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What Is an Army Mental Health Specialist?

Members of the armed forces, like the Army, often have difficult times - to say the least -
when it comes to staying mentally and emotionally stable. These brave men and women go
through grueling training, and are separated from their families when they’re shipped
overseas to live in an unfamiliar world amidst unfamiliar cultures. Many Army soldiers
witness and participate in violent and frightening acts of war. The constant fear of death and
injury also hangs over them like a persistent storm cloud that they can’t seem to shake.

Needless to say, the mental and emotional health of an Army soldier is delicate and fragile.

Army mental health specialists are mental health professionals that are partly responsible for
the mental and emotional well-being of Army soldiers. These professionals are specifically
trained to treat soldiers suffering from a variety of mental disorders, both on an inpatient and
an outpatient capacity.

An Army soldier might suffer from a number of problems during his enlistment. Adjustment
problems are considered to be the most common problems, however. New enlisted soldiers
may have trouble adjusting to military life, and even seasoned soldiers may have trouble
adjusting to being shipped overseas to an unfamiliar country.

Major depression and post-traumatic stress syndrome are two other very common issues that
Army soldiers may have to cope with. Suicide is also a real threat for a large number of
soldiers as well. Aside from these common mental health issues, mental health specialists
will also usually be faced with treating other common problems, like anxiety disorder, stress
disorder, substance abuse, anger problems, relationship problems, and organic mental
disorders caused by head injuries.

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