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Name: _______________________________________ Date: ____________

Level 12 Worksheet No. ____

What Do You Want to Do?

Do you already know what you want to become and what job you would like to do in the future/
Make a big check inside the box.

Yes! No! Not sure yet/ A little/

I have some ideas...
To get you started with your big step in the future, describe what you want to do in your
life. Write sentences about it.

Name: ________________________________________________ Date: ____________
Level 12

Put a check on the line beside the subject that you find interesting.
____ English _____ Math _____ Science _____ Physical Education
____ Social Studies/Current Events _____ Technology _____ Art
____ Computer Others ______________________________________________________
What activities are interesting to you? Put a check on the line.
____ helping/taking care of people, volunteering _____ dealing with children
____ teaching kids _____ studying the weather ____ raising animals or plants
____ working in a laboratory _____ taking care of animals ____ designing
____ writing stories/blogs _____ taking photographs ____ playing instruments
____ acting/singing/dancing on stage ____ tinkering with things ____ selling
____ repairing equipment _____ doing work on the computer ____ travelling
____ reading about new technologies others _____________________________________
My Top Five Strengths, Skills, and Abilities (SSA) List
In making a career choice, it is important to reflect your strengths, the skills you have developed
over the years, and the abilities you have acquired. What do you do well which you think would
be a big help in the kind of work you would like to do? What characteristics do you have now
that works for you in accomplishing work? Put a check on the line that is true for you and enlist
your top five (5).
I am good at…
____ writing ___ talking, public speaking ____ working with numbers
____ researching ___ using computers ____ arts (drawing, painting) ____ dancing
____ inventing/creating ____singing ____ selling ____ teaching
____ helping people with problems ____persuading others ____ problem-solving
____ your other skills/abilities ___________________________________________________
____ leading people/team ____ creating new ideas/things ____ focusing/concentrating
____ analyzing problems ____ handling stress ____ adapting to new situations
____resolving conflicts ____ learning new skills
Your other strengths __________________________________________________________

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