Distillation of Alcohol

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General Chemistry Laboratory

Revision 1.5

Distillation of Alcohol
 To learn about the separation of substances.
 To learn about the separation technique of distillation.
 To learn how to characterize a substance using its density.
 To learn about fermentation.

In this laboratory exercise, we will distill the Alcohol from Wine to form Brandy. We will
characterize the resulting Brandy by its density, its combustibility and its boiling point. The
density measurement will then allow us to determine the Volume Percentage Alcohol in the
Brandy, which will in turn allow us to determine its Proof. The simple distillation process we
will employ typically produces a Brandy of approximately 120-140 Proof.

Alcohols are important industrial materials and solvents. These include Methanol, Ethanol,
Isopropanol and Ethylene Glycol. Ethanol, or Ethyl Alcohol, is used as a solvent, fuel additive,
and in lotions, tinctures and medicines. It is probably most familiar as the alcohol of alcoholic
beverages and is referred to generically as Alcohol, Common Alcohol or Grain Alcohol. For this
last purpose, Ethanol (CH3CH2OH; or EtOH for short) is produced by fermentation of sugars.
Fermentation alone does not produce beverages with an Alcohol content greater than 12 to 15%
because the fermenting yeast is destroyed at high Alcohol concentrations. To produce beverages
of higher Alcohol content the aqueous solution must be distilled.

The fermentation of carbohydrates into Alcohol is one of the oldest known chemical processes.
Fermentation can be represented as:

Sugar Alcohol + Carbon Dioxide (Eq. 1)

The reaction is catalyzed by yeast enzymes called zymases. A balanced chemical reaction for
this process, assuming the sugar is Table Sugar or Sucrose, is:

C12H22O11 + H2O 4 CH3CH2OH + 4 CO2 (Eq. 2)

The fermentation process is started by mixing a source of sugar, water and yeast and allowing the
yeast to act in an oxygen free environment. This anaerobic environment forces the yeast to shut
down the “burning” of sugar and allows them to, instead, ferment Alcohol.
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We will concentrate the Alcohol, produced by this fermentation, from the aqueous solution in
which the fermentation takes place, by distillation. Our fermentation product will be wine, which
is about 12% Ethanol.

Distillation is a separation process for a mixture of liquids or oils. It relies on differences in the
boiling points of the component liquids to be separated. The mixture to be separated is added to
a Distilling Pot where it is heated to the boiling point. Lower boiling components will
preferentially vaporize first. This vapor passes into a Distilling Head and then into a Condensor.
Within the Condensor the vapor is cooled and it liquifies. The resulting liquid is then collected
in a Receiving Flask. Initially, low boiling components are collected in the Receiving Flask. As
the distillation proceeds, these components are depleted from the Distilling Pot and higher
boiling components begin to distil over. Switching out the Receiving Flask at the appropriate
point allows for the separation of the component liquids of the mixture.

The particular type of distillation we will be employing in this laboratory is known as Simple
Distillation. Simple distillation works particularly well on mixtures of two liquids in which the
liquids have a very large boiling point difference. The lower boiling component distills off first
and can be collected. A downside of simple distillation is that the purity of the distillate is rarely
100%. This is because the distillation vapor is only enriched in the lower boiling component.
Some of the higher boiling component will be present as well. So the condensed distillate will
be a mixture enriched in the lower boiling component, but still containing some of the higher
boiling component. To make matters worse, as the distillation proceeds, the liquid in the
distilling pot will have a greater, and greater percentage of higher boiling component. Hence, the
distillate, over time, will wind-up containing more, and more of the higher boiling component.
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Mixtures of a large number of similarly boiling liquids can be separated by a technique called
Fractional Distillation. In fractional distillation, a distilling column allows the vapor arising from
the distillation pot to be repeatedly recondensed and revaporized. After a number of these
recondensation/revaporization steps, the lower boiling component will be relatively free of any
higher boiling components. This allows for a more thorough separation of the liquids. This
method of distillation is employed during the Oil Refining process.

Distillation was one of the earliest separation techniques used by alchemists and pharmacists.
And, generally, distillation, along with chromatography and filtration, is still considered to be a
key method of separating and purifying substances.

In our distillation, Ethyl Alcohol has a boiling point of 78.5oC and that of Water is 100oC.
Hence, initially the distillation will be relatively efficient in enriching the Alcohol. But, because
the simple distillation process is not 100 % efficient, we will have to determine the Alcohol
content of our distillate. This can be achieved by measuring its density, which depends heavily
on the percentage alcohol. The density of a substance, be it a pure substance or a mixture, is
given by:

density = volume (Eq. 3)

We can compare our measured density with tabulated values of the density of known mixtures of
alcohol and water to determine its Alcohol content; typically given as a Volume Percentage.

Most manufacturers of liquor report the Alcohol content by its Proof. In the US system, the
Proof is double the Vol. Percentage Alcohol:

Proof = 2 x Volume Percentage (Eq. 4)

Historically, the term Proof derives from a method of measuring the Alcohol content of liquors
so as to “prove” they were not diluted. If gunpowder mixed with liquor would still ignite after
the Alcohol burnt off, then the Alcohol was not considered to be diluted. The minimum Vol.
Percentage Alcohol required for ignition is 57%; which, historically, was assigned a value of 100
degrees Proof. Levels of Alcohol in liquor are still measured by Proof, for tax purposes, but the
scale is different in different countries.

In addition to the distillate’s density, we will also test the quality of our distillate by combustion.
Mixtures high in Alcohol content will combust readily, and with a light blue color. Those that
are high in water content will not combust at all.

Finally, noting the boiling temperature of our distillate also gives us a qualitative feel for its
composition. The closer the boiling temperature is to 100oC, the boiling point of Water, the less
Alcohol it contains.

Thus, we will distill our Wine, collecting the distillate in fractions of about 15 mL each. We will
measure the density of the first fraction, which we expect to be the most enriched in Alcohol, to
determine its Alcohol content or Proof. This, and subsequent fractions, will also be tested for
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combustibility. And, the temperature at which each distillate is collected will be noted; a final
qualitative measure of the composition of the distillate.
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Pre-Lab Questions
1. What are the typical products of Petroleum Distillation? (You may need to do a short
internet search in order to answer this question.)

2. What is the weight [pounds] of a fifth of a gallon of a 40% aqueous Alcohol solution, the
weight of a fifth of good bourbon? (See data provided in the Data Analysis section.)

3. Use the data provided in the Data Analysis section and an interpolation method (see
Appendix) to determine the percentage Alcohol in an aqueous Alcohol solution that has a
density of 0.9200 g/mL.
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1. Obtain a distillation apparatus as pictured below. Use a small Bunsen burner flame as the
heat source. Be sure the distillation apparatus is thoroughly clean. Use a 500 mL Round-
Bottom flask as a distilling pot. Use a 25 mL Round-Bottom flask as a receiver.


2. Add your wine to the distilling flask until it is between one quarter and one half full.

3. Add a few boiling chips to the ferment. Set-up the distillation apparatus. (You must have
your apparatus inspected by your lab instructor.) Now, heat slowly to maintain a steady
distillation rate.

4. Collect four distillate fractions, of about 15 mL each. Note the temperature range, the
beginning and ending temperature, over which each distillate is collected. As each fraction
is collected, place the distillate into a large, stoppered test tube.

5. To determine the density of the distillate (Only done for the first fraction.):

a) Pre-weigh a 25 mL Erlenmeyer flask with stopper.

b) Using a volumetric pipet, transfer 5 mL of distillate into the 25 mL Erlenmeyer flask.

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c) Weigh the flask plus distillate.

Determine the density of the first distillate fraction.

6. Place approximately half a milliliter of each distillate fraction onto a watch glass. Try
lighting it with a match. Note the color and quality of the flame.

7. You may want to determine the Proof of your fraction #1 distillate before you leave
the lab. Tabulated density data for aqueous alcohol solutions is available below; see
step 4 of the Data Analysis. A crude computer program to carry-out a Lagrange
Interpolation of this data is available on the laptop computer in the laboratory.
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Data Analysis
1. Calculate the Density of Fraction #1 of the Distillate.

2. Comment on the Combustibility of each Fraction of the Distillate.

3. Comment of the Boiling Point of each Fraction of the Distillate.

4. Use the data below to determine the Percentage by Volume Alcohol content for Fraction #1
of the Distillate. Interpolate as needed. Report this result.

% by Volume Density [g/ml]

0.00 0.99908
5.00 0.99190
10.00 0.98569
15.00 0.98024
20.00 0.97518
25.00 0.97008
30.00 0.96452
35.00 0.95821
40.00 0.95097
45.00 0.94277
50.00 0.9335
55.00 0.9235
60.00 0.9128
65.00 0.9013
70.00 0.8892
75.00 0.8765
80.00 0.8631
85.00 0.8488
90.00 0.8331
95.00 0.8153
100.00 0.7932

5. Determine the Proof of Fraction #1 of the Distillate. You must do this using a Lagrange
Interpolation method on a subset of this data set. A crude program to do this will be
available on the computers in the Lavender Lounge.
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Post Lab Questions

1. The boiling points of heptane and octane, two components of petroleum, are 98.42oC and
125.66oC respectively. Would Simple Distillation be an effective method for completely
separating a mixture of these two hydrocarbons? Explain.

2. Would it be worth our time to calibrate the 5 mL pipette we used in Procedure step 5 (c)
when measuring the density of our first distillate fraction? Explain.

3. What is the highest proof to which an aqueous Alcohol solution be boosted to using
distillation? (You may need to use external sources.)

4. What is the boiling point of the alcohol Methanol? How is Methanol typically removed
from Moonshine?
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Appendix - Interpolation
Interpolation is a method whereby a new data point is generated from a set of data points that are
already tabulated. How do we best perform an interpolation? We will illustrate two methods for
interpolating tabulated data in the following examples.

Suppose we have a series of solutions of Fuming Sulfuric Acid, Sulfuric Acid (H 2SO4) infused
with Sulfur Trioxide (SO3), for which the density has been measured.

Fuming Sulfuric Acid

% H2SO4 Density [g/mL]

100 1.839
95 1.862
90 1.880
85 1.899
80 1.915
75 1.934
70 1.952

Now suppose we have measured the density of a Fuming Sulfuric Acid solution whose
composition is not known. Take this measurement to be 1.887 g/mL. From the tabulated results
we can see the composition of the mixture is between 85 and 90% Sulfuric Acid. Interpolation
will allow us to hone in on a prediction of the composition that is more accurate by generating a
new data point between these two compositions.

If the data is perfectly linear, interpolation is particularly easy. A simple plot of the data shows it
to indeed be linear.

Linear interpolation can be illustrated rather easily as below:

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We simply determine how much the slope of the line moves us up the y-axis over an increment of
(xm – x1). Then, the new data point ym, based on our measurement xm, can be determined via:

ym = y1 + [(y2 – y1)/(x2 – x1)] (xm – x1)

For our Fuming Sulfuring Acid example, we have:

ym = 90 + [(85 – 90)/(1.899 – 1.880)] (1.887 – 1.880) = 88.15

Unfortunately, much data exhibits significant curvature. In this case a polynomial fit to the data
might be more appropriate. And, more than two tabulated data points will be required for the
interpolation. Afterall, n data points are required to define a polynomial of degree n – 1.

Consider the density of Water as a function of temperature:

Temp. (oC) Density (g/mL)

0 0.99987
10 0.99973
20 0.99823
30 0.99567
40 0.99224
50 0.98807
60 0.98324
70 0.97781
80 0.97183
90 0.96534
100 0.95838

A quick plot of this data illustrates its curvature. This is particularly true at lower temperatures.
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So, if we attempt to use a linear interpolation scheme to determine the density at 15oC, we obtain
the following result:

ym = 0.99973 + [(0.99823 - 0.99973)/(20-10)] (15 - 10) = 0.99868 g/mL

Experimentally, the density of Water at 15oC is found to be 0.99913 g/mL. The interpolated value
is in error by 0.045%.

Another interpolation method, that of Lagrange, takes into account changes in the slope between
neighboring pairs of points and therefore accounts for, to some degree, curvature in the data.
Using this method and data at 10oC, 20oC and 30oC gives an interpolated result of 0.99898 g/mL.
The error has now been reduced to 0.015%. The interpolation method of Lagrange is encoded in a
number of software packages. A simple DOS program encoding this algorithm is available on the
computer in the Lavender Lounge of Jones Hall.

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