Pink Wachirapaet - 2020 Grasp Task

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G To use the form of an object to create and solve a model.

R You own your own landscape business where you help clients design their outdoor yard spaces.
A You have a client who wants to install a pool in their backyard. You must make a recommendation that best suits their lifestyle,
(Audience) wishlist, and space limitations.

Specifications and Measurements

● The client has a rectangular backyard that is 20 m by 30 m.
● The client wants as big of a pool as possible while minimizing their costs.

Other important details:

S ● The client has four children - ages 5, 7, 11, and 15.
(Scenario) ● The client wants to maintain some lawn space for the children to play.
● The client hopes to put a small deck around their pool (if possible).

Your options (see images below):

1) An above ground circular pool (diameter = 16 m) with a depth of 1.67 m
2) A walk-in underground rectangular pool (12 m x 20 m) that reaches a final depth of 1.8 m.

● A picture of how you would landscape the backyard (which pool you would choose and where in the yard you would place it).
You may either draw these pictures by hand and insert pictures or you may create ​original​ drawings using Google Drawings.
● A written statement to your client that explains which pool they should select for their yard and a JUSTIFICATION of why it is
the best choice.
P ○ The following math MUST be included:
1) Calculation for how much ground space will the pool cover (2D Area)
(Product) 2) Calculation for the cost of the pool liner (Surface Area)
3) Calculations for how much water the pool will hold (Volume)

★ Remember your rubric → you need to describe the degrees of accuracy in your assignment and you need to describe how your
solution makes sense in real life.
IB MYP Math Standards: Criterion D - Applying Math in Real Life Contexts

  Level 1-2  Level 3-4  Level 5-6  Level 7-8 

Identify​ relevant elements Identify​ some of the Identify​ the relevant Identify​ the relevant Identify​ the relevant
of authentic real-life elements of the authentic elements of the authentic elements of the authentic elements of the authentic
situations.  real-life situation.  real-life situation.  real-life situation. real-life situation.

Select​ appropriate     Select​ adequate Select​ adequate

mathematical strategies mathematical strategies to mathematical strategies to
when solving authentic model the authentic model the authentic
real-life situations.  real-life situation.  real-life situation. 

Apply​ the selected Apply​ mathematical Apply​ mathematical Apply​ the selected Apply​ the selected
mathematical strategies strategies to find a solution strategies to reach a mathematical strategies to mathematical strategies to
S successfully to reach a to the authentic real-life solution to the authentic reach a valid solution to reach a correct solution to
(Standards solution.  situation, with limited
real-life situation.  the authentic real-life
the authentic real-life
& Criteria for
Explain​ the degree of     Describe​ the degree of Explain​ the degree of
Success) accuracy of a solution.  accuracy of the solution.  accuracy of the solution. 

Describe​ whether a   State​, but not always State​ correctly whether the Describe​ correctly
solution makes sense in correctly, whether the solution makes sense in whether the solution
the context of the authentic solution makes sense in the context of the authentic makes sense in the
real-life situation. the context of the authentic real-life situation. context of the authentic
real-life situation. real-life situation.

Your math calculations are mostly correct. You have a small error for the area of the circular pool and deck because
they overlap, but that is beyond what we covered in our lessons so I haven’t penalized you for that. You have done a good
job in considering the real-life context and the needs of the family. The only thing you forgot to consider were degrees of
accuracy (where would rounding affect your answer, etc.). Overall very well done.
Pool Option #​​ 1 Pool Option​ #​2


Day 1 (Friday May 29)

1) Create images of how the backyard will look after you install the pool. Be sure to label all dimensions in your picture. You may either draw these
pictures by hand and insert pictures or you may create ​original​ drawings using Google Drawings. Original drawings means you create them from
scratch… you may not copy and paste anything from the internet.
2) Calculate:
a) the area of lawn that the pool will take up.
b) the area of the lawn that will be left for other uses.
3) Based on this work, which pool would you recommend and why?

Pool Option #​​ 1 Pool Option #​​ 2

Area of lawn the the pool will take up: 384m​2 Area of lawn the the pool will take up: 401m​2

A = 30 * 20 A = 24 * 16 A = 600 - 384 A = 30 * 20 A = 20 * 10 A = 3.14 (8)​2 A = 600- (200 +201)
2​ 2 ​ ​
= 600m​ = 384m​ = 216m​2 = 600m​ 2
= 200m​ 2​
= 3.14 (64) = 600 - 401
Area of the lawn that will be left for other uses: 216m​2 = 201.067 \ = 199m​2
= 201m​2
Area of the lawn that will be left for other uses:199m​2
Which pool do you recommend and why?

At first, I would recommend the second pool, which is the circular above ground pool with the small deck behind it. I think that this pool will be better
because even with less amount of space left on the lawn for other uses, the option clearly divides the lawn into two parts, making it more convenient.
Imagine if the family is having a barbecue party, the second option is more safe and convenient because the swimmers have their own area in the pool and
on the deck. Or if they want to run around they have a small area in front of the pool. While the barbecue party can be held and set up on the other side of
the lawn in their own separate area so that nothing gets wet from people who have been in the pool or the kids who are playing and running around won’t
bump into the cooking stuff and get injured. However, after more thinking, I changed my mind to the first option, because the family has 4 kids, with the ages
5, 7, 11, 15. The pool will probably stay for a very long time so that’s why I thought the first option fits the best. Even if it costs more, it is worth it because as
the children grow up, they will want more space in the pool and the circular pool can be very limited space for four kids, not considering if they bring their
friends some days. Also, the slope in the pool can help the small kids who are 5 and 7 years old as they grow up if the pool is too deep for them. The first
option is worth it because if they choose the second option, and in the future it becomes too small for their children, it will cost much more for them to build a
new one. Like I said, the second option has some more convenient traits, but the first option can cover those traits just fine. Considering all the pros and
cons in this section, I say the first option is better and more suitable for the client.
Day 2 (Monday June 1)

Pools require a liner which runs on all the inside surfaces. ​Pool​ liners completely cover the ​swimming pool​ walls and floors with an impenetrable surface.
The primary purpose of the ​pool​ liner is to retain the ​pool​ water within the ​swimming pool​ and to provide a decorative look
​ he cost of pool liner is ฿75 per square metre.
(​​). T

1) Use the knowledge you’ve gained from our unit to determine the cost of pool liner for both of the pool options.
2) Based on this work, which pool would you recommend and why?

Pool Option #​​ 1 Pool Option #​​ 2

Left and Right Side Total Area
A = ((12 * 1.8) + (0.5 * 8 * 1.8)) *2 A = 3.14 (8)​2​ + 2(3.14)(8)(1.67)
= (21.6 + 7.2) *2 = 3.14 (64) + 2(3.14)(13.36)
= 28.8 * 2 = 201.061 + 83.943
= 57.6m​2 = 285.01
Walk in Side = ​285.01m​2
A = 8.2 * 12 Total Cost
= 98.4m​2 C = 285.01 * 75
Flat Floor =​ 21 375.75 baht
A = 12 * 12
= 144m​2
Back Wall
A = 12 * 1.8
= 21.6m​2
Total Surface covered
A = 57.6 + 98.4 + 144 + 21.6
= ​321.6m​2
Total Cost
C = 321.6 * 75
=​ 24 120 baht

Which pool do you recommend and why?

I would still recommend the first option because the difference between both costs are only 2 744.25 baht. With this difference the family gets a much bigger
pool that can suit their children and different possible outdoor activities in the future. As I mentioned before about the first option being more expensive but
worth it for a long-lasting pool for the family.

Day 3 (Tuesday June 2)

Once the pool is built, it still needs to be filled with water. The cost of water in Thailand is ฿21.50 per cubic metre.

1) Use the knowledge you’ve gained from our unit to determine the cost of water to fill the pool for both of the pool options.
2) Based on this work, which pool would you recommend and why?
Pool Option #​​ 1 Pool Option #​​ 2
Rectangular Prism V = 3.14 * (8)​2​ * 1.67
V = 12 * 12 * 1.8 = 3.14 * 64 * 1.67
= 259.2m​3 = 335.773
T​riangular Prism = ​335.8m​3
V = 0.5 * 12 * 1.8 * 8
= 86.4m​3 C = 335.8 * 21.5
=​ 7219.7 baht
V = 259.2 + 86.4
= ​345.6m​3

C = 345.6 * 21.5
= ​7430.4 baht

Which pool do you recommend and why?

This shows more that the first option is still worth it with the small difference in cost but the client will gain more convenience, their pool will suit their family
as time goes by. With the difference being pretty small, it doesn’t create a problem when the family changes the water inside the pool or when they clean
the pool. From what I know, people change the water in their pool every 2-3 years so it’s once in a pretty long time before they have to pay again. I still
recommend the first option for the family as it is more suitable.
Day 4 (Wednesday June 3)

Create a written statement for your client that explains which pool they should select for their yard and a JUSTIFICATION of why it is the best choice. You
should explain the math that you have used to make your decision.
(Hint: review your rubric. Make sure that your written statement addresses all strands of the rubric).

I recommend the first option, which is a walk-in rectangular pool that reaches a depth of 1.8m. The family’s lawn is 600m​2​ big with a length of 30m and a
width of 20m. The rectangular pool takes up 384m​2​ leaving 216m​2​ for the family to have other activities going on. The second option may seem better with a
deck behind the circular pool and more space in front of the pool for running around, but the client has a family with four children with the ages 5, 7, 11, and
15. Even with a bigger area, the circular pool is a very limited space for four people, not including other possible family members that can join the pool. The
first option provides a more free space and is beneficial for practicing swimming laps and daily exercises. We also have to consider the children growing up,
needing more space. They might bring over friends to swim in the pool and a circular pool can be a little uncomfortable to play around. Where in the
rectangular pool, the space is clearly divided into corners and is more convenient. The first option comes with a walk-in stairs which is helpful for the
younger kids who are 5-7 if they are not able to reach the flat bottom, it can provide more safety for them to have higher surfaces to stand on. And as they
grow up, they’ll be able to go deeper. On the other hand, the second option has a depth of 1.67m which is a little smaller than the first option’s depth of 1.8.
Although the difference is small, it can still provide more space and comfort for the client as time passes by. The cost for each option’s pool liner and the
water inside the pool is almost the same with the first option pool liners being only 2 744.25 baht more and the water 210.7 baht more with the rectangular
pool’s volume being just 210.7m​3​ more than the circular pool. The pool liner is a once in a long time payment while the water of the pool changes every 2-3
years so the difference doesn’t make much of an impact. The small difference is very worth it and beneficial when compared to all the traits, features, and
guarantee that comes with the rectangular pool.

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