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Prof Madya Dr Rozmi bin Ismail

Pusat Pengajian Psikologi & Pembangunan Manusia, FSSK

ini akan mendedahkan bagaimana dan
mengapa orang mudah terpengaruh dgn orang lain

Sebahagian dari aspek perubahan sikap –iaitu secara

langsung atau tidak langsung.

Adalah dipercayai bahawa tidak ada seorang pun

orang dlm masyarakat imune (terlepas) dari pengaruh

Dan tidak ada satu pun kelompok dalam dunia ini

yang berfungsi tanpa sedikitpun kawalan ke atas

Pengaruh s/ada direct / indirect

Jelas kesannya dari apa yang kita fikir dan buat

Sejauhmanamasyarakat mengawal dan

mempengaruhi t/laku melalui sistem
 Social Influence: efforts by one or more
individuals to change the attitudes, beliefs,
perceptions, or behaviors of one or more

t © Allyn
& Bacon
2007 3
 Usaha seseorang atau kumpulan untuk
mengubah sikap, kepercayaan, persepsi
 Conformity (keakuran)
 Compliance(keturutan)
 Obedience(kepatuhan)
 Pendoktrinan (intense indoctrination)
 Social norms (norma sosial)

 Group influencing our action
 Most people behave in accordance with social
norms, most of the time
 Social pressure
 They show strong tendencies toward
 „Because everyone is doing it‟
 Di dorong oleh keinginan supaya menerima
mengikuti dan menyetujui pandangan ramai

 Conformity: a type of social influence in
which individuals change their attitudes or
behavior in order to adhere to social norms:
◦ Rules regarding how people are expected to
behave in specific situations

t © Allyn
& Bacon
2007 6
 Kajian awal conformity
 A guess in the dark (Muzafer Sherif 1936)
 Solomon Ash- Line Judgement

 Asch‟s (1950s) Research on Conformity
 Participants were asked to indicate which of three
lines matched a standard line in length

t © Allyn
& Bacon
2007 8
◦ During the critical trials, participants had to
give their answers after a unanimous group
gave the wrong answer
 76% conformed at least once to the group‟s false
 Overall, they agreed with the errors 37% of the time
◦ Later research found that an ally (someone
who disagreed with the group) and the ability
to make responses privately both reduced
 Kejelekitan
 Saiz kumpulan
 Norma Deskriptif-apa yang kebanyakan
orang buat dalam situasi tertentu (how)
 Norma injunktif-specifik apa yang patut dan
tidak patut buat (should)
 Desire to be right and the fear of rejection
 Resisting pressure to conform-individuation
and minority influence

 Women tend to conform more than men
 This is due to social roles and traditional
view for men and women
 Men tend to less conform in private settings
 Under certain condition the minority can
influence the majority

 Yielding to direct and explicit appeal and
agree with a particular point of view
 Direct request
 Whereas conform are generally implicit and
not in the form of direct demand.
 Compliance pressures more overt

 Asking for a little to gain a lot
 A technique of social influence by initially
asking subject to agree with small request,
but later is asked to comply with a larger

 Your friend asks you to use your printer to

print one page. It is a small request. You are
happy to comply.
 The next day he asks to print out a draft of
his 100-page thesis using your printer
 Do you agree to his request this time?

 Freedman & Fraser (1966)
 Asking residents to sign a petition to support
the campaign of safe driving. Almost everyone
complied with this small request
 Few weeks later different experimenter
contacted the residents for a larger request that
is to place huge sign that said “Drive carefully”
in their front lawns
 More than half of those who had sign the initial
petition agreed to a second request. In
comparison only 17% people who had not been
asked to the initial petition were agreed to do

 Semakin besar permintaan peringkat awal
semakin tinggilah tahap kesetujuan yang
 Permulaan yg kecil akan menghasilkan satu
tarikan awal, dan kemungkinan untuk
akur/setuju pada masa depan adalah tinggi
 Teknik persuasif ini hanya berkesan jika
permintaan bersesuaian dengan norma dan
keinginan personal individu

 Asking for a lot to get a little
 Begin with a large request, to which refusal
is expected, then followed by a smaller one
 Exchange of Reciprocal concession between
the person who make request and the target
of persuasion
 Example people asked you for RM100 to be
donated to the poor, you immediately
refused. But when the fund raiser then asks
for RM20 you think for a minute, then agree.
You usually don‟t donate so much but,
because it is important cause.

 Cialdini et al.,(1975) asked counseling
students to make substantial commitment as
unpaid counselor for juvenile delinquents for
two hours a week for a minimum of 2 years
 No one agreed to that request
 Later they are asked to the much smaller
favor of taking a group of delinquents on a
trip to the zoo. About 50% of students who
had first been approached agreed, only 17%
of control group who had never approached
before agreed.

 Wujud konsesi timbalbalas, khususnya pada tahap
awal penolakan, orang akan berubah fikiran
apabila permintaan atau risiko berkurangan
 Self -presentation factor play an important role.
Orang pada mulanya tidak bersetuju dengan
tawaran yang tak masuk akal, atau personaliti
yang tidak membantu dan tidak menarik. Apabila
permintaan yang berikutnya diubah dengan cara
dan penampilan yang berlainan subjek akan
merasa ingin tertarik dan akur dengan permintaan
kedua itu.
 Tektik ini juga berkaitan dengan teori persepsi,
iaitu persepsi manusia terhadap stimulus tertentu

 A technique of social influence in which a
customer is offered a deal initially, with
inflated price then followed by incentive,
discount and bonus
 A cake is sell at a regular price of 75 cents
 In another condition, customer was told that
the price was RM1.00 but had been discount
to 75%.
 The discount cakes sold more faster than the
regular price, despite their prices are

 Start small, finish big
 When initial agreement s reached, then the
seller reveals additional costs
 Normally found at car dealerships

 A change of behavior due to commands of
others in authority
 Obedience to authority

 My Lai Massacre in Vietnam
 US army soldiers melakukan pembunuhan
kejam-ratusan kanak-kanak dan orang tua
dibunuh dan dicampakkan ke dalam parit bayi
ditikam dengan benet yang muda dirogol
 They were only following orders to rid the area
of North Communist enemies
 etnic cleansing Bosnian Serb, hollocaust,
pembunuhan di Satila palestin
 Di Malaysia, kumpulan Ibrahim libya ditembak

 Subjek terlibat dlm eksperimen sebagai murid
dan guru-dan murid gagal menjawab diberi
kejutan letrik apabila diarah oleh juru
 Ramalan sebelum kajian berlangsung
 Ahli psikiatri hanya 1/1000 sahaja sanggup
 Pendapat orangramai setakat 150 volt saja
 Orang konservatif pula berpendapart tiada
manusia yg sanggup buat begitu
 The reality was quite different.

 Mewujudkan satu simulasi makmal
 Subjek secara sukarela menyertai kajian kesan
punishment ke atas pembelajaran
 Subjek diambil secara berpasangan untuk
setiap sesi sebagai „learner‟ dan „teacher‟
 Teacher memberi pasangan perkataan untuk
dingati oleh leaner jika salah kejutan letrik
 Ada 30 suiz tahap kejutan dari serendah 15v
hingga 450v
 Semakin banyak silap paras kejutan letrik
 If they refuse to go on the experimenter
pressure them by saying “please continue‟
 Daripada 40 subjek 35% (14 menarik diri) 65
% (26 kekal )
 Kajian sebenar Milgram mendapati 65%
subjek yg terlibat sanggup memberikan
kejutan tahap tinggi 450vt

Voltage Number of percentage Cumulative %
defectors of defectors
75 0 0.0 0.0
135 0 0.0 0.0
150 0 0.0 0.0
210 0 0.0 0.0
300 5 12.5 12.5
315 4 10 22.5
330 2 5 27.5
345 1 2.5 30
360-435 2 5 35
450 0 0.0 35
 Obedience to authorities is based on three
1. The legitimacy of the system-arahan yg
berkuasa dilihat sentiasa tepat dan betul-
contoh kerajaan, keluarga, organisasi ttentu
2. The legitimacy of the authorities or power
holders within the system-seseorang yg
memegang jawatan- Jeneral, IGP, tetapi
seseorang yg memenangi pilihanraya dilihat
kurang kuasa legitimasi
3. The legitimacy of their demands- merujuk
kpd persepsi seseorang bhw apa yang diarah
bersesuaian dan sah dan patut berdasarkan
Implikasi kajian
 Arahan yang tidak bersifat penyalahan pada
diri pelaku menyebabkan orang patuh
 Arahan yang bersifat ancaman akan dipatuhi
 Arahan dari pihak yang berautoriti akan


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