Review Westworld

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Language: neutral but engaging.

TV Programme: Westworld.


Capture audience with a question.
State what I'm going to talk about.

AI as the centre of the plot
Android used as toys in a violent game
Moral questions about robots and consciousness.
The auto-discovery of oneself

Recommendation and own opinion

What if the true enemies of human nature were ourselves? There are films or TV
series which represent a turning point in the life of every buff, whether it be for the
plot, the actors or the themes. In my case, this came about when I have watched
Westworld, a heartbreaking yet inspiring production directed by Jonathan Nolan
and Lisa Joy.
The cinema has made artificial intelligence an enemy of man. The world is not
prepared for both of them to live together without the end of a conflict between
them. Westworld drinks from that idea to develop its plot. But unlike what we are
used to seeing, it is humans who take prisoners and abuse androids for their own
fun and entertainment. Westworld is a role-playing game with wild realism,
showing who you really are, be it good or bad.
The old west setting used for this amusement park is carefully chosen, as it was a
land usurped from the Indians (hosts) by the cowboys (guests). And the
mistreatment and harassment, that we see in the theme park, is not very different
from what happened in the colonization. We are facing an old memory that it
confronts us with a question already asked. Who owns the world?
From my most genuine point of view, the plot structure itself is noteworthy,
astonishing and stunning. Chapter after chapter an image appears on the screen, a
maze. The series is a maze in itself. All the characters are believable, the characters
are well-crafted and its detailed draws you into its fantastic world.
In conclusion, if I had to summarize "Westworld" in a few words, I would say that it
is a stroll of self-discovery of oneself, the keys to this journey within us are
memory and improvisation.
After the path travelled where improvisation and memory guide, we come to
consciousness, to be aware of our own existence.
Personally I thoroughly think that it is far and away one of the best performances I
have seen for a long time

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