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National Journal of Environmental Law

ISSN: 2581-6683 (Online)

Volume 1, Issue 2

Environment Protection Legal and Human Rights

Perspective in India
Jayesh Deepak1, *, Vishakha Rajgarhia2
Student, Chanakya National Law University, Patna, Bihar, India
Student, National University of Study and Research in Law, Ranchi, Jharkhand, India

Climate litigation is in its embryonic stage in India. Climate-related claims have nonetheless
to be litigated in the courts. There are some cases during which global climate change has
been stated however solely en passant. This example may be set to vary. Global climate
change and its impacts are quickly capturing the popular imagination in India. There's a
growing appreciation of the importance and significance of the climate challenge, and a
swerve of climate policies and initiative at the national and state levels are launched in
response. This means not simply that there are potential litigants waiting within the wings
however conjointly that climate related claim is probably to be favorably amused by the
judiciary. The rise within the range of global climate change judicial proceeding has return
below the general public scanner in recent times. Global climate change judicial proceeding
is tarnished by the scientific, economic, political queries that are thought of as vital
impediments in production apt judicial proceeding strategy. This paper is a trial at distinctive
the current legal position of global climate change judicial proceeding in India diagramming
an overall probable future. The article argues that climate claims can have a powerful footing
in India in years to come back relying upon figuring out legal strategy supported by a number
of the common law principles like common nuisance and negligence. Although, for critiques
global climate change judicial proceeding supported common law theory should still seem
unsure, the potentiality of such suits can't be unnoted in providing a replacement dimension in
entire global climate change discussion.

Keywords: Climate Change Litigation, Prospective future, Climate based claims, judicial

*Author for Correspondence E-mail:

INTRODUCTION framework to address the climate change issue

An appropriate legal strategy needs to be globally. India’s thriving economy and
structured in order to deal with climate change steadily growing emissions have made India
problem and the same may prove to be a key one of the key players in climate change
assignment for the legal fraternity in years to politics. This, truth be told, underplays a basic
come. The role of the judiciary is particularly actuality, for example India's legitimate
important in interpreting the existing laws for framework has still not woken up to the extent
formulating a new legal approach in the of environmental change suit. Besides, the
backdrop of growing impact of greenhouse gas powerlessness of the Indian legislature to deal
emissions, and the ever- increasing economic with such issues is another zone of concern
activities affecting every facet of human which must be tended to sufficiently. It very
productivity, daily life and ongoing global well may be contended that common law
climate change negotiations. Although, the activities like nuisance or carelessness can be
basic mechanism of how carbon dioxide and the compelling instruments in the hands of
other greenhouse gases warm the planet has judges to address the environmental change
been well known to us for decades [1], climate issue in India especially without explained
change emerged as a firm international agenda authoritative arrangements. A wide cluster of
only by the late 1980’s [2]. Thereafter, it took researchers, lawyers, and influenced
the international community more than a individuals are investigating the feasibility of
decade to develop a comprehensive legal these activities now. This paper will initially

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Environment Protection Legal and Human Rights Perspective in India Deepak and Rajgarhia

investigate nature for atmosphere suit, just as destruction, vitality security, and arrangement
the potential, prospects, and potential issues of widespread access to vitality, are focal and
that Constitutional rights-based traps - persevering distractions of the Indian
regardless of whether in connection to an government. Legitimately so: India is set
ecological right or center rights to life and 134th on the Human Development Index, 41.6
wellbeing – face in Indian courts. This article percent of its populace lives on under 1.25
will likewise look to address the job that US$ multi day and an expected 44 percent
rights-based atmosphere prosecution could or does not approach power. India's formative
should play (or not) in successfully tending to mission, as confined, be that as it may, may
environmental change in India. well leave vast carbon impressions, and at last
debilitate its capacity to create. In the event
CLIMATE CHANGE LITIGATION: that India's present development rate proceeds
with vitality request will increment
NEW OUTLOOK exponentially. Moreover, if India's objectives
Environmental change suit discovers its on destitution, joblessness, and education are
foundations in risk guarantees as common to be met, and vitality gave to the about 500
society is getting to be mindful of the way that million Indians without access to power, it will
human activities and the outflow of certain prompt a lot more noteworthy vitality use.
ozone harming substances into the air can India will before long be a noteworthy
prompt terrible ramifications for the earth, supporter of atmosphere change.8 India is
property and human wellbeing. It makes the anticipated by a few appraisals to wind up the
likelihood of future suit against governments or third biggest producer by 2015.
enterprises occupied with business exercises. Notwithstanding, India is likewise a standout
amongst the most helpless against
In India, potential outcomes are as of now environmental change. India's economy is
being investigated however in completely additionally prone to be fundamentally
unique ecological settings and not as a feature impeded by the effects of environmental
of environmental change suit. Extensively, in change. Environmental change, in this manner,
India the native has a decision of the is an issue that is progressively being
accompanying solutions for get change if there considered important by India. India has taken
should be an occurrence of infringement of various measures locally. It propelled its
his/her ecological right: National Climate Change Action Plan in 2008
1. A common law action against the polluter uniting existing and proposed endeavors at
including nuisance and negligence; decarburization under eight national missions:
2. A writ petition to compel the authority to sun-oriented vitality; upgraded vitality
enforce the existing environmental laws effectiveness; manageable environments;
and to recover clean-up costs from the water; the Himalayan biological community;
violator; or economical horticulture; and vital information
3. Redressal under various Environmental for environmental change. The important
Statues like Environment (Protection) Act, Ministries have created far reaching mission
1986, Water (Prevention and Control of records specifying targets, systems, plans of
Pollution) Act of 1974, Air (Prevention activity, timetables, and observing and
and Control of Pollution) Act of 1981 etc.; assessment criteria. State-level activity
anticipates environmental change is
additionally in readiness. Every one of these
4. Compensation under Public Liability
measures has started to tolerate natural
Insurance Act, 1991 or the National
product. Interests in clean vitality have
Environment Tribunal Act, 1995 in the become 600% since 2004, and an ongoing
event of damage from a hazardous Pew Report has distinguished India as one of
industry accident [3]. the best performing clean vitality economies
on the planet.
CLIMATE CHANGE This action both at the universal and local
India is determined to create. Monetary dimension, too an exponential development in
development, and with it, neediness the media reportage on environmental change,

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National Journal of Environmental Law
Volume 1, Issue 2
ISSN: 2581-6683 (Online)

has prompted consistently growing natural mindfulness", "overabundant

atmosphere awareness in India. An ongoing administrative endeavors and slipshod
review of 4,031 Indian grown-ups, 75% urban implementation process", "steady gross
and 25% country, uncovered that most of the infringement of essential human rights and
respondents had a passing commonality with serious dissent by the people in question and
the issue of environmental change, a partners." These jural contrary energies,
conviction that environmental change is going associated with oppositely contrasting
on, it is anthropogenic ally caused, it is hurtful rationalities of vote-based system and
to present and who and what is to come, and communism, give a dark picture of natural law
the Indian government ought to make a vast or in India. The legal executive had stayed as a
moderate-scale exertion to lessen spectator to natural raid for over two decades
environmental change. since the commencement of present-day
environmentalism on Indian soil. In M.C.
INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVE Mehta v. Association of India, the Court
In international forum, India, a party to the provided guidance to communicate and
Framework Convention on Climate Change broadcast biology programs on the electronic
(FCCC) [4] and its Kyoto Protocol, [5] has media and incorporate ecological examination
consistently rejected legally binding in school and school educational programs.
quantitative GHG mitigation targets. India is The advancement of the locus standi in India
also opposed to establishing a quantitative long- accompanied the rise of Public Interest
term global goal or a peaking year, unless it is Litigation (PIL) which permits any open
accompanied by an appropriate burden sharing vivacious individual or foundation, acting in
arrangement based on equity and differential accordance with some basic honesty to move
treatment for developing countries. the Supreme Court and the High Courts for
Nevertheless, in 2007 India promised that its writs under Articles 32 and 226 of the
per capita emissions would not exceed the Constitution separately for legal review out in
levels of developed countries [6]. India also the open enthusiasm for instance of
offered to embark on a path of decarburization. infringement of principal privileges of a poor
In 2010, India crystallized its offer to or underprivileged class who on account of
decarbonize into a voluntary undertaking under destitution or inability can't approach the
the non-binding Copenhagen Accord [7] to court. The legal executive has translated
‘endeavor to reduce the emissions intensity of Article 21 generously to incorporate an
its GDP by 20–25% by 2020 in comparison to
unstated right, for example the directly to
the 2005 level’. This undertaking has been
healthy condition and all the more accurately
mainstreamed into the FCCC process through
directly to appreciate contamination free water
an information document taken note of by the
Cancun Agreements, 2010. India, after initial and air and the sky is the limit from there. The
reluctance, also joined the consensus at the court has additionally incorporated a directly
Durban Climate Change Conference, 2011, on to a healthy situation with beginning however
the Durban Platform, that launched a process to rising standards of universal natural law for
adopt a ‘Protocol, another legal instrument, or example polluter pays rule, the preparatory
an agreed outcome with legal force’ applicable rule, the guideline of between generational
to all in the post-2020 period. This process, the value, the rule of maintainable advancement
Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban and the thought of the state as a trustee of
Platform for Enhanced Action (ADP), is every characteristic asset.
currently underway, and in 2013 Parties has
agreed inter alia, to consider the ‘application of Commenting on public nuisance further, it is
the principles of the Convention’ to the ADP known that it arises from an unreasonable
[8]. interference with the general right of the
public. Remedies against public nuisance are,
LAWS AS THEY STAND: AN therefore, available to every citizen.32 In
UNREFINED QUARTER India, public nuisance so far has covered
Ecological law in India is an uneasy blend of issues ranging from sewage cleaning problems
"readiness to ensure condition and absence of to brick grinding operations, from hazardous

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Environment Protection Legal and Human Rights Perspective in India Deepak and Rajgarhia

waste management to untreated effluent complemented by an expansive set of

discharges from factories. But climate change Constitutional rights. The Constitution of
is still unexplored. It has to be further India, in Part III, titled ‘Fundamental Rights,’
understood that in liability claims proceedings creates a regime of protection for a privileged
based on nuisance or negligence arising out of set of rights. Laws inconsistent with or in
global warming, the plaintiff always faces derogation of these rights are void to the
problems establishing his standing because it extent of their inconsistency [10]. The
is extremely difficult to set up a causal centerpiece of these fundamental rights is the
connection between the injury suffered by the right to life and liberty [11]. This right has
plaintiff and defendant’s emission of over the years been extended through judicial
greenhouse gases. In United States, to creativity to cover unarticulated but implicit
establish standing in a Federal Court, a rights such as the right to live with human
plaintiff must show that: dignity, [12] the right to livelihood, [13] the
(a) A particular injury has been suffered; right to education, [14] the right to health and
(b) A causal connection exists between the medical care of workers, [15] and most
injury and conduct complained of, so that the importantly for current purposes, the ‘right of
injury is fairly traceable to the challenged enjoyment of pollution-free water and air’.
action of the defendant; and
(c) It must be likely, as opposed to merely The Supportive Right to Information
speculative, that a favorable court decision Regime
will relieve the injury complained of. The Right to Information Act, 2005, permits
Also, remedies available in India for public citizens to file Right to Information
nuisance, in general, are impressive. Section applications seeking information from public
268 of Indian Penal Code, 1860 provides the authorities, [16] and provides for a strict time-
definition of public nuisance. According to the line within which the information has to be
Section “a person is guilty of a public nuisance provided [17]. Non-compliance with the
who does any act or is guilty of an illegal timeline, without reasonable cause, can lead to
omission which causes any common injury, individual liability of the concerned official
danger or annoyance to the public or to the [18]. The Right to Information Act, 2005, can
people in general who dwell or occupy be used by prospective litigants to secure
property in the vicinity, or which must information on climate actions (or reasons for
necessarily cause injury, obstruction, danger or lack thereof) of government agencies, on
annoyance to persons who may have occasion decisions taken by such agencies that may
to use any public right.” It again provides in result in GHG emissions or reduction in
the same Section that “a common nuisance is carbon sink, etc. Such information will enable
not excused on the ground that it causes some prospective litigants to create a solid and
convenience or advantage.” Persons who irrefutable base of information on which their
conduct ‘offensive’ trades and thereby pollute actions can be founded. Climate advocates
the air or cause loud and continuous noises have begun to use the Right to Information
that affect the health and comfort of those Act, 2005, to seek climate-related information,
dwelling in the neighborhood are liable to [19] and the rights-based climate claim that is
prosecution for causing public nuisance. This, in the pipeline also seeks to use the right to
however, is less attractive because the penalty information regime in this fashion [20].
for is merely Rs. 200, which makes it pointless
for a citizen initiate a prosecution under New Forums and Options
Section 268 of Indian Penal Code, 1860 by a In addition to the High Court and Supreme
complaint to a magistrate [9]. Court, the newly constituted National Green
Tribunal [21] may also offer climate litigants a
THE CONSTITUTIONAL forum in which they may raise climate claims
FRAMEWORK AND JUDICIAL in relation to legal rights. No such claim has
ACTIVISM yet been brought before the Tribunal in its
The extensive public interest jurisdiction the early years of operation, but it offers an
Courts have arrogated to themselves is additional avenue for climate litigants. The

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National Journal of Environmental Law
Volume 1, Issue 2
ISSN: 2581-6683 (Online)

National Green Tribunal has jurisdiction over how climate change may have an effect on
‘all civil cases where a substantial question their rights. At the same time, as citizens, we
relating to environment (including have responsibilities of our own [29]. We need
enforcement of any legal right relating to to be more conscious about intergenerational
environment) is involved’ and arises in the equity and our present and future
context of a defined set of environmental laws responsibility, social, ethical and legal that
[22]. The Tribunal is empowered to hear may determine the potential winners or losers
appeals brought by ‘any person aggrieved’ by in climate change litigation [30].
the decisions or orders of authorities under the
Air, Water, Biodiversity, Environment and In India, reaction against environmental
Forest legislations [23]. In addition to the degradation is mainly influenced by unequal
customary extension of ‘person’ to artificial exchange, poverty and population growth [31].
juridical persons, [24] the NGT, has read Climate change as a recent phenomenon is yet
‘aggrieved person’ expansively to include ‘any to form a part of mainstream litigation here. It
person, individual or group of individuals’ as is undeniable that judicial activism of India in
long their credentials have been verified and environmental matters actually has shaped the
their motives are pure. environmental law tremendously and owes its
debt in many ways to the active social
The Tribunal, while passing an order, is required movements. This may be the reason why, in
to apply the principles of sustainable spite of possibilities, the nuisance or
development, precaution and polluter pays [25]. negligence or others yet to encompass climate
These principles, discussed earlier, have been change in them.
fleshed out in case law, and are considered part
of the law of the land. The application of the FINDINGS
precautionary principle, in particular, may prove Courts lack the institutional competence, for
beneficial to climate litigants. The Tribunal also instance, to assess the credibility of the
has far ranging powers to order relief and relevant climate science, judge the relative
compensation to victims of pollution or merits of different policy measures on
environmental damage, for restitution of adaptation/mitigation, or determine the
damaged property, and even for restitution of the appropriate balance between mitigation and
damaged environment [26]. adaptation measures as well as between
climate change and development concerns.
Rights-based Claims and Adaptation The judiciary also lacks the democratic
The core human rights threatened by climate accountability necessary for policy
impacts are protected under several human prescriptions on complex and all-
rights treaties that India is a Party to. This encompassing issues such as climate change.
Ronald Dworkin in Taking Rights Seriously
includes the International Covenant on Civil
drew a persuasive distinction between
and Political Rights [27] and the International
principle (involving moral rights against the
Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural
state) and policy (involving utilitarian
Rights [28]. India has an obligation under
calculations of the public good). The former is
these treaties to respect, protect and fulfill the
the legitimate domain of judges and the latter
rights contained in these treaties. This that of the legislature and its agents [32].
obligation is binding on every state Party, Effective climate policy can only be built on a
India included, and must be given effect to in re-assessment of current developmental
good faith.135 India is, also, as we have seen, models, resource use patterns, and lifestyle
a Party to the FCCC and its Kyoto Protocol. choices. And, it will have implications for
India’s energy security, economic growth, and
SOCIAL AND ETHICAL DIMENSION geo-political aspirations. Courts have neither
Climate litigation encompasses ethical, the mandate nor the ability to generate
scientific, economic, social, and other effective policy on such an all-encompassing
complexities of the age. Lawyers bear the issue. What they can and will likely do is
responsibility of making their clients aware of engage in the ‘jurisprudence of exasperation’ -

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Environment Protection Legal and Human Rights Perspective in India Deepak and Rajgarhia

where the function of law is to express usually put to judges in other countries, are
frustration with the state of affairs - and decided as a matter of course by the Indian
proceed to prescribe an ad hoc, reactive and Supreme Court [33]. If a rights-based climate
temporary solution driven either by the judges’ claim were to be brought before them, their
inarticulate major premises or by the views of inclination, borne out by their pattern of
the parties and lawyers before them. This will intervention in public interest environmental
have the unfortunate effect of converting litigations, would be to demand explanations
particular strains of opinion into policy, while from relevant Ministry officials, create an ad-
at the same time endless judicial oversight will hoc committee or appoint a commissioner to
paralyze the Executive and distort existing examine the issue, and to use the device of
processes and policy evolution channels on ‘continuing mandamus’ orders to first direct
climate change. the government to take particular actions, and
then continuously monitor their
POTENTIAL FOR RIGHTS-BASED implementation. The Courts would, as they
CLIMATE LITIGATION have in numerous environmental rights-based
Although climate change concerns have yet to public interest cases, assume policy
form the core subject matter of a dispute prescription and governance functions. These
before the Courts, there is potential, in are roles, however, that the Courts are ill-
particular, given the filtering through of equipped to play.
climate concerns to the courts, for the
increasing use of litigation to further climate Courts lack the institutional competence, for
goals. Climate litigation, as is evident from instance, to assess the credibility of the
jurisdictions such as the US and Australia where relevant climate science, judge the relative
climate litigation is pervasive, can take many merits of different policy measures on
forms.45 In India too, many hooks exist for adaptation/mitigation, or determine the
climate litigation in public and private law. A appropriate balance between mitigation and
full survey of these hooks is discussed in an adaptation measures as well as between
earlier co-authored piece. While there are some climate change and development concerns.
hooks, such as the environmental clearance The judiciary also lacks the democratic
regime, that offer an avenue for climate concerns accountability necessary for policy
to percolate into case law, the greatest potential prescriptions on complex and all-
for climate litigation in India lies in rights-based encompassing issues such as climate change.
climate claims. This is not only because there is Ronald Dworkin [34] in Taking Rights
a rich culture of judicial activism and public Seriously drew a persuasive distinction
interest litigation in India but also because this is
between principle (involving moral rights
complemented by an expansive indigenously
against the state) and policy (involving
developed rights jurisprudence. There is also a
utilitarian calculations of the public good). The
liberal right to information regime that supports,
through the availability of a government former is the legitimate domain of judges and
authenticated information base, the filing of such the latter that of the legislature and its agents.
claims. Indeed, there is currently a rights-based Effective climate policy can only be built on a
claim in the pipeline that seeks to harness the re-assessment of current developmental
power of these unique features of the Indian models, resource use patterns, and lifestyle
judicial system. choices. And, it will have implications for
India’s energy security, economic growth, and
POTENTIAL PROBLEMS geo-political aspirations. Courts have neither
Although the rights-based claims, in particular the mandate nor the ability to generate
adaptation related ones are likely to be effective policy on such an all-encompassing
favorably received by the Courts, the judicial issue. What they can and will likely do is
route in delivering effective climate engage in the ‘jurisprudence of exasperation’ -
governance in India is problematic. Indian where the function of law is to express
Courts have over the years come to acquire frustration with the state of affairs- and
and assume policy evolution functions. proceed to prescribe an ad hoc, reactive and
Political, social and economic questions, not temporary solution driven either by the judges’

NJEL (2018) 20-27 © Law Journals 2018. All Rights Reserved Page 25
National Journal of Environmental Law
Volume 1, Issue 2
ISSN: 2581-6683 (Online)

inarticulate major premises or by the views of have tremendous narrative price, whether or
the parties and lawyers before them. This will not they can change state enlightened domestic
have the unfortunate effect of converting legislation, address the many environmental
particular strains of opinion into policy, while governance issues that lie at the center of
at the same time endless judicial oversight will ineffective implementation, or result in a a lot
paralyze the Executive and distort existing of positive international stance, however, is
processes and policy evolution channels on uncertain.
climate change.
CONCLUSION 1. David Hunter, James Salzman and
Since Stockholm Declaration, the propaganda Durwood Zaelke, International
relating to the dire need for development in Environmental Law and Policy (2002, 2nd
Climate change for India has remained ed.), at 590
constant. Indeed, nobody would dare to argue 2. David Freestones, The International
that the will was unjust thirty or perhaps Climate Change legal and Institutional
fifteen years ago. However, one will simply Framework: An Overview, in Legal
suggest a self-assessing question now: Has Aspects of Carbon Trading: Kyoto,
something modified in thirty-seven years? In Copenhagen And Beyond (David
the era of trade with an increasing market, Freestones et al. eds., 2009) at 5.
India is one in every of the hubs for 3. Shyam Divan, Armin Rosencranz,
international economy. Climate awareness in Environmental law And Policy In India:
India has accrued in leaps and bounds within Cases, Materials And Statutes, (2002, 2nd
the last 5 years. Once the limited preserve of ed.) at 87.
diplomats and bureaucrats, national political 4. United Nations Framework Convention on
and international positioning in relevance Climate Change, 29 May 1992, (1992) 31
temperature change is currently the topic of a International Legal Materials 849
full of life national dialogue. The pressure so [‘FCCC’]
engendered has resulted in a very tranche of 5. Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations
policies and practices in relevance temperature Framework Convention on Climate
change. There's up to now no comprehensive Change, 10 December 1997, (1998) 37
legislation to handle temperature change International Legal Materials 22 [the
mitigation or adaptation. The Supreme Court, ‘Kyoto Protocol’]
High Courts and varied tribunals have 6. PM’s Intervention on Climate Change at
acknowledged and even supported the Heiligendamm, Meeting of G8 plus 5,
relevancy of climate issues within the context Heiligendamm, Germany, 8 June 2007,
of environment-development trade-offs and available at
decision-making, however, a climate-centric 7. Decision 2/CP.15 Copenhagen Accord,
rights-based or alternative claim is nonetheless FCCC/CP/2009/11/Add.1 (30 March
to dropped at the portals of the Indian Courts. 2010), 4 [‘Copenhagen Accord’]
Given the increasing interest in and 8. Report of the Ad Hoc Working Group on
consciousness on climate impacts, the the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action
expansive interpretation of standing in Indian on the second part of its first session, held
courts and tribunals on matters of public in Doha from 27 November to 7
interest, and also the intensive enviro-legal and December 2012, FCCC/ADP/2012/3 (7
rights jurisprudence developed over the years, February 2013), para 29.
a rights-based climate claim is each quite 9. A complaint may be made under Section
possible to be brought before Indian courts, 190, of the Code of Criminal Procedure,
and to be favorably diverted. 1973. Id.
10. Article 13 (2), The Constitution of India,
In particular, in to this point intrinsically a 1950
claim relates to fastidiously circumscribed and 11. Article 21, Ibid
argued adaptation-related basic rights 12. Francis Coralie Mullin v. The
violations. whereas such cases can possible Administrator, Union Territory of Delhi,

NJEL (2018) 20-27 © Law Journals 2018. All Rights Reserved Page 26
Environment Protection Legal and Human Rights Perspective in India Deepak and Rajgarhia

(1981) 1 SCC 608, at paras 7 and 8 25. Section 20, ibid

13. Olga Tellis v. Bombay Municipal 26. Section 15, ibid
Corporation (1985) 3 SCC 545, at para 32 27. International Covenant on Civil and
14. Mohini Jain v. State of Karnataka (1992) 3 Political Rights, 1966, reprinted in
SCC 666 International Legal Materials 6 (1967),
15. Consumer Education and Research Centre 368
v. Union of India (1995) 3 SCC 42 28. International Covenant on Economic,
16. Section 2(h), the Right to Information Act, Social and Cultural Rights, 1966, reprinted
2005 in International Legal Materials 6 (1967),
17. Section 19(1) and 19(3), ibid
18. Section 20(1) & (2), ibid
29. See, Marilyn Averill, Climate Litigation:
19. The Right to Information Initiative of
Ethical Implications and Societal Impacts,
Climate Revolution, a Gurgaon-based
organization, has filed several applications 85Denv. U. L. Rev. 899, 900 (2008)
with the Ministry of Environment and 30. Ibid.
Forests, the Prime Minister’s Office and 31. Guha et al., supra note 25, at 34.
other government departments seeking 32. Ronald Dworkin, Taking Rights Seriously,
information relating to the government’s 22 (Duckworth, London, 1977)
policy on climate change. The information 33. George H. Gadbois Jr, ‘The Supreme
received is publicly available at Court of India as a Political Institution,’ in Rajeev Dhavan et al (eds), Judges and the
20. See above n 47 Judicial Power: Essays in Honour of
21. S. Ghosh, ‘Environmental Litigation in Justice V. R. Krishna Iyer, 250, 257 (N.
India,’ Hindu Business Line, 1 February M. Tripathi, Bombay, 1985).
2012, available at 34. Ronald Dworkin, Taking Rights Seriously, 22 (Duckworth, London, 1977).
22. Section 14, National Green Tribunal Act,
2010. The environmental laws in question Cite this Article
include the Environment Protection Act, Jayesh Deepak, Vishakha Rajgarhia.
1986, the Air (Prevention and Control of Environment Protection Legal and Human
Pollution) Act, 1981, and the Forest Rights Perspective in India. National
(Conservation) Act, 1980. Journal of Environmental Law. 2018; 1(2):
23. Section 16, National Green Tribunal Act, 20–27p.
24. Section 2(j), ibid.

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