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Explain the differences of these 3 types of writing by filing the blank below :

Main Point Something of importance to you

Primary Support Major events you include

Secondary Support Details about major event

Logical Order Time Order
To arrange points according to when they happened.
Time order works best
when you are writing about events.

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the blank below :

Main impression you want to create for your readers
(eg. how it smells, sounds, looks, tastes, or feel)
Specific, concrete details that show the
insights, sounds, smells, tastes, and textures of your topic.

Sensory details
Space Order

To arrange ideas so that your readers

picture your topic the way you see it.
The position you take on the issue/topic

The reasons

(such as facts, examples and expert opinion)
Order of Importance to Emphasize a Particular Point

Starting point of your argument or the statement that you are

trying to prove. Usually, save the most important for last.

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