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Of Monster and Money

Darkness shrouded the forest, blocking all sight. The trees twisted and warped into demonic
shape, decorating the wood with their ghastly silhouette. The only visible thing is the dense and
heavy fog that hangs above the trees, adding to the place mystique. The Mage pushes through
the blanket of mist, leaving a trail of dispersing fog in his wake. His eyes cautiously dodged from
side to side, warily looking for any sign of danger.

That was when he smelled it. The stench of rotting flesh rushes up, his nose. The scent has a
pungent smell to it, mixed with a nauseating hint of sweetness. Before he knew it, the stench
faded as suddenly as it had appeared, grabbing the Mage’s attention. Despite his caution, the
Mage barely has time to react as a shadowy mass lunged itself at him. The beast hacked and
slashed wildly; it’s razor-sharp claws heading straight for him. Stumbling sideways, the Mage
narrowly dodges the relentless onslaught. It took them both a few seconds to regain their
balance as the Mage tried to catch his breath. Swiftly he unsheathed his sword, the blade
shimmered in the darkness, emitting a vibrant magical glow around the edge.

The beast howled in anger as it charged at him, it’s crimson eyes transfixed on the Mage. The
creature was surprisingly fast for its size as it tackled the Mage onto the ground, knocking the
wind out of him. Letting out a vicious snarl, the beast pinned him in place. He could feel the
creature’s claws digging into his flesh as he tried to wiggle out of its grip. The beast leaned
closer to the Mage, its blood-red eyes staring deep into his, as its jaws unhinge. The Mage gag
as the scent of rotting flesh assaults his nose only for the creature to tighten its grip around him;
its touch was unpleasant, feeling waxy, and dried to the touch. He could see the beast rotten
and jagged teeth as it prepared to deal the killing blows. Using whatever strength he had left,
the Mage raised his blade, successfully holding off the attack. The monster shrieked in
response as it bites and tears at his sword, trying to break the barrier between them. The Mage
screamed in pain as he felt claws digging further into him, this time drawing blood. The scent of
his blood drives the creature into a heightened frenzy, causing it to be even more ferocious than
before. The Mage could feel the increase of pressure on his blade as the beast continued to
gnaw at it. Fearing the sword might snap in half, the Mage tried desperately to get the creature
off him. He could feel his muscles begin to tighten and burn as he struggled to push back
against the beast. Summoning the last of his strength, the Mage wrestles the pommel of his
sword closer toward the howling fiend, desperate for the blade to touch one of its outstretched
talons, while still making sure the barrier between him and the creature is sustained. The beast
reeled back in pain the moment its arm came into contact with the pommel, releasing the Mage
from its deathly grips. Taking advantage of the situation, the Mage throws the beast off him as
he stumbles to his feet. For a moment, time seemed to slow down as the pair circled one
another, waiting for the other to strike.
The beast crouched on all four, preparing to pounce. It’s crimson eyes once again locked onto
him; it’s mouth wide open into a hideous snarl, revealing it’s deformed rows of teeth, while saliva
trickled from its gaping jaws. Without warning, the beast leaped toward him, but this time the
Mage was ready. With one swift motion, he plunges his blade right into the creature’s gut. The
beast howled and shrieked in agony as the silver began to burn it’s inside. Thrashing wildly in its
death throes, the beast frantically tried to claw at the Mage, it’s razor-sharp talons desperately
reaching out for him. The Mage twisted his blade deeper into the creature while it gasped for air,
breathing its final breath. Life began to fade from its bloodshot eyes as the beast slowly ceased
to struggle, each swing becoming more sluggish and unfocused than the last. Gracefully the
Mage pulled his sword from the beast carcasses and decapitated it, causing blackened blood to
explode all over him. Grumbling in annoyance, he wipes the blood from his face before
crouching down to reap his trophy. Groggily he dragged the creature’s decapitated head with
him, leaving the gloomy woods behind as he headed back to town.

“Got your trophy, Calloway” the Mage said smiling cheerily as he threw the beast head on the
table, creating a loud thunk that echoed across the room. “I’m charging extra though. Never
seen one this big before, scratch me up real good.” The Mage said, pointing at the various
claws marked on his chest and torso.

“I see what I can do.” Replied Calloway in the form of a chuckle. “No promises though,
Moussier Willoughby is a tough bargain.”

The Mage rolls his eyes, looking at Calloway. It’s been two years since their “partnership”,
Calloway has been the one who brought him most of his job requests and contracts. Going as
far as scouting for potential clients that would pay higher prices.
The Mad Mage
“The mad mage?” Kane asks, eyeing Calloway incredulously.

“I’m telling you, the stories are true. My father used to tell me about him when I misbehave”.
Calloway insisted, his eyes burning holes through Kane.

“People say all kind of things about mages” Kane replied dryly, rolling his eyes “Most of the
stories are full of shit though”

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