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6/7/2020 Reg. Elbow Area Calculations..........

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Anonymous Reg. Elbow Area Calculations..........

Poster 07/02/2008 3:28 PM


This is Prem from Qatar..........working as an Mechanical Engineer in Qatar Gas 3 & 4 Project.....

Recently when my colleagues & myself were discussing about Surface area calculation for ELBOWS and we found different
solutions within us..........

So i need your help regarding this issue......Please send me detailed calculation steps involved in elbow surface area

waiting for Your favour........

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Milo Re: Reg. Elbow Area Calculations..........

Guru 07/02/2008 9:03 PM

why not post your work so our experts can point out what they think is going on?


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Sparkstation Re: Reg. Elbow Area Calculations..........

Guru 07/02/2008 10:11 PM

Hello Guest,

As Milo states above, it would be best for you to publish your present calculations, then those may be discussed.

Meanwhile, a few general observations may assist.

Surface area for an elbow is proportional to inclination of the elbow with the surface, directly related to the pressure exerted
on the surface, the amount of available space on the bar-top has to be taken into account, along with the tipsiness of the
elbow owner.

Join Date: Nov 2007 In short, if the tipsiness quotient is exceeded, then the elbow falls off the bar-top, despite the coefficient of friction or any
Location: Christchurch, (The other earlier-listed factors.
Garden City), South Island,
New Zealand
Posts: 4396 That's my short thoughts, and may be modified once you place your present findings here, for examination and discussion.
Good Answers: 229
There may well be a more mathematically inclined Member here, who is able to put the above simplified explanation into an
expanded version, then into a proper equation, for future data processing.

Trust you have been assisted.

Kind Regards....

"The number of inventions increases faster than the need for them at the time" - SparkY

NILOBA Re: Reg. Elbow Area Calculations..........

Active Contributor 07/02/2008 10:55 PM

well you can draw it and measure in a cad 3d software too...

Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 16

Codemaster Re: Reg. Elbow Area Calculations..........

Guru 07/03/2008 3:58 AM

Join Date: Jul 2005

Location: Stoke-on-Trent, UK I agree with Milo's post #1.
Posts: 4203
Good Answers: 127 But an elbow is part of a torus. Formula for surface area of a (whole) torus is well known and easy to work out from first
principles. Fraction of a torus = φ/360 where φ = nominal angle of elbow (45°, 90° etc).

Cheers........Codey 1/3
6/7/2020 Reg. Elbow Area Calculations.......... - CR4 Discussion Thread
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cnpower Re: Reg. Elbow Area Calculations..........

Guru 07/03/2008 7:23 AM

Qatar, many chinese workers work there. I was told.

look at this web site for calculation surface.

Surface area is commonly denoted for a surface in three dimensions,

Join Date: Sep 2006 the tube radius of a torus, and the radius from the rotation axis of the torus to the center of the tube
Location: CHINA
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Good Answers: 14 torus

SANTHOSH Re: Reg. Elbow Area Calculations..........
03/04/2018 8:52 AM In reply to

AvatarIndo Re: Reg. Elbow Area Calculations..........

Associate 02/17/2011 6:58 AM

It's a great calculator website

Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 29 It's mean, for an elbow, the result must be divide by 4

Thanks for nice info

Abdel Halim Re: Reg. Elbow Area Calculations..........

Galala 06/11/2011 3:43 AM

Surface area of an elbow, S = ∏2 D R (θ/180),


D = Elbow outside diameter

R = Radius of elbow

θ = Angle of elbow, in degrees

Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Cairo, Egypt
Posts: 1734 L = Length of center line of elbow = 2 ∏ R (θ/360)
Good Answers: 244
∏ = Constant = 22/7 = 3.14 (created by Ancient Egyptians)

Derivation of equation: S = ∏ D L = ∏ D (2 ∏ R)(θ/360) = ∏2 D R (θ/180)


It is better to be defeated on principles, than to win on lies!

Anonymous Re: Reg. Elbow Area Calculations.......... In reply to

Poster #1 11/19/2014 10:33 PM

Abdel can this equation be used for a rectangular radius elbow, meaning that the radius elbow is not a pipe but is actually a
rectangular shaped ductwork

geotom84 Re: Reg. Elbow Area Calculations..........

Participant 01/28/2016 7:40 AM 2/3
6/7/2020 Reg. Elbow Area Calculations.......... - CR4 Discussion Thread
for a square elbow we need to know the angle, height width and inner radius of that elbow
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consider w-width, h - height, r- inner radius Search Community SIGN UP LOG I

the total surface area will be the sum of areas of four sides

=the area of two curved sides + area of inner side + area of outer side

now the area of curved sides will be a1= 3.14( (r+h)² - (r²) )

there are 2 curved sides = a1 x 2

the inner side of the elbow will be a square with width w and we need to find the length

the length l = r x ∏/2 (considering the elbow with 90 degree )

area a2 = l x w

like that area of outer side will be a= L x w

where L = (r+h) x ∏/2

total area A = 2xa1+a2+a3

or A = (2x3.14( (r+h)² - (r²) )) + (( (r+h) x ∏/2) x w)+( r x ∏/2) x w)

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