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Ch 6 Nutrition in humans

Multiple-choice questions (p. 6-33)
1 B 2 D 3 C 4 C
5 C 6 B 7 B 8 A

Short questions (p. 6-34)

9 a A: A brick-red precipitate is formed. 1
B: No brick-red precipitate is formed. 1
C: No brick-red precipitate is formed. 1
b A: Amylase helps break down starch to maltose / reducing sugar. 1
B: Amylase is denatured by boiling. 1
C: Lipase does not help break down starch. / Lipase helps break down lipids. 1

10 Structure A is microvillus. 1
It provides a large surface area for the absorption of amino acids. 1
Structures B are mitochondria. 1
They release energy 1
for active transport of amino acids. 1

11 a Hepatic vein 1
b Blood vessel B (hepatic portal vein) 1
c Liver converts excess glucose to glycogen. 1
Glycogen is stored in the liver. 1

Structured questions (p. 6-35)

12 HKDSE Biology 2012 IB Q10
a bile salt emulsify fat into oil droplet 1
thus increase surface area for lipase digestion 1
b supplementation increase lead to reduce of fat content in faeces 1
indicate increased digestion of fat 1
c to show supplement can increase weight of piglets 1
d prepare a mixture of lipase, bile salt and oil 1
add pH indicator / use pH sensor to show the change of pH 1
the faster the drop in pH, the faster the digestion 1

13 HKCEE Biology 2011 I Q9b
a bile cannot release from gall bladder to pancreas 1
no emulsification of oil to oil droplet 1
thus reduce the efficiency in oil digestion 1
bi reduce time for food to stay in small intestine 1
ii cause excess loss of water 1
iii to make a feeling of full 1
reduce the amount of food intake 1
when energy consume is greater energy intake 1
food storage in body will be used and thus loss weight 1
iv do exercise / balance diet 1

14 HKDSE Biology 2013 IB Q3

15 a i Mitochondrion 1
ii Mitochondria release energy 1
for active transport of products of digestion. 1
b 4.5 cm/1000 1
= 0.0045 cm
= 4500 μm 1
c The surface area for absorption is reduced. 1
Less protease is available for the digestion of peptides into amino acids. 1

Essay (p. 6-36)

16 Answer should include the following:
In the mouth, mastication by the teeth 1
breaks down food into smaller pieces / bolus. 1
Amylase in saliva 1
helps break down starch in bread to maltose. 1
In the stomach, churning breaks down food into even smaller pieces / chyme. 1

Protease / pepsin 1
helps break down proteins in meat into peptides / polypeptides. 1
In the small intestine, protease in pancreatic juice 1
helps break down the peptides into amino acids. 1
Bile secreted from the liver 1
emulsifies lipids in meat and butter into small droplets. 1
Lipase in pancreatic juice 1
helps break down lipid droplets into fatty acids and glycerol. 1
On the brush borders of villi, 1
carbohydrases help break down disaccharides into monosaccharides. 1
Proteases help break down peptides into amino acids. 1
(max 12)

Reading to learn (p. 6-37)

1 Glucose and galactose. 1x2
2 Glucose and fructose are monosaccharides. 1
These molecules are small enough to pass through the epithelium of the small intestine. 1
Lactose is a disaccharide. 1
Lactose molecules are too large to pass through the epithelium of the small intestine. 1
3 Young babies feed mainly on milk. 1
Milk contains lactose. 1
Lactase helps break down lactose into simple sugars, which are readily absorbed by the
small intestine. 1
4 The unabsorbed lactose and the metabolic products of the colon bacteria reduce the water
potential of the content in colon. 1
This reduces the amount of water absorbed by the colon. 1
As a result, a large quantity of water remains in faeces. 1


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