Silverio Vs Mendoza

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EE Cienatvs Mendoza CR. No. 24471, 8/30/1198 = FACTS ee ee es Pipatiengen xe. of “the Philigyine “Rabbit Bas Lines driven by Silverio Marchan fell iato_a_diteh saan wherein Bulacan white trawelling on its ways Mani |a-——— Ab a renull, plaintifes= appelltes Arsenio tMlendora his ——— wife and child, Ceeopendents in! this pret diag) wlho_we———— ve Maen inside the bus ac Passengers wee fhe obo — the _ge mind resulting in theic_mulfiple. injuries Arsenio ————— _tafheced the mobk senaas injsaties wlhics damaged i$ ——— _verkebrae causing the pacaly4i Sof is an ec etCemi= ties) and base. om the Physician who attented aad —__——— treated nin epint A that he may never walk. _qgain.—__— Plain tiffs appellees sangink to vecaver damage’ —agaiast —— defendant =aappeltant Siluecio and from Bieavini do and __ Natividad in their Capacity a adeinistratetand_admi= _aishatin oq the estnte of late Heremcio ,dolog busine under the Prilispine Rabbit Bus Lines; breach « _ frat of cariagt; fail aca tose, Halal be The Peace Cour oe charged’ Hie_driver fr Serio ,-less ind Slight physical inyucies Harmgh __tecidess imprud ence The CEL of Sulacad afficme A the decigien oh Kee Peace Couck. The C& affirmed Hae decision oy _the CEL. Petitioners (depend act-appe= ant) mebon fer reconsideration was denteA Sr Inch of merit Hence Huis petifien — eee, ______IHis_the uontenti ca of pie petitioner _bi an ae yhat Phere on absence of an_implied conbrnct of caca ee riage ‘i Som: a = ISS es ue as Whether lor! not petitioner tous line 1s liable ——

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