Leadership Assg 4

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SUBJECT: Leadership & OB

Submitted By:
MUHAMMAD ALI F2017285033
HASNAT TAHIR F2017285045
WALEED QASIM F2017285006

Submitted To:

DATE: 15-04-2020
(Part A): Figure out those societies or countries ‘which lies in Hofstede’s five cultures.

1. Power Distance (High vs. Low)

Power distance is used to measure the equality or inequality among people in a society. It involves the
extent of a society’s tolerance for social hierarchy and power structures.
High power distance: A high PDI score indicates that society accepts an unequal distribution of power.
Countries Lies in High PDI Around the Globe:

Power distance
Malaysia 104
Panama 95
Philippines 94
Mexico 81
China 80

Why these Countries Lies in High PDI culture:

E.g. Malaysia is a country that scores high on the Power Distance Index. Due to high power distance,
This is a culture where one may not question someone in power like a manager, a professor, or a
government official, because authority is valued and power is not equally distributed that’s why these
countries lies in this culture.

Low power distance: In a low PDI means that power is shared and well dispersed. It also means that
society members view themselves as equals.
Countries Lies in Low PDI Around the Globe:
Power distance
Ireland 28
New Zealand 22

Denmark 18
Israel 13
Austria 11
Why these countries Lies in Low PDI Culture:
In lower PDI cultures, the emotional distance is fairly small. There are more independent and advice-
giving relations between people. People are comparatively symbiotic to the power holders, and there is
relatively low unfairness of power spread among the people.

2. Individualism (vs. Collectivism)

Individualism: It stresses individual goals and the rights of the individual person. An individualist is

motivated by personal rewards and benefits.
Countries Lies in individualism Around the Globe:
United States 91
United Kingdom 91
Australia 90
Canada 80
Italy 76

Its focuses on group goals, what is best for the collective group, and personal relationships.
Countries Lies in individualism Around the Globe:
 Japan
 China
 Korea
 Taiwan Reason of adopting these both culture
 Argentina
 Brazil, and  In general, individualist cultures tend to conceive of people as self-
 India directed and autonomous, and they tend to prioritize independence

and uniqueness as cultural values.

 Collectivism tend to see people as connected with others and embedded in a broader social
context – as such, they tend to emphasize interdependence, family relationships, and social


3. Uncertainty Avoidance (High vs. Low)

This is refers to the degree of anxiety society members feel when in uncertain or unknown situations. 
High Uncertainty Avoidance:
Members of High UDI Score feel stress and anxiety when they face risks, uncertainty, or ambiguity. The
high UAI score indicates that members follow organizational norms, values, and beliefs. It also means
that they are governed by rules and order. 
Low uncertainty Avoidance:
In contrast, a low UAI score indicates that members is less concerned about ambiguity and uncertainty,
and more tolerant of variety of opinions. Also, there are very few rules and people are encouraged to
discover their own truth.
Country wise existence of UDI around the Globe:
Lowest Uncertainty Avoidance Medium Uncertainty Highest Uncertainty
Countries in Globe Avoidance Countries in Globe Avoidance Countries in Globe
Russia 2.88 Israel 4.01 Austria 5.16
Hungary 3.12 U.S.A 4.15 Denmark 5.22
Bolivia 3.35 Mexico 4.18 Germany 5.22
Greece 3.39 Kuwait 4.21 Sweden 5.32
Venezuela 3.44 Ireland 4.30 Switzerland 5.37

4. Masculinity (vs. Femininity):

The masculinity dimension is used to measure the distribution of roles between genders. 

High Masculinity: A high MAS score are found in countries where men are expected to be tough, to be
the provider, to be assertive and to be strong. 

Low Masculinity: In contrast, a low MAS score indicates that the countries has little discrimination and
differentiation between genders.

Countries Ranking Around the Globe:

Highest Rank Lowest Rank

Country Score Country score
Slovakia 110 Finland 26
Japan 95 Denmark 16
Hungry 88 Netherland 14
Austria 79 Norway 8
Venezuela 73 Sweden 5

Femininity stands for a society in which social gender roles overlap: Both men and women are supposed
to be modest, tender, and concerned with the quality of life.”
The top 10 countries where people label themselves feminists.
Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Count Swed Fran Ital Britai Austral U Turk Denma Mexic German
ry en ce y n ia S ey rk o y

5. Long-term orientation is when you are focused on the future. You are willing to delay short-term
material or social success or even short-term emotional gratification in order to prepare for the future.

Short-term orientation is when you are focused on the present or past and consider them more important
than the future. If you have a short-term orientation, you value tradition, the current social hierarchy and
fulfilling your social obligations.

Key Differences between Short-Term and Long-Term Orientation-Societies

Short-Term Orientation Long –term orientation

 Efforts should produce quick results.  Perseverance, sustained efforts toward slow
 Social pressure toward spending. results.
 Respect for tradition.  Thrift, being sparing with resources.
 Concern with personel stability.  Respect for circumstances.
 Living with in-laws is a source of trouble.  Concern with personal adaptiveness.
 Main work values include freedom, rights,  Living with in-laws is normal.
 achievement, and thinking for oneself.  Main work values include learning and honesty.
 Leisure time is important.  Leisure time is not important.
 Importance of this year's profits.  Importance of profits 10 years from now.
 Analytical thinking.  Synthetic thinking.
 Meritocracy, reward by ability.  Wide social and economic differences are
Score Rank orientation
Country or Regioncounties (LTO)
LTO Score
1 China 118
2 Hong Kong 96
3 Taiwan 87
4 Japan 80
5 South Korea 75

Score Rank Country or Region LTO Score

1 Term orientation
Britain countries (STO)
2 India 51
3 Israel 38
4 Australia 21
5 Nigeria 13

(Part B): Comparison of the earlier theories with Maslow’s hierarchy of theory which was
acting as a based theory.

Maslow’s hierarchy of theory (Based Theory)

Self-Actualization Need

Esteem Need

Social Need Safety Need Physiological Need

Comparison Model of Maslow’s and Herzberg’s

zati Motivators
Esteemd Need
Social Need
Safety Need

Physiologiccal Need

(Maslow’s Needs Emphasized) (Herzberg’s Goals, Incentive Emphasized)

Comparative Study between Maslow’s and Herzberg

Maslow’s Herzberg

Herzberg formulated theory in term of goal or

Maslow formulated theory in term of need.
Theory is descriptive.
Theory is perspective.
Maslow’s theory applies to life in general whereas Herzberg geared his specifically towards the work
environment and how to motivate employees rather than people in general.

Comparison Model of Maslow’s and Mc Gregor theory (X and Y)

zati Theory X
Esteemd Need
Social Need

Safety Need

Physiologiccal Need Theory Y

Comparative study of McGregor and Maslow theory

 McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y and Maslow's hierarchy of needs are both entrenched

in motivation theory. Maslow's hierarchy of needs consists of physiological needs (lowest level),
safety needs, love needs, esteem needs, and self-actualization (highest level).
 According to Maslow, a human is motivated by the level they have not yet reached, and self-
actualization cannot be met until each of the lower levels has been fulfilled. Assumptions of
Theory Y, in relation to Maslow's hierarchy put an emphasis on employee higher level needs,
such as esteem needs and self-actualization.
 McGregor also believed that self-actualization was the highest level of reward for employees. He
theorized that the motivation employees use to reach self-actualization allows them to reach their
full potential.
 This led companies to focus on how their employees were motivated, managed, and led, creating
a Theory Y management style which focuses on the drive for individual self-fulfillment.
 McGregor’s perspective places the responsibility for performance on managers as well as

Comparison Model of Maslow’s and MC Cleland three need theory:

uali Need for
zati Achievement
Nee Need for
Esteemd Need Power
Social Need Need for
Safety Need

Physiologiccal Need

Comparative study of Maslow’s and MC Cleland theory:

 Maslow’s proposed that all people desire to satisfy five basic kinds of needs; physiological,
safety, love, esteem, self-actualization.
 Maslow believes that the lowest-level needs must be met before a person will strive to satisfy
Needs higher up in the hierarchy, such as self-esteem. Maslow described needs that people
Seem to be born with.
 Whereas, McClelland suggested refining some of Maslow's higher-order needs to make them
relevant to life in organizations.
 McClelland theorized that individuals have three basic motivational needs: affiliation, power, and
achievement. The affiliation motive ran be explained as a strong desire for individual and/or
group approval, and it reflects the desire for social acceptance and friendship. The power motive
can be satisfied by being in control, and it can be expressed as a strong desire to change events
and to exercise influences over others. The achievement motive is based on the need to achieve
and win; it is characterized by working hard, and succeeding.
 For management, all three motives - affiliation, power, and achievement are import when comes
to motivating employees.

Having closely looked at Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory and McClelland’s acquired needs theory, I
have come to a conclusion that both theories demonstrate people’s motivation needs, however this a
complex process because most individuals are not aware of their motives, their needs and expectations
keep chancing Each of the above theories has its advantages as well as disadvantages; it’s up to the
individual to choose which one of them works best.


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