alphaTUB Poster For IISF 2019

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Randomized Control Trials to Conduct Impact Assessment of alphaTUB for Language and Literacy

Development among Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Navneet Kalia1
Founder & CEO,

About alphaTUB ~ Early Literacy Development Tool for

Children with Autism
The patented alphaTUB is world’s most innovative early
literacy tool. alphaTUB embodies proven strategies and
practices for teaching literacy to students with ASD.
alphaTUB has been adopted as a key tool by hundreds of
teachers, schools across the world and by many ABA
practitioners across USA.

Challenges of Language & Literacy Development
Difficulties in Children with Autism
Research has identified that children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) often exhibit difficulties in language
acquisition, literacy development, and social interaction. The purpose of the RCT was to conduct the impact assessment
of alphaTUB as tool for promoting early literacy for children with ASD.

RCT by GRIID for Effectiveness of alphaTUB for Early
In Sept 2019, alphaTUB in collaboration with at GRIID,
Government Rehabilitation Institute For Intellectual
Disabilities at Chandigarh, initiated randomized control trials
(RCT) for children with autism. Six children with severe
autism were identified for the intervention from preparatory &
primary learning classes. Three Special Educators were
assigned 2 children each. The objective of the project was to
use alphaTUB with identified children and record the impact.
The results present to us encouraging and positive trends on the impact of alphaTUB within a short span.

Results & Discussion

1. All children exhibited above average results using
standard content sheets
2. One among the six children was who was provided with
personalized content demonstrated a 4-fold gain in
vocabulary learning.
3. More studies may be required for comprehensive results.

Conclusion & Summary

Despite extensive awareness about the language development
in children with ASD, there is still a limited amount of
research on their literacy development. Based on inputs from
hundreds of schools, teachers, and ABA practitioners, alphaTUB plans to conduct large scale studies for development
of comprehensive alphaTUB Therapy for Early Literacy. alphaTUB is inviting wider collaborations for large scale
pilot projects. Write to us at

References; Dr. Priti Arun, Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Govt Search for Keyword “alphaTUB”
Medical College and Hospital, Chandigarh & Joint Director, GRIID, see @ Facebook or Youtube Visit;
Email us;

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