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1, JANUARY 2016 3

A Decentralized Hierarchical Control Structure and

Self-Optimizing Control Strategy for F-P Type
DGs in Islanded Microgrids
Huanhai Xin, Member, IEEE, Rui Zhao, Leiqi Zhang, Zhen Wang, Member, IEEE,
Kit Po Wong, Fellow, IEEE, and Wei Wei

Abstract—A decentralized and self-optimizing control strategy

is proposed for the frequency-power droop type distributed gen-
erators (DGs). The main characteristics of the proposed control
strategy are the following: 1) it is hierarchical and fully decen-
tralized, i.e., the functions of primary, secondary and tertiary
frequency control can be realized locally, with the microgrid
centralized controller making communication networks unneces-
sary and 2) it can make DGs share loads according to the equal
incremental principle. Simulation results verify the effectiveness
of the proposed control strategy. Fig. 1. Types of DGs control. (a) F-P type DG. (b) P-F type DG.
Index Terms—Decentralized, frequency-power droop, hierar-
chical, power-frequency droop, self-optimizing.
“grid-supporting-grid-forming” proposed in [1]. However, the
I. I NTRODUCTION former focuses more on control concept, and conventional syn-
N A microgrid, most distributed generators (DGs) are
I usually based on voltage source (VS) converter, and the
control of DGs can be generally classified into two basic types
chronous machines are obviously of F-P type even though they
are grid-forming generators.
The DGs with both F-P and P-F types in a microgrid
according to the manners in which they support the microgrid. are generally hierarchically controlled by a microgrid central-
1) Frequency-Power Droop Type (F-P Type): The DGs of ized controller (MGCC) to balance the power of DGs and
this type usually operate as current sources (CS), and the loads [2], and to make the microgrid operate in a cost-
they support the microgrid via an F-P type control strat- effective way [3]. However, the MGCC seriously relies on
egy, as shown in Fig. 1(a). Namely, the active power communication and the whole control structure becomes very
of the converter is controlled according to the measured complicated. To address this issue, a fully distributed control
frequency. Typical applications of this control strategy strategy is proposed in [4] for P-F type DGs, which can make
include photovoltaic generators and energy storage in all DGs share loads according to their costs.
CS modes. Nonetheless, the control strategy in [4] cannot work for
2) Power-Frequency Droop Type (P-F Type): The DGs of those F-P type DGs due to its lacking of power control
this type usually operate as VSs, and they support the reference. To overcome this weakness, a novel decentralized
microgrid using a P-F type control strategy, as shown and self-optimizing control strategy is proposed here for the
in Fig. 1(b). Namely, the converter is controlled to form droop control chain of the F-P type DGs in Fig. 1(a), while
the frequency according to the measured power output the classic double-loop control strategy is used for the current
directly. control chain. An illustration of the proposed control strategy
Note that the concepts of F-P type and P-F type are respec- is presented in Fig. 2, which mainly includes two parts: 1) the
tively similar to those of “grid-supporting-grid-feeding” and hierarchical frequency control (HFC) and 2) frequency track-
ing control (FTC). The control structure is hierarchical and
Manuscript received February 10, 2015; revised June 21, 2015; accepted
August 3, 2015. Date of publication September 16, 2015; date of current the control strategy has two distinct characteristics: 1) DG’s
version December 19, 2015. This work was supported in part by the National active power can converge to the optimal operation point, i.e.,
High Technology Research and Development Program of China under Grant DGs have self-optimizing function and 2) no communication
2015AA050202, and in part by the National Nature Science Foundation of
China under Grant 51177146 and 51577168. Paper no. PESL-00031-2015. or MGCC is needed.
H. Xin, R. Zhao, L. Zhang, Z. Wang, and W. Wei are with the Department
of Electrical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China
K. P. Wong is with the School of Electrical, Electronic and Computer
Engineering, University of Western Australia, Perth, WA 6009, Australia. A. Hierarchical Frequency Control
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
online at The HFC includes three parts: 1) the decentralized primary
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TSG.2015.2473096 control (DPC); 2) the decentralized secondary control (DSC);
1949-3053 c 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.


Fig. 2. Proposed control strategy for DG in CS mode.

and 3) the decentralized tertiary control (DTC). The control

law, shown in Fig. 1, can be expressed as
fi,obj = fpri (Pi ) + fsec α, fi,obj /(1 + T2 s)
(a) (b)
+ fter (β, Pi , λi (Pi ))/(1 + T3 s) (1)
Fig. 3. Simulation case. (a) Microgrid topology. (b) CIV curves of DGs.
where fi,obj is the objective frequency, Pi is the active power of
the ith DG; T2 and T3 are the time constants of two low-pass
filters; fpri (Pi ), fsec (α, fi,obj ), and fter (β, Pi , λi (Pi )) are inevitable. To accelerate the response, the feedforward control
law is designed as follows:
fpri (Pi ) = fmax − di Pi (2)
fsec α, fi,obj = α fnom − fi,obj (3) Pforward
i,ref = Si − KfP fi,meas − fmin (6)
fter (β, Pi , λi (Pi )) = fmax − di Si βλi (Pi ) − fpri (4) where KfP = Si /( fmax − fmin ). Thus, the active power ref-
erence for the current control in Fig. 1 can be calculated
where di = ( fmax − fmin )/Si , fnom is the nominal frequency,
from (5) and (6)
fmax and fmin are the frequency limits, Si is the apparent power
capacity, and α and β are the gain and coefficient of the DSC Pi,ref = Pback
i,ref + Pi,ref .
and DTC, respectively. λi (Pi ) denotes the cost incremental
value (CIV) function, which is the derivative function of the The FTC can make the microgrid frequency track the objec-
ith DG’s cost and usually is an increasing function [5]. tive frequency via PI control, so all the DGs can operate at
The DPC is a conventional linear droop control architecture the EIP point mentioned above.
and has good dynamics by choosing appropriate parameters. Note that the DPC, DSC, and DTC are fully decentralized,
The DSC is designed to make the objective frequency close to so the proposed control strategy can exhibit self-optimizing
nominal frequency by choosing an appropriate α. The DTC is function without communication or MGCC.
a nonlinear droop control considering the CIV of DGs. Note
that if the microgrid frequency can track the objective fre- III. S IMULATION V ERIFICATION
quency (which is achieved by a tracking control below), the An islanded microgrid with the topology shown in
DTC can make all DGs operate at the equal incremental prin- Fig. 3(a) is considered for simulation study, in which three
ciple (EIP) point, i.e., in steady state each DG’s CIV will 1 MW F-P type DGs (Nos. 1, 3, and 5) use the proposed con-
be equal and as a result the total cost of the microgrid is trol strategy to control the active power, and the reactive power
minimized [4], [5]. The two low-pass filters are designed to is controlled by the conventional V-Q droop control in [1]. The
decouple the dynamics of the DPC, DSC, and DTC, similar other two 1 MW P-F type DGs (Nos. 2 and 4) adopt the control
to those in [4], such that the fast dynamics and steady state strategy in [4] to provide the frequency and voltage support for
of the microgrid are determined by (2) and (4), respectively. the microgrid. The system parameters are as follows: T2 = 2 s,
T3 = 2.5 s, α = 20, β = 1/3, fnom = 50 Hz, fmin = 49 Hz,
B. Frequency Tracking Control fmax = 51 Hz, KP = 2, and KI = 20. All DGs’ CIV functions
The FTC is composed of two parts: 1) the feedback control have the uniform form [5]: λi (Pi ) = ai Pi + bi exp(ci Pi ) + di ,
and 2) the feedforward control. the detailed data are given in Table I and the corresponding
The feedback control law is a proportional-integral (PI) curves are plotted in Fig. 3(b).
control as follows: The initial total load is 2.5 MW and two scenarios are con-
 sidered: 1) at t = 30 s, the load increases to 3.0 MW and 2) at
i,ref = K f
P i,obj − f i,meas + KI fi,obj − fi,meas dt (5) t = 45 s, the load increases to 3.5 MW. Fig. 4(a) shows the
microgrid frequency and Fig. 4(b) shows DGs’ CIVs.
where fi,meas is the microgrid measured frequency and It follows from Fig. 4(a) that the frequency deviation has
KP and KI are the parameters of the PI controller. a short transient process when load is increased, it can rapidly
Note that the feedback control acts only when the devia- converge to steady state and the maximum deviation is less
tion between fi,obj and fi,meas is detected, so the time delay is than 0.05 Hz. Fig. 4(b) illustrates that all DGs can reach

A decentralized and self-optimizing control strategy is pro-
posed for F-P type DGs, which can perform hierarchical
control function and realize optimal power allocation among
DGs without communication or MGCC. Moreover, the pro-
posed control strategy can be further extended to synchronous
generators, since common synchronous generator is of F-P
type though it is a VS.

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