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21, rue d’Artois, F-75008 Paris Session 1998 38-105 © CIGRÉ



Sami Repo Juhani Bastman Ritva Hirvonen*

Tampere University of Technology Helsinki University of Technology Finnish Power Grid plc
Finland Finland Finland

Summary—Voltage stability is a limiting factor for The annual energy consumption in Finland is about 70
power transmission in many power systems. The neural TWh. Installed production capacity is about 15 GW.
network (NN) based approach can be applied to on-line Energy consumption occurs mainly in southern part of
voltage security and stability margin monitoring. In the the country. The main part of energy is generated by
study special attention is focused on the optimum NN hydro and thermal (nuclear, coal, and gas) power plants.
structure, the quality of training data and the NN gen- Hydro power plants are situated mainly in the northern
eralisation capability. The presented NN method ap- Finland and thermal power plants in the coastal area of
proximates the voltage security and stability margin southern Finland. 5 - 10% of energy is imported.
with sufficient accuracy. The NN method is tested with a
NewEngland39 test network and an equivalent model of
Finnish grid.

Keywords: Voltage security - Stability assessment -

Neural network

The purpose of a transmission grid is to transmit electric
energy from generators to customers. Nowadays this
task is becoming more business oriented. In addition to
earlier tasks, the power system planners and operators PIKKARALA

must define how much additional power can be safely 400 kV lines
220 kV lines
transferred across the system. At the same time open VUOLIJOKI

system, increase in the number of power wheeling trans-

actions and environmental concerns are making the ALAPITKÄ

management of the power system more difficult. The

grid will also be more heavily stressed than before and SEINÄJOKI

will be operated by fewer operators. PETÄJÄVESI



Figure 1 presents the main Finnish grid. The Finnish ULVILA

grid has interconnections to Sweden, Norway, and Rus- OLKILUOTO HIKIÄ
sia. The AC interconnections to Sweden are located in
the northern Finland and the DC interconnection, Fenno- HELSINKI

Skan HVDC link, is located in the south-western Fin- INKOO

Figure 1. Finnish 400 kV and 220 kV grid.

*Finnish Power Grid plc, P.O. Box 530, 00101 Helsinki, Finland
The operational conditions of the Finnish grid are typi- normal operation
cal for a system with a long distance power transmis- U point
sion, where stability problems, especially voltage stabil- voltage
ity, are to be considered when the power transmission most critical collapse
increases from Sweden to northern Finland and from the contingency point
northern to the southern Finland.

Voltage stability has become a major threat also in other pre-margin

power systems in recent years. Utilities typically apply
computer programs to determine transmission capacity post-margin
in off-line mode for the most critical faults in some
operational situations. Voltage stability can be studied
by dynamic simulations or by using voltage stability P
indices. Even today these methods may be too slow for
on-line applications. Figure 2. Voltage security and stability margins.

Neural networks (NNs) can be used instead of more The load and generation distribution describes certain
traditional computation methods when the system is power flows across the grid in stressed situation. In this
complex or the actual mathematical function is un- way the n-dimensional boundary of stable operation can
known. The NN is capable of modelling non-linear be determined in a certain direction. The ideal direction
functions. Its output can be calculated extremely fast. is the minimum voltage collapse margin. It is dependent
Some studies on on-line voltage security [1,2] and sta- on the power system operation point. Instead of deter-
bility assessment [3,4,5,6] have been published. Voltage mining minimum voltage collapse margins, it is prefer-
security and stability assessments are integrated into the able to calculate several margins corresponding to dif-
same NN based system in this study. The NN approach ferent directions. The NN model may contain several
is tested with NewEngland39 test network and equiva- distributions or each distribution may have its own NN
lent model of the Finnish grid. model.


3.1 Neural network modelling
The power system should be operated continuously with
The multilayer perceptron NN is a parametric model,
sufficient voltage stability margin and within voltage
which is fitted into the data by estimating NN parame-
limits. The proposed on-line monitoring approach is
ters. NN can approximate arbitrarily well any continu-
planned to work in the power system operation centre.
ous function when the number of hidden layer nodes is
The NN based approach determines the voltage security
sufficient and when there is ample of training data avail-
and stability margin. The voltage stability margin can be
able. The training data must provide all information
determined as a difference between the operation and
needed to construct a desired input-output mapping. The
voltage collapse point. Similarly the voltage security
outputs of NN will approximate the target values.
margin determines the distance to minimum voltage
point. The NN input vector consists of active and reac-
tive line flows and voltage amplitudes. The calculation If the amount of data is large, it is possible to have a
of voltage security and stability margin has two steps: complex model with a large number of parameters.
However, if the number of parameters is too large, the
model fitness decreases. This is called an overfitting
 The determination of grid topology
problem. The best way to avoid overfitting is to use
 The load and generation distribution selection.
ample of training data and limit the number of parame-
ters as strictly as possible. The input space dimension
The topology can be checked from the breaker status
(NN parameters between input and hidden layer) can be
information in the SCADA system. The pre-contingency
restricted with correlation technique [7] and heuristic
margin is determined for that topology. This margin
measurement selection methods. The amount of meas-
describes the loadability of current system. The determi-
urements can be reduced as far as the power system
nation of post-contingency margin needs the knowledge
states can be reliably separated from each other accord-
of the most critical (n-1) contingency. The margin can
ing to approximated function.
be calculated when the NN input data is calculated by
the load flow program for a new topology. One NN
Typical data never exactly fit the model that is being
model may contain several topologies or each topology
used, even when the model is correct. It is necessary to
may have its own NN model. Figure 2 show an example
assess whether or not the model is appropriate. NN
of pre- and post-contingency margins in the PU-curves.
parameter estimation is usually based on minimisation
of mean square error (MSE) criteria. The simplest
training algorithm is the back-propagation which is 4. TEST RESULTS
based on the steepest descent gradient method. In sec-
ond-order algorithms (Levenberg-Marquardt (LM), 4.1 Equivalent model of Finnish grid
quasi-Newton and conjugate gradient) a quadratic ap-
proximation of the error function is used. They include 4.1.1 Equivalent
more information about the shape of the error function
than back-propagation. For the studies the Finnish power system is equivalenced
as follows:
3.2 Data creation  400 kV grid is modelled fully
 220 kV and lower voltage grid is equivalenced
Input data creation was done with the load-flow based  Power plants, which are smaller than 50 MVA are
PSS/E IPLAN program. Good quality data should in- equivalenced
clude different operating points distributed across the
operation space. Smooth distribution is important, be- Equivalencing procedure gives an equivalent of 123
cause holes or areas without any operation point reduce nodes, 225 branches, and 51 generators.
the NN generalisation capability. The input data varia-
tion is done by changing load and power production [8]. 4.1.2 Data analysis
The total load is a random number in a certain range
around the base case load. The load distribution coeffi- The base case was winter i.e. heavily loaded case. Power
cients are chosen proportionally to base case, randomly generation was quite high in the southern Finland i.e.
or all loads are changed with the same amount of load power transfer to the southern Finland was therefore
variation. The power factor is chosen randomly 0.9...1. quite small. The total active load and generation was
The total power production is equal to the total load. varied 500 MW. Several generators acted as constant
Grid losses are taken from the slack bus. The generation power generators and produced constant amount of
distribution coefficients are chosen randomly or propor- power in all cases. The criteria for secure and stable
tionately to the base case. After loads and power pro- case was convergence of load flow and minimum volt-
duction variation, the input case feasibility must be age greater than 0.9 pu. The load and generation distri-
checked with a load flow. At the same time the HV/MV bution vector was selected to increase power transfer
transformers’ automatic voltage control and the amount from north to south. The elements of distribution vector
of switched compensation are determined. corresponding to loads in the northern Finland and gen-
erators in the southern Finland were zero. Figure 3
The load flow program can also be used to approximate shows power transfer histograms in normal operation
the voltage collapse point. The non-convergence point points and in voltage minimum or collapse points for
of the load flow can approximate the voltage collapse transfer from Sweden (SWE) to Finland (FIN) and from
point quite well [8]. The proposed voltage collapse northern to southern Finland.
algorithm is based on two loops. The loads and genera-
tion are increased in a certain direction. If the load flow Training data was analysed based on figures like Figure
does not converge or minimum voltage is below the 4. The voltage security and stability margin variation
voltage limit then previous loads and generation are can be seen from the first subfigure. The amount of data
returned and the load increase step size is reduced. vectors was 824, which is not enough for excellent re-
Loads and generation are then increased again and a sults. Two other subfigures are examples of load and
new load flow is calculated. voltage distributions in the training data.
3.3 Use of data and NN models 4.1.3 Selection of optimum NN structure
Data and NN models can be stored into database. Data- The selection of input measurements for the NN model
base should be updated when power system has is the most critical for NN modelling. The most NN
changed. Data and NN models can be used in the on-line parameters are between input and hidden layers in this
mode through special control centre computer program approach, because the input vector size is quite large. To
(to be realised in the future). In off-line mode they can reduce the number of NN parameters, the input vector
be loaded into Matlab or any other software to analyse size has to reduce, too. The problem is to find out
data or test models. The stored data can be also used for ”correct“ combination from almost infinite number of
many other purposes for example power system and combinations of input measurements. If all line flows
operation planning. and voltages are used in the NN model, the model gen-
eralisation capability would be poor due to dimension-
ality problems. Some of these measurements contain no
information at all and some contain a lot of same infor-
mation, which should be removed.
4.1.4 NN generalisation capability

Figure 5 presents the generalisation capability of the

chosen NN structure. The upper subfigure presents volt-
age security and stability margins in 100 different cases.
The margin is determined by equation 1, where PPoC is
vector of active loads in voltage collapse point,  is the
margin,  is the load and generation distribution vector
and P0 is vector of active loads in normal operation
P PoC    T P 0 (1)

Table I Training and test errors.

# of hidden Error [MSE]
Layer Training Test
Figure 3. Power transfer from Sweden to Finland and 2 1.4128*10-4 1.5983*10-4
from northern to southern Finland. 3 1.2966*10 1.4962*10-4
4 1.2798*10 1.5868*10-4
1.2 5 1.2395*10 1.4118*10-4
6 1.3232*10 1.8054*10-4
1.15 -4
7 1.0814*10 1.7137*10-4

1.1 8 9.1188*10 1.6884*10-4
9 9.2821*10 1.9139*10-4
10 7.1040*10 4.0550*10-4
1.04 1.06 1.08 1.1 1.12 1.14 1.16
Total active load in NN input 4
x 10
The difference between the target value and NN output
is the approximation error. The lower subfigure is the
100 histogram of approximation error. Both subfigures show
# of cases

# of cases

clearly the capability of NN to model the voltage secu-

rity and stability margin.

The generalisation capability i.e. capability to approxi-

0 0
840 860 880
Active load in bus x
900 0.95 1 1.05 1.1 1.15
Voltage in bus x
mate unseen cases makes this approach very interesting.
In this way the power system voltage security and sta-
Figure 4. Training data analysis. bility can be monitored by approximating the voltage
security and stability margin. In this approach there will
The original size of input vector was 573 (active and always be some approximation error, but the error can
reactive line flows and voltages). To reduce the number be made very small in most cases. For example the
of input measurements reactive line flows were removed maximum error is 0.08 and the error distribution is cen-
from input vector. Then 181 measurements were re- tered around zero in this test.
moved by correlation analysis. After that ”unnecessary”
Target value = x NN output=o
measurements like generation bus voltages and constant
line flows were removed. Finally all measurements 1.1
which do not exist in reality i.e. measurements from 1.08

equivalent lines or buses were removed. The number of 1.06

input measurements was reduced to 71 by this statistical
and heuristical method. 1
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Table I shows mean square errors for training and test
data sets with different number of hidden layer nodes. 25

The training error represents NN capability to approxi- 20

mate the unknown function and the test error represents


NN generalisation capability. According to Table I NN 10
contains 5 hidden layer nodes. All tests were done by 5
PC (Pentium 133 MHz with 64 Mb RAM) with Matlab
and LM optimisation algorithm. −0.08 −0.06 −0.04 −0.02 0 0.02 0.04 0.06

Figure 5. NN generalisation capability.

4.2 NewEngland39 test network Target value = x NN output=o


4.2.1 Selection of optimum NN structure 1.4


The NewEngland39 bus network was tested to find out 1.2

how to select ”correct“ input measurements for the NN 1.1

model. The original size of input vector was 131 (46 1

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
active and reactive line flows and 39 voltage). The input
vector reduction was tried by four different ways: 25
 The input vector size was reduced to 92 by correla- 20
tion technique.

 The number of line flow measurements was further
reduced by omitting line flow measurements near
loads. In this way the input vector size was reduced
to 66. 0
−0.06 −0.05 −0.04 −0.03 −0.02 −0.01 0 0.01 0.02
 The line flow measurements was reduced by omit-
ting line flow measurements near generators. In this Figure 6. NN generalisation capability, when the number
way the input vector size was reduced to 42. of input vector nodes is 40 and hidden layer nodes is 7.
 When line flows were measured as in the previous
case, but voltages were measured only from load Figure 7 show an example of training data analysis. The
buses, the input vector size was reduced to 40. upper subfigures represent margin variation as a func-
tion of total active load in normal operation points. The
The training data consisted of normal topology data and margin cannot vary very much in high total load cases
the number of data vectors was 1185. The results are due to closeness of voltage minimum or collapse point.
presented in Table II. The test error is very low for all Two lower subfigures represent minimum voltage varia-
NNs. According to Table II NN contains 7 hidden layer tion. The left-hand side subfigure shows the minimum
nodes and the input vector size is 40. voltage distribution in normal operation points. The
right hand side subfigure shows the minimum voltage
Table II Effect of input vector size and number of hid- distribution in voltage minimum or collapse points.
den layer nodes into the test error.
Test error [MSE]
40 inputs 42 inputs 66 inputs 92 inputs 1.5

4 6.8485*10 9.8500*10 3.3465*10 2.0104*10-4

-5 -5 -4 1.4

5 7.7935*10-5 9.0951*10-5 3.1370*10-4 4.0329*10-4 1.3


6 6.4187*10-5 7.6902*10-5 2.5522*10-4 4.6235*10-4 1.2

7 6.3580*10-5 9.4004*10-5 2.6072*10-4 3.6422*10-4 1.1
8 7.9194*10-5 8.6800*10-5 3.0230*10-4 5.0107*10-4
5000 5200 5400 5600 5800 6000 6200 6400 6600 6800 7000
Total active load in NN input
Figure 6 presents the generalisation capability of the
800 2000
chosen NN structure. The upper subfigure presents volt-
age security and stability margins. 600 1500
# of cases

# of cases

400 1000
The lower subfigure is the histogram of approximation
error. The absolute value of approximation error is 200 500

about the same as in previous test. However, the mag- 0 0

0.8 0.85 0.9 0.8 0.85 0.9
nitude of margins are higher, therefore the error in per Minimum voltage in NN input Minimum voltage in PoC
cent is smaller than in previous test.
Figure 7. Training data analysis.
4.2.2 Test for several contingencies and distributions
The optimum size of hidden layer nodes was found out
The capability of the NN approach to model several to be 8. The input vector size was 40. Figure 8 presents
topologies and load and generation distributions where the results. This test shows clearly that one NN can be
tested next. There were 8615 data vectors in this test. used to model margin in these different topology and
Data contains cases from four different topologies and distribution cases. The approximation error is about the
three different directions. same as in normal topology test.
Target value = x NN output=o Finnish grid. The results have proved the capability of
1.3 NNs and the proposed approach in on-line voltage secu-
rity and stability assessment.


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
[1] D. Niebur and A. J. Germond, “Power system
static security assessment using the Kohonen neu-
25 ral network classifier,” IEEE Transactions on
20 Power Systems, Vol. 7, No. 2, May 1992, pp. 865-

[2] S-J. Huang and M.A. El-Sharkawi, “Application of
well-initialized neural networks for static security
assessment of a large-scale power system,” Pro-
−0.06 −0.04 −0.02 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 ceedings of the ISAP’97, July 1997, Seoul, Korea.
[3] D. Salatino et al., “Online voltage stability ass-
Figure 8. NN generalisation capability with several essment of load centers by using neural networks,”
contingency cases and the load and generation distribu- Electric Power Systems Research, 32, 1995, pp.
tions. 165-173.
[4] A. A. El-Keib and X. Ma, “Application of artificial
5. CONCLUSIONS neural networks in voltage stability assessment,”
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 10,
This paper presented the NN based static voltage secu- No. 4, Nov. 1995, pp. 1890-1896.
rity and stability assessment for power system operation. [5] K. Yabe et al., “Conceptual designs of AI-based
The NN modelling and data creation were presented for systems for local prediction of voltage collapse,”
this approach. Special attention was focused on selec- IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 11,
tion of optimum NN structure and checking of training No. 1, Feb. 1996, pp. 137-145.
data quality. Optimum NN structure can be found by [6] S. Repo et al., “Multilayer perceptron neural net-
reducing the number of inputs and selecting the number work based static voltage stability assessment,”
of hidden layer nodes based on approximation error. Proceedings of the ISAP’97, July 1997, Seoul, Ko-
Training data quality can be ensured by statistical data rea.
analysis methods. [7] S. Muknahallipatna and B. H. Chowdhury, “Input
dimension reduction in neural network training —
The proposed structure for voltage security and stability case study in transient stability assessment of large
assessment allows very flexible design for any power system,” Proceeding of the 1996 Intelligent Sys-
system. The dimensionality problems of NN computa- tems Applications to Power Systems, pp. 50-54.
tion and voltage security and stability assessment were [8] S. Repo and J. Bastman, “Neural network based
solved by three different methods: topology, load and static voltage security and stability assessment,”
generation distribution and NN model input selection. Proceedings of the IASTED International Confer-
ence, High Technology in the Power Industry, Oct.
The proposed NN based approach was studied with 1997, Orlando, Florida, USA..
NewEngland39 test network and equivalent model of

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