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#Simple ==> Compound

Simple Sentence:
একটি simple sentence এ একটিমাত্র independent clause

থাকে এবং কোনো dependent clause থাকে না ।

A simple sentence is characterized by only one

independent clause and no dependent clause.
Such as: Travelling to different places is my passion.

Compound Sentence:
পক্ষান্তরে একটি compound sentence এ কমপক্ষে দুটি independent clause

থাকে যারা পৃথক sentence হিসেবে ব্যবহৃত হতে পারে এবং  coordinating

conjunction(and, but, or, so, otherwise) দিয়ে যুক্ত থাকে ।

On the other hand, a compound sentence is
characterized by at least two independent clauses which
can be used as separate sentences and are connected
with a coordinating conjunction.
Such as: I travel to different places and it is my passion.
Rule 1:
simple sentence এ বোঝানো হয় যে কেউ দুটো কাজ করছে, একটি আগে ও আরেকটি পরে তবে

Compound sentence এ  প্রথম কাজটিকে দ্বিতীয় কাজের আগে উল্লেখ করে তাদেরকে
“and” conjunction দিয়ে যুক্ত করতে হবে। Sentence এ দ্বিতীয় কাজের tense ব্যবহার
করা হবে।

Simple: Coming home she had lunch.
Compound: She came home and she had lunch.
Simple: Going to the office I will write the article.
Compound: I will go to the office and I will write the
Simple: Going to the varsity she will do the class.
Compound: She will go to the varsity and will do the

Rule 2:
simple sentence এ “in spite of” থাকে তবে compound

sentence এ conjunction “but” দিয়ে ভিন্ন clause দুটো যুক্ত করতে হবে।

If the simple sentence has “in spite of,” the compound
sentence will use the conjunction “but” joining the two
different clauses.

Simple: In spite of his poverty the postman never shirks

his duty.
Compound: The postman is poor but he never shirks his
Simple: In spite of his illness he sat for the exam.
Compound: He was ill but he sat for the exam.

Rule 3:
Simple sentence এ “besides being” থাকলে compound
sentence এ “not only..….but also” structure ব্যবহার করা হবে।
If the simple sentence has “besides being,” the
compound sentence will use “not only..….but also.”
Simple: Besides being beautiful the girl is intelligent.
Compound: The girl is not only beautiful but also
The girl is both intelligent and beautiful.
Simple: Besides being a brilliant student she is a good
Compound: She is not only a brilliant student but also a
good singer.
Simple: Besides being a good writer he is an outstanding
Compound: He is not only a good writer but also an
outstanding lecturer.

Rule 4:
যদি simple sentence এ বলা হয় যে একজন person কে কোনকিছু অর্জ ন করতে must
কিছু করতে হবে তবে compound sentence এই structure follow

করবে, ”person must do….or/otherwise the person will

Simple: You must study hard to get good marks in the
Compound: You must study hard or/otherwise you will
not get good marks in the exam.
Simple: He must run fast to win the race.
Compound: He must run fast or/otherwise he will not
win the race.

Rule 5:
simple sentence এ বলা হয় যে একজন person কে must কিছু করতে হবে কোনকিছু

escape/avoid করতে তবে compound sentence এই structure

follow করবে ”person must do….or/otherwise person will +
verb’s simple form…..” or , ”person must
do…...or/otherwise person will be + verb’s past participle
 ”person must do….or/otherwise the person will +
verb’s simple form…..”
 ”person must do…...or/otherwise the person will be
+ verb’s past participle form.”
Simple: You must study hard to escape failure in the
Compound: You must study hard or/otherwise you will
fail the exam.
Simple: He must run fast to avoid losing in the race.
Compound: He must run fast or/otherwise, he will lose
the race.

Simple: The culprit must run away to avoid his arrest.

Compound: The culprit must run away or/otherwise, he
will be arrested.
Rule 6:
simple sentence এ একজন person এর কোন কাজ করার কারণ বলা হয়, তবে

compound sentence এ প্রথমে কারণ উল্লেখ করে result বা ফলাফলকে

conjunction “and” দিয়ে যুক্ত করা হয়।

Simple: Being guilty he ran away.

Compound: He was guilty and he ran away.
Simple: Being so happy he started to dance.
Compound: He was very happy and he started to dance.
Till my arrival, wait here.
Untill i arrive, wait here.

Rule 7:
যদি simple sentence এ “for” থাকে এবং এর আগে কোন কাজ করার ফলাফল থাকে ও পরে কারণ
থাকে তবে compound sentence এ “so”/”therefore”  থাকবে এবংএর আগে
কারণ ও পরে কাজ করার ফলাফল থাকবে।
Simple: The boss praised him for his hard work.
Compound: He worked hard, so the boss praised him.
Or, He worked hard and therefore the boss praised him.
In the above sentence, the result is “the praise of the
boss, ” and the cause is “his(a person’s) hard work.”

Simple: The singer is very popular among people for her

sweet voice.
Compound: The singer’s voice is sweet, so she is very
popular among people.

Rule 8:
যদি simple sentence এ “to” থাকে এবং এর আগে কোন কাজ করার ফলাফল থাকে ও পরে কারণ
থাকে তবে compound sentence এ conjunction “and” ব্যবহার হবে ও বাকি
সবকিছু একই থাকবে।

Note: Both the clauses will be in the same tense.

Simple: She came here to meet me.
Compound: She came here and she met me.
Simple: She studied hard to get good marks.
Compound: She studied hard and got good marks.

#Compound ==> Simple

Rule 1:
যদি compound sentence এ বোঝানো হয় যে কেউ দুটো কাজ করছে, একটি আগে ও আরেকটি
পরে এবং “and” conjunction দিয়ে যুক্ত থাকে, তবে simple

sentence এ রূপান্তরিত করার সময় প্রথম verb এর সাথে “ing” যোগ করে প্রথম clause

টিকে সংক্ষিপ্ত করা হয় এবং দ্বিতীয় clause এর Tense ব্যবহৃত হয় ।

Compound: I went there and met her.

Simple: Going there I met her.
Compound: She will go to the office and will do the work.
Simple: Going to the office she will do the work.
Compound: She will go to the theatre and watch the
Simple: Going to the theatre she will watch the play.

Rule 2:
Compound sentence এ “not only..….but also” থাকলে, simple
sentence এ “besides being” ব্যবহার করা হবে।
Compound: The girl is not only beautiful but also
Simple: Besides being beautiful, the girl is intelligent.
Compound: She is not only a brilliant student but also a
good singer.
Simple: Besides being a brilliant student, she is a good
Compound: He is not only a good writer but also an
outstanding lecturer.
Simple: Besides being a good writer, he is an outstanding

Rule 3:
যদি compound sentence এ conjunction “but” দিয়ে দুটো ভিন্ন clause
যুক্ত থাকে, তবে simple sentence এ শুরুতে “in spite of”, এর পরে  person

অনুযায়ী my/his/her + subordinate clause এর adjective এর noun

form + main clause ব্যবহার করা হবে।

Compound: The book was long but it was interesting.
Simple: In spite of being long, the book was interesting.
Compound: He was ill but he came for rehearsal.
Simple: In spite of his illness, he came for rehearsal.
Rule 4:
compound sentence এই structure follow করে, ”person

must do….or/otherwise person will not…..” , তবে simple

sentence এই structure follow করবে, “ person must do….to +
কাজটি করার ফলাফল ।

Compound: You must study hard or/otherwise, you will

not get good marks in the exam.
Simple: You must study hard to get good marks in the
Compound: He must run fast or/otherwise, he will not
win the race.
Simple: He must run fast to win the race.
He intends to try again not withstanding his repeated
He cannot withstand his repeated failure, so he intends
to try again.

Rule 5:
compound sentence প্রথমে কোনো কাজ করার কারণ উল্লেখ করে, কাজ করার ফলাফলকে

conjunction “and ” দিয়ে যুক্ত করে, তবে simple sentence এই structure

follow করবে, “ Being + adjective (কারণ)+ main clause।
Compound: He was guilty and he ran away.
Simple: Being guilty he ran away.
Compound: He was very happy and he started to dance.
Simple: Being so happy he started to dance.
Rule 6:
 যদি compound sentence এ “so”/”therefore”  থাকে এবংএর আগে কারণ ও
পরে কাজ করার ফলাফল থাকে, তবে simple sentence এ “for” থাকবে এবং এর আগে কোন কাজ
করার ফলাফল ও পরে কারণ থাকবে।

Compound: He worked hard, so the boss praised him.

Simple: The boss praised him for his hard work.
In the above sentence, the result is “the praising of
boss”, and the cause is “his(a person’s) hard work”.
There is drought so the crops are short.
The crops are short for/because of the drought.

Compound: The singer’s voice is sweet, so she is very

popular among people.
Simple: The singer is very popular among people for her
sweet voice.
Rule 7:
যদিcompound sentence এ conjunction “and” ব্যবহার করে এর আগে কোন
কাজ করার ফলাফল ও পরে কারণ থাকে, তবে simple sentence এ “to” ব্যবহার হবে ও বাকি
সবকিছু একই থাকবে।

Compound: She came here and met me.

Simple: She came here to meet me.
Compound: She studied hard and got good marks.
Simple: She studied hard to get good marks.

#Complex ==> Compound

A complex sentence is characterized by one independent
clause and at least one dependent clause connected by
subordinating conjunctions (such as though, although, if,
unless, lest, as, because, since and relative pronouns).

Example: Although it rained heavily, he went out

without an umbrella.

On the other hand, a compound sentence is

characterized by at least two independent clauses which
can be used as separate sentences and are connected
with coordinating conjunctions.

Example: It rained heavily but he went out without an


Rule 1:
Complex sentence এর শুরুতে “though”/”Although” থাকলে,
compound sentence “but”/”yet” conjunction দিয়ে পৃথক clause
গুলোকে যুক্ত করে ।

Complex: Though he is poor, he is happy.

Compound: He is poor but he is happy.
Complex: Although she is ill, she worked very hard.
Compound: She is ill yet she worked very hard.
Complex: Though the class was lengthy, the class was
Compound: The class was lengthy but it was enjoyable.

Rule 2:
Complex sentence এর মাঝে যদি “lest” থাকে এবং person এর পরে “should”
থাকে তবে compound sentence এ conjunction “or”/”otherwise”

ব্যবহার করে পৃথক clause গুলোকে যুক্ত করা হয় এবং দ্বিতীয় clause এ future tense হয় ।

Complex: Study hard lest you should fail.

Compound: Study hard or you will fail.
Complex: Practice hard lest you should be out of the
cricket team.
Compound: Practice hard otherwise you will be out of
the cricket team.

Rule 3:
Complex sentence এর শুরুতে “As soon as” থাকলে, compound
sentence “and” conjunction  দিয়ে পৃথক clause গুলোকে যুক্ত করে ।
Complex: As soon as the rain stopped, we started the
Compound: The rain stopped and we started the
Complex: As soon as the crowd saw the hero, they
started shouting.
Compound: The crowd saw the hero and started

Rule 4:
Complex sentence এর শুরুতে “since”/”as”/”when” থাকলে,
compound sentence “and”/”so”/”hence”/”therefore” দিয়ে
পৃথক clause গুলোকে যুক্ত করে ।
Complex: Since the weather was bad, the match did not
take place.
Compound: The weather was bad and the match did not
take place.
Complex: As she was ill, she did not come.
Compound: She was ill and she did not come.

Rule 5:
Complex sentence এ relative pronoun “who,which” থাকলে,
compound sentence সে স্থানে “and” ব্যবহার করে এবং প্রথম clause এর
object দ্বিতীয় clause এর subject হয়ে যায় ।
Complex: I saw a girl who was singing.
Compound: I saw a girl and she was singing.
Complex: I have a friend who is a writer.
Compound: I have a friend and he is a writer.
Complex: I bought a car which is very fast.
Compound: I bought a car and it is very fast.

Rule 6:
Complex sentence এর শুরুতে  “if” ও এর পরে first or third person থাকলে
এবং তা যদি negative অর্থ প্রকাশ করে  তবে compound করার সময় এই structure
follow করা হয় “Let+ pronoun এর object form + subordinate
clause  এর affirmative form + or/otherwise + main clause” ।
Complex: If I do not go there, I will be unable to learn it.
Compound: let me go there or/otherwise I will be unable
to learn it.
Complex: if I do not study hard I will be unable to get
good marks.
Compound: Let me study hard or/otherwise I will be
unable to get good marks.

Rule 7:

Complex sentence এর শুরুতে  “if” ও এর পরে first or third person থাকলে

এবং তা যদি affirmative form  এ থাকে  তবে compound করার সময় এই
structure follow করা হয়, “Let+ pronoun  এর object form + দুই 
clauses এর  মাঝে “and” + main clause” ।
Complex: If I go there, I will be able to learn it.
Compound: let me go there and I will be able to learn it.
Complex: if I study hard, I will be able to get good marks.
Compound: Let me study hard and I will be able to get
good marks.

Rule 8:

Complex sentence এর শুরুতে  “if” ও এর পরে second person থাকলে  এবং তা

যদি negative অর্থ প্রকাশ করে  তবে compound করার সময় “If you do not” উঠে

গিয়ে verb এর affirmative form (use advice form) +

or/otherwise + main clause হয় ।

Complex: If you do not study hard, you will fail.
Compound: Study hard or you will fail.
Complex: If you do not practice more, you cannot
become a good singer.
Compound: Practice more or you cannot become a good

Rule 9:

Complex sentence এর শুরুতে  “if” ও এর পরে second person থাকলে  এবং তা

যদি affirmative form  এ থাকে তবে compound করার সময় “If you” উঠে গিয়ে

verb এর base form (in form of a advice) + and + main

clause হয় ।
Complex: If you study hard you will get good marks.
Compound: Study hard and you will get good marks.
Complex: If you read more, your writing capability will
Compound: Read more and your writing capability will
If he goes there, I will go with him.
Let him go there and I will go with him.

If he doesn't go there, i will go.

Let him go there or/otherwise i will go.

Rule 10:

Complex sentence যদি “so…that” form এ থাকে তবে compound

sentence এই নিয়ম follow করবে, “so” এর স্থানে “very “; “that” এর স্থানে
” and” +so/hence/therefore + main clause .

Complex: I am so tired that I cannot work.

Compound: I am very tired and so/hence/therefore I
cannot work.
Complex: The place is so crowded that I cannot find a
place to stand.
Compound: The place is very crowded and
so/hence/therefore I cannot find a place to stand.

Rule 11:

Complex sentence এর শুরুতে  “Unless” ও এর পরে second person

(you) থাকলে , compound sentence এই structure follow করবে, 
“Unless ও you উঠে যাবে + দুই clause এর মাঝে ”or” + main clause ।
Complex: Unless you say prayers, you cannot advise
anyone to say prayers.
Compound: Say prayers or you cannot advise anyone to
say prayers.
Complex: Unless you practice hard, you cannot become a
good singer.
Compound: Practice hard or you cannot become a good
I was ill and so i could not attend the meeting.
As i was ill, I could not attend the meeting.
His silence proves that he is guilty.
His silence proves his guilt.
He is guilty and so he is silent.

#Compound ==> Complex

Rule 1:
If the compound sentence uses the conjunction
“but”/”yet” to connect the different clauses, the complex
sentence will use “though”/”Although” in the beginning
and “but”/”yet” will be removed.
Compound sentence “but”/”yet” conjunction দিয়ে পৃথক clause
গুলোকে যুক্ত করলে, Complex sentence এর শুরুতে “though”/”Although”

বসে “but”/”yet” উঠে যাবে ।

Compound: He is poor, but he is happy.

Complex: Though he is poor, he is happy.
Compound: She is ill, yet she worked very hard.
Complex: Although she is ill, she worked very hard.
Compound: The class was lengthy, but it was enjoyable.
Complex: Though the class was lengthy, the class was

Rule 2:
যদি Compound sentence এ conjunction “or”/”otherwise”
ব্যবহার করে পৃথক clause গুলোকে যুক্ত করা হয় এবং দ্বিতীয় clause এ future tense হয়,

তবে complex sentence এর মাঝে  “lest” হবে এবং person এর পরে “should”
বসবে ।
Compound: Study hard, or you will fail.
Complex: Study hard lest you should fail.
Compound: Practice hard otherwise you will be out of
the cricket team.
Complex: Practice hard lest you should be out of the
cricket team.

Rule 3:
 যদি compound sentence “and” conjunction  দিয়ে পৃথক clause
গুলোকে যুক্ত করে, তবে complex sentence এর শুরুতে “As soon as” বসে মাঝ থেকে

“and” উঠে যাবে ।

Compound: The rain stopped, and we started the
Complex: As soon as the rain stopped, we started the
Compound: The crowd saw the hero and started
Complex: As soon as the crowd saw the hero, they
started shouting.

Rule 4:
যদি compound sentence “and”/ ”so”/ ”hence”/ ”therefore”
দিয়ে পৃথক clause গুলোকে যুক্ত করে, তবে complex sentence এর শুরুতে “since”/

”as”/ ”when” বসে “and”/ ”so”/ ”hence”/ ”therefore” উঠে যাবে ।

Compound: The weather was bad, and the match did not
take place.
Complex: Since the weather was bad, the match did not
take place.
Compound: She was ill, so she did not come.
Complex: As she was ill, she did not come.
Compound: The sun has set to the west, and therefore it
is evening.
Complex: When it is evening, the sun has set to the west.

Rule 5:
যদি  compound sentence এ “and” ব্যবহৃত হয় একই ব্যক্তি সম্পর্কে দুটো ভিন্ন clause
যুক্ত করতে,  তবে complex sentence “and” এর স্থানে relative pronoun

“who” ব্যবহার করে এর পরের pronoun উঠিয়ে দেবে ।

Compound: I saw a girl, and she was singing.
Complex: I saw a girl who was singing.
Compound: I have a friend, and she is a writer.
Complex: I have a friend who is a writer.

Rule 6:
যদিcompound sentence এই structure follow করে , “Let+
pronoun এর object form + subordinate clause  এর
affirmative form + or/otherwise + main clause”, তবে
complex sentence এর শুরুতে  “if” ও এর পরে first or third person ব্যবহার
করে negative অর্থ প্রকাশ করে ।
Compound: let me go there or/otherwise I will be unable
to learn it.
Complex: If I do not go there I will be unable to learn it.
Compound: Let me study hard or/otherwise I will be
unable to get good marks.
Complex: if I do not study hard I will be unable to get
good marks.

Rule 7:
Compound sentence যদি এই  structure follow করে , “Let+
pronoun  এর object form + দুই  clauses এর  মাঝে “and” + main
clause”, তবে complex sentence এর শুরুতে  “if” ও এর পরে first or third
person ব্যবহার করে affirmative form এ থাকে ।
Compound: Let me study hard, and I will be able to get
good marks.
Complex: If I study hard, I will be able to get good marks.
Compound: Let me go there, and I will be able to learn it.
Compound: Let me go there, and I will be able to learn it.

Rule 8:
Compound sentence যদি এই  structure follow করে , verb এর
affirmative form + or/otherwise + main clause, complex
sentence এর শুরুতে  “if” ও এর পরে second person ব্যবহার করে negative অর্থ
প্রকাশ করে ।

Compound: Study hard, or you will fail.

Complex: If you do not study hard, you will fail.
Compound: Practice more, or you cannot become a good
Complex: If you do not practice more, you cannot
become a good singer.

Rule 9:
Compound sentence যদি এই  structure follow করে , verb এর
affirmative form + and + main clause, Complex sentence
এর শুরুতে  “if” ও এর পরে second person ব্যবহার করে affirmative form এ থাকে

Compound: Study hard, and you will get good marks.

Complex: If you study hard, you will get good marks.
Compound: Read more, and your writing capability will
Complex: If you read more, your writing capability will

Rule 10:
compound sentence “very….and so/hence/therefore+

main clause” এই from এ থাকে, তবে complex sentence “so…that”

form ব্যবহার করবে ।
Compound: I am very tired, and so/hence/therefore I
cannot work.
Complex: I am so tired that I cannot work.
Compound: The place is very crowded, and
so/hence/therefore I cannot find a place to stand.
Complex: The place is so crowded that I cannot find a
place to stand.

Rule 11:
যদিcompound sentence দুই clause এর মাঝে ”or” ব্যবহার করে  উপদেশ দেয়া
বোঝায়, তবে Complex sentence এর শুরুতে  “Unless” ও এর পরে second

person (you) থাকে ।

Compound: Say prayers, or you cannot advise anyone to
say prayers.
Complex: Unless you say prayers, you cannot advise
anyone to say prayers.
Compound: Practice hard, or you cannot become a good
Complex: Unless you practice hard, you cannot become a
good singer.

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