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A quick guide to the

galaxy far, far away….



INTRODUCTION OF STAR WARS .............................................. 3

GLOSSARY ............................................................................................................. 4

TIMELINE ............................................................................................................ 10

NOTABLE LOCATIONS IN THE GALAXY ........................ 14

THE REBEL ALLIANCE’S CAPABILITY ...............................17

INTRODUCTION OF CHARACTERS ...................................... 20



Beginning with the eponymous in the 1997

film era, Star Wars is known for an
American epic space-opera franchise. It
was created by George Lucas, one the most
talented filmmaker in the present days.
This franchise has heavily influenced the
pop-culture. Star Wars then has been
introduced into various film versions and
other mass media bases including
television series, video games, novels,
comic books, theme park attractions, and
themed areas, comprising an all-
encompassing fictional universe. Hence,
it’s undoubtedly that Star Wars is a
worldwide pop-culture phenomenon.


ABY: Stands for "After the Battle of Yavin," designates the years after the events shown
in "Star Wars: A New Hope" with the destruction of the Death Star by Luke Skywalker
and the Rebel Alliance.

Agricultural Corps: a branch of the Jedi Order that focused on helping people
through cultivating crops. It first appears in "Jedi Apprentice: The Rising Force" by
Dave Wolverton (1999). Because Obi-Wan Kenobi was not initially chosen as a Padawan,
he was sent off to join the AgriCorps until Qui-Gon Jinn took him on as an apprentice.

Anzati: The Anzati are an alien race that have many characteristics in common with
vampires: they hunger for the life force of other beings, subdue their victims with mind
control, live for millennia, are incredibly fast and strong, and have no pulse.

Archaic Lightsaber: The first lightsabers were created by the Jedi around 15,500 BBY.
The blades were dangerously unstable, however, using large amounts of power and
tending to overheat. As a result, these early lightsabers served as ceremonial objects
rather than weapons. Functional lightsabers were developed after 5000 BBY.

Astromech Droid: A type of robot that usually served as a mechanic and backup
computer for small spaceships. R2-D2 is an example.

AT-AT (All-Terrain Armored Transport): The Imperial Walker battle transports

that are about 50 feet tall and have the appearance of giant four-legged monsters, armed
with laser cannons and blasters.

AT-ST (All-Terrain Scout Transport): The smaller Imperial transport that has two
legs and stands only about 28 feet high. It lacks the heavy armor and can run over 55
miles per hour, using their front-mounted weapons to attack vehicles and mow down

BBY: Stands for "Before the Battle of Yavin," designates years before the events shown
in "Star Wars: A New Hope" with the destruction of the Death Star by Luke Skywalker
and the Rebel Alliance.


Clone Wars: The Clone Wars lasted from 22 to 19 BBY. A Separatist movement, led by
former Jedi Count Dooku, sought to secede. The Republic had the assistance of a clone
army commissioned by a Jedi who foresaw the conflict years earlier. However, the entire
war was a ruse as both Dooku and Chancellor Palpatine of the Republic were Sith who
used it to gain control and massacre the Jedi by having the clones turn on them.

Curved-hilt Lightsaber: Has a curve at the top of the hilt, causing the blade to project
at a slight angle compared to a standard lightsaber. Used by Count Dooku.

Dark Jedi: Followers of the dark side of the Force, in different eras they may have
joined the Sith or been sympathetic to them.

Darth: A title of the Sith, preceding the new name taken by the Sith, signifying the
transformation they underwent on their path to the dark side.

Doubled-bladed Lightsaber: A lightsaber with an extra-long hilt that has a blade

emitter on each end. It was used by Darth Maul in "Episode I: The Phantom Menace."

Death Star: a history-changing powerful weapon that can destroy entire planets; it was
essentially a genocide weapon, because it could destroy a whole planet and an entire
species with it.

Droid: robot; they can be simple-minded or more intelligent and loyal, sometimes with
a sense of humor

Endor Holocaust: Imperial propaganda that the Ewoks were killed in the destruction
of the second Death Star over Endor in 4 ABY. However, the debris did not cause
significant damage on that moon. Most of it was sucked into a hyperspace wormhole,
and the Rebel Alliance ensured no large debris rained down on the moon.

(the) Force: An energy field created by all living things that binds them together. Jedi
and other Force users access the Force with the help of midi-chlorians, microscopic
organisms inside their cells. When wishing someone luck or the best outcome, the
phrase “May the Force be with you,” is often used.


Force Ghost: The spirit of a dead Force user who is able to communicate with the
living. It is a skill that is learned. Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn became Force

Force Lightning: A Force attack in the form of electrical energy, channeled through
the hands. It is usually used by a Sith.

Gray Jedi: Force-users who are neither Jedi nor Sith and who may used both the light
side and the dark side of the Force.

Great Jedi Purge: The events seen in "Episode III: Revenge of the Sith" as Chancellor
Palpatine executes Order 66 to wipe out the Jed and take Sith control of Republic. It
continues for the next few years as Jedi are hunted down and exterminated.

Imperial Knights: A faction of light-side Force users serving the Fel Emperor in the
comics "Star Wars: Legacy." They are distinct from the Jedi.

Jedi: A member of the Jedi Order, who studies and apprentices in using the light side of
the Force and may be accepted as a Jedi Knight.

Jedi Knight: A Jedi who has completed his training and passed the trials to become a
knight. Most Jedi remain knights throughout the rest of their lives, serving the Jedi

Jedi Master: The highest rank in the Jedi Order, reserved for only the most talented
and awarded by the Jedi Council.

Lightsaber: A blade made of pure energy wielded by Force-users in the Star Wars

Lightwhip: A rare variation of the lightsaber. Its handle projects a flexible, whip-like
energy beam around one or multiple tassels. It first appeared in the "Marvel Star Wars"
comic book series, wielded by the Sith Lady Lumiya.


Lost Tribe of the Sith: A Sith order created for the Expanded Universe series "Fate of
the Jedi." They were isolated from the rest of the galaxy for 5,000 years and developed
different traditions of the Force.

Midi-chlorians: Microscopic organisms which allow Jedi and other Force-sensitive
beings to connect to the Force.

Mind trick: Jedi techniques using suggestion on weaker-minded individuals.

Moff: The title of sector governors in the Galactic Empire.

Nightsisters: an all-female organization of Dark Jedi who use the dark side of the

One Sith: A new Sith organization that replaced the Rule of Two. It was first
introduced in the "Star Wars: Legacy" comic series. With this rule, there can be many
Sith and all are subservient to the head of the Sith Order.

Order 66: The order Chancellor Palpatine gave the Grand Army of the Republic in
"Episode III: Revenge of the Sith" to have the clone army kill their Jedi leaders, starting
the Great Jedi Purge.

Padawan: A Jedi apprentice.

Potentium: A philosophy of the Force stating that the Force is a benevolent entity,
with no inherent light side or dark side.

Protocol Droid: A humanoid-shaped droid that aids sentients with etiquette and
relations, such as C-3PO.

Planet: a mass in space orbiting around a star; the planets in Star Wars are important
parts of the unfolding story


Rule of Two: The rule that there can only be one Sith master and one Sith apprentice,
established around 1000 BBY.

Shoto: A short-bladed lightsaber most often used as an off-hand weapon.

Sith: An order of Force-sensitive beings who use the dark side of the Force.

Spaceship: a type of transportation in space; the most famous spaceship in the Star
Wars series may be the Millennium Falcon

Sith Lord: a title of ranking of power among Sith; Darth Sidious and his apprentice,
Darth Vader were both powerful Sith Lords

Stormtrooper: the police force of the Galactic Empire; they’re the bulk of the Empire’s
army, but some are weak-minded, and susceptible to Jedi mind tricks.

Telekinesis: The ability to manipulate and move objects using the Force.

TIE Fighter: Imperial one-man starfighters with a spherical cockpit, hexagonal wings,
and two chin-mounted laser canons.

The Chosen One: an ancient Jedi prophecy that believes one person, “the Chosen
One,” will destroy the Sith and restore balance to the Force; Anakin was believed to be
this person, and later Luke.

Trilogy: a set of three, Episodes IV through VI of Star Wars are often called “The
Original Trilogy”

Training Lightsaber: The blade of a Jedi training lightsaber is shielded by a powerful

electromagnetic field. At worst, a hit from a training lightsaber will produce a painful

(the) Unifying Force: The theory of the Unifying Force states that the Force is a
singular entity, with no inherent light side and dark side. It was first introduced in the
"New Jedi Order" series, where it was adopted by the New Jedi Order.


Witches of Dathomir: an all-female organization of Force users from the planet
Dathomir. Although they use the light side of the Force, they are one of many
organizations distinct from the Jedi Order, having different philosophies and traditions.

Youngling: A common term for a child in the first stages of Jedi training. It is also a
generic, species-neutral word for a young child.


1. The creation of the Empire
For at least a thousand years, the dominant governing body of the galaxy was the
unicameral, parliamentary, and democratic Galactic Republic, which was governed by
the Galactic Senate and led by an elected Supreme Chancellor. In the last decades of its
existence, the Republic Senate became mired in bureaucracy, rendering it woefully
ineffectual as a governing body.

Darth Sidious, the Dark Lord of the Sith known publicly as Senator Sheev Palpatine of
Naboo, privately lamented the declining state of the Senate, noting that the Republic
was "not what it once was."Thirteen years before the Republic's end as a democracy,
Darth Sidious orchestrated the invasion of Naboo by the Trade Federation in order to
create a leadership crisis in the Senate. Sidious used the crisis to manipulate the then
Queen of the Naboo, Amidala, into calling a Vote of No Confidence against sitting
Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum. The vote passed, and in the subsequent election,
Sidious—in his public persona of Senator Palpatine of Naboo—secured the position of
Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic for himself through a strong sympathy vote.
Ultimately, he would be the last individual to hold this office. In the decade that
followed, Sidious secretly manipulated galactic events to the extent that war became
inevitable. Besides persuading a dead Jedi Master, Sifo-Dyas, to create a secret clone
army, he also tasked his Sith apprentice, Darth Tyranus, with exacerbating political
tensions in the Republic and engineering a Separatist Crisis. These actions would
culminate in the outbreak of the Clone Wars, the last conflict of the Republic, while
Sidious himself "reluctantly" accepted emergency powers from the Senate.

The Galactic Empire (19 BBY–5 ABY), also known as the First Galactic Empire, the New
Order, or simply the Empire, The Galactic Empire was the fascist galactic government
born out of the collapsing Galactic Republic in the aftermath of the Clone Wars.

Secretly ruled by Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Sidious—publicly known as Galactic
Emperor Palpatine—the new regime rose to power with a groundswell of populist
support, promising peace and stability from the destructive Clone Wars and capitalizing
on anti-Jedi and anti-droid sentiment. The subsequent Age of the Empire would last
only two decades in contrast to the centuries of the Republic Era, but not before the Jedi
Order was systematically purged and almost eradicated, and the galaxy largely


2. Early days of the Rebel Alliance

After the Clone Wars and before the Galactic Civil War, an early rebellion against the
Galactic Empire was waged by a collection of rebel cells that ultimately formed the
Alliance to Restore the Republic. These militant cells were covertly organized by Senator
Bail Organa of Alderaan and quietly given political support in the Imperial Senate by
such senators as Mon Mothma of Chandrila and Leia Organa of Alderaan. Major rebel
cells included the Massassi Group led by General Jan Dodonna, Phoenix Cell led by
Commander Jun Sato, the Spectres led by Captain Hera Syndulla, and the Partisans led
by resistance fighter Saw Gerrera. They were often supported by agents known as
Fulcrum, including Commander Ahsoka Tano and former Imperial Security Bureau
Agent Kallus.

The early rebellion against the Empire originated in the last days of the Galactic
Republic when Senator Organa and other members of the Galactic Senate convened in
secret to discuss ways to counter the executive power amassed by Supreme Chancellor
Sheev Palpatine. When the Clone Wars, a pretext for Palpatine to amass power, came to
an end in 19 BBY, the Republic was transformed into the Galactic Empire and Organa
began organizing armed resistance against the Imperial regime. By 4 BBY, many
resistance cells began working together after they aided in the rescue of the captive Jedi
Kanan Jarrus over Mustafar. The cells continued amassing strength, though they were
dealt a devastating blow by Imperial Grand Admiral Thrawn during the Battle of Atollon.

3. Rogue One
Rogue One was the improvised callsign used by the squad of Rebel soldiers and recruits
that participated in a mission to steal the plans to the Death Star, a moon-sized battle
station constructed by the Galactic Empire. Though the squad succeeded in its mission,
none of the team survived; those who didn't die in battle during their attempt to steal
the plans perished when the Empire destroyed the base on Scarif with the Death Star's
superlaser. Rogue Squadron, an Alliance starfighter squadron led by Luke Skywalker
and Wedge Antilles, was named in honor of Rogue One.


4. Battle of Yavin
The Battle of Yavin was a major battle of the Galactic Civil War that led to the
destruction of the first Death Star. It was a crippling blow to the Empire and one of the
Rebel Alliance's first major victories.

Having analyzed the Death Star plans stolen by Princess Leia Organa, the Rebels
deduced that small, one-manned fighters could penetrate the Death Star's defenses. The
rebels launched 30 fighters in the attack. Among them were Red Squadron and Gold
Squadron. Red Squadron consisted of X-Wings, while Gold Squadron pilots flew Y-
Wings. Luke Skywalker flew in Red Squadron with the callsign Red Five.

Red Squadron began the battle by cutting across the axis of the Death Star to draw
turbolaser fire away from the slower Y-Wings. During the battle, many fighters had been
shot down. Red Leader split the remaining X-Wings into two groups. He ordered Luke
to hang back with Biggs and Wedge, while the first group made their run.

Luke ordered Biggs and Wedge to enter the trench at full throttle in order to keep the
TIE fighters off of them. Wedge's X-Wing was so badly damaged that he could longer
keep up. Luke told him to disengage since he could no longer provide any cover against
the fast-moving TIEs. Biggs was shot down shortly after.

Luke activated his targeting computer as he neared the exhaust port. He then heard the
voice of Obi-Wan Kenobi telling him to use the Force. As Luke got closer to the exhaust
port, Vader began firing on his ship. At the same time, the Death Star came within range
of the Rebel Base and initiated its firing sequence. Just as Vader was set to destroy Luke,
one of his escorts was destroyed by Han Solo. Vader's other escort attempted to evade
but knocked Vader's fighter off course in the process. Luke Skywalker used the Force
and fired two proton torpedoes directly into the exhaust port. The remaining fighters,
along with the Millennium Falcon, flew away as the torpedoes traveled the length of the
shaft and detonated the Death Star's reactor core before it could fire on the Rebel Base.

Skywalker, Solo, and the surviving Rebel fighters returned to Yavin, where they held a
celebration ceremony and awarded the pair with medals for their achievement in saving
the Rebellion. Mothma, having heard of the victory, permanently discarded her
contingency plan to surrender to Palpatine. Darth Vader, one of the few Imperial
survivors of the battle, was recovered in his damaged TIE Advanced. The destruction of
the Death Star caused chaos within the Imperial ranks, leading to deliberate oversights
on internal investigations and the rapid promotion of many young officers and


lieutenants such as Ciena Ree to replace the higher-ranked officers killed on the Death

5. Crisis point: Two months after the battle of

The Battle of Yavin was the first major Rebel victory of the Galactic Civil War. The
Rebels had shown that they could stand up against the Empire's most destructive
weapon and, therefore, proved themselves as a military force to be reckoned with and
not just a minor political nuisance. Thousands of systems were inspired to join the Rebel
cause and thus, enhanced the power of Rebel Alliance.

Despite having destroyed the Death Star, the Rebel Alliance still had to prepare to
evacuate as once the Empire managed to gather their troops, they would drive the Rebel
Forces from their hidden base and pursued them across the galaxy.

The Empire, after losing the battle of Yavin, was planning to strike back. They launched
several raids at the Yavin moon. These raids were carried out by small TIE squadrons
launched from a small base near the Yavin system. They often maintained
reconnaissance patrols rather than retaliatory attacks.



The following will describe a few notable important locations across the Star Wars
galaxy that might be directly related to the crisis at hand.

*Notes: The information about the planets moons presented below are those that had
been provided at the point of crisis1, futuristic events that might occur later in the Star
Wars’ storyline are not included and delegates are advised to conduct more
comprehensive research to fully understand the importance of these locations. (For
example, Endor are not mentioned as the location where the decisive battle between
Rebels and Imperial forces take places since it had yet to happen at the crisis’s point)

Yavin 4 (Moon)
Location: Outer Rim Territories, Gordian Reach, Yavin system, Yavin

Climate: Temperate

Primary terrain: Jungles

Yavin 4 is one of 26 moons of the giant gas planet Yavin Prime. It is one of the only three
moons that can support life, and on it resided the old relics of the Great Temple, where
Alliance to Restore the Republic would utilize as a base of operations Massassi Station.
It was from this base that many important activities, including Operation Fracture to
Jedha was dispatched.

During the battle of Yavin, the Alliance, under risk of obliteration by Death Star
launched snub fighter squadrons to destroy the Death Star from Yavin 4. The decisive
victory was achieved after Imperial battle station Death Star was destroyed, which is
later referred to as the ‘Miracle of Yavin’.

At the crisis point, Alliance’s High Command are still residing at Yavin.

1*A few locations that induces remarkable meaning in the canon Star Wars plotline but yet to
demonstrate its significance in the established timeline of the crisis: Hoth, Thila, Endor


Location: Outer Rim Territories, Raioballo sector, Dantooine system.

Primary terrain: Lush forests and green landscapes.

During the early rebellion against the Galactic Empire, Mon Mothma, the leader of rebel
movement wanted to unify the disparate rebel cells and factions across the galaxy under
the name of Rebel Alliance. In 2 BBY, she set plans for the rebel fleet to converge above
Dantooine. Her plan eventually succeeded and Rebel Alliance became the representative
of the fight for freedom and against Imperial oppression. Dantooine became the first
headquarters and operations sector of Alliance to Restore the Republic.

Location: Core Worlds, Kuat sector, Kuat system

Climate: Temperate

Primary terrain: Plains, Forests

Kuat was a vital shipbuilding and industrial planet located in the Kuat system of the
galaxy's Core Worlds region. Known for being one of the major weapon manufacturing
sites, the planet notably produced warships for both the Galactic Republic and Galactic

Mon Cala
Location: Outer Rim Territories, Calamari sector, Mon Calamari system

Climate: Temperate

Primary terrain: Oceans

Homeworld to the Mon Calamian race. During the rise of the Galactic Empire, it refused
the harsh terms set by the Empire and was subjected to subjugation from Imperial
forces. Though the planet was eventually brought under occupation, its resistance has
greatly inspired many other planets across the galaxy to fight back against Imperial

Many Mon Calamis continued the fight and joined the rank of Rebel Alliance,
contributing a significant fighting capability, in the hope of reclaiming their world one


Location: Core Worlds, Coruscant subsector, Corusca sector, Coruscant system

Climate: Temperate (artificial)

Primary terrain: Ecumenopolis

Coruscant , also known as Imperial Center during the rule of the Galactic Empire, was
an ecumenopolis—a city-covered planet. It had served as the cosmo metropolis capital of
the old Republic and continued its role in the Empire.

Coruscant's strategic location at the end of several major trade routes enabled it to grow
in power and influence, causing the city-planet to become the hub of galactic culture,
education, finance, fine arts, politics and technology.

Location: Outer Rim Territories, Sluis sector, Dagobah system

Atmosphere: Violent lightning storms, dense fog

Climate: Periods of torrential rainfalls

Primary terrain: Swamp, Bogs, Wetlands, Dry uplands

Dagobah was the location of the secret hideout of former Jedi Grand Master Yoda after
his exile.

Jedha contains kyber crystal resources that were once used by the Jedi Order as
components for their lightsabers.

In the process of Death Star construction, the Galactic Empire occupied the moon to
control its resources.

The Holy City of Jedha was chosen in 0 BBY for a test of the Death Star's superlaser,
resulting in the city’s destruction.



The Alliance Military comprised the military forces of the Alliance during the lead up
to and during the Galactic Civil War. It consisted of the Alliance army, the Alliance Fleet,
and the Rebel Alliance Starfighter Corps, with Chancellor Mon Mothma as Commander-

The High Command was the mind of the Alliance military, which directed all Alliance
military forces in a coordinated effort. The most important members of the High
Command were the various Supreme Allied Commanders, who had direct command and
control of each facet of the Alliance military. Notable members of High Command were
Gial Ackabar, Jan Dodonna, Crix Madine, Bail Organa, and Leia Organa.

The Alliance Forces were the part of the Rebellion's military that was directly
controlled by the Alliance and High Command. This included the Alliance Fleet and
attached starfighter wings, as well as the small but powerful ground forces that
composed SpecForces, fleet regiments and small ground units.

The Alliance Fleet is the majority of the strength of the Alliance Forces, the most
powerful single military unit available to the Alliance High Command. Before the arrival
of the Mon Calamari Exodus Fleet (long story, more at, most warships
employed in the Rebel fleet were either captured or donated by friendly individuals and
worlds, those that were openly bought were usually cheap and/or outdated, The fleet
was under the direct command of Admiral Gial Ackbar, the Supreme Commander of
Rebel space forces. Some of the well-known ship classes includes:

+ GR-75 transport (first introduced in Episode 5)


+ MC80 Star Cruiser (shown here the Home One, perhaps the most famous Rebel

(See for more information)

The Alliance Starfighter Corps was the starfighter units of the Alliance. Although a
small, unorganized resistance against Imperial rule of the galaxy had existed since the
Empire’s formation, the Starfighter Corps itself was not organized until 2 years before
Episode IV. By this time, the Starfighter Corps had access to Y-wing assault
starfighter/bombers, X-wing starfighters, and U-wing starfighter/support crafts. After
Episode IV, the Corps dramatically increased the size and diversity of its forces, with
new starship classes including B-wing starfighters, E-50 Landseers, Fang fighters,
HWK-290 freighters, LAAT/i gunships, RZ-1 A-wing interceptors, and Z-95
Headhunters (see more at Within
a year, the Alliance had also acquired T-47 airspeeders, which would see action at the
Battle of Hoth (start of Episode V).

A squad of X-wing and Y-wing at the battle of Yavin (Episode IV)


The Alliance military, being a rebel and guerrilla-based one, are not to be compared to
the Imperial military in quantity. Despite that, due to having a well-trained fleet, along
with a capable High Command, it have proved to be a formidable foe to the Empire.
That being said, the leaders of the military should consider every moves carefully, and
mass concentration of units should only be considered as a last resort.


1. Mon Mothma (46 BBY – ?)
Mon Mothma was a human female politician and revolutionary leader who served in the
Galactic Senate and Imperial Senate as the representative of Chandrila, the leader of the
Alliance to Restore the Republic, and the first Chancellor of the New Republic.

Mothma came to political prominence during the Separatist Crisis and the Clone Wars
when she became an outspoken proponent of peace between the Galactic Republic and
the Confederacy of Independent Systems.

She also spoke out against the increase in executive power given to Supreme Chancellor
Palpatine, who transformed the Republic into the Empire at the war's end.

Mothma, along with friends and allies like Senators Padmé Amidala of Naboo and Bail
Organa of Alderaan, came to fear that the Republic's push to defeat the Separatists made
it blind to the toll that the war would take on the Republic.

She warned that wartime measures, such as the increasing scope of the emergency
powers that the Galactic Senate gave the chancellor, were a threat to democracy. It was
the desire of Mothma and her allies to find a peaceful solution to the Clone Wars, and
Mothma served as a mentor to Amidala as the young senator became one of the leading
advocates for peace in the Republic.

Mothma worked with Organa and other allies to plant the seeds of rebellion against the
Imperial regime.

Mothma left the Senate after publicly denouncing Emperor Palpatine, which was soon
followed by the establishment of the Rebel Alliance.

The Battle of Endor, which Mothma helped plan with the Alliance High Command, saw
the death of Emperor Palpatine and left the Empire in chaos.

Mothma was elected as the first chancellor of the New Republic Senate and intended to
do away with Palpatine's emergency powers, which the Senate gave to the office of the
New Republic chancellery.

2. GENERAL Leia Organa (19 BBY – 35 ABY)

Leia Organa, a Force-sensitive human female, was a princess of Alderaan, a member of
the Imperial Senate, a leader of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, a member of the
Galactic Senate, and general of the Resistance.


Born as Leia Amidala Skywalker alongside her twin brother Luke Skywalker in the year
19 BBY, she was the daughter of the Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and Senator Padmé

As a result of her father's fall to the dark side of the Force, and in order to remain
hidden from Darth Sidious, the Skywalker children were separated at birth. This
resulted in Leia becoming the adopted daughter of Senator Bail Organa and his wife,
Queen Breha Organa, who renamed her Princess Leia Organa.

Raised with the values of her adoptive parents, Organa supported the principles of the
Galactic Republic and opposed the rule of its successor, the Galactic Empire.

Despite succeeding to her adoptive father's post in the Imperial Senate, she worked in
secret to undermine the Empire's operations and was entrusted with the stolen plans to
the Death Star, an Imperial superweapon capable of destroying entire planets.

Although Organa was unable to prevent the annihilation of her adopted homeworld, the
plans were ultimately delivered to the Rebel Alliance, resulting in the destruction of the
Death Star during the Battle of Yavin in 0 BBY.

Organa became a leading figure and strategist in the Alliance, participating in key events
such as the Battle of Hoth in 3 ABY and the decisive Battle of Endor in 4 ABY. She also
killed the Hutt crime lord Jabba Desilijic Tiure, earning her the title of "Huttslayer."

3. GENERAL Airen Cracken (? – ?)

Airen Cracken was a Human male resistance fighter from Contruum who became a
general in the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the New Republic.

By the time he became a young man, Cracken had opened a mechanic's shop of his own
in Torian City. He handled all manner of machinery, including landspeeders, water
purifiers, and holovids, and hired men and women who loved working with machinery
as much as he did.

In 8 BBY, the Galactic Empire established a presence on Contruum and attempted to

seize its shipyards and borium mines for use by the Imperial Military.Seeking to make
remaining on Contruum more costly for the Empire than it was worth, Cracken
organized his employees into a guerrilla force, colloquially named "Cracken's Crew that
specialized in mechanical sabotage.

Cracken and his resistance group led a years-long campaign against Imperial
forces,crippling docked starships, ruining the Imperial borium mining operations, and
destroying landing bays and troop supplies. At the site of each act of sabotage, they left a
hydrospanner into which the message "Cracken's Crew Says Hello" was inscribed.


Cracken became troubled by thoughts that, while his world had escaped Imperial
influence due to its insignificance, many peoples throughout the rest of the galaxy would
continue to suffer under Imperial oppression. After discussing the matter with Josta,
Cracken decided to leave Contruum and join the rebellion against the Empire. Most of
his Crew chose to follow him, and they boarded a freighter and departed, posing as
merchants plying the space lanes

Cracken became an intelligence operative upon the public release of the Declaration of
Rebellion in 2 BBY.

Cracken was placed in charge of a force that would transport food and military supplies
to the world before leading an attack on its Imperial base.

Cracken was eventually commissioned as a general in the Alliance to Restore the

Republic due to his reputation.

4. ADMIRAL Gial Ackbar (52 BBY(?) – 34 ABY)

Gial Ackbar was a veteran male Mon Calamari soldier and strong revolutionary leader
during the Clone Wars, the Galactic Civil War, the cold war, and the war between the
Resistance and the First Order. Throughout his sixty years of service, Ackbar was
regarded as a brilliant tactician.

Ackbar was captain of the Mon Calamari Guard during the Clone Wars and fought in the
Battle of Mon Cala, in which he helped to secure Prince Lee-Char's ascent as King of
Mon Cala and repel the Confederacy of Independent Systems

After the rise of the Galactic Empire, Ackbar became the foremost military commander
in the Alliance to Restore the Republic, emerging as a symbol of defiance against the
Empire's subjugation of non-humans

Ackbar acted as the fleet commander during the Battle of Endor, in which the Alliance
successfully mounted an attack that led to the destruction of the Empire's second Death
Star and the death of Emperor Palpatine

After the Battle of Endor, the Alliance formed the New Republic. Ackbar became a fleet
admiral of the New Republic Defense Fleet and led the Republic to its victory over the
Empire during the Battle of Jakku.

After the battle on Jakku ended, the Empire retreated into the Unknown Regions and
Ackbar retired to Mon Cala.

Organa, the general of the Resistance, coaxed Ackbar out of his retirement to serve in
the Resistance. After reclaiming his commission as an Admiral, Ackbar served in the


Resistance base on D'Qar, where he helped oversee the battle to destroy the First Order
superweapon known as Starkiller Base.

5. GENERAL Jan Dodonna (? – 1 ABY)

Jan Dodonna was a Commenor-born soldier who served both Galactic Republic and the
Galactic Empire. He was one of the first captains of a Star Destroyer in the last days of
the Galactic Republic, having served in both the Stark Hyperspace War and the Clone

Following his defection in 1 BBY, he became one of the first Generals in the Rebellion's
military, overseeing the Rebel victory at the Battle of Yavin.

Thought dead in the chaos of the Evacuation of Yavin, he had in fact been captured by
the Empire and was imprisoned in the notorious Lusankya facility.

Liberated in 9 ABY, he resumed service with the New Republic until his death in 24 ABY.

Throughout his long period of service, Dodonna showed a strong grasp of tactics and
strategy, and along with Adar Tallon and Gial Ackbar, Dodonna was considered the
authority on modern space combat.

"Blind obedience is not good service. I pledged to serve the principles of the Republic—
not an office."

As the Republic became the Galactic Empire, Dodonna served loyally for a time, even
advising Autem to keep quiet about his feelings on the alleged "Jedi Rebellion."

Dodonna's loyalty to the Empire gradually became tested as it resorted to ever-more

brutal acts of reprisal against purported sedition. Though he disliked what the Imperial
regime was becoming, Dodonna's loyalty as a soldier led him to refuse to speak ill of it.

Furthermore, he regarded the fledgling Rebel Alliance as a foolish provocation that

would only cause chaos and misery.[13] Disillusioned and unhappy, Dodonna eventually
retired from the service on ideological grounds

6. Luke Skywalker (19 BBY – 34 ABY)

Luke Skywalker, a Force-sensitive human male, was a legendary Jedi Master who fought
in the Galactic Civil War during the reign of the Galactic Empire

Along with his companions, Princess Leia Organa and Captain Han Solo, Skywalker
served on the side of the Alliance to Restore the Republic—an organization committed to
the downfall of Emperor Palpatine and the restoration of democracy.


Following the war, Skywalker became a living legend, and was remembered as one of the
greatest Jedi in galactic history.

The son of Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and Senator Padmé Amidala, Luke Skywalker
was born along with his twin sister Leia in 19 BBY. As a result of Amidala's death and
Anakin's fall to the dark side of the Force, the Skywalker children were separated and
sent into hiding, with Leia adopted by the royal family of Alderaan while Luke was
raised by his relatives on Tatooine.

Longing for a life of adventure and purpose, Skywalker joined the Rebellion and began
learning the ways of the Force under the guidance of Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi,
whose first apprentice was Luke's own father.

He continued his training in the years that followed, determined to become a Jedi
Knight like his father before him, and found a new mentor in Grand Master Yoda.

With Luke's help, Anakin returned to the light side of the Force by destroying the
Emperor at the cost of his own life, fulfilling his destiny as the Chosen One.

With the Sith's destruction and the subsequent capitulation of the Empire in 5 ABY,
Luke Skywalker traveled across the galaxy, searching for knowledge that would aid him
in rebuilding the Jedi OrderThe loss of his nephew, who fell to the dark side like Vader
before him, haunted Skywalker for the rest of his life. In addition, the destruction of his
nascent Order convinced him that the time had come for the Jedi to end. He therefore
sought exile on the distant world of Ahch-To, having elected to live out his remaining
days as a hermit while ignoring the galaxy's pleas for help during the rise of the First

Though having found peace and purpose, Luke Skywalker's adventures on the realm of
the living had not ended yet. The next year, upon the mysterious return of Darth Sidious,
Luke reappeared again as a Force ghost when Rey intended to exile herself on Ahch-To.

7. Crix Madine (34 BBY – ?)

Crix Madine was a human male who led a commando unit of the Galactic Empire's
military until he defected to the Rebel Alliance, where he served as a general.

Crix Madine initially served in the military of the Galactic Empire, an authoritarian
regime founded at the end of the Clone Wars, in which he led a commando unit. He
became a highly decorated officer.

However, he ended up defecting to the Rebel Alliance, a resistance group that opposed
the tyranny of the Empire during the Galactic Civil War.Holding the rank of General, he


specialized in covert actions that involved the theft of equipment from the Empire and
infiltration of strike teams onto occupied worlds.

As the officer responsible for covert actions, he devised the attack on the Endor shield
generator and trained the soldiers who accompanied Han Solo to the forest moon.

At the end of the Galactic Civil War, Madine went on to serve in the New Republic, a
democratic government founded by the Rebels.

As an officer, he was very respectful of the troopers under his command. He always
made sure that his men were properly equipped and prepared for the dangerous
missions he assigned to them.

8. Wedge Antilles (? – ?)
Marshal of the Alliance Starfighter Corps

Antilles was an Imperial cadet (callsign: TIE SS-2-5) of the Skystrike Academy and was
a renowned human male starfighter pilot from Corellia who first served in the Imperial
Navy before defecting to the Rebel Alliance.

He would also serve in the Alliance to Restore the Republic and years later the New
Republic during their fight against the Galactic Empire.

He became a member of the Rebel Alliance during the Galactic Civil War and fought in
several battles of the war. He fought in the Battle of Yavin, where he flew in Red
Squadron alongside Luke Skywalker.

After Skywalker destroyed the Death Star, Antilles became a respected member of
Rogue Squadron, flying as Rogue Three during the Battle of Hoth. Antilles and his
gunner Wes Janson became the first duo to successfully destroy one of the All Terrain
Armored Transports that were attempting to destroy Echo Base, the Rebel outpost on
the planet Hoth, while aboard an T-47 airspeeder.

Antilles commanded Red Squadron during the Battle of Endor, and he and General
Lando Calrissian destroyed the second Death Star during the battle. The decisive battle
led to the death of the Emperor, Darth Sidious, and left the Empire shattered in their

Antilles undertook a lone reconnaissance mission to the planet Akiva, where he was
captured while observing a gathering of Imperial forces that were preparing for a
counterattack against the Republic.


Antilles formed Phantom Squadron and took part in the liberation of Kashyyyk. Wedge
was able to reform the squadron in time for the Battle of Jakku, which saw the definitive
defeat of the Empire.

Following the signing of the Galactic Concordance, Antilles retired to Hosnian Prime to
work as a flight instructor. Some time afterward, Wedge married Norra Wexley and
settled back on Akiva until they were visited by Norra's son Temmin and his wife Karé
Kun during the war between the Resistance and the First Order.

9. Baccam Grafis (? – ?)
Chief of Ordnance and Supply

Baccam Grafis was a general in the Alliance to Restore the Republic during the time of
Operation Fracture. Grafis was in charge of Ordnance and Supply, which was a division
tasked with the procurement of essential materials and supplies for the Alliance. He was
also a member of Alliance High Command.

Sometime after the Battle of Yavin, Grafis attended a meeting at the Mako-Ta Space
Docks, held by Mon Mothma. She proposed that the Alliance should procure more Mon
Calamari Star Cruisers for their cause.

There, Grafis stood next to General Pitt Onoran as they watched Princess Leia Organa
convey her plan to prompt a mutiny of Mon Cala's merchant fleet. Mothma approved of
this and Organa was soon successful, obtaining many cruisers for the Alliance.

10. GENERAL Dustil Forell (? – ?)

Dustil Forell was a male human general who in 0 BBY was in charge of Support Services
for Alliance High Command.

It’s a thankless task, as the Massassi base had less than a dozen medium freighters and a
converted light freighter for transporting materials and personnel. This complement
was inadequate, and Forell knew an evacuation would strain these meager resources to
the breaking point.

11. Ahsoka Tano (36 BBY – ?)

Spy Master

Ahsoka Tano, nicknamed Snips by her master, was a Togruta female from the planet
Shili who was trained as a Jedi apprentice during the Clone Wars, the conflict between
the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems.


Tano was assigned to Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker by Jedi Grand Master Yoda, and
she demonstrated an eagerness to prove herself worthy to be his apprentice.

Tano was involved in the defeat of the Separatist army on the planet Christophsis and
was important to Republic efforts during the Battle of Teth.

Along with Skywalker, Tano was instrumental in acquiring the Republic's safe passage
through Hutt Space, due to her part in rescuing the son of Jabba the Hutt, which
ensured an alliance between the Republic and the Hutt clans.

Later, Tano and her master achieved many things during the war including stopping the
Blue Shadow Virus, freeing Togruta slaves from Kiros, saving her Master and many
others on multiple occasions, and even halting a plot masterminded by Darth Sidious

She also engaged some of most deadly people in the galaxy, most notably Asajj Ventress,
General Grievous, and Cad Bane several times, always surviving without any serious

While running away from Republic authorities and Skywalker, who still believed her to
be innocent, Tano met her longtime nemesis Asajj Ventress and briefly allied with her

Tano was led by Offee, the only Jedi whom she still saw as an ally, into a trap at an
abandoned Coruscant warehouse in Coruscant's Undercity, where she was captured by
Skywalker's forces.

Tano came very close to a conviction and death sentence, but she was acquitted at the
last minute by the forced confession of a captured Offee. While the Council pardoned
Tano and offered to bring her back into the Order, Tano refused, and she left the Jedi

12. VISCOUNT Tardi (? – 3 ABY)

Minister of Finance

Tardi was the Minister of Finance for the Rebel Alliance during the early days of the
Galactic Civil War.

He worked with Princess Leia to negotiate a large sale of T-65 X-wing starfighters for
the Rebel forces. Leia and Tardi made arrangements to finance the loan at the branch
offices of the Bank of Aargau, located on the planet Aargau.

However, Tardi passed away before the final arrangements could be made and a droid
replacement was secretly created to finalize the transaction.


13. Tynnra Pamlo (? – ?)

Minister of Education

Tynnra Pamlo was a human female politician who represented the planet Taris in the
Imperial Senate.

She served in the Civil Government of the Alliance to Restore the Republic as the
Minister of Education and worked closely with Alliance Intelligence. While a determined
opponent of Emperor Palpatine, Senator Pamlo was reluctant to expose her homeworld
and people to Imperial reprisals.

She feared that an attack against the Galactic Empire and its planet-destroying Death
Star would put Taris in mortal danger.


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