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) Answer
Independent Variable
The independent variable has a credible variable affecting the dependent variable. These
are the differences that you, can make to see if you are making a credible alternative change
which affect the dependent variable.
Moderating Variable
A Moderating variable, also called a moderator variable or simply an M, changes the power
or direction of the result between two variables x and y. In other words, it affects the
relationship between the independent variable or the predictor variable and the dependent
variable or the integrator. Moderate variables can be qualitative (quantitative values such as
race, social class or sex) or value (numerical values such as weight, reward level or age).
Three independent variables and any three moderating variables from the Unified Theory of
Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model as shown
3 independent variable
1. Use Behaviour
2. Voluntariness of use
3. Facilitating Condition
3 dependent variable
1. Gender
2. Age
3. Experience
Dependent Variable
The dependent variable is the variance the researcher favors. Changes in dependent
variables are what the researcher is trying to measure with all their artistic strategies. In our
example, your most reliable flexibility is the human ability to throw the ball. We try to
measure changes in the toss of the ball as influenced by hunger.
In the given model all variable is dependent on Behavioral Intention
Types of scales used for
1. Gender(male/female) – Nominal Scale
Nominal Scale is also called as categorical variable scale, is used to define for labeling
variable into distinct value which does no have the involvement of quantitative value
or order. Here we can give Female (0) and Male(1)
2. Age(no of years) – Ratio Scale
Ration scale is defined as a variable measurement scale that not only produces the
order of variables but also makes the difference between variables known along with
information on the value of true zero.
3. Annunal Income in Rs.Lac – Interval Scale
Interval scale is defined as numerical scale where the order of variable is known as
well as the difference between these variable.
4. When it comes to central tendency for nominal variable like Gender the we use the
best fit central tendency is Mode.
5. For the Age like variable we use medium as a central tendency.  when you see a
median of 35, for example, you know that half the population is older than 35 and
you can infer some things about birth rates, ages of parents, and so on; but if
the mean is 35, you can't say as much, because that 35 could be influenced by a
large population bulge at age 70

Q3.A) Answer
Mr.Iyer Head of Sales say internal expertise are good to put on team because there will be
many different new studies and brainstorming session will happen to create report and we
all need to study and do some research on the topics which will create a new horizon to us
for thing and implementing those strategies. If we hire the external consultancy they have
there subject matter expert no doubt but if the don’t have any they will also outsource it
and the cost will get increase of the project where we are trying to reduce by 20% no we
need to think on making of 30% or 35%.

Mr.Mehar who put the proposal about inviting the external consulting for the work says it
will put some extra cost but the outcome and the strategy will be clear and the future
options will be more open and visionary for the organization. Whereas per Mr.Iyer about
the internal expertise for the work, Mr.Mehra say they might miss some point thinking of
the budget, current situation of organization, expenses etc to fit the strategy and outcome
about reduction of cost of production process by 20%. Where some grey points will not get
highlighted and may cause the restriction on the future options.

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