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I am shuvo kumar pramanik working as a digital marketer, Keyword Planner and SEO Expert on and .

I have look at your whole website found few things

1. There is no keyword planning that rank you Google #1.
2. Lathing of on-page SEO
3. Only two Social media add with your website
4. Social media activity is too low

Solution of this problem

1.You have to Research the keywords upon your Niche that are greatly found by Canadian people and
the keywords must be long tail, low competitive .For this you may do it by Google Adward, but
my suggestion is use the freelancer.

2.Your website Title tag, Heading tag, Contents are not made by using the proper keywords for this you
have to done by won or Hair SEO expert to do that.

3.Build and Link up the Linkdine, Twitter , pinterest profile for your website and regularly update about
your website/your service on this social media regularly .you have to use the keywords that are used in
your website. Promote your social media post in Canada that greatly helps you to connect with Canadian

If you want to know anything else I will happy to help and answer you

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