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8 Language and Literature Unit 3 - Narrative Writing Summative Contract

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To effectively ​communicate ​one’s ​craft​, one considers multiple ​perspectives​ and the ​context ​of the situation. 
Summative assessment tasks: 

Students will use their creative thinking to emulate the vignette style of writing that Sandra Cisneros uses in ​The House on Mango Street​ in order to
create their own narratives. Students will produce 2 different narratives, one told in first-person point of view and the other in third-person point of
view. The narratives will be about the same person’s experience, just through a different perspective. Students will display their knowledge of how
context and cultural and personal expression shape the situation and how the main character in each narrative acts and behaves. Students will use
their creative thinking skills in order to produce text and use their language skills to effectively communicate their ideas.
Task 1: First-Person Point of View Narrative (C, D) 
● Goal: To effectively ​communicate ​one’s c
​ raft​, one considers multiple ​perspectives​ and the ​context ​of the situation.  
● Role: eye witness 
● Audience: readers of the memoir 
● Situation: you will create the context (situation) about an event that has taken place 
● Product: you will tell your account of the situation, describing what you have experienced (what you have seen, felt, understood) to 
be published in a memoir 
● Standards: C, D 
Task 2: Third-Person Point of View Narrative (C, D) 
● Goal: To effectively ​communicate ​one’s c
​ raft​, one considers multiple ​perspectives​ and the ​context ​of the situation.  
● Role: journalist 
● Audience: readers of the memoir 
● Situation: you will create the context (situation) about an event that has taken place 
● Product: after interviewing an eyewitness, you tell this person’s account of the situation, describing what this person has experienced 
(seen, felt, understood) to be published in a memoir 
● Standards: C, D 

Perspective​ is the key concept for this unit. How does this key concept relate to your formative and summative tasks? 


Communication ​and ​Context ​are the related concepts. ​Why​ and ​how ​are each concept related to your formative and summative tasks? 
● Why? 
● How? 
● Why? 
● How? 

Personal and Cultural Expression ​is the Global Context. How does considering​ the nature and purpose of creative expression especially 
one’s craft​ relate to and improve our summative tasks? 


How does the ​ATL Skill​ ​Critical Thinking (​draw parallels between known and new ideas to create new ways of achieving goals​) ​help you 
with your summative task OR how will these skills be developed? 

Critical Thinking 
● How does this skill help? OR How do you develop this skill?  

Criterion C: Producing Text
Level 1-2 Level 3-4 Level 5-6 Level 7-8

The student: The student: The student: The student:

i. Produces texts that demonstrate i. Produces texts that demonstrate i. Produces texts that demonstrate i. Produces texts that demonstrate
limited​ personal engagement adequate​ personal engagement considerable​ personal a ​high degree​ of personal
with the creative process; with the creative process; engagement with the creative engagement with the creative
demonstrates a ​limited​ degree of demonstrates ​some​ degree of process; demonstrates process; demonstrates a ​high
thought, imagination or sensitivity thought, imagination and considerable​ thought, degree​ of thought, imagination
and ​minimal​ exploration and sensitivity and ​some​ exploration imagination and sensitivity and and sensitivity and ​perceptive
consideration of new perspectives and consideration of new substantial​ exploration and exploration and consideration of
and ideas. perspectives and ideas. consideration of new perspectives new perspectives and ideas.
ii. Makes ​minimal​ stylistic choices ii. Makes ​some​ stylistic choices in and ideas. ii. Makes ​perceptive ​stylistic
in terms of linguistic, literary and terms of linguistic, literary and ii. Makes ​thoughtful​ stylistic choices in terms of linguistic,
visual devices, demonstrating visual devices, demonstrating choices in terms of linguistic, literary and visual devices,
limited​ awareness of impact on adequate​ awareness of impact literary and visual devices, demonstrating ​clear​ awareness
an audience. on an audience. demonstrating ​good​ awareness of impact on an audience.
iii. Selects ​few​ ​relevant​ details and iii. Selects ​some​ relevant details and of impact on an audience. iii. Selects ​extensive​ relevant details
examples to support ideas. examples to develop ideas. iii. Selects ​sufficient​ relevant details and examples to develop ideas
and examples to develop ideas. with precision.

Task specific clarifications:

You will engage in the creative process by synthesizing your ideas, by providing relevant details, and by using your own writer’s voice in the perspective of each

Student justifications:   Teacher Justifications:

Task 2: 5-6 
I think I put details like figurative languages and emphasis of  C1: 5 - new perspective was revealed at the end of the story
content to change the narrative to a new perspective. I think my  C2: 5 - good use of parallelism
choices were effective as I spent time thinking about each  C3: 5 - relevant details helped propel the story
change I do from my Task 1. 
Criterion D: using language
Level 1-2 Level 3-4 Level 5-6 Level 7-8

The student: The student: The student: The student:

i. Uses a ​limited​ range of i. Uses an ​adequate​ range of i. Uses a ​varied range​ of i. Effectively​ uses a range of
appropriate vocabulary and forms appropriate vocabulary, sentence appropriate vocabulary, sentence appropriate vocabulary, sentence
of expression. structures and forms of structures and forms of structures and forms of
ii. Writes in an ​inappropriate expression. expression ​competently. expression.
register and style that ​do not ii. Sometimes​ writes in a register ii. Writes ​competently​ in a register ii. Writes in a ​consistently
serve the context and intention. and style that serve the context and style that serve the context appropriate​ register and style
iii. Uses grammar, syntax and and intention. and intention. that serve the context and
punctuation with ​limited iii. Uses grammar, syntax and iii. Uses grammar, syntax and intention.
accuracy; errors ​often hinder punctuation with ​some degree​ of punctuation with a ​considerable iii. Uses grammar, syntax and
communication. accuracy; errors ​sometimes degree​ of accuracy; errors ​do punctuation with a ​high degree​ of
iv. Spells/writes with ​limited hinder​ communication. not​ ​hinder​ effective accuracy; errors are minor and
accuracy; errors ​often​ ​hinder iv. Spell/writes with ​some degree​ of communication. communication is ​effective​.
communication. accuracy; errors ​sometimes iv. Spells/writes with ​considerable iv. Spells/writes with a ​high degree
hinder​ communication. degree​ of accuracy; errors ​do of accuracy; errors are minor and
not hinder​ effective communication is ​effective​.

Task specific clarifications:

You will use clear and specific language and grammar to communicate your ideas.

Student justifications: Teacher Justifications:

Task 2: 5-6
I think my language in the narrative was okay. The register was appropriate in D1: 5 - clear word choice, a few issues with forms of expression
the perspective of the mother. I also think my grammar and spellings are fine. D2: 6 - a few issues with verb tense
D3: 6 - few errors with punctuation and capitalization
D4: 8 - no errors

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