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Midterm Assessment Assignment Spring 2020

Course Title: Change Management Course Code:

MGT - 487

Class: BBA – 8 E & G Course Instructor:

Salman A. Khan

Submission: Latest by 31 May 2020 Max Marks: 15

Student’s Name: SYED HASAN ALI SHAH Reg. No: 02-111162-213

Assignment Guidelines by the Teacher

• Assignment Submission: Computer Typed

• All Bahria University academic policies and rules are applicable.

Q-1. Choose a case study or create an example and apply the Step-by-Step Model
in Fig. 4-1 on it. Basically recreate an example just like the Elmbrook Church case
study in the text illustrates the seven steps of the model. (Marks-3)
Determine the need and desire for a change:
Due to the coronavirus the industries have faced a big fall in profits due to the
lockdown and the decreased in demand. The company has now decided to
overcome the shortage of deliveries we are going to open the industry on
Saturday’s also for some months to overcome the shortage.
Prepare Tentative Plans:
A meeting of the top level executives was held discussing plans on how to deliver
the message, for how many months Saturday’s will be on. So a plan was derived
that total 12 Saturday’s will be on and to give relief to the employees a Saturday
will be given off after 2 consecutive on’s.
Analyse Probable Reactions:
The reactions probably will be that employees will not like the decision and to
overcome that this decision will be applied after 2 weeks and not immediate
effectively. And also the relief of every off after 2 Consecutive Saturday’s will be
Make a Final Decision
The final decision was made by the top level management after sorting out issues
with the employees. The final decision is that after 2 weeks the
Time Table:
This is a short term requirement only to fulfil the demand of the customer so the
time limit for this change is 4 months.
Communicating the Change:
The change will be communicated through E-mails sent to upper and middle level
management and letter sent out to upper level management.
Implementing the Change:
This short term change was implemented after looking at the concerns of the
employees and solving them, offering them relief and proper planning to fulfil the
demand due to the coronavirus.

Q-2. Using an example of Empathy, create a “Know Factor” Ballot; Sample

“Empathy Worksheet”, and “Empathy Regarding Change” Form. With the help of
example explain “When” you will ask for participation and why. Using the same
example show specific steps for getting it i.e. The “How” of Participation. (Marks-
Known Facts Ballot:
Very Important Important Not Important
Nickname x
Home X
Marital Status X
Formal Education x
Outside Hobbies X
Work Experience X
Health X
Children’s (Name, X
Religion X
Attitudes X
Politics X
Problems Outside X
The Plant
Friends At the Plant X
Ambitions X
War Experience X
Personality X
Intelligence X
Birthday X

Must Known Facts

Name Name Educati Experien Outsid Healt Attitud Ambitio Personali
and on ce e h es ns and ty
Nickna Activiti Goals
me es
Abdur X X X X X
Humz X X X X X X
Umar X X X X
Adnan X X X
Nadee X X X X
Myer X X X X X

Empathy Regarding Change

Name R1 R2 N A W ? Comments
Abudr X He will accept a change
Humza Won’t affect him positively or
Umar X He will resist a change as he has
anger issues
Adnan X Would welcome a change
Nadeem X Don’t know how will he react
Myer X Change won’t affect positively or
negatively to him

• The manager has decided each individual will be asked about how they are
going to fill these forms. With their own individual analysis. Comments will
be passed on to know their status and since there is a lockdown so
employees will have to find a way to meet.
• Each individual should have a strong grip on MS office to fill these forms

In these hard times we must collaborate and communicate to our staff fully because
we are not ready for this sudden change and will need to help others to survive.
How to Participate:
To encourage others to participate in this change is to ask for their opinions and
their feedback. Without their support we can’t move forward. We will review all
their quires and problems thoroughly. Those who will stay loyal to cause of
change will be rewarded and appraised.
Q-3. Describe three change situations. Identify Sender and Receiver barriers in
each situation. Then answer who should be told about change? When to tell about
the change? Which is better, written or oral communication or both? In the answer
of how quote appropriate information provided in the text e.g. use oral
communication when Emotions are high. Create a Table similar to Table 8-1 on pg.
91 of the text. (Marks-3)
Fee increment: ABC school in Karachi sent out a letter to the parents informing of
the recent increment in the fees.
• Senders Barriers: The increment of fee was not justified by the admin
Who How To Whom
The admin Department The justification of the Parents
recent increment should be
provided by the admin to
the parents.

2) Receiver barrier: notification was not issued by the management earlier

Who How To Whom
Manager Through letter. Employee

3) Senders Barriers: The increment of taxes was not justified by the government.
Who How To Whom
The government The justification of the Public
recent increment should be
provided by the
government to the public.

Q-4. Create original six clear but distinct examples of use of Nudge Theory.
Enforced Change Nudge Techniques
Instructing a small child to tidy his/her room. Playing a 'room-tidying' game with the child.
Erecting signs saying 'no littering' and warning of fines. Improving the availability and visibility of litter bins.
Joining a gym. Using the stairs.
Counting calories. Smaller plate.
Weekly food shop budgeting. Use a basket instead of a trolley.
Calling others fat to make them loose weight Giving them proper diet plan

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Q-5. Read the case Instituting New Training Programs given in the text, then
answer the following questions:
• Who will oppose the change and who is supporting the change?
All the members of the upper level management were not in supportive of the
decision while other top level executives were supportive of the change. So a plan
was derived to formulate the cost benefit analysis and after showing the analysis
the green light was shown by every executive to implement the change.
• How much will the change cost?
The Change was costing approximately 2$ per staff member.
• What benefits will be derived?
Increased efficiency
Staff will be trained
Moral satisfaction etc
• How and when should the proposed changes be communicated?
The proposed change should be communicated when the staff members are
trained to carry out the work and are not hesitant to the changing environment.
• What are the best ways to get key people to participate in the change?
The best way is by showing the positive signs as shown in the case when 2 new
trainees were hired they were a little resistant to the change because they have
never worked in the hospital. So the were involved by inviting them to the
present brief program and managers also showed their support to the trainees.

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