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Describe 3 ways to overcome childhood obesity in the Pacific.

Obesity is racing through the Pacific. Childhood obesity is a condition where excess of body fat hinders the
child’s health and performance. It is when the body weight of a child is excess according to height and age.
Obesity in children is caused by eating excessive food, lack of exercise and sometimes genetics. Childhood
obesity can lead to cardiovascular disease such as heart attacks clogging artery veins in the heart with fat. Body
Fat can be measured by several methods such as waist circumference, skin fold thickness and Body Mass Index
(BMI). The World Organization (WHO) revealed that worldwide, obesity has tripled since 1975. Waqainabete
argues that the “Pacific region is not immune to the prevalence of obesity and being overweight but it’s a crisis”.
Childhood obesity can be tackled by eating healthy foods, physical exercise and awareness programs.
Food is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Healthy foods such as green leafy vegetables and fruits are vital for
the body. Children should consume a balanced diet and have three meals in a day. A balance diet includes one food
item from the three food groups which are health, energy and bodybuilding food. Since children spend a lot of time
in schools, availability of junk foods and fizzy drinks should be decreased and replaced by fruits and healthy snacks
in school canteen. Obesity is triggered by eating and consuming unhealthy food that are high in fat. Firstly, children
should be advised to consume healthy foods and balanced diets in order to supply proper nutrients for the body to
regulate efficiently. Contrary, eating unhealthy food lead to a rise in non-communicable diseases notably
cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and hypertension. “Promotion of traditional food has fallen by the wayside. They
are unable to compete with the glamour and flashiness of imported foods” (Waqanivalu 2010). For example,
children prefer to eat at a fast food franchise such as Mc Donald’s instead of eating a healthy balanced meal at
home. Fizzy drinks also contribute to childhood obesity since it is loaded with sugar. Children often follow by
example, imitating what is seen. Snacking is also a rising concern in childhood obesity, children often prefer to
snack on unhealthy snacks such as bongo, chocolates and biscuits. Parents should prepare healthy meals and snacks
including fruits and vegetable therefore introducing children to healthy eating habits. In the Pacific, children that
gain weight are seen as healthy.Parents do not often notice obesity in children until it becomes a hindrance in daily
lives. Obesity can be controlled at an early stage if precautionary measures begin from home.
Physical exercise improves health and reduces the risk of childhood obesity. Children spend most of the time
sitting and should be encouraged to move around more. Children sit for hours in schools, busses and in front of
the television. Types of exercises children in the Pacific can do is play soccer, volleyball, rugby, and netball
where exercise can be enjoyed together with friends and family. Attractive looking parks and recreational centers
can also inspire children to get involved in physical activities. Yoga is also a good form of exercise that makes
the body feel calm and relaxed. Since, children spend most of the time in schools, tournaments can be organized
by the school committee where children can participate and take part in physical activities. Fun Days can also be
organized where parents can engage with children doing physical activities. Exercise can burn excess body fat
fighting obesity. Additionally, exercise increase energy levels and boast metabolism. It helps with brain activities
and memory which is beneficial to a child’s life. Physical activities regulates blood flow and keeps children
active. Parents should implement physical activities sessions at home dedicating time frames for family activities
and games. For instance, limit television screening hours to direct time towards physical activities resulting in
physical movements that helps shed excess body fat. Regular exercise maintains a healthy weight which defeats
childhood obesity.
Awareness is the largest platform where children can get educated about childhood obesity. Awareness programs
focusing on importance of healthy lifestyle, balanced diet and physical activities should be targeted to the young
generation of the Pacific. For example, schools in the pacific should host campaigns regarding processed food,
unhealthy diet, lack of exercise and how it contributes to childhood obesity. Furthermore, awareness in societies
and communities also can enhance the approach to childhood obesity. Awareness should also begin from homes,
learning about healthy living and the impacts of unhealthy lifestyle should be introduced in homes first. Children
should be encouraged to read labels on snacks they consume to scrutinize the effect it has on the body. Obesity
should be highlighted as a prominent disease that can be deadly if it is not dealt with. Social media can also be a
platform for awareness regarding childhood obesity. Schools should have mandatory health classes that teach
about health and fitness. Children should have knowledge of nutrients and vitamins that is needed by the body in
order to make right decisions about food consumption. Obesity in children can be controlled by making sensible
choices of food to consume such as vegetables, fruits and fish. Public awareness has the ability to decrease
childhood obesity.
To conclude, childhood obesity is a rising epidemic in the Pacific and should be addressed at an early stage.
Obese children tend to become obese adults attracting health issues throughout life time. Childhood obesity can
later develop into non communicable diseases and should be controlled before it is too late. Parents and teachers
hold a vital role in educating children about childhood obesity and factors that contribute towards it. Therefore,
resulting in awareness and prevention of childhood obesity. Children should make right choices of food and
drinks consumed. Food is not the only aspect in fighting the war against childhood obesity, regular exercise
together with healthy living and awareness can tackle childhood obesity. Public awareness through schools,
communities and social media can be an effective tool to fight obesity in children. Healthy lifestyle is crucial to
eliminate childhood obesity.

1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2011. September is National Childhood Obesity Month.
Available at: < > [Assed 22 Mach 2019]
2. Fiji National University, FNU., 2019. Childhood Obesity, A Growing Concern in the Pacific. Fiji
Sun, 22 Feb 2019
3. Stylecraze,2019. 20 Best health benefits of physical exercise. [online]
Available at: < >
[Assessed 21 March 2019]
4. Taubes G,. 2010. Why We Get Fat: And What To Do About It. New York
5. World Health Organization, 2010. Bulletin of the World Health Organization. [online]
Available at: < > [Accessed 22 March 2019]

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