Quantum State Measurement by Realistic Heterodyne Detection

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Quantum State Measurement by Realistic Heterodyne Detection

Matteo G. A. Paris
Arbeitsgruppe ’Nichtklassiche Strahlung’ der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft an der Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin,
Rudower Chaussee 5, 12489 Berlin,Germany †
(4 Aug 1995)

developments have extended the method to data coming

The determination of the quantum properties of a single from inefficient detectors [5]. These various procedures,
mode radiation field by heterodyne or double homodyne de-
unitarily referred to as quantum tomography, provide a
tection is studied. The realistic case of not fully efficient pho-
nice and powerful tools for investigating the quantum
todetectors is considered. It is shown that a large amount of
properties of radiation field leading to the maximum in-
arXiv:quant-ph/9511017v1 14 Nov 1995

quite precise information is avalaible whereas the complete-

formation achievable on the measured state. However,
ness of such information is also discussed. Some examples
are given and the special case of states expressed as a finite they require the detection of many field quadratures x̂ϕj ,
superposition of number states is considered in some detail. j =, 1, ..., N and thus a lot of repeated measurements
on the state under examination. A systematic approach
1994 PACS number(s): 42.50.Dv; 03.65.Bz; 42.65.Ky. to precision of quantum tomography is in progress [6]
however, a preliminary study [7] has indicated that its
determination of some field properties can be very noisy
relative to the direct measurements of the same quanti-

In order to get information about a quantum state one

has to measure some observable. A question immedi- II. REALISTIC HETERODYNE DETECTION
ately arises: is this information complete ? Namely, does
it fully specify the quantum state under examination ? In this paper a different approach to quantum state
The answer is generally negative: the measurement of measurement will be investigated. The crucial remark
only one observable show up only an aspect of a physical is that the density matrix in the coherent state repre-
system whereas a complete description requires a deeper sentation hα|ρ̂|αi is a positive definite function and thus
inspection. However, the measurement of several differ- can be directly measured for any quantum state of ra-
ent observables could require considerable efforts. There- diation field. Indeed, it is known that the so called
fore it is a matter of interest to compare the simplicity Husimi Q-function W−1 (α, ᾱ) = hα|ρ̂|αi represents the
and the feasibility of a measurement, or a set of mea- outcomes probability distribution [8–10] of both the het-
surements, with the provided amount of information. In erodyne [11] and the double homodyne [12] detection
addition, one has to weigh up the precision of such an scheme when equipped with ideal photodetectors. On
information. the other hand its smoothed versions
The complete description of a quantum state is con- Z 2
tained in the density operator ρ̂, or for pure state in d β |α − β|2
Ws (α, ᾱ) = W−1 (β, β̄) exp{−2 } , (1)
the wave function. Therefore, a measurement leading π 1+s
to the density matrix in some representation provides, in
principle, all the knowable information about the mea- emerge from realistic devices in which not fully efficient
sured state. It has been shown theoretically [1] that detectors are involved. The parameter s depends on
the Wigner function W0 (α, ᾱ) [2] of a field mode can quantum efficiency as [13,14]
be reconstructed starting from the homodyne measure-
ments of a continuos set ϕ ∈ [−π, π) of field quadratures s = 1 − 2η −1 . (2)
x̂ϕ = 1/2(ae−iϕ + a† eiϕ ). Later this procedure has been Starting from heterodyne, or equivalently from double
applied to coherent and squeezed states [3] using a fi- homodyne [15], detection we can evaluate some quantity
nite set of phases ϕi , i = 1, ...27, upon a smoothing on O of interest as an average over the experimental distri-
experimental data. More recently a procedure suitable bution
to finite sampling has been suggested for recovering ma- Z 2
trix elements in the Fock representation [4] and latest d α
O = hÔi = Ws (α, ᾱ) Fs [Ô](α, ᾱ) , (3)

where Fs [Ô](α, ᾱ) is a non operatorial function related

E-mail Address: PARIS@PV.INFN.IT. to the s-ordering, in the boson operator expansion, of the

Permanent Address: Dipartimento di Fisica ’Alessandro corresponding observable Ô [16]. Denoting by {Ô}s the
Volta’, Universitá di Pavia, v. Bassi 6, 27100, Pavia, Italia. s-ordered form of an operator we have for example

a† a = {a† a}s + 21 (s − 1) d2 α
hein̂φ i = W1−2η−1 (α, ᾱ)
a†2 a2 = {a†2 a2 }s + 2(s − 1){a† a}s + 21 (s − 1)2 , (4) π
X∞  k
1 − eiφ
and thus × Lk (η|α|2 ) . (11)
Fs [n̂](α, ᾱ) = |α|2 + 21 (s − 1)
Then, using properties of Laguerre polynomials [18], we
c2 ](α, ᾱ) = |α|4 + (2s − 1)|α|2 + 1 s(s − 1) ,
F s [n (5)
2 arrive at the formula (valid for 0 ≤ φ < arccos(1 − η 2 /2)]
for the mean photon number and for the number fluctu- Z 2
in̂φ η d α
ations. Similarly, we can investigate the squeezing prop- he i = W1−2η−1 (α, ᾱ)
η − 1 + eiφ π
erties of the examined state by means of the s-ordering
of the field quadrature fluctuations η(1 − eiφ )|α|2
× exp{ }. (12)
h i 1  2 −2iϕ  1 − eiφ − η
Fs xc 2 (α, ᾱ) =
ϕ α e + ᾱ2 e2iϕ + 2|α|2 + s , (6)
4 Eq. (3) is also suitable for a reliable estimation of er-
and also checking the uncertainty product. This proce- rors in the determination of the various expectation val-
dure can be generalized in order to evaluate any field ues. In practical situation, in fact, one has at disposal
correlation which is of interest. In fact, any t-ordered a finite sample of Ws (α, ᾱ) and thus the integral in for-
moment {a†n an+d }t , with arbitrary t, can be written in mula (3) has to replaced by the corresponding statistical
terms of a finite number of s-ordered moment by means sampling
of the formula [16] X
O= Ws (αj , ᾱj )Fs [Ô](αj , ᾱj ) . (13)
{a†n an+d }t = j∈data
Xn   n−k
(d + n)! n s−t
{a†n an+k }s , (7) According to the law of large numbers O approaches hÔi
(d + k)! k 2
k=0 in the limit of infinite number of sampling data, whereas
for finite sample we have a confidence interval O ± δO,
where also s is arbitrary. The expectation value of any t- with δO given by
ordered moment can thus be evaluated by an average over
the different ordered distribution Ws (α, ᾱ). The special s X
case in which the parameters t and s are choosen to be δO = Ws (αj , ᾱj )Fs2 [Ô](αj , ᾱj ) − O . (14)
t = 1 and s = 1 − 2η −1 is of interest as it allows to ob- j∈data
tain the normal ordered field correlations ha†n an+d i in
terms of a finite numbers of heterodyne measured mo- Some examples of the present reconstruction procedure
ments ha†k ak+d iη . We have can be given by means of numerical simulations of realis-
tic heterodyne detection. In Fig. 1 I report the results for
X   n−k the mean photon number hn̂i determination at different
†n n+d (d + n)! n 1
ha a i= − values of the quantum efficiency for coherent states of dif-
(d + k)! k η
k=0 ferent amplitudes. Fig. 1a shows the results from hetero-
Z dyne detection and Fig. 1b that ones from a direct pho-
d2 α
× W1−2η−1 (α, ᾱ) αk+d ᾱk , (8) todetection. The two determinations are also compared
π in Fig. 1c. In making such a comparison the same num-
or in a more compact form ber of repeated measurements on the field have to be con-
sidered. In a scheme of N repeated measurements of the
(−)n n! quantity x, the accuracy δx rescales as δx ∝ N −1/2 . The
ha†n an+d i = proportionality costant generally depends on the kind of
Z 2 detection. If the outcomes x̄ are distributed around the
d α
× W1−2η−1 (α, ᾱ)αd Ldn (η|α|2 ) (9) true value x according to the probability p(x̄|x), the er-
π ror for N repeated measurements is always bounded by
where Ldn (x) denotes Laguerre polynomials. An interest- the Cramer-Rao inequality [19] Rδx ≥ (F N )−1/2 , F be-
ing application of Eq. (9) lies in the evaluation of the ing the Fisher information F = dx̄ [∂x p(x̄|x)]2 /p(x̄|x).
expectation value hein̂φ i of the shift operator. Starting For Gaussian distributed data one has F = 1/σ 2 , with
from normal ordering σ 2 the variance of the distribution, and the lower bound
for precision is achieved. In practical situations, in order
ein̂φ = (eiφ−1 )k a†k ak /k! , (10) to evaluate the precision δx, one takes advantage of the
central limit theorem [19], which assures that the par-
tial averages over a block of Nb data is always Gaussian
we have, in fact distributed around the global average over many blocks.

Thus, one evaluates precision by dividing the ensemble III. DENSITY MATRIX RECONSTRUCTION
of data into subensembles, and then calculates the r.m.s.
deviation of subensemble averages with respect to the Let us now deal with the completeness of the informa-
global one. tion coming from heterodyne detection. Is it possible, as
From Fig. 1 it is apparent that the method works also an example, to determine the whole number distribution
for low efficiency of the photodetectors even though the ? The matrix elements ρn+k,n in the Fock representation
results are slightly more noisy than ones from direct de- are the expectation values of the generalized projectors
tection. However, this level of introduced noise can be
considered as admissible in sight of the further informa- a†n an+d
tion available from the same data sample. Moreover, it P̂n,n+k = |nihn + k| = √ |0ih0| p . (17)
n! (n + d)!
has to be noticed (see Ref. [7]) that tomographic deter-
mination of hn̂i introduces a very large amount of noise, Using the Louisell expansion of the vacuum [17]
even for unit quantum efficiency. Fig. 2 illustrates the
application in recovering field fluctuations on a squeezed X (−ε)p
state and a number state for different values of the quan- |0ih0| = lim a†p ap , (18)
tum efficiency.
About the determination of the phase some further
considerations are in order. Heterodyne detection, in we can write P̂n,n+k in terms of normal ordered moments
fact, is by itself a phase detectors as the marginal dis- X (−ε)p
tribution P̂n,n+k = p lim a†n+p an+p+k .
Z ∞ n!(n + k)! ε→1− p p!
Ps (φ) = ρ dρ Ws (ρeiφ , ρe−iφ ) , (15) (19)

represents a phase distribution of the measured state Eq. (19) is suitable to apply Eq. (7). After a straighfor-
[14,20]. We have thus at disposal not only the mean value ward calculation we get the reconstruction formula (3)
of the phase and the fluctuations but also the whole prob- for the matrix elements
ability distribution. The distribution in Eq. (15) does s
X∞  q  
not coincide (even for η = 1 ) with the canonical phase n n! 1 q
ρn+k,n = (−)
distribution [10,20] (n + k)! q=n η n

Z 2
1 X i(n−m)φ d α
P (φ) = heiφ |ρ̂|eiφ i = e ρn,m , (16) × W1−2η−1 (α, ᾱ) αk Lkq (η|α|2 ) . (20)
2π n,m π

Unfortunately, Eq. (20) is not suitable for statistical sam-

and it is generally broadened relative to (16). In Fig. 3 pling as the interchange of integration and summation
the phase distribution obtained for a squeezed vacuum is is not mathematically allowed [24]. The analytical ex-
reported for experiments carried out with different val- pression of Ws (α, ᾱ) is needed and thus some smoothing
ues of the quantum efficiency. The distributions broaden procedure on sampled data is required, unavoidably in-
when the quantum efficiency decreases but the crucial troducing some a priori hypothesis on the state under
information about phase bifurcation [21] is not lost also examination [25]. However, Eq. (20) is far from being
for for very inefficient detectors. a purely formal tool. In many situations, in fact, one
The results obtained until now can be summarized in has some information about the considered state and
the following assertions: i) starting from heterodyne de- thus some suggestions on parametryzing Wigner func-
tection many properties of the measured state can be tions. Moreover, the distributions Ws (α, ᾱ) for s ≤ −1
determined at one go; ii) this determination is slightly are smoothed functions by themselves [16] and generally
more noisy than the corresponding ones from direct mea- do not exhibit large or fast oscillations. Therefore we may
surements of the same quantities one at times, even for expect the smoothing not leading to a dramatic lost of
unit quantum efficiency of the photodetectors. However, information and, at the same time, to not introduce fake
this behaviour is not unexpected as heterodyne detec- information. The completeness of information coming
tion involves the joint measurement of non commuting from heterodyne detection cannot, anyhow, be claimed
observables, and thus the unavoidably addition of noise in a general way.
by first principles [22,23]. This is not the case of quan- The reconstruction of the entire density matrix (in the
tum tomography where each homodyne measurement is Fock representation) and thus a complete description of
independently performed and noise is introduced by data the state is possible for the special case of states with a
processing itself. finite number of moments different from zero. Examples
of such a states are provided by finite superpositions of
number states

X whereas the present one can also be applied in the general
|ψi = ψn |ni . (21) case. In fact, the only requirement for writing Eq. (20)
n=0 in the sampling-suited form (22) is that the measured
The latter can be produced in different manner in a high- state possesses only a finite number of moments different
Q cavities [26,27] and also by a special non linear inter- from zero. This condition can obviously be fulfilled also
action [28]. If the moments a†n am vanish for n or m by finite mixtures. It has also to be mentioned that a de-
beyond a certain value the series in Eq. (19) are actually tection scheme for the Pegg-Barnett phase distribution
truncated and Eq. (20) becomes suitable to a statistical has not been devised yet. Thus the phase distribution
sampling needed by the algorithms in [30] can only be inferred by
other state measurement schemes such as homodyning or
s Z 2 quantum tomography.
(−)n n! d α
ρn+k,n = n W1−2η−1 (α, ᾱ) αk Apart from the above considerations I consider the re-
η (n + k)! π liability of the present method in evaluating the confi-
dence interval on matrix elements determinations as its
N −n−k
1 main advantage.
× Lkp+n (η|α|2 ) . (22)
p η

The value of N has to be choosen large enough to ensure IV. CONCLUSION

the cancellation of any moment a†N +j aN +i , i, j = 0, 1, ....
In practice one can start with a large value of N and then In conclusion, quantum state measurement by hetero-
optimizing it by means of some stability criterion. In any dyne or double homodyne detectors has been shown to
case the precise value of N is not needed by the algo- provide a large amount of quite precise information. It
rithm. In Table I I report the results of this procedure cannot lead to a complete specification of the measured
when applied to the state state due to the singularity in some s-ordering (s ≤ −1)
of operators. To the knowledge of the author it repre-
1 sents, at current time, the best compromise between the
|ψi = √ (|0i + i|2i) , (23)
2 conflicting necessity of precise and complete state mea-
using photodetectors with an overall quantum efficiency I would thank ’Angelo Della Riccia’ foundation for a
equal to η = 0.9. The reliability of the method is appar- research grant and Prof. Harry Paul for valuable hints.
ent. The same degree of precision can be obtained with I am also very grateful to Valentina De Renzi for crucial
lower efficiency using a larger sample. encouragements.
The problem of reconstructing the density matrix of
field-states with finite numbers occupation has been con-
sidered also by other authors, in particular in the context
of the so-called Pauli’s phase retrieval problem, where
two experimentally determined probability distributions
are needed. Orlowsky and Paul proposed in [29] an algo-
rithm to recover the entire wavefunction (21), assuming [1] K. Vogel, H.Risken, Phys. Rev. A40, 2847 (1989).
that the moduli of the wavefunction are known in the [2] I adopt the usual definition for the generalized Wigner
position and momentum representation. Their method functions
involves solving blocks of nonlinear equations after a de- Z n o
d2 λ † 1 2
composition of the wavefunction into Hermite polynomi- Ws (α, ᾱ) = Tr eλa +λ̄a+ 2 s|λ| eλᾱ+λ̄α , (24)
als. The resulting phase retrieval scheme is transparent,
however it is recursive from above, namely it determines in which the values s = 1, 0, −1 respectively correspond
the coefficients ψn from the highest index N to the low- to Glauber P , symmetric Wigner and Husimi Q func-
est. In addition, the value N of the nonzero components tions.
of the wavefunction has to be known in advance. On [3] D. T. Smithey, M. Beck, M. G. Raymer, A. Faridani,
the contrary, Eq. (22) allows recovering of the matrix Phys. Rev. Lett. 70, 1244 (1993).
elements ρn,m one by one as an average over the experi- [4] G. M. D’Ariano, C. Macchiavello, M. G. A. Paris, Phys.
mental distribution and the value of N is not needed by Rev. A50 4298 (1994).
the algorithm. Bialynicka-Birula and Bialynicki-Birula [5] G. M. D’Ariano, U. Leonhardt, H. Paul, Phys. Rev. A52,
in [30] considered the reconstruction problem starting R1801,(1995).
from the knowledge of the photon number and phase [6] G. M. D’Ariano, C. Macchiavello, M. G. A. Paris, N.
(Pegg-Barnett) distributions. They suggested two dif- Sterpi, unpubblished.
ferent algorithms based on recursive iterations of Fast [7] G. M. D’Ariano, C. Macchiavello, M. G. A. Paris, Phys.
Fourier Transform from the number representation to the Lett. A195, 31 (1994).
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Opt. 5, 65 (1993); Phys. Lett. A176, 41 (1993). the quantum efficiency η. In (a) the results for three different
[10] G. M. D’Ariano, M. G. A. Paris, Phys. Rev. 49 3022 coherent states of amplitude α = 1 (circle), α = 2 (square)
(1994). and α = 3 (triangle) are reported for heterodyne detections.
[11] J. H. Shapiro, S. S. Wagner, IEEE J. Quantum Elec- In (b) are reported the results from direct detections with the
tron. QE20, 803 (1984); H. P. Yuen, J. H. Shapiro, IEEE same number of repeated measurements on the same coherent
Trans. Inform. Theory IT26, 78 (1980). states. The confidence intervals of both the determinations
[12] N.G. Walker, J.E. Carrol, Opt. Quantum Electr. 18, 355 are evaluated as usual, by dividing the whole sample of 105
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Lay, H. A. Haus, Quantum Opt. 1, 99 (1989); J. Noh, A. with respect to the global average (see text). In (c) the ac-
Fougeres, L. Mandel, Phys. Rev. Lett. 67, 1426 (1991); curacy of the two kinds of determination is compared. The
Phys. Rev. A45, 424 (1992). noise (in dB) added by heterodyne detection is shown as the
[13] U. Leonhardt, H. Paul, Phys. Rev. 48, 4598 (1993). ratio between the corresponding confidence intervals.
[14] G. M. D’Ariano, C. Macchiavello, M. G. A. Paris, Phys.
Lett. A198, 286 (1994).
[15] Throughout the paper any reference to the heterodyne FIG. 2. Simulated determination of field fluctuations ∆x2ϕ
detectors is also valid for the double homodyne detectors. for ϕ = 0, π/2. Results for a squeezed state of total en-
[16] K. E. Cahill, R. J. Glauber, Phys. Rev. 177, 1857 (1969); ergy hn̂i = 1 equally distributed between coherent amplitude
177, 1882 (1969). and squeezing and a number state ρ̂ = |1ih1| are reported.
[17] W. H. Louisell, Quantum Statistical properties of Radia- The upper and the lower curves are for the squeezed state
tion, (Wiley, 1973). (ϕ = 0, π/2 respectively), the central one the result for num-
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[19] H. Cramér, Mathematical Methods of Statistics, (Prince- 1.
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[20] U. Leonhardt, J. A. Vaccaro, B. Böhmer, H. Paul, Phys.
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[21] W. Schleich, R. J. Horowicz, S. Varro, Phs. Rev. A40, a squeezed vacuum with squeezing photons hn̂i = 1. The
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[25] The needing of smoothing lies on the singularity of
the antinormal ordering. The functions Fs [P̂n,n+k ](α, ᾱ)
have been obtained as a series of well-behaved functions
however, actually they can be written in terms of the
Dirac-delta distribution in the complex plane and its
1 2 ∂ 2n+k
Fs [P̂n,n+k ](α, ᾱ) = p e|α| δ(α).
n!(n + k)! ∂αn+d ∂ ᾱn

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TABLE I. Reconstructed density matrix along with the confidence intervals for the state |ψi = 1/ 2(|0i + i|2i). The
experiment has been simulated for quantum efficiency η = 0.9 using a sample of 10 data.
.502 ± .024 (.004 − i.003) ± (.022 + i.021) (.001 − i.493) ± (.037 + i.038) ···

(.004 + i.002) ± (.021 + i.022) −.003 ± .053 (−.003 + i.002) ± (.018 + i.018) ···

(.001 + i.493) ± (.037 − i.038) (−.003 − i.002) ± (.018 + i.018) .500 ± .031 ···

··· ··· ··· −.004 ± .063

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