication:-it can be done by means of educating by
 Letter
 Printed education
 A.v.aids
 Programmed learning
 Computer-aided learning
 Independent study
 Private study

 When consideration is given to the influence of an educational
organization especially in the planning and preparation of learning
 Major groupings of institutions

1)privately sponsored
2)publicity sponsored
3)national accrediting bodies
4)government sponsored schools, colleges, universities
 Because of the separation of their students from their teachers are
engaged in the planning or purchase of learning materials and possess
or have access to an integrated range of technical media.
 There is a possibility of two way communication, not only now when
begigning but throughout the course.
1) Extension-programme:-
The ways of extending the expertise of a university or college to new
Eg:-full time, part time, day-time, or conventional lectures on campus.
2) University without walls:-
The design of an individualized programme based on a learening contract
for students with clear learning objectives who can’t realize their whole
educational aspirations through existing programmes.
Ex:-experimental learning
3) Off-campus studies:-
Any programme which does not take place on the central university or
college campus.
4) Experimental-learning:-
It expands the freedom of learners.
Ex:-Admission,selection of courses,individual adaption of the curriculum and
time,goal selection and evaluation.
5)Experimental-Learning Programme:-
Which give credit for prior learning,which did not take place in a lecture
room setting and was not take place in a lecture room setting and was not
sponsored by an educational institution.


Thw vast media exposure,the spirit of democralization overtaking
common people and the new hopes and aspirations getting generated in youth
have led to the phenomenal growth in the field of higher education in our
 The national policy on education [1986], high lighted the role of open
learning and distance education for the democrazation of education in
the country.
 In 1998 open universities open in india for degree and post-degree and
diploma courses.
 All india radio (AIR) and doordarsan dedicated themselves to serve
primarly the educational and informational needs of society,the \y
allotted some time for higher education programmes.
 The IGNOU has been allotted a limited time of 90minutes or deordarsen
national network for telecasting educational programmes.
 Most of the universities which have launched distance educational
programmes largely dependent on printed materials and contact lenses.
 Some universities have developed audio visual [roduction facilities for
distance education.
 But again,these facilities are being utilized only few because not many

a) Combined distance education:-
Two or three forms of study,each of which could lead seperatly to
graduation are incorporated in such a way that they form a new
teaching learning structure.
b) Group distance education:-
A number of students enroll on the same course of distance
education and meet regularly in order to categorize like…..
1. Under graduate students
2. Part-time students
3. Post-graduate students.
1) Under graduate distant students:-

 Take courses to prepare themselves for graduation, these
will be working for their living.
 If they drop out plans for a professional future have failed
and they have to dispense with the vocational promotion
they had in mind.
2) Post time distant students:-
 It includes regular students who had to discontinue their
studies for health family or financial reasons etc..,.
 Use their free time for studying single course at a distance
until they are able to resume their regular studies.
3) Post graduate students:-
 Graduate students employed in the professional who
wish to enroll in distance education courses in order to
continue their education.
These two will enter with regarded to their rank and in national
educational policy.
1) Western countries
2) Eastern countries
3) Technological model
1) Western – Countries:-
a) Rank in national educational policy:-
The educational originally intended to help certain fringe groups to take
part in university studies.
b) Areas of responsibilities:-The establishment of distance education
rests with the departments of university extension or adult education.
c) Integration of the hierarchy of the university:-
Distance education by a selection of the department of university
d) Methods of teaching and learning:-
The schools have contributed considerable experience to the
development of printed teaching material. It was taken over by

2) Eastern – Countries:-
a) Rank in national educational policy:-
Distance education was introduced and developed systematically by the
educational ministers in order to increase the number of qualified
specialistics many branches.
b) Areas of responsibility:-
Centralized planning and co-ordination by the respective ministries of
higher education also adapt the distant study programmes to the
requirements of the economic system.
c) Integration into the hierarchy of the university:-
The organizational structure of distance education provides that
teaching faculty of the universities have to be responsible for their distant
students as well as day students.
d) Methods of teaching and learning:-
Regular consultation periods at week end yearly seminars of several
weeks length.
3) Technological model of distance education:-
The new technology model of distance education is having
advantage is that the techniques of p-lanting,desigining and optimizing projects.
 It is characterized by the calculated use of modern technical media.
Ex:- T.V, radio, computer telephone and tapes.
 II-generation technology:-
Education through air [broad-casting and telecasting]
 III-generation technology:-
Computer based education using software packages, CD-
ROM,multimedia and internet.
 IV-generation technology:-
The two ways audio video (video conferencing) and virtual
Pillars Of Distance Education System:-
1. Study material known as lecture scripts.
2. Personal contact programmes.
3. Student assignment.

4. Electronic media.
5. Study center.
6. Personal guidance.
Studies Of Distance Education in Health Care:-
 The students discussed in this selection were selected because they had
one or all of the following characteristics,
 The population of interest comprised medical, public, health, nursing or
allied health students [working forward a diploma or baccuralaureate] or
health providers in practice or training.
 The intervention under research met the appropriate criteria of being a
distance education program.
 The outcomes assessed were either a combination of overall
achievement as measured by posttest,retention,attitude toward distance
education, cost effectiveness time to learn, performance of skills, and
compliance of trainees.
 The intervention took a place in a developing country health care setting.
 Focusing her attention to undergraduate distance education programs in
nursing, billings (1987).
 She found that a student likely to make progress towards course
completion is one intends to complete the course in three months.
 Who submits the first lesson within 40days of receiving it
 Has a submits the first lesson within 40days of receiving it.
 Has a high Stand GPA, has completed other correspondence courses,
receives family support, and does not require the support of an
 (1996):-also found that distance education students have most
successful when the amount of time set aside for studies were long.

 Flexibility:-students are able to do much of the work at times and
places that suit them.

 It allows students to work and learn at their at their own pace with in
certain limits.
 Wher distance learning is combined with traditional contact
instruction the educator.
 Students can choose course offerings without the possibility of
conflict in times tables.
 In course with large number of students, computer-aided learning
tools help achieve a certain level of standaration.
 It reduces operational costs for institutions.
 By centralizing the development of some of the learning tools, course
development costs colud be lowered.
 Some learners lack self-discline and time management skills to study
 The expenditure required for computer equipment and internet
connections outweighs the usual expenses of taking aconventional
course for some learners.
 Some students feel lonely without face to face contact with other
students, despite the availability of electronic chat rooms or discussions.
 Technical problems may interrupt the instruction and create confusion
and frustration of the educator and students.
 Students could find it difficult tio adopt their learning styles to the
distance education.
 Lack of visual and non verbal cues, isolation and alienation is on issue\
 Those nurses who are working in remote areas and have no facilities of
higher education.
 Those that is unable to join regular courses due to various reasons.
 Those that are already working and cannot be relieved from their duties
by their institutions because of shortage ofnurses and other reasons.
 Those who feel that they can’t cope up with regular couses with in
specific time.

Education is a tool for improving life and is one of the most important needs
for the well being any society. Learning continues throughout life and called
“LIFE LONG LEARNING”. Learning is about improving the knowledge, skills
and attitudes to make life easier, fuller, and longer and enjoyable.Inservice
education is the continuation of education
In-service-education when the employee is in-service or it is an organized
educational programme to assist the individuals in an organization in attending
new skills, knowledge, gaining increased level of competence and growing
professionally.Inservice education may be a part of any program of staff

In-service training or education can be defined as any training activity given to
or sought by firm employees after they have been and which is related to the
work they perform.
“Acc to Bernard Salome”
Inservice education includes all the experiences that teachers acquire after
they start their professional activity in job.
“Acc to Hite or Howe 1977”
Identifying the needs and expectations of participants before the program
stared, meeting their identified expectations and needs during these programs
and providing various opportunities to their involvement to be various levels of
In-service programs.
“Acc to ozen 1995”
 Improve patient care through upgrading the service tendered.
 Individuals nurses acquire new knowledge and improves her
 Improves the professional growth and development.
 This gives up the staff members chance for promotion.
 To enables individuals to be successful in their profession.

 To develop quality in education and to increase the effectiveness of
 To achieve the required knowledge, skills and attitude.
 To develop right concept of client care.
 To maintain high standards of nursing.
 To reduces turnover and absentism.
 To observe and bring change in staff behaviour.
 To keep in face in changing society to meet the employee’s needs.
 Effective production will be observed through their work performance.
 It improves the staff members to get chance for promotion
 Inservice education and training is a basic component of continuing
preparation of professionals and administrators as they extend
 Inservice education should contain atleast the following elements.
 1)orientation of training
 2)clientele to be served
 3)agency or institution affected
 4)financing the programme
 Additionally inservice education must be determined by identified needs
to be job oriented, be of immediate use to an individuals, improves or
extend job related skills, be focused on a specific group of individuals
 It helps the bedside nursing care providers acquire, maintain or increase
their competence in specific areas of practice.
 The inservice training also includes validation of competence for devised
or revised staandards of care and practice and new or revised hospital
policies and procedure.
1) It is providing with job setting:-
It is planned training programmer provided in the job setting to the
employee to perform more effectively.
2) It is planned and ongoing:-

It is ongoing programmed in the employment area given to the
employees to enhance the workers performance in their present job.
3) It is designed to meet their demands of changing needs like scientifically,
technically and medically in respect to patient care and treatment.
4) In-service education mainly focus on effectively and quality of services.
 Helps to improve professional education
 Keep the nursing personal abreast of the trends and development of new
 Helps to update the knowledge and skills at all levels.
 Nurses can update the knowledge regarding current research and
 Develops interest and job statisfaction among the staff.
 Encourage the employees in achieving self development and self
 Develops leadership skills, motivation and better attitudes.
The economic social and medical, technological sciences which affect
the society will affect nursing inservice education.
a)cost of health care:-
it may increase the efficiency of nursing services, but it add’s additional
expenditure on health care delivery system
It requires qualified human resources, leads to increase human resources.
c)changes in nursing practice:-
It leads to frequent changes in the programme and inservice education.
organization of nursing departmental planned approiaches is regular.
Whether the pattern of inservice education to be………..
It has its origin in the belief that the inservice curriculum ought to emanate
from and be conducted by nursing personnel in the central administration.

It leads to reduce spontaneous, interested participation and enthusiasm of
 Budget control and evaluation of the programme are facilitated.
 When use of resources, people, places and things are decided &then
committees are ddirected to work on specific problems identified by
It is based on a conviction that the inservice curriculum for all nursing
personnel should be the responsibilities, in large measure of the practicing
nurse, with whom the personal work.
It is planned band conducted by for the employees of one or more units.
Hazards of decentralized approached will include are, lack of leadership,
conflicts, inefficiency, less or no budget will be expected.
 Those individuals, who work on the same unit and confront
problems in common, share the responsibilities for meeting in-
service needs which planning and implementation of programme.
 Proper contribution of the participants is also expected.
It is compromise between the centralized and decentralized patterns in that,
while the practicing nurse does indeed carry a large measured of responsibility
for the curriculum.
 Co-ordination is improved
 Duplication is avoided and unity of efforts is maintained
 Mutual co-operation and assistance to central administration and unit
personnel in the agency
Inservice education must be planned, scheduled, documented and held
on a continuing basis.
It should be organized based on the needs of the hospital nursing

Need may be the following:-
 Need for development ofd manual, behavioural and communication
skills essential for execution of their jobs.
 Need for development of decision making and material skills.
 Need for introduction to their routine job which are expanding new
higher, complicated.
 Need for development of leadership skills.
 Need for development of analytical and innovative thinking for
investigating the potentialities and efficiency of their job.
1) Orientation:-
Orientation period introduces a new employee to the basic aspect of
her/his job.It providing new employee with basic information about the
employer. Training programme are used to that the new employee has the
basic knowledge required to perform the job satisfactory.
 Orientation and training programme are important components in the
process of developing a committed and flexible high.
 Employers save money, providing big returns to an organization.
 It improves the rate of performance of employees to do their job.
 It helps new employee in solving intial problems and adjust to new
 It helps to familiarize the employee with the philosophies, policies,
and practice with in organization.
 Acquire knowledge their relationship and function.
 To know organizational setup history of the including
policies,routines of the hospital
 Understand the job description of the different categories of the
 To know the staffing pattern with new strategies, salasry facilities
and resendential facilities.


Centralized orientation:-
1)general orientation:-
Physical setup, policies, philosophy, purposes, schedule and role of
2)orientation to nursing departments:
Organization of nursing department, resources availables to nursing
development.Special programme or ward activities like ward conferences.
3)orientation to the hospitals:-
Services available in the hospital for the staff and patients, library facilities,
1)orientation to nursing unit:-
Ward routine, duties taking and handling over changes, clinical
activity, admission and discharge procedure, providing for investigations,
controlling cross infections.
2) orientation to nursing team:-
Duties, responsibilities, and functions of each team member, methods
and tools for report and challenging patient care information &evaluative

Simply hiring and placing the employees in jobs does not ensure their
success. In fact, even tenured employees may need training, because of
changes in the organizational environment and new techniques and
It is learning process by which we acquire and improve knowledge skills,
concepts and attitudes. I t helps new employee, how to carry on the assigned
functions and develop knowledge and skills required to do particular task.
 It enhances the employee standard of working performance.
 It lessens the direct supervision needed by the employer.
 Reduces friction.

 Provides the job satisfaction &perform correct method.
 Lessen the wrong method being carried out.
 Understand “how and why”
Leadership and management skills are necessary for nursing practice.
[Sullivan 1992]
 Technical skills
 Human skills
 Conceptual skills
 Diagnostic skills
 Mentor/coach skills
Acquirimg management skills by:-
 Education and training
 Experience
 Preceptor/mentor relationship.
Types of training:-
After specific training goals have been established, training sessions should be
scheduled to provide the employee an opportunity to meet his/her goals.
 Basic literacy training
 Technical training
 Inter- personal skill training
 Problem solving training
 Diversity training
Acc to Harvard John Katter
He says that management is about coping with complexity and
leadership, in contrast, is about coping with change. He also states that
leadership is an important part of management, but only a part, management
also requires planning, organizing, staffing and controlling.
It produces a degree of predictability and order, leadership products change.
1) Decentralize leadership management competency and spread this
among personnel.
2) Permit increased delegation of authority.

3) Promote good morals among administrative personnel.
4) Aid in reducing costly turn over in top positions.
5) Level up appreciation of service and objectives of hospital.
6) Assist the individual to project her own personality in the job.
7) Lessen amount of direct supervision and guidance needed.
Skills for management success:-
It is designed to develop four critical skills for management
and supervisory success.
-leadership skills
-communication skills
-performance management skills
-decision making and planning skills
Areas Of Leadership Management:-
1) Self confidence
2) Communication skills
3) Leadership skills
4) Coaching and mentoring
5) Eliminating public speaking fear
6) Being persuasive and characteristic/charismatic.
7) Hiring and training employees
8) Developing esteem from peers and direct repots.
Methods Of Delivering In-service Education:-
 Ward teaching
 Discussion
 Laboratory
 Conferences
 Seminars
 Work shop
 Field trips,etc
Stages of in-service education:-
1) Analysis:-

 Analyze needs, goals, priorities, resources, constraints and alternate
delivery system, determine scope and sequence of training
 There are many ways to collect information about the needs.
 The in-service training designer must know which method is
 Needs should be arrived at systematically by identifying
discrepancies between current conditions or outcomes.
2) Design:-
 Determining training approach, develop learning objectives,
performance measures and training program specifications.
 The overall curriculum is outlined and the foundation for the
construction of the training program is developed.
3) Development:-
 Develop curriculum guide, lesson plan, supportive media and
politest/revise materials.
 The analysis and design phases explain what will be taught; what tasks
trainees need to learn to perform and what learning elements are
involved in those tasks.
Ex:-steps, knowledge, skills, safety.
4) Implementation:-
 Implement training plan, conduct training, formative evaluation and
document training results.
 Implementing the plan to use.
5) Evaluation:-
 By conducting summative evaluation, analyze collected information and
initiate corrective actions.
 Evaluation of trainee progress and achievements.
 The results of evaluation feed back into the beginning of the process
analysis is to provide a basis for planning future program modifications
or additions;in other words, the systems approach is a circular process.
 One must ensure through evaluation that teacher has to identify the right
tasks abd analyze them accurately and completely.

 Under the general supervision. The director of nursing, is responsible for
patient care related staff development activities, including needs…..
 Assess ongoing nursing staff development needs for the organization
and for individual within the organization.
 Develops and implements group and individualized staff development
 It includes course design and training materials.
 Develops community house resources which can be used to meet staff
development needs.
 Acts as a presenter for educational programs; accesses films, tapes,
books, for staff review.
 Develop individuals and group programmes.
 To more work productively and teach according to time necessities,
teachers who take the responsibility.
 Inservice training programs should be reconstructed taking the
expectations and needs of the teachers into consideration.
Models works by using three levels of training, learning experiences to
build a base of new and improved knowledge and skills accompanied by
attitudinal change.
From this strengthened knowledge base, it should result an improved
standard patient care and increased job satisfaction for nurses.
1) General program:-
 Short courses are organized. Course topics are relevant to all nurses
regardless of practice area.
 Topics like nursing process, intravenous therapy.

 It is a three to four week period consisting of sessions held for two hours
once a week, during work time.
 Course period will be considered as on duty only.
2) Hospital specific programs:-
 It is held in a regular basis in a central area.
 They may take the videotape or film followed by discussion,
demonstration of equipment or a formal lecture.
 Each session should be 45min duration.
 Subjects covered by these programs are specific to the individual
hospital general, paediatric, or obstetric.
 Staff are encouraged to request programs on issues of interest or
 Head nurses, nursing supervisors, nursing superintendents also provide
Conducting an inservice education program in nursing educational
 The principal or the nursing administrator will organize faculty
development programs, staff development programs, leadership training
 For newly appointed staff;….orientation program, inservice training
program through the workshop, seminars, conferences, demonstrations,
discussions will be organized.
 The report will be written and maintained ina register, the little of the
program, the number of participants, duration, discussions in brief, the
resource persons, organizational committee, representatives and their
experiences will be recorded.
Benefits of in-service education:-
High quality patient care
Increased job satisfaction
New/ improved knowledge &skills, attitudinal change.

The journal of American nurses association:-

Continuing education for nurses-nursing professional development builds
the basic education and experience of nurses throughout their professional
careers for the ultimate goals of nursing ensuring the quality of health care to
the public.Although professional nurses remain ultimately responsible for their
ongoing professional development.Through these activities nurses can earn
continuing education contact hours known as continuing education units.
 Adult education:-
Adult education is a practice in which adults engage in systematic
and sustained self-educating activities in order to gain new forms of
knowledge, skills, attitude or values.It can mean any form of learning
skills adults engage in beyind traditional schooling,encompassing basic
literacy to personnel fulfillment as a life long learner.Driven by
demographics, globalization and technology.Adult education can be in
any of the three contxts i.e.formal, non-formal&informal education.
Research in systematic enquiry that uses disciplined methods to answer
questions or solve problems. The ultimate goal of research is to develop, refine
and expand a body of knowledge. The main advantages of continuing nursing
education are acquired specialized skill of personnel and meet technological
adjuncts, clinical specialist is needed for direct patient care and for teaching
and consultative roles to help the students and staff nurses to reach higher level
of competency and it provides opportunities for educational growth compatible
with the realities of both work situation and home responsibilities. In the world
scientific advancement technologic innovation, social changes are occurring
rapidly new patterns of health care personnel are emerging to these needs and
demands qualified nurses are essential.
Continuing education in research ethics for the clinical nurse:-
 Continui9ng education that enhances clinical nurses awareness of the
ethical issues involved in research assures nurses have the knowledge
and ethical sensitivity needed to act as patient advocates and improves
the protection of human rights.
Distance education is an important means for nursing knowledge to
become wide spread. Although distance learning is seen as a strategy for
providing solutions for educational problems such as insuffiency of lectures, an
oncoming deficit for nurses, and the un availability of continuing education of
“Acc to turkey.”
The nursing profession is challenged to meet evolving health care needs of
populations, while maintaining the standards and integrity of the profession.
Limited resources in health care and nursing education compelled the nursing
profession to embrace distance education as a way of upgrading the
qualifications large number of nurses in a timely manner without disrupting
service delivery. All distance education programmers’ in nursing are post –basic
programmers and Are presented certificate, diploma and degree level. Distance
education provides opportunities to combine family and work responsibilities
while engaging in continuous professional development.


Nursing is a dynamic profession that is subject to rapid changes in health
profession, provision, hence the need for in service training programmers’ for
nurses. Newly employed registered nurses require in service training in order
to update them regarding the latest developments in nursing practice. The
researcher noted that some newly appointed registered nurses were not
competent in all aspects relating to their tasks. This could have been due to a
knowledge deficit relating to either new developments or of the procedure
relating to a specific task. In-service institutions newly appointed registered
nurses on probation reported not receiving in-service training for six-month or
longer yet they were still expected to perform their tasks efficiently.
“Van RooyenD, Strumpher.J”.

Continuing Nursing Education is important for nurses because learning is
continuous process, to improve their knowledge, skills and practice I their field
.In this content cover the continuing nursing education- definition, need,
importance, philosophy, elements, principles, agencies, adult education,
planning, programmed, implementation, and evaluation of continuing education
in nursing, research in continuing education, inservice education programme.
Continuing nursing education is absolutely essential for nurses to provide
safe, competent care to the patients. It is also necessary to be able to respond
positively to advanced medical and technological changes in third age of rapid
and constant as well, as to prevent professional adoloscences. Continuing
education in nursing consists of planned organized learning experiences
designed to augment the knowledge, skills and attitudes for the enhancement
of nursing practice, with the goal of improving health care to the public.


Teacher refernces:-
 D.Elakkuvana Bhaskara Raj Nima Bhaskar, [2013], Text book of nursing
education,1st edition,published by jitendari P.vij,Emess
publishers,Banglore, page no: 317-332.
 K.P.Neeraja,[2011], Text book of communication and education
technology for nurses,1st edition, published by Jaypee brothers,new
delhi, page no:328-346.
 M.Suneetha, [2015], Text boik of managemnent of nursing services and
educat1st edition,frontline publications,page no:653-684.
 K.P.Neeraja, [2003], Text book of nursing education, published by
jithendar P.vij,Jaypee publishers,page no:363-397.
 Eshita chanda,[2011], Text book of introduction to nursing education,
published by S.Vikas,P.V.publications,page no:243-258.

 D.Elakkuvana Bhaskara Raj Nima Bhaskar,[2013], “Text book of nursing
education,1st edition,published by jithendar P.vij,Emess
publishers,Banglore,page no:317-332.
 K.P.Neeraja,[2011],”Text book of communication and education
technology for nurses,1st edition,published by Jaypee brothers,New
Delhi,page no:328-343.
 Trends in nursing,Distance education in nursing, 2011,may, volume-1,
No:1,page no:-201.
 International journal of science and research,research, in continuing
education program,2016,January volume-5,page no:-611.
 Procedia social and behaviour sceinces,distance education in
nursing,2013,February,page no:-306-508.
 NCBI pibmed,inserved education and training as experienced by
registered nurses,2004,volume:-4,November,page no:-72.
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 http://www.nursing continuing education.
 http://en.m program….


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