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European Journal of Radiology 74 (2010) e107–e111

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Pelvimetry revisited: Analyzing cephalopelvic disproportion

Miriam S. Lenhard a,1 , Thorsten R.C. Johnson b,∗,1 , Sabine Weckbach b ,
Konstantin Nikolaou b , Klaus Friese a , Uwe Hasbargen a
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich, 81377 Munich, Germany
Department of Radiology, Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich, Marchioninistrasse 15, 81377 Munich, Germany

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The objective of this study was to assess the clinical value of pelvimetry to predict dystocia due to
Received 6 January 2009 cephalopelvic disproportion.
Accepted 15 April 2009 63 patients who had received an abdominal CT scan postpartum were included. Pelvimetry was
performed retrospectively with these datasets on a 3D workstation; there were no CT examinations
Keywords: performed solely for pelvimetry, and there was no radiation exposure for study purposes. Patients
were divided into three groups by the course of birth, i.e. normal vaginal delivery (A), dystocia due to
Cephalopelvic disproportion
cephalopelvic disproportion (B) and other patients (C). Previously described methods were evaluated for
Computed tomography
their accuracy in diagnosing cephalopelvic disproportion.
The pelvimetric parameters did not show significant differences between groups A (n = 20) and B
(n = 20) except for the sagittal mid-pelvic diameter (q) with 12.7 ± 0.6 cm vs. 11.9 ± 0.6 cm (p = 0.0001).
The ROC analysis of the previously described methods showed areas under the curve between 0.50
and 0.67. The ROC curves for q had an area of 0.88, providing 85% sensitivity with 85% speci-
In conclusion, the sagittal mid-pelvic diameter shows potential to detect cephalopelvic disproportion
with acceptable accuracy. With the information gained on the CT data, a prospective trial based on MR
imaging can be set up to validate the diagnostic accuracy.
© 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction pregnancy to avoid radiation exposure of the fetus [2,4–6]. For

conventional imaging, measurement errors around 10% have been
Prolonged delivery is associated with increased fetal and mater- described, whereas MRI seems to be quite accurate with errors
nal morbidity and mortality. Cephalopelvic disproportion is the around 1% [3]. A major problem in MRI with conventional sequences
most important cause of prolonged birth, baring risks of difficult is the necessity to accurately plan the scans on preview images,
or even unsuccessful vaginal births with the necessity of vacuum because the cross-sectional images are restricted to the imag-
extraction or forceps delivery [1]. Therefore, it is important to iden- ing planes and a retrospective adjustment is not possible based
tify those women who are at risk for dystocia [2] and to choose on the once-acquired data. Despite of the problematic issue of
the most appropriate way of delivery at an early stage in preg- ionizing radiation, CT has been described to be an accurate modal-
nancy. Altogether, little progress has been made in diagnosing ity for pelvimetry [7,8]. As CT is routinely performed as a spiral
cephalopelvic dysproportion. Many studies reported very limited data acquisition with continuous volume coverage, a retrospective
diagnostic accuracy of various pelvimetric indices in the prediction pelvimetry is possible even with CT data acquired for other indi-
of dystocia. In fact, many authors regard pelvimetry as an unsuc- cations. With three-dimensional volume rendering techniques, a
cessful and dispensible means to attempt to predict cephalopelvic precise measurement of pelvic dimensions is possible by inter-
disproportion. The lost interest in pelvimetry has been aroused actively turning and cutting the dataset. Our previous feasibility
since an accurate pelvimetry on cross-sectional images without study has shown a good accuracy with high reproducibility and
ionizing radiation has become possible by magnet resonance imag- low inter-observer variability even on 5 mm axial slices. Thus,
ing (MRI) [3], which is indeed very important for pelvimetry during the CT data of patients in whom the course of birth is known
can be used to analyze the value of pelvimetry for the assess-
ment of cephalopelvic disproportion. The aim of this study was
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +49 89 7095 3620. to assess the diagnostic accuracy of pelvimetry in the identifica-
E-mail address: (T.R.C. Johnson). tion of women at risk for dystocia based on a retrospective CT data
Co-first author, both authors contributed equally to this article. evaluation.

0720-048X/$ – see front matter © 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
e108 M.S. Lenhard et al. / European Journal of Radiology 74 (2010) e107–e111

2. Materials and methods the university’s ethics committee guidelines and adhered to the
World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki.
2.1. Available CT data All CT examinations had been acquired on spiral CT scanners
with routine abdominal protocols in venous phase after intravenous
The picture archiving and communication system (PACS) of a contrast material application. Depending on the year of acquisition,
university hospital was screened for abdominal CT scans of patients 4, 16 or 64 slice CT scanners (Siemens Somatom Volume Zoom, Sen-
referred from the obstetric ward during the last 6 years. 63 patients sation 4, Sensation 16 or Sensation 64) had been used. Images had
who had received a CT scan within 1 week postpartum between been reconstructed at 5 mm slice thickness and increment with a
01/2000 and 05/2008 were identified and included in the analy- standard medium-soft convolution kernel. For 15 exams acquired
sis. Indications for CT were suspicion of ovarian vein thrombosis on the 64 slice system, 1 mm slices were available. All exams had
(in 33 patients), abscess (4) or hemorrhage (3), fever (2) or inflam- been archived in the long-term storage of the PACS system. There
matory laboratory parameters of unknown cause (6) or persistent were no CT examinations performed solely for pelvimetry, and
abdominal pain (15). The retrospective evaluation is warranted by there was no radiation exposure for study purposes.

Fig. 1. Volume rendered images of the bony pelvis in a superior–anterior (a) and a posterior view (b) and a lateral view of the left half of the pelvis cut in strict sagittal
direction (c). The lines indicate the measurement of the transverse diameter of the inlet (a), the interspinous and intertuberous distance (upper and lower line in b), of the
obstetric conjugate, the sagittal mid-pelvic and outlet diameter (top to bottom lines in c).
M.S. Lenhard et al. / European Journal of Radiology 74 (2010) e107–e111 e109

Table 1
Maternal and fetal demographic data for groups A and B.

Demographic data Normal delivery group (A, n = 20) Dystocia group (B, n = 20) p

Age (years) 33 ± 6 32 ± 6 0.838
Primipara 5 15 0.004*
Height (cm) 167 ± 6 165 ± 6 0.367
Weight at early pregnancy (kg) 66.4 ± 9.2 73.0 ± 23.4 0.274
Body mass index (kg/m2 ) 26.3 ± 4.3 28.1 ± 8.6 0.440
Weight gain (kg) 16.3 ± 7.4 12.9 ± 4.5 0.100

Birth weight (g) 3301 ± 720 3269 ± 565 0.888
Body length (cm) 50.0 ± 4.4 51.4 ± 2.9 0.262
Head circumference (cm) 33.3 ± 4.0 35.9 ± 3.9 0.144
pH of umbilical cord blood 7.3 ± 0.1 7.3 ± 0.1 0.149

“p” by t-test except * Chi-square test.

2.2. Pelvimetry dimensions were not possible, even though some of these patients
did go through labor. Group C was therefore excluded from further
Based on these images, pelvimetry was performed retrospec- analysis.
tively on a 3D workstation (Siemens Multi-Modality Workplace,
Siemens, Forchheim/Germany) using volume rendered images by 2.4. Assessment of diagnostic accuracy for cephalopelvic
two independent blinded observers as previously reported [8]. The disproportion
technique implies measurements in standard cranial, posterior and
lateral views: the transverse diameter of the inner pelvis was mea- Various previously described methods used to diagnose
sured on the 3D image from a cranial view (Fig. 1a). On a posterior cephalopelvic disproportion were evaluated in a blinded man-
view, the interspinous distance was measured as the shortest dis- ner for their accuracy in diagnosing cephalopelvic disproportion.
tance between both ischial spines and the intertuberous distance These included the methods described by Colcher [9,10], Mengert
was masured as the widest distance between the ischial tuberosi- [11], Borell [12], Friedman [13] and the fetal–pelvic index [14].
ties (Fig. 1b). Then, the dataset was cut in mid-sagittal direction The respective index was calculated for each patient to determine
and sagittal measurements were obtained on a strict lateral view. whether disproportion would have been diagnosed correctly or not.
These included the obstetric conjugate as the shortest distance The diagnostic accuracy was analyzed by ROC curves representing
between promontory and symphysis, the sagittal outlet as the dis- sensitivity and specificity of the method including 95% confidence
tance between the inferior inner aspect of the symphysis and the intervals.
distal end of the sacrum, and the mid-pelvic sagittal diameter from
the inferior inner aspect of the symphysis along the plane of the
2.5. Statistical analysis
spinous process to the sacrum (Fig. 1c). All measurements were
obtained independently by both observers, and inter-observer vari-
Kolmogorov–Smirnov tests were applied to verify normal dis-
ability was quantified using the Bland–Altmann method.
tribution of pelvimetric variables. Continuous variables are given
as mean ± standard deviation. Differences between pelvimetric
2.3. Correlation to clinical data dimensions were tested for their significance using the Student’s
t-test. To analyze the significance of differences between paramet-
Medical records, clinical charts including birth protocols or rical data, the Chi-square test was applied. Statistical significance
surgery reports were reviewed to analyze maternal and infant data was assumed if p-values were less or equal to 0.05. Diagnostic accu-
(cf. Table 1). Maternal clinical data included age, height, weight, racy was calculated based on standard contingency tables. Receiver
BMI, parity, mode of delivery, indication for intervention during operating (ROC) curves were calculated based on the results of
delivery, anesthetics, postpartum complications, indication and the respective diagnostic method for each patient with reference
diagnosis of postpartum CT scan. Infant data included birth weight, to the clinical outcome. Inter observer variability was assessed
length, head circumference, umbilical cord pH and Apgar scores using Bland–Altmann analysis [15] including mean differences,
at 1, 5 and 10 min. To take other mechanical factors than pelvic standard deviation and limits of agreement. All statistical tests were
dimensions into account which can have an effect on dystocia, birth performed with MedCalc (Version, MedCalc Software, Mari-
position, presentation, flexion attitude and lie were recorded from akerke, Belgium).
the patient files. In addition, complications involving the umbil-
ical cord including nuchal cord, cord knot or cord prolapse were 3. Results
Cephalopelvic disproportion was diagnosed if there was full cer- 63 patients referred from the obstetric ward for abdominal CT
vical dilatation and adequate contractions of the uterus but no scans were identified. The review of the patient records revealed 20
progress in labor for 2 h, and an intervention by forceps delivery, normal vaginal deliveries (group A). Dystocia was suspected and
vacuum extraction or cesarean section was initiated. intervention initiated in another 20 patients (group B), i.e. sec-
Based on this data, patients were divided into three groups by ondary cesarean section in 15, vacuum extraction in 5 cases. In
the course of birth, i.e. normal spontaneous vaginal delivery after the remaining 23 patients (group C), there was no clear evidence
the 38th gestational week (A), assisted birth for dystocia due to whether there may have been disproportion or not, e.g. because
cephalopelvic disproportion (B) and patients who did not match a cesarean section was initiated for other reasons than dystocia
either group (C). The latter included patients with elective cesarean (multiple pregnancy, prematurity).
section, multiple pregnancy or delivery before the 38th gestational Regarding clinical parameters including umbilical cord artery
week, so that definite conclusions on the influence of pelvimetric pH value, fetal weight and fetal length as well as mother’s weight,
e110 M.S. Lenhard et al. / European Journal of Radiology 74 (2010) e107–e111

Table 2
Pelvimetric data for both patient groups.

Pelvimetric data (cm) Normal delivery group (A, n = 20) Dystocia group (B, n = 20) p

m (obstetric conjugate) 12.0 ± 0.9 12.0 ± 1.2 0.8922

c (transverse inlet) 12.9 ± 0.9 12.7 ± 1.1 0.5298
q (sagittal interspinal) 12.7 ± 0.6 11.9 ± 0.6 0.0001*
s1 (sagittal outlet) 12.1 ± 0.9 11.5 ± 0.8 0.2696
h (interspinal) 10.9 ± 0.7 10.6 ± 0.6 0.1867
I (intertuberous) 12.0 ± 0.9 11.7 ± 0.8 0.2920
Significant difference.

height and body mass index, Apgar values or birth injuries, there
were no statistically significant differences between both groups
except for the number of primipara which was significantly higher
in group B (Table 1). In group A there were only cephalic presenta-
tions recorded, 19 in first occipito-anterior presentation, 1 in second
occipito-anterior presentation. In group B, there were two cases of
high stage longitudinal position. Apart from that, there were only
cephalic presentations recorded, 17 in first occipito-anterior and
1 in second occipito-anterior presentation. Regarding the umbili-
cal cord there were no remarkable findings except for one case of
double nuchal cord entanglement in group B, in which a vacuum
extraction was applied.
Differentiating groups A (normal vaginal delivery) and B
(dystocia due to disproportion), the only significantly different
pelvimetric parameter was the sagittal mid-pelvic diameter at the
level of the spinous processes (q) with 12.7 ± 0.6 cm vs. 11.9 ± 0.6 cm
(p = 0.0001). The other pelvimetric parameters did not show signif- Fig. 2. ROC analysis showing the diagnostic accuracy of various tests in the predic-
tion of cephalopelvic disproportion. The sagittal mid-pelvic diameter q and the same
icant differences (cf. Table 2). Regarding the two cases of high stage
value divided by the fetal head circumference achieve the highest areas under the
longitudinal position and one double nuchal cord entanglement in curve.
group B, all three women had low sagittal mid-pelvic dimensions
(11.3, 12.0 and 11.9 cm), respectively.
Overall inter-observer agreement showed a mean difference Relating the sagittal mid-pelvic diameter to the fetal head cir-
of −0.18%, a standard deviation 2.75% and limits of agree- cumference (q/HC), a similar diagnostic accuracy can be obtained
ment at −5.58% and +5.22%; correlation coefficient was 0.95. with an area under the curve of 0.859, providing 70% sensitivity
Regarding the different pelvimetric dimensions, the correlation with 90% specificity at a cut-off value of 0.34 (relation q/HC).
coefficients were very high for obstetric conjugate (0.96), trans-
verse inlet (0.99), sagittal mid-pelvic diameter (0.96), sagittal 4. Discussion
outlet (0.96) and limited for interspinal and intertuberous distance
(both 0.91). The pelvimetric dimensions we obtained in our study group are
The calculation of the previously described indices for the pre- generally in good agreement with published data [16,17], although
diction of cephalopelvic disproportion yielded very variable results. somewhat different from older values, which may be attributable
Fig. 2 shows the diagnostic accuracy of the methods in ROC curves. to a general increase of average body size over the last century
Table 3 lists the areas under the ROC curves including 95% confi- [18]. As the CT scans had been obtained within 1 week after deliv-
dence intervals, standard error, sensitivity and specificity at highest ery, it is unlikely that the pelvic dimensions analyzed in our study
diagnostic accuracy. would have changed significantly from the situation during birth.
The values range from 0.50 to 0.67, and none of the 95% confi- The patient groups were well balanced for most demographic fac-
dence intervals excludes 0.5, which indicates that the tests are of tors. The exception that we observed a higher rate of primipara in
very questionable value in our patient group. the ‘dystocia’ group B can be attributed to the bias caused by the fact
Regarding the mere pelvimetric measurements, the ROC curve that most women with a history of previous dystocia will deliver by
for q has an area under the curve of 0.871, with a 95% confidence cesarean section at subsequent births. Also, the rate of dystocia is
interval of 0.726–0.957. Thus, the determination of q alone offers very high in our study group because these patients are much more
a sensitivity of 85% with 85% specificity for the identification of likely to require a CT scan postpartum than those with a normal
disproportion if a threshold of 12.1 cm is applied (Fig. 3). vaginal delivery.

Table 3
ROC analysis of the diagnostic accuracy of pelvimetric indices.

Index Area under curve 95% confidence interval Standard error Sensitivity/specificity at
maximal diagnostic accuracy

Borell 0.500 0.336–0.664 0.049 0 0

Colcher 0.524 0.358–0.686 0.093 10.0 95.0
Fetal–pelvic index 0.670 0.501–0.811 0.087 55.0 75.0
Friedman 0.595 0.426–0.749 0.091 40.0 78.9
Mengert 0.501 0.337–0.665 0.094 95.0 5.0
q (≤12.1 cm) 0.871 0.726–0.957 0.059 85.0 85.0
q/HC (≤0.34) 0.859 0.710–0.949 0.062 70.0 89.5
M.S. Lenhard et al. / European Journal of Radiology 74 (2010) e107–e111 e111

axis coverage, which is not given in standard pelvic MRI. However,

this is not to imply that CT is ideal for the purpose of pelvime-
try. Even though the radiation can be reduced significantly with
exams at extremely low tube current, the avoidance of radiation
exposure for the fetus would of course make MRI the modality of
choice in pregnancy. With the information gained on the CT data in
this retrospective analysis, a prospective trial based on MR imaging
can be set up to validate the diagnostic accuracy in the prediction
of cephalopelvic disproportion. New MR imaging techniques with
continuous volume coverage such as VIBE (volumetric interpolated
breath-hold examination) [19] may be useful to make multiplanar
reformats possible.

5. Conclusion

Previously reported methods to predict cephalopelvic dispro-

portion did not perform well in our study population. However,
the sagittal mid-pelvic diameter at the level of the spinous process
shows potential to detect disproportion with acceptable accuracy.
Thus, this index may offer a higher diagnostic accuracy and make
the method more reliable. Prospective MRI studies are required to
validate these results and assess the predictive value.


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