Short Story

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Meiling 1107

Unpredictable Love

The sun set reminds me to hurry up and get ready for going out for dinner with my

sweet heart, James. I quickly put on pink lace dress and makeup. Then I rush to my car and

drive to the restaurant because I don’t want to be late. I sit where I and James used to sit but

luckily he is not here yet. I order his favorite food, grilled lobster, but the food started to dry

because I’ve been sitting here waiting for him for twenty minutes already. My brain started to

whirl because he had never been late before. I call him but then he appears in front of me.

“Sorry, I’m late,” said James.

“That’s okay,” I answered.

Here is my boyfriend, James. We have been in a relationship for two years. We start

to have dinner together and talked about our week as usual. Our routine runs like this as you

can see, we always meet every Friday because our home are very far away from each

other.We couldn’t meet very often.

After that friday had passed. I’ve talked to James rarely. He didn’t call me for 3 days

already. I texted him to ask how was he doing but there was no answer at all so I called him

and there was no answer too. I start to walk back and forth again and again. After that I

decided to call to his office and ask if he was there or not but the officer said that he was there

normally. I don’t understand why he didn’t answer my call at all but there is no way that I can

contact him so I think that I should wait until the upcoming Friday and talk to him.

Then the day comes to Friday again. I am at the restaurant which my eyes almost shut

already. I’ve been sitting here for more than half an hour but there was no sign of him at all. I

keep waiting because I believe that he would come soon. Finally, James walks toward me

with an emotionless face and sit.

“What happened to you? It seems like you just had a bad day,” I asked.

“No, nothing...I’m fine,” said James.

“So why didn’t you answer my call...I’ve been worried about you for the whole


“I’m too busy. sorry for that,”

He said that to me with no eye contact and he was rubbing his hands, so I looked deep

into his eyes but he also looked back to me and said, “Can we spread apart for a while...”.

I was so shocked by the words that I’ve never thought that I’m going to hear it from


“I don’t understand what youre talking about,” I asked.

“I’m busy and I’m not interested in having a relationship with you anymore. Sorry,” .

Then he left.

Two day passed, I and James were not contacted. My mind still running around in a

loop and I can’t stop that. Finally, I called him to make sure about his decision.

“Hi James, are you sure about what you said in the last two days?” I asked.

“Of Course...why would I lie,” said Jame.

“But there is no reason for you to say that to me! We are going great like what we’ve

been before,”

“No! There is a reason. It’s because you’re annoying like this which you might not


TOOD TOOD TOOD...The call was cut by him. My tears start to dropping out of my

eyes after I’ve kept at it for a while.

Wet tissues were thrown away again and again. My eyes were black and my nose was

red. A month already that I’ve been crying every night. I still couldn’t move on from James. I

called my friend, Kate.

“Hi Kate,” I whined.

“Again Bella! You cry again!” said Kate.

“Can you help me please...I don’t want to be struck like this anymore but I just can’t

stop crying,” I cried out loud.

“Well, I’ll figure it out for you,”

Three minutes later, RING RING! my phone rang. It was Kate.

“Hey! I found a way for you to get rid of this matters. You can go ​join the Dharma

camp ​because it will make you feel relaxed and you won’t repeating yourself with old thing,”

said Kate.

WOOSH! Dry leaves fall slowly to the ground. Under a huge tree, I am weeping the

leaves on the temple floor. I’ve been in this Dharma camp for a month and I felt better. I

rarely think about the past and now I’m talking with my new friend I met. His name is Ben. I

knew him because he saw me cry and he came consoling me since we first met. He was very

nice and kind. I told him everything that I’d suffered. Talking to him allows me to express


LINE! LINE! My message notification rang. Now my life came back to the normals.

This was the sixth months that I’ve been talking with Ben after the camp ended. We were

good friends and today, we are going to hangout. I arrived at the cafe that we planned to meet

but there is no one here and it seems like the cafe was closed. Suddenly, the light of the cafe

was lighted up shows the colorful balloons and a huge beautiful cake with my name on it.

Ben is singing “Happy Birthday” and walks toward me. My heart is full of feelings. There
was no one who shows that I’m important like this for a long time ago but Ben is the one who

bring back this feeling. After that, Ben told me to follow him to another part of the cafe

where he asked me if we could become a couple. I don’t think that I can have anyone at this

time because I’m afraid to be hurt again and I also think that I shouldn’t trust anyone this

much easy even I feel good.

Therefore, my answer was, “I’m not ready yet, can we be just friends for now? I need

more time...” I replied.

“That’s okay, I’ll be here waiting for you. Whenever you’re ready you can tell me but

I will show you how much I love you,” Ben confirmed.

DING DONG! The bell rang told me that I can get up from this chair that I’ve been

sitting working on the shares for all day. My eyes were very dry. It is time to leave my office.

This evening Ben will pick me up to go shopping for the upcoming trip to Canada. It’s three

more days until the trip. Now it was two years that I and Ben were together in a friendship.

It’s good having him a part of my life. He always makes me feel warm and safe. Ring! My

phone rang.

“Hello, you are almost here right?” I assumed.

“No, I’m not going to pick you up anymore and I have bad news to tell you,” said


“What’s that!”

“We can’t go to Canada anymore since one of my best friends died and I need to go

to his funeral,”

“Oh that’s so bad but can we still have a trip because we’ve planned it for two

months?” I asked.
“No, I’m not going because James is one of my best friends. We have been friends

since we were in kindergarten,”

I stunt for two seconds when I heard that name but it was nothing to me. I really don’t

understand why that friend is so important to Ben which make our trip cancel so I want to go

see his face at the funeral too.

“Fine, I’ll go to the funeral with you too,” I replied.

I arrived at the temple in the evening. I’m so surprised when I see many of my old

friends here too and almost all of them gave me dry smiles that make my eyebrows twist. I’m

taking off my shoes in order to walk into the funeral hall. I step into the hall and I see the

coffin with many flowers on it, then I look around and suddenly, my body freeze into a stone.

A second later my body broke into parts and fall down to the ground. I keep repeating

rubbing my eyes again and again because I couldn’t believe that the person in the picture

besides the coffin was James, my ex-boyfriend.

I start to bring back my consciousness and ask James “Why I’ve never met or heard

you talk about this friend before?”

“Ofcourse, you probably have never known and met James before because he had

been suffering with cancer for two years ago. He had no chance to go hangout with me or

anyone due to the necessity that he needed to stay in a special room in the hospital which no

one could walk in,” said Ben.

After I heard the answer, my mind went dark and I didn’t hear anything at all.

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