Crisil'S Grading For Healthcare Institutions: CRISIL GVC Rating - Methodology

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CRISIL GVC Rating - Methodology



CRISIL’s Grading for Healthcare Institutions is an opinion on the relative quality of

healthcare delivered by the institution to its patients. Healthcare institutions graded
higher would have better facilities, superior quality levels, and greater consistency in
service delivery compared to healthcare facilities in lower grades.

The grade assigned to a Healthcare institution is applicable for a specific healthcare

facility (i.e. single hospital, generally in a single location) and is not applicable to the
entire healthcare organisation.

The grade assigned to a Healthcare Institution should, however, not be construed to be:

* A comment on the probability of outcome of any particular treatment, procedure or


* A comment on the suitability of a particular healthcare organisation for any specific


* A certification that the healthcare institution is complying with all applicable

regulations of the State Government and Government of India.

* A recommendation to buy / sell or invest in the financial instruments issued by the

healthcare institution.

* A recommendation to provide funds through grants, loans, or donations to the



The grading scale will have two components. The first will be the hospital classification
such as:
* Nursing home
* General Secondary care
* Specialty secondary care
* Multi-specialty tertiary care
* Single-specialty tertiary care

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CRISIL GVC Rating - Methodology

The second component of the grading scale the average standards in the Indian healthcare
will be the hospital’s grading within that industry. The grading indicates that quality
classification on a four-point scale. Thus, a standards would need to be set up in the
typical grading could read - General institution and substantial improvements in
Secondary care hospital assigned Grade C or patient care would be needed to obtain a
Nursing Home assigned Grade B. higher grade.

The hospital classification will be based on A typical definition would read as follows:
the number of specialties offered by the
hospital. The definition for various grades, as “CRISIL has classified the XYZ Hospital as a
envisaged currently, is given below: ‘Specialty Secondary Care Hospital ’ and
assigned a ‘Grade B’. The grading reflects a
Grade A: Good Quality of delivered patient care. The
Reflects Very Good Quality of delivered healthcare institution graded in this category
patient care. A healthcare institution graded has facilities, equipment, manpower and
in this category has facilities, equipment, service quality levels which are consistent
manpower and service quality levels which with high standards in the Indian healthcare
are consistent with the highest standards in industry..”
the Indian healthcare industry.
Grade B:
Reflects Good Quality of delivered patient CRISIL employs a multi-layered decision
care. A healthcare institution graded in this making process in assigning a grading. This
category has facilities, equipment, manpower results in thoroughness and transparency in
and service quality levels which are the grading process.
consistent with high standards in the Indian
healthcare industry, although these would be A team of at least two suitably qualified
lower than healthcare quality levels in Grade analysts is assigned to interact with the
A hospitals. Healthcare institution’s management.
CRISIL strongly believes that a direct
Grade C: dialogue with the management allows the
Reflects an Average Quality of delivered incorporation of non-public information in a
patient care. A healthcare institution graded grading decision and enables the grading to
in this category has facilities, equipment, be forward looking. The topics discussed
manpower and service quality levels which during the management meeting are wide-
are consistent with adequate standards in ranging, including Mission and Policy,
the Indian healthcare industry. Improvements regulatory compliance, medical specialties,
in specific areas would be required for such support services, management evaluation,
hospitals to be eligible for a higher grade. patient rights, nursing care and financial
Grade D:
Reflects Poor Quality of delivered patient The process from the initial management
care. The healthcare institution graded in this meeting to the final assignment of the grade
category has facilities, equipment, manpower normally takes around three to four weeks for
and service quality levels which are below

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CRISIL GVC Rating - Methodology

a multi-specialty tertiary care hospital and

around one to two weeks for a nursing home. Publication

Confidentiality Once a final grade is assigned and accepted,

it is disseminated to CRISIL’s subscriber
The grading process ensures complete clientele, as well as to the news media. In
confidentiality of information that is provided addition, CRISIL publishes detailed
by the healthcare organisation. A substantial analytical reports in its range of information
portion of the information provided to products.
CRISIL is only for the purpose of arriving at
gradings. Such information is kept strictly Surveillance and Annual Review
confidential and is not used for any other
purpose, or by any third party. After a grade has been assigned, CRISIL
monitors the on-going performance of the
Grading Committee and Assignment of organisation. Surveillance also enables
the Grading analysts to stay abreast of current
developments and discuss potential problem
After meeting with the management, a report areas with the management. The primary
is prepared, analysing the medical facilities analyst maintains periodic contact and
ensures regular surveillance information is
available, support services, procedures
shared on a timely basis. All gradings are
undertaken, clinical parameters, quality and
under continuous surveillance and even
adequacy of personnel, financial where there is no obvious reason to change
performance, functioning of various review the grade, CRISIL conducts a formal annual
committees etc. This report is then presented review, which involves a meeting with the
to the Grading Committee that comprises of company.
eminent people drawn from the healthcare
industry. Individual grades are assigned GRADING METHODOLOGY FOR
drawing on the knowledge, experience and HEALTHCARE ORGANISATIONS
expertise of the committee members. The
grading is a composite assessment of all the CRISIL has developed the healthcare grading
factors concerning the healthcare methodology based on eight broad
organisation, with key issues getting greater parameters, after an in-depth analysis of
attention. various grading criteria adopted by several
international agencies in USA, Australia and
The Grading Committee process ensures Canada. CRISIL has also taken extensive
objectivity in grading, as the decision results inputs from several healthcare industry
from the collective thinking of a group. The experts, hospital administrators, consulting
process also ensures a consistent level of doctors from medical specialties, Hospital
analytical quality, as reports and discussions Design and Consultancy teams, State Nursing
are focused on critical grading factors that are Home Associations, Research professors
relevant to a particular healthcare from Healthcare administration colleges, etc.
organisation. CRISIL’s grading philosophy is
based on rigour of analysis, transparency of The grading criteria has been fine tuned to
grading methodology, objectivity and Indian healthcare industry standards based on
impartiality. the initial grading of a few select Indian

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CRISIL GVC Rating - Methodology

tertiary care hospitals, secondary care while grading a healthcare institution. Some
hospitals and nursing homes. CRISIL will of the key regulations include:
also work toward continuous improvement in * Bio Medical Waste Management &
the grading criteria both through in-house Handling Rules, 1998
expertise and technology inputs from the * Transplantation of Human Organs Act
healthcare industry. * Nursing Home Regulation Act (wherever
The eight broad parameters, assessed for * Drugs & Cosmetics Act
grading a healthcare institution are: * BARC standards for Radiology

Medical Specialties: Financial Performance:

The medical and diagnostic specialties are The financial performance of the hospital is
evaluated based on essential and desirable evaluated based on the financial benchmarks
equipment available, qualification and developed by CRISIL for credit rating of
adequacy of medical and other personnel, hospitals and also based on CRISIL’s
availability of requisite support services, international technology partner, Standard &
number and nature of procedures or surgeries Poor’s experience in rating both corporate
performed by the concerned departments, sector and not-for-profit healthcare
process efficiency and clinical parameters. organisations. The financial benchmarks
developed by S&P for Healthcare
Quality of Support Services: organizations have been fine-tuned to suit the
Indian healthcare sector.
The hospital support services are evaluated
based on the quality of service and degree of The financial performance is only evaluated
support provided to the medical specialties. to check whether the hospital is generating
These include: sufficient cash flows from operations to
* Billing upgrade the essential equipment and retain
* Hospital Information System qualified professionals. In case of not-for-
* Central Sterile Supplies Department profit organisations, the evaluation is also
(CSSD) based on the adequacy of grants and
* Front Office donations to the hospitals for maintaining the
* House Keeping existing quality of patient care.
* Medical Records
* Out-Patient Department (OPD) Management Evaluation:
* Biomedical Engineering
* Maintenance The management philosophies and strategies
* Pharmacy are evaluated and CRISIL compares the
hospital business strategies and financial
Regulatory Compliance: plans to provide insight into the
management's ability with respect to
CRISIL assesses the degree of compliance forecasting and implementing plans. Specific
with various regulations stipulated by the areas reviewed include goals and strategies of
Government of India, respective state the management, track record of the
governments and other independent bodies management in planning and control systems,

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CRISIL GVC Rating - Methodology

ability to retain key consultants, depth of the nurses, training programs for nurses, etc.
managerial talent, succession plans and The documented and practiced nursing
quality improvement plans. procedures in the hospital for admitting and
nursing the patients in emergency care,
Hospital Mission & Policy: operation theater, Intensive Care units, labour
wards, in-patient wards, etc., are also
All healthcare facilities must have clearly evaluated. The ability of the hospital
defined mission and policy for providing management to retain qualified and
quality healthcare to the patients. The experienced nurses is assessed.
implementation of the mission throughout the
hospital, in policies and procedure is a pre- Based on the evaluation of the parameters
requisite. The established quality mentioned above, CRISIL arrives at the final
improvement process throughout the grade for the healthcare institution. Broadly,
organisation and diligent functioning of the degree of importance of these parameters
various review committees in the hospital are will be in the order mentioned above.
carefully assessed in the grading process. However, the relative importance of these
parameters in any particular grade may vary
Patient Rights: depending on the facts of the case.

The patient rights followed by the hospital Benefits of CRISIL’s GVC Ratings
are evaluated based on the patient feedback
and the basic rights followed by the hospital. Grading of Healthcare institutions would be
This parameter reflects an evaluation of the a useful tool for inter-institution comparison
planning and providing of care, treatment and for all constituents associated with the
rehabilitation. It also considers how the healthcare industry, viz., hospitals, patients,
organization sets care goals for each patient, healthcare insurance companies, government
and selects qualified personnel to provide and and third party administrators. The specific
evaluate the care. However, CRISIL does benefits to each of these constituents is
not directly evaluate the nature of care outlined below:
provided to any individual patient. Rather,
the assessment process is based on the Hospitals:
willingness of the organization to monitor the
results of care processes. The feedback of * Improved credibility which enhances the
patients during the course of treatment and potential business revenues through
after discharge is observed to assess this increased patient flow from insurance
parameter. Policies and procedures of the companies / Third party administrators.
hospital and the individual departments will
also be assessed in this module. * Improved visibility for the graded
healthcare facilities as the rationale is
Nursing Care: disseminated by CRISIL in its
Nursing care provided to the patients in
critical care, emergency care, private and * Unbiased assessment by an external
general wards, etc., is evaluated based on the agency and can provide valuable inputs
nurses to bed ratio, experience and ability of

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CRISIL GVC Rating - Methodology

to the management on relative * Facilitates introduction of pre-approved

benchmarks vis-à-vis other hospitals. treatment mechanism as opposed to
‘post-payment claims’, which eliminates
Patients: the risk of false claims.

* Ability to choose healthcare institutions Government:

on the basis of unbiased assessment of an
independent agency instead of word of * Improved transparency on healthcare
mouth. institutions

* Improved access to in-depth information * Useful input for policy decision and
on the healthcare institution. improvement of healthcare delivery
Healthcare Insurance Companies:
Third Party Administrators (TPA):
* Useful input for developing sophisticated
products linking level of premium with * Provides objective criteria to selection of
the grades assigned to the healthcare hospitals to be included in their network.
institutions, thereby providing a host of
choice to prospective clients. * Can help curtail fraudulent claims and
achieve optimum claims to premium ratio
from the insured population.

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