Rúbrica MI DFSS

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Criterios de calificación

Fase de Definición Proyecto Integrador

0-2 3-5
Ponderación Criterios Unsatisfactory Developing
20% Opportunity statement has
Has the opportunity The opportunity statement
been defined but not clearly.
statement been has not been completely
Project scope does not
defined? defined

Have the customer Customer needs have been

needs been collected Customer needs have not collected from a few
and constraints been been collected. interested people of the
identified? company


Have the customer Few design specifications

Customer needs have not
needs been translated have been defined, but
been translated into design
into design does not capturethe
specifications? customer need

Establishing design No objectives have been Some design objectives are
objectives established unclear
20% Developing a design Student does not develop a Student develops a
plan coherent design plan marginal plan.
Revisar tiempo*****

Ponderación asignado Puntaje final
20% Has the problem
statement been
defined? =C16*A16
20% Have the customer
needs been collected? =C17*A17
Has the customer need
been translated into a
Establishing objectives
20% Developing a plan to
solve the problem =C20*A20
Total 0 0.00
6-8 9-10
Satisfactory Exemplary
Opportunity statement has
Opportunity statement has
been defined and project
been defined, project scope
scope is clear to the
is not clear.
company and project team

There is evidence that

There is evidence that
customer needs have been
customer needs have been
collected from the interested
collected from most of the
people of the company and
interested people of the
design constraints have
been identified.
0 Usar QFD, VOC, Mapeo de expectati

Data has been translated

Design specifications have
into a design specifications
been defined and captures
for identified customers as
the customer needs,
appropriate and includes the
however units are not
sustainability triple bottom
line metrics

Some design objectives are Design objectives are clear

not aligned with the project and aligned with the
expectations expectations.
Student develops an Student develops a clear
adecuate plan. and concise design plan.
sar QFD, VOC, Mapeo de expectativas
Criterios de Calificación
Criterios de Medición

0-2 3-5 6-8
Ponderación Criterios Unsatisfactory Developing Satisfactory
The data collection
The data collection
plan lacks of one of
includes: data
the following criteria:
identification, data
Has the data data identification,
type, how it is
collection There is no data collection data type, how it is
measured, related
plan been plan measured, related
conditions, sampling
established? conditions, sampling
notes -if applicable-
notes -if applicable-
and where it is
and where it is

Has the data
The student does not
collection The student shows
There are no evidence of use the appropiate
reliability evidence of data
data reliability analysis tools to verify data
been reliabitity

The data collection

includes: data type, how
it is collected, related
conditions, sampling
notes -if applicable- and
where it is recorded. The
design specs
student recognizes the
future use of the data.

The student shows

evidence of data and
sources reliability.
Criterios de Calificación
Criterios de Análisis

0-2 3-5
Ponderación Criterios Unsatisfactory Developing

data and There is no evidence of data The student identifies design
design analysis options without a methodology.
6-8 9-10
Satisfactory Exemplary

The student analyzes

different design options using
The student identifies design
appropriate technical and
options applying a methodology.
finantial tools, considering all
However, defined constraints are
constraints established in the
not fully considered.
previous stages. It includes
customer feedback.
Criterios de Calificación
Criterios de Propuesta de Mejora

0-2 3-5
Ponderación Criterios Unsatisfactory Developing

50% The prototype plan lacks of some of

Has a prototype
the following criteria: tools, timeline,
plan been There is no prototype plan
responsibles and the costs
involved -if any-.

Has a robust The students developed

design been solutions without The student developed solutions to
developed to the considering relevant design some of the relevant design
identified specifications from the specifications.
specifications? previous phase
6-8 9-10
Satisfactory Exemplary

The prototype plan includes:

The plan includes: tools,
tools, timeline, responsibles and
timeline, responsibles and
few of the relevant costs involved
validation stages
-if any-.

The developed design is

The developed solutions are consistent with the relevant
consistent with the relevant design specifications. The
design specifications. There is design is the result of **** Análisis de
evaluation of some alternatives sensibility analysis, evaluation restrictions sensibilidad
according to customer and priorizaton of alternatives
requirements and costs. according to customer
requeriments and finantials
Criterios de Calificación
Criterios de Prototipado/implementación

0-2 3-5
Ponderación Criterios Unsatisfactory Developing
40% The students
Have the design been There are no implemented/modeled
implemented/modeled implementations or prototypes without
and validated? modeling considering the plan from
the previous phase

Have the design The design metrics The design metrics have
metrics been have not been not been consistenly
computed? displayed displayed.
6-8 9-10
Satisfactory Exemplary

The prototyes are The design is

implemented/modeled implemented/modeled and
without considering the validated according to the plan
plan and its priorization and its priorization.

The design metrics have

been computed However,
The design metrics fully meet
they are not in
design specifications, triple botton
compliance with design
constraints and customer line??
specifications, constraints
requirements and finantials
and customer

Declaración Recolección Análsis de Propuestas

del problema de datos Factores de Mejora

Presentaciones ejecutivas 10 5 10 15

Documento escrito 10

Poster en inglés
Poster en español
Total Puntos

Prototipado/Impl Total
ementación puntaje

20 60 Calificado por el coordinador

10 20 Calificado por el tutor

10 Calificado por el coordinador


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