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Midterm Assessment Assignment Spring 2020

Course Title: Advance Application of IT in Business Course Code: MIS 461

Class: BBA-6 (A, B, C, D, E, & G) Morning

Course Instructor: Engr. Dr. Amir Manzoor / Khurram Adeel Shaikh / Farrukh Zafar

Submission: 31st May 2020 Max Marks: 15

Student’s Name: Reg. No:

Assignment Guidelines by the Teacher

 Assignment Submission: Computer Typed

 Attempt all questions.
 Answer all questions in the given sequence.
 Identical and plagiarized answers will be marked zero!
 Answer the given questions after carefully reading and analyzing the case study,
“Surviving SAP Implementation in a Hospital” accessible here:

Question 1

a) Explain any five similarities of SAP ERP implementation in a hospital as compared to

SAP ERP implementation in other business organizations. ( 2.5

b) Explain any five differences of SAP ERP implementation in a hospital as compared

to SAP ERP implementation in other business organizations. ( 2.5

Question 2

a) When an organization implements an ERP system, it undergoes major changes. A

restraining force opposes the change brought by ERP implementation. Identify and
describe any five restraining forces of this change when Valle del Lili Foundation
implemented the SAP ERP. ( 2.5
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b) For each restraining force, you mention in your answer to question 2a, explain one
strategy Valle del Lili Foundation used to deal with each restraining force. ( 2.5

Question 3

a) Assume that you have been in charge of SAP ERP implementation at Valle del Lili
Foundation. Would you prefer phased implementation option or a big-bang
implantation option? Explain reasons for your selection. (0.5 + 0.5

b) Explain any two pros of each option. (2


c) Explain any two cons of each option. (2


(Note: the pros and cons explained must be specific to the case. Generic pros and cons will
NOT be accepted)

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