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2020 Edition

Business Analyst
Generation Infinite Machines II Dollar bowl
Section 01

Evaluation Document
01 Case Study

Turn Off Chat History

~ Whatsapp wants to implement a new feature which will enable users to "Turn off chat history".

This new feature allows users to message each other without leaving any trace of the conversation afterwards.

Imagine yourself as a product manager of WhatsApp.

You are responsible for designing the "Turn off chat history" feature.

Part 1: Please create a Wireframes /Document which covers the user journey of 2 Whatsapp users - Rahul and Raj who are
messaging each other on Whatsapp.

To simplify the case study, you can consider the following :

- Design only for Mobile App and not for WhatsApp Web

- Design only for one-to-one messages and not for group messages

- Design only for messages and not for voice / video calls

- Assume user can only send text messages and not attachments or photos in this mode
02 Expectations

1) Should explain the complete user journey and all use 4) Should have a logical structure to it and easy to read.

cases of "Turn off chat feature".

5) Should be a PDF document of not more than 4 pages.

2) There shouldn't be any ambiguity about any functionality Please use a standard font with a font size of at least 10px in
of this feature.
bullet points/paragraph

Your PRD should answer the complete story of how a 6) Should explain the wireframes explaining the complete
conversation (with this feature enabled)
flow in a separate PDF document. You can use Balsamiq /
would take place between Rahul and Raj.
Pencil / Powerpoint / Excel / Etc.

This would help the design team and tech team on what to 7Please keep it neat and don't include more than 10 screens

build and how.

6) Should mention all reasonable assumptions you make, if
both Business and Tech teams.
3) We do not expect you to write technical specifications.
However, we do expect you to cover all major edge cases.

Eg: Suppose you have to design an elevator.

The happy scenario is that:

- A user comes to the elevator,

- User calls for the elevator,

- Elevator opens,

- User gets in,

- User presses the desired floor, - Elevator reaches the floor,

and - User gets out.

A possible edge case to consider here is:

"What happens when the power goes out?"

Answer- Maybe give the user an option to call for emergency

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