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Speed limiters

The article deals with new safety rules that will be introduced by European Union as
an attempt to reduce road deaths, which are mostly caused by human errors.
These rules establish that cars sold in Europe from 2022 will require an intelligent
system able to limit their speed in case of necessity, as a standard equipment like
seatbelts or airbags.
Cars will also be fitted with emergency braking system and monitoring systems to
assess the driver state, for example if he is drunk or too tired.
Not everyone agrees with these new features: someone think that driving requires
human judgment and others think that having a data recorder inside the car is like
being watched by the Big Brother.

New vocabulary
Judgment  the ability to make sensible decisions after carefully considering the
best thing to do.
In the text this word is used to say that driving requires human consciousness and
it’s not safe letting a car in the hand of an artificial intelligence.
Feature  something important or typical of a thing.
Drowsiness  great tiredness or fatigue.

My opinion
I think it is a good initiative because road deaths are a current, widespread and sad
problem. It’s sad because often the fault of someone hurts innocent people, for
example in those cases when people drive drunk or using the phone.
As many accidents are caused by the use of smartphones, I think that with these
safety features the good side of technology would repair damages caused by its dark
side: I mean that today many people have a smartphone addiction and they can’t
stop using their phones even while they are driving. These features are an example
of how technology could make our lives better and safer.
I also think that the introduction of these rules will create new job opportunities and
so it could improve people lives also from this point of view.
I don’t think that we should worry about the possibility of being listened or spied by
someone because of the presence of monitoring systems or data recorders in our
cars, because this problem already exists: when you have a smartphone always near
you, with a microphone, a camera and an internet connection you couldn’t be spied
more than how you already are, so having a data recorder in your car, where you
maybe have the radio on and you are just driving doesn’t make the situation worse.

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