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Cabled Gansey


AFGHAN instructed on rem

Design by Dawn Brocco Rows 1 and 3
(RS): K12 MC, k2
This quick-and-easy afghan is rich in CC, k12 MC.
color and texture. Row 2 (WS): K12
MC, k2 CC, k12 MC.
[k2, p2] 3 times, k2
Experience Level
CC, with MC [p2,
k2] 3 times.
Finished Size Row 5: K12 MC,
Approximately 46 x 70 inches k2 CC, k12 MC.
Materials Rows 6–19: Rep
• Worsted weight yarn* (3.5 oz/200 yds
Rows 4 and 5.
per skein): 8 skeins light beige #240
Row 20 (WS):
(MC), 6 skeins pale jade heather #678
K12 MC, k2 CC, k12
(A), 4 skeins lilac heather #433 (B)
• Size 11 (8mm) needles or size needed to Row 21: With CC,
give gauge knit.
• Cable needle Row 22: With CC,
• Tapestry needle purl.
*Sample project was completed with Encore (75
Rows 23–42: Rep
percent acrylic/25 percent wool) from Plymouth

Yarns Inc. For ordering information, see the

Rows 1–20.
Buyer’s Guide on page 30.
Rows 43 and 44:
Gauge With MC, rep Rows
13 sts and 16 rows = 4 inches/10 cm in St
21 and 22.
st, using 2 strands yarn held tog
Rep Rows 1–44
To save time, take time to check gauge.
for patt.
OXO Cable Patt
Pattern Note CO 16 sts.
Design is worked with 2 strands yarn
Row 1 and all
rem WS rows: K4, p8, k4.
Special Abbreviations Row 2 (RS): K2, p2, k8, p2, k2.
Cable 4 Back (C4B): Sl next 2 sts to cn and Row 4: K2, p2, C4B, C4F, p2, k2.
hold in back, k2, k2 from cn. Row 6: Rep Row 2.
Cable 4 Front (C4F): Sl next 2 sts to cn Row 8: K2, p2, C4F, C4B, p2, k2.
and hold in front, k2, k2 from cn. Rows 9–12: Rep Rows 5–8.
Pattern Stitches Rows 13–16: Rep Rows 1–4.
Polperro Gansey Patt Rep Rows 1–16 for patt.
With MC, CO 26 sts. Polperro Gansey Panels
Note: On first rep of panel only, work Rows Make 3
1 and 2 entirely with MC, use CC as With MC, CO 26 sts, [work Rows 1–44
Knitting Digest January 2001

From Knitting Digest, January 2001, Volume 23, No.1, Pages 40-42, Copyright 2000 Knitting Digest
using A; with B, rep Rows 1–44] 3 times. 3. With A, work 2 panels 217 rows long:
On last rep with B, work Rows 1–40 with rep [Rows 1–16] 13 times, then work [Rows
CC, complete Rows 41–43 with MC only. 1–9] once, do not BO. Cut A, attach MC and
BO knitwise on WS. work 26 rows (13 ridges) of garter st, BO all
OXO Cable Panels sts knitwise.
1. With B, work 2 panels 265 rows long: Finishing
rep [Rows 1–16] 16 times, then work [Rows Referring to Fig. 1, lay Polperro gansey
1–9] once. BO all sts knitwise. panels out with color A at top of outer pan­
2. With A, work 2 panels as above, do not els and color B at top of middle panel, and
BO. Cut A, attach MC and work 26 rows (13 #1 cable panels bet gansey panels. Using 2
ridges) of garter st, BO all sts knitwise. strands B and tapestry ndl, sew panels tog.
January 2001 Knitting Digest

From Knitting Digest, January 2001, Volume 23, No.1, Pages 40-42, Copyright 2000 Knitting Digest
Lay a #2 cable panel along right edge, FIG. 1
with garter square extending past top Cable Panel 2
edge. Sew in place, using 2 strands A. In
same manner, sew a #3 panel across top

Cable Panel 3
of afghan, sewing beg of panel to side of
Cable Panel 1
previous garter square and with garter

Cable Panel 3
square extending past left edge.
Attach rem strips in same manner.
Block to size. ❖ Cable Panel 1

■ Lt. beige (MC)
Cable Panel 2
■ Pale jade heather (A)
■ Lilac heather (B)

Knitting Digest January 2001

From Knitting Digest, January 2001, Volume 23, No.1, Pages 40-42, Copyright 2000 Knitting Digest

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