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NOTE: Exclusive for PENTA PROJECT TEAM/Author/RMALVAREZ 1. To read MCPA temp Ø Cabx
(to check RBS status) Ø lhsh 010200/port_0_dev_13 mcpaBoard temp Ø lhsh
010200/port_0_dev_13 help Ø lhsh 010200/port_0_dev_13 restart (if need to restart)
TELNET commands should MOSHELL hang due to GPB telnet IP add cv cu cv ls cv mk cv
set restartObj me

2. To check E1-MS port in RXI/RBS (add E1 for RBS) In RNC Ø st <sitename> Ø get
<proxy> iub -à look for RBS ID In Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø In Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø RXI pr .<rbs ID>
eg. pr .0095 lk <proxy> st atmport=ms-x-y bl lget ms-2-2 (then check iub number
with STR printout – see tally or not) reservedBy Aal2PathVccTp=b0001a2 <----- iub #
= 0001 to deblock E1 port in RXI lst slot=12.*31 lst Slot=16.*Vc12Ttp=14 ldeb
Slot=16.*Vc12Ttp=14 - (Example MS-16-14) RBS (when port is ready but E1 not pull
through yet – so that no alarm) pr atmport get <proxy> ie. get 1345 lget
Subrack=1,Slot=2,PlugInUnit=1,Etm1=1,E1PhysPathTerm=pp2 set <proxy>
administrativeState 0 (to lock the 2nd physical port) set 194 administrativeState 0
(to lock the 2nd physical port)

3. To check pm (performance) counters in RNC/RXI Ø get 1 (to see the performance

directory) Ø ls -l /p001200/pm/ | grep xml (to see the performance files) Ø pst
(list the scanners, status) Ø pmr [-m 5 –p 3] (get performance report) [for the
last 5 hours + 3 ] 4. To create performance counters scanner Ø pst Ø pgetsn <proxy>
Ø pcr <name> <mo-name> <counter-name> eg. pcr <rssi> cellcarrier pmAverageRssi Ø
pget <mo-name> <counter-name> to read the counters

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Ø Ø 5. To set Ø Ø Ø Ø

pbl/pdeb <proxy> pdel <proxy>

to stop/resume scanner to delete scanner

Electrical Tilt (RET) pr retdevice get <proxy> set <proxy> electricalAntennaTilt

<value> get ret electrical

6. To set Latitude/Longitude Ø get sector lat Ø set sector latitude <value> 7. To

log alarm in a nice format Ø lgevsm Sample Scripts in moshell Ø for 10 Enter
commmands (one per line), then type "done" > get radiolink num > wait 2 > done


9. To enable E1 supervision Ø set 10. To create Group (eg. Not reserved VclTp) Ø
get vcltp reservedby !.*= Ø lma <group-name> vcltp reservedby !.*= 11. To create
performance counters Ø pst

12. To check cell state In RBS Ø lst cell Ø get radiolinks (to see how many line/s
being used) 13. To check RBS MO In RBS Ø st plug (AuxPlugInUnit=2 is the RET, Ø
cabx Ø cab (without the external parts)

AuxPlugInUnit=1 is the ASC)

14. To change SAC (Service Area Code) In RBS determine max capability to transmit Ø
SUNWMU> get all xdl Ø get all xdl ---> in EMAS, click RBSLocalCell, Properties,
Characteristics, Max & Min value Ø example result printout = maxDlPowerCapability

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15. To lock/unlock cells In RNC Ø st utrancell=sunwmu Ø lst sunw Ø lbl sunw (to
lock cell & channels) Ø bl sunw (to lock cell only) Ø deb sunw (to unlock) 16. To
check RBS info In RBS Ø Get 0 Ø Get 1 (check ntpServerAddressPrimary) 17. To check
network clock synchronisation In RNC & RBS Ø Read clock (GMT +8) Ø ntpconfig info Ø
Check which OMNIFSERVER the node is connected to (i.e ntpServerAddressPrimary) –
from get 1 18. To check atmport & pp (physical port) In RBS Ø lpr atmport Ø vc32&33
for signaling Ø lpget 1007 (vc proxy) – to see number of ATM traffic cells
transferred Ø get atmport=1-2-2 Ø then : lget
Subrack=1,Slot=2,PlugInUnit=1,Etm1=1,E1PhysPathTerm=pp2 Ø to un/lock have to set
values 1 or 0 19. To administer state of Mos In RBS Ø St plug Ø Deb proxy Ø Bl
proxy Ø No need to use set 1 or set 0 (only for physical ports) otherwise use deb &
bl 20. To autocreateCV In RNC & RBS Ø Get config Ø Cv ls (2 CVs will be used for
the autocreate CV function) Ø Set “proxy” autoCreatedCVIsTurnedOn true/false Ø Set
timeForAutoCreatedCV (UTC time) Ø Set timeForAutoCreatedCV 13:00 (cv autocreated at
9pm) 21. To restart Node In RNC,RXI & RBS Ø acc 0 restart Ø poll (to wait 20seconds
until node comes up again) 22. To create CV In RNC,RXI & RBS Ø cvms
CXP9010373%1_R11G_050725_1516 emfauzi change_ntpserver_ip Ø cvms
CXP9010373%1_R11G_050725_1516 followed by comments for the CV Ø cvset
CXP9010373%1_R11G -- to set the CV startable

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23. To restart node In RNC & node B Ø acc 0 restart Ø pol - to get moshell
connected once node has restarted 24. To check plugin status In RNC & node B Ø st
plugin Ø st plugin 1 0 Ø st plugin 0 1 Ø lst plug 0 25. To enter Moshell with
security enabled In RNC & node B Ø moshell -c host.p12 26. To block
sectors via Moshell In RNC Ø St blip Ø Bl the proxy Ø Deb the proxy (can have
multiple proxies for more cells) 27. To view delay & attenuation parameters within
a sector In RBS Ø Get jumper Ø Get feeder Ø Get rbs xdl 28. To delete something
already done with a script In RNC/RXI/RBS Ø First you have to generate the MO
Delete script Ø This is done by ./undomo >
Ø [~]$ ./undomo > Ø [~]$ Ø Where is the script which was run earlier Ø And
is the Delete Script Ø Modify so that downtime will be less
Ø Run to undo the wrongly defined MO Ø Then run the
modified/correct 29. To check E1 state In RBS Ø St atmport
Ø Check port lock state Ø St pp St pp2

st pp3

st pp4

30. To check locked board in node In all nodes Ø lst plug 0

31. To restart / reload board In all nodes Ø Acc 000900 restart

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Acc 001400 reload

32. run and trun In all nodes Ø trun is only for xml scripts Ø run for scripts such
as set DAGAMU_1 usedFreqThresh2dEcno -12 Ø trun for running the last script : Ø run is for any script (txt for example) Ø open
logfile l+ 20060113_CR003_RNCTGEM01.log Ø cannot have undo mode while having gsg
activated Ø run CR003_13012006.txt Ø close logfile 33. CAB printout 0 = slot 28, 1
= slot 1 In all nodes RXIKPNG02> cab 060206-11:09:22 .......
=================== 0 1 SCB2 ON OFF OFF ROJ 119 2108/3 R3D 20050608 TU86364489 0 2
HUB MP ON OFF OFF ROJ 119 2106/40 R5A 20050626 TU86494707 +32C Active 0 3 GPB40 ON
OFF OFF ROJ 119 2106/40 R5A 20050626 TU86494699 +31C StandbyReady 0 4 TUB ON OFF
OFF ROJ 119 2104/4 R3B 20050620 TU86442436 0 5 TUB ON OFF OFF ROJ 119 2104/4 R3B
20050620 TU86442439 0 8 ET-MC41 ON OFF OFF ROJ 119 2161/1 R3C 20050718 TU86644146 0
10 ET-MC41 ON OFF OFF ROJ 119 2161/1 R3C 20050718 TU86644042 0 12 ET-MC41 ON OFF
OFF ROJ 119 2161/1 R3C 20050718 TU86644052 0 14 ET-MC41 ON OFF OFF ROJ 119 2161/1
R3C 20050718 TU86644056 0 16 ET-MC41 ON OFF OFF ROJ 119 2161/1 R3C 20050718
TU86644037 0 18 ET-MC41 ON OFF OFF ROJ 119 2161/1 R3C 20050718 TU86644067 0 20 ET-
MC41 ON OFF OFF ROJ 119 2161/1 R3C 20050708 TU86592867 0 24 ET-M4 ON OFF OFF ROJ
119 2102/1 R3G 20050702 TU86545997 0 25 ET-M4 ON OFF OFF ROJ 119 2102/1 R3G
20050702 TU86545998 0 26 ET-M4 ON OFF OFF ROJ 119 2102/1 R3G 20050702 TU86545996 0
27 ET-M4 ON OFF OFF ROJ 119 2102/1 R3G 20050702 TU86546001 0 0 SCB2 ON OFF OFF ROJ
119 2108/3 R3D 20050608 TU86364157
----------------1 is slot 1 0 is slot 28

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34. When lock/unlock from log In RBS Ø Lgv Ø Lgaevsm – rather long 35. Read VSWR /
OUTPUT Power from RBS In RBS Ø lhsh 010900 ps port* Ø lhsh 010600 lhsh
port_0_dev_17 asc vswr Ø lhsh 010900 lhsh port_0_dev_19 asc vswr Ø lhsh 010900 lhsh
port_0_dev_19 asc vswr Ø lhsh 010600 lhsh port_0_dev_17 asc pow Ø acc 011200
restart - restart AIU Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø
port_0_dev_5 FU12 port_1_dev_11 ASC RU21 Sec.2-port_4_dev_6 port_4_dev_6 FU12
port_5_dev_13 ASC Sec.3-port_8_dev_7 RU21 port_8_dev_7 FU12 port_9_dev_15 ASC SMN
===================================== 0 12 port_0_dev_4 RU22 steady 16hz off KRC
118 22/1 R1G 20070829 AE55520905 0 12 port_4_dev_5 RU22 steady 16hz off KRC 118
22/1 R1G 20070829 AE55520893 0 12 port_8_dev_6 RU22 steady 16hz off KRC 118 22/1
R1G 20070829 AE55520921
----------------------------080408-13:32:58 7.0h
RBS_NODE_MODEL_J_5_16 stopfile=/tmp/1052 $ lhsh 001200/port_0_dev_4 fui get devstat
Board: fuHw: Hw08P1, faultStatus: 0x0, temp: 47.0, sv: on, svTmaDegrad: off, comp:
on Dev1: mode: {ModeAuxTma}, feedPow: highPow capability: {vswrAntSv | tma19Sv |
ulGainConf | maxUlGain} svCtrl: 0xe400, faultStatus: 0x0000 txFreq: 882800,
sensitivity: 49, gainUl: 4.0, volt: 16571.5, curr: 84.0, dCycle: 0.0 Dev2: mode:
{ModeAuxTma}, feedPow: highPow capability: {resAntSv | tma19Sv | ulGainConf |
maxUlGain} svCtrl: 0x2400, faultStatus: 0x0000 txFreq: 0, sensitivity: 0, gainUl:
4.0, volt: 16565.9, curr: 90.4, dCycle: 0.0 3 sectors sample USMLAP30> lhsh
001200/port_4_dev_5 fui get vswr 080521-03:26:13 7.0t
RBS_NODE_MODEL_J_5_16 stopfile=/tmp/5952 $ lhsh 001200/port_4_dev_5 fui get vswr
vswr: -0.7[dB] <<<< result

- sector 1 - sector 2

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USMLAP30> lhsh 001200/port_0_dev_4 fui get vswr 080521-03:27:34 7.0t
RBS_NODE_MODEL_J_5_16 stopfile=/tmp/5952 $ lhsh 001200/port_0_dev_4 fui get vswr
vswr: 24.3[dB] <<<< result USMLAP30> lhsh 001200/port_8_dev_6 fui get vswr 080521-
03:28:17 7.0t RBS_NODE_MODEL_J_5_16 stopfile=/tmp/5952 $ lhsh
001200/port_8_dev_6 fui get vswr vswr: 24.9[dB] <<<< result

36. maxDlPowerCapability /maxDl In RBS Ø get local xdl In RBS Ø get SOGXBU_1
maximumtransmissionpower 37. redefine TD in VC In RBS Ø Resources for CELL does not
come up – apparently TD is defined as U42 Ø lget AtmPort=MS-1-2-
1,VplTp=vp1,VpcTp=1,VclTp=vc39 Ø lrset AtmPort=MS-1-2-
1,VplTp=vp1,VpcTp=1,VclTp=vc39 atmTrafficDescriptorId AtmTrafficDescriptor=C2P4000
Ø pr. Bq - must be win30 Ø pr aal2 Ø then get proxy for
TransportNetwork=1,Aal2PathVccTp=ba1 Ø then lpr AtmPort=1-2-
1,VplTp=vp1,VpcTp=1,VclTp=vc39 Ø get the proxy Ø look for
AtmTrafficDescriptor=C2P4000 38. Check E1 loop In node Ø lacc AtmPort=MS-27-
1,VplTp=vp5 eteloopback 39. RBSID In node RBS Ø Pr iub Ø Get the proxy
NodeBFunction=1,Iub=POT3UU Ø RBSID seen In node RNC Ø get iublink userlabel setomu
40. Check security turn ON in RBS or NOT In node RBS Ø Lt manage Ø Lt mana (also
can) Ø 1077 ManagedElementData=1 Ø 1078 SwManagement=1 Ø get *ManagedElementData=1*
proxy Ø look for logonServerAddress Ø if, --- then
security OFF Ø if
n/servlet/sls ---- security ON

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41. Change ARFCN freq at RNC & RBS ARFCN 10637 DL Freq (MHz) 2127.4 UL Freq (MHz)
1937.4 In node RNC Ø get allmmu_1 arf Ø typical values (uarfcnDl 10662 & uarfcnUl
9712 ) In node RBS Ø get antenna fq Ø typical values (fqBandHighEdge 10712 &
fqBandLowEdge 10612) Ø thus if requested value at RNC is 10637 and if the value is
between 10612 & 10712 at RBS, change only at RNC

42. To look for host.p12 in Node B In node RBS Ø Ls will show you are in drive D Ø
To go to C drive: cd /c Ø Go to java folder Ø Ls and you will Ø ftp 10.78..... Ø Pw
– rbs rbs Ø Bin (make sure in Binary and not ASCII) Ø Cd /c Ø Cd java Ø Put
host.p12 (ensure host.p12 file in moshell folder ya) 43. To continuously ping Ping
–s 44. To check IP connectivity In node RNC,RXI,ATMCC,RBS Ø lacc
AtmPort=1-2-1 eteloopback CREATE ( parent
"ManagedElement=1,TransportNetwork=1,AtmPort=MS-27-1,VplTp=vp1,VpcTp=1" identity
"vc12232" moType VclTp exception none nrOfAttributes 3 userLabel String "VclTp
vc12232" externalVci Integer 12232 atmTrafficDescriptorId Ref
"ManagedElement=1,TransportNetwork=1,AtmTrafficDescriptor=U4" ) CREATE ( parent
"ManagedElement=1,TransportNetwork=1" identity "bCSSQBUib" moType
AtmCrossConnection exception none nrOfAttributes 3 userLabel String
"AtmCrossConnection bCSSQBUib" vclTpAId Ref
271,VplTp=vp1,VpcTp=1,VclTp=vc12232" vclTpBId Ref
252,VplTp=vp1,VpcTp=1,VclTp=vc12233" )

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45. To check queueSelectAlgorithm & cqiAdjustmentOn at RBS In node RBS Ø UEFAMU> pr
carrier que Ø Ø 060615-14:50:24 6.1zc RBS_NODE_MODEL_H_6_2 Ø
======= Ø Proxy MO Ø
======= Ø 1381 NodeBFunction=1,Sector=3,Carrier=1 Ø 1399
NodeBFunction=1,Sector=2,Carrier=1 Ø 1417 NodeBFunction=1,Sector=1,Carrier=1 Ø Ø
set 1417 queueSelectAlgorithm 0 Ø UEFAMU> get 1417 que 060615-14:51:08
6.1zc RBS_NODE_MODEL_H_6_2
============================================================================== MO
Attribute Value
Sector=1,Carrier=1 frequencyPlane 1 Sector=1,Carrier=1 queueSelectAlgorithm 1
Total: 1 MOs UEFAMU> set 1417 queueSelectAlgorithm 0 060615-14:51:24
6.1zc RBS_NODE_MODEL_H_6_2 Set queueselectalgorithm on following MOs ?
1417 NodeBFunction=1,Sector=1,Carrier=1
Are you Sure [y/n] ? y
============================================================================== Id
MO queueselectalgorithm Result
============================================================================== 1417
Sector=1,Carrier=1 0 >>> Set.
Total: 1 MOs attempted, 1 MOs set UEFAMU> get 1417 que 060615-14:51:29
6.1zc RBS_NODE_MODEL_H_6_2
============================================================================== MO
Attribute Value
Sector=1,Carrier=1 frequencyPlane 1 Sector=1,Carrier=1 queueSelectAlgorithm 0
Total: 1 MOs

46. To check through logs In nodes Ø lgaevsmir

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47. To check RBS ID in RBS In node RBS Ø Get IUB 48. To check antenna Supervision
Threshold In node RBS Ø get antenna antennaSupervisionThreshold 49. To check
downlink & uplink range In node RBS Ø lget antenna low|high Ø The downlink – uplink
= 190x5=950

50. To check commands executed within a node In node Ø Lgo 1 Ø 1 for number of days
51. To add software allocations in the RBS for ETMC1 In node RBS Ø Open EMAS Ø Go
to SoftwareAllocation Ø Right click, Add Ø Choose the specific board/ swallocation
Ø - fact is it will create a SWallocation ID = 1 in the rbs Ø Use moshell to create
an Undo file Ø U+ Ø Then delete the swallocation Ø Lt swalloc Ø Pr swalloc Ø Del
proxy Ø UØ Then edit the undo file 52. To enable trace In node RBS Ø te enable
bus_send bus_receive NBAP* Ø te s Ans* (just to look at the last line) Ø te enable
bus_send bus_receive Ans_aal2ap_proc Ø te log read | | tee SCO1BU.log | –colour Ø to place it in a log ---à te log read | | tee
SCO1BU.log | –colour Ø logs will be at /ethanap 53. To check which module
the card is at In node RBS Ø N Ø Mon? Ø TargetMonitor on disk: Yes Ø TargetMonitor
loaded: No Ø TargetMonitor started: No Ø Mon+ Ø te status Ans* Ø to on NBAP trace Ø
te enable bus_send bus_receive NBAP Ø to see if NBAP trace is ON or NOT Ø te status

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$ te status NBAP pid name enabled groups - NBAP check error info bus_send
bus_receive interface object To disable ---à te disable bus_send bus_receive NBAP
Check status again $ te status NBAP pid name enabled groups - NBAP check error info
interface object

In node TeraTerm Ø User = eric Ø Pw = ericsson Ø Monitor 10.78.xx.xx 54. To check

commands sent in node In node RNC, RBS, RXI Ø hi 55. To check external Open Door
alarm in RBS is set to which probable cause In node RBS Ø Pr almdevice Ø Get proxy
(either 2 / 1 or 9) Ø Usually 9 for RBS door and 2 for BBU door Ø Some put 1 for
BBU door Ø Get proxy for parameter check Ø Lock proxy to change probableCause Ø Bl
54 Ø probableCause 522 à power supply Ø probableCause 118 à
enclosure_door_open_m3100 Ø set 54 probableCause 118 Ø then unlock back proxy Ø deb
54 56. To calibrate RET via moshell In node RBS Ø Lpr ret Ø Acl proxy Ø 253
,RetDevice=1 Ø acc 267 forceCalibration Ø alarm will go away in 2 minutes approx

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