Formula Sheet - AAE463

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Institute of Space Technology; Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics 1

AAE-463 Spaceflight Dynamics and Control

Orbital Mechanics
Gravitational force
Velocity for circular
Velocity at Perigee

Velocity at Apogee

Perigee distance from

Apogee distance from
Time period for
circular orbits
Time period for
elliptical orbits
Environmental Torques
Aerodynamic Drag
Force and Torque

Gravity Gradient
Magnetic moment
Solar Radiation Force
and Torque

Direction Cosine

Direction Cosine
Matirx for Euler
Sequence 321

Direction Cosine to
Euler Angle and Axis

Direction Cosine to

Euler Axis & Euler

angle to Quaternion
Euler Axis and Angle to
Direction Cosine
2014 Zainab Saleem Formula Sheet
Institute of Space Technology; Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics 2
AAE-463 Spaceflight Dynamics and Control

Quaternion to
Direction Cosine [A(q)]=
Rigid Body Dynamics
Angular Momentum

Kinetic Energy

Moment (Torque)
Euler Moment

Satellite Attitude Dynamics

Equations of Motion

Moment of Inertia

Mathematical Constants
π 3.141592653589793
Speed of light (c) 299,792,458 m/s
Constant of gravitation (G) 6.67259x10-11 N-m2/kg2
Acceleration of gravity (g) 9.80665 m/s2
Astronomical unit (AU) 149,597,870 km
Sidereal year 365.256366 days
Mass of Sun 1.9891x1030 kg
Radius of Sun 696,000 km
Mass of Earth 5.9737x1024 kg
Radius of Earth 6,378.140 km
Mean lunar distance 384,403 km
Radius of Moon 1,738 km
Mass of Moon 7.348x1022 kg
GM (Sun) 1.32712438x1020 m3/s2
GM (Earth) 3.986005x1014 m3/s2

2014 Zainab Saleem Formula Sheet

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