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Young Hypertensive : How and

How much to Investigate?
76 S. A. Kamath

Introduction • Coarctation of the Aorta

Majority of young (< 40 years) patients with high • Cushing’s Syndrome
blood pressure have essential hypertension. But
• Aldosteronism
many also have secondary hypertension, which can
be cured. Hence it is very important to diagnose • Pheochromocytoma
these conditions and reverse the high blood pressure
in order to avert target organ damage. Many of Practical points
the investigations for secondary hypertension are Accurate measurement of blood pressure is very
time-consuming, tedious and expensive. Then why important. Thorough medical history and physical
perform them when it has been shown that in most examination is very valuable, and will help to
situations a final diagnosis of essential hypertensive
arrive at conclusion very often and eliminate
will be arrived at. The following article gives us
many unnecessary investigations that may be
an insight into who should be investigated and to
what extent. time-consuming, expensive, and ultimately lead
Causes of Hypertension in the Young
Why should hypertension be
Essential Hypertension
Secondary Hypertension
• Detection of target organ disease (e.g., renal
• Renal Parenchymal Hypertension
damage, congestive heart failure)
• Drugs
• Identification of other risk factors for
• Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome
cardiovascular disorders (e.g., diabetes mellitus,
• COPD hyperlipidemia); and
• Lifestyle – Diet / Nutrition • Detection of secondary causes of
• Hypothyroidism hypertension
• Hyperthyroidism The routine investigations to be done in any patient
• Renovascular Hypertension with hypertension are shown in Table 1.
Young Hypertensive : How and How much to Investigate? 571
Table 1 : Routine Screening Laboratory Tests for interventions. Treatment of OSA consists of
Hypertension nasal continuous positive airway pressure
• Urinalysis (CPAP). Surgery may be considered in some
• Complete blood count patients. Treatment reduces hypertension in
• Blood chemistries (potassium, sodium, creatinine, fasting these patients. 3,4 There is a high incidence
glucose) of OSA in patients with chronic obstructive
• Fasting lipid profile (LDL, HDL, triglycerides, total pulmonary disease (COPD).
Aldosteronism (Mineralocorticoid Excess
• 12-lead electrocardiogram
• Ultrasonography of the abdomen for the kidneys
Increased urinary excretion of potassium signals
Who should be investigated and how hyperaldosteronism. This should be suspected
far? in all hypertensive patients with hypokalemia
We have a battery of investigations for the who are not on potassium-wasting diuretics
hypertensive patient. But all need not be done (frusemide, ethacrynic acid, thiazides). If
in every patient. Before we proceed to the actual hypokalemia occurs in a hypertensive patient
investigations, there are clinical symptoms and taking a potassium-wasting diuretic, the diuretic
signs that will point out and assist us to determine should be discontinued and the patient should be
the investigations that should be done and how far given potassium supplements. After 1-2 weeks,
should we proceed. These are elaborated in Table the potassium level should be remeasured.
If hypokalemia persists, the patient should
2. A more aggressive approach should be taken in
be evaluated for a mineralocorticoid excess
these situations.
In addition any patient who does not have
The criteria for the diagnosis of primary
predisposing factors for essential hypertension
aldosteronism are:
(Table 3) should be investigated for secondary
hypertension. 1. diastolic hypertension without edema
Findings on history, physical examination, or 2. low plasma renin that fails to increase
laboratory testing that suggest a secondary cause appropriately during volume depletion
(Table 2). (upright posture, sodium depletion)
3. hypersecretion of aldosterone that does
Secondary causes of hypertension not suppress appropriately in response to
can be determined by the mnemonic volume excretion. It should be remembered
“ABCDE” that approximately 25% patients with
A. Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) essential hypertension have suppressed
renin activity.
Obstructive sleep apnea is an independent risk
4. The diagnostic test should be demonstration
factor for hypertension 1. At least one half of
of an elevated ratio of plasma aldosterone
patients with OSA have hypertension2. Features
level to plasma renin activity 5.
that suggest OSA are daytime somnolence,
obesity, snoring, lower-extremity edema B. Bruits (Renal Artery Stenosis - RAS)
(secondary to the right-sided congestive heart Younger hypertensives (< 40 years of age) or
failure), morning headaches, and nocturia. A those seen after 60 years, especially those patients
sleep study usually is needed for diagnosis at risk for arterial compromise (e.g., smokers,
of OSA and determination of corrective diabetics, or those with known atherosclerotic
572 Medicine Update 2008  Vol. 18

Table 2
Clinical features Preliminary Tests Disease suspected Additional Diagnostic
• Edema, sallow skin, Oliguria + elevated BUN and Renal parenchymal Creatinine clearance, renal
breathlessness creatinine levels, disease ultrasonography kidney
proteinuria biopsy
• Systolic/diastolic Renovascular Magnetic resonance
abdominal bruit hypertension angiography, Captopril-
augmented radioisotopic
renography, Renal
• Inequality of pulsations Aorto-arteritis Aortogram with angiogram
in both upper of upper extremity
Decreased or delayed Coarctation of aorta Doppler or CT imaging of
femoral pulses, abnormal aorta
chest radiograph
• Use of Excessive Confirm patient is
sympathomimetics, catecholamines normotensive in absence of
Perioperative setting, catecholamine excess
Acute stress, Tachycardia
• Snoring, Daytime OSA Sleep study
somnolence, Obesity
(esp truncal)
• Diet: high salt, excessive Diet side effects Lifestyle modifications
• Central obesity Hyperglycemia, Dysmetabolic Lifestyle modifications
hyperinsulinemia, syndrome, insulin
hypercholesterolemia, resistance
• Use of drug in Table 4 Drug side effect Take off drug
• Weight gain, fatigue, Cushing’s Syndrome 8 AM serum cortisol,
weakness, hirsutism, Dexamethasone suppression
amenorrhea, moon Test
facies, dorsal hump,
purple striae, truncal
obesity, hypokalemia
• Paroxysmal Pheochromocytoma Urinary catecholamine
hypertension, headaches, metabolites (VMA,
diaphoresis, palpitations, metanephrines,
tachycardia normetanephrines)
Plasma free metanephrines
MIBG scan
• Fatigue, weight loss, Hypothyroidiosm Thyroid function tests
hair loss, diastolic
hypertension, muscle
• Heat intolerance, Hyperthyroidism Thyroid function tests
weight loss, palpitations,
systolic hypertension,
exophthalmos tremor,
• Kidney stones, Hyperparathyroidism Serum calcium, parathyroid
osteoporosis, depression, hormone levels
lethargy, muscle
• Headaches, fatigue, Acromegaly X-ray skull, hands,
visual problems,
CT brain/ MRI
enlargement of hands,
feet, tongue Growth hormone levels
Young Hypertensive : How and How much to Investigate? 573
Table 3 : R i s k Fa c t o r s fo r Secondary present bilaterally. MRA is a noninvasive
Hypertension imaging modality with a sensitivity of 100
• Poor response to therapy (resistant hypertension) per cent and a specificity of 70 to 90 per cent
• Worsening of control in previously stable hypertensive compared with renal arteriography for detection
of renal artery stenosis. MRA best delineates
• Stage 3 hypertension (systolic blood pressure > 180 mm the proximal renal vasculature and is therefore
Hg or diastolic blood pressure >110 mm Hg)
useful as an initial diagnostic tool for patients
• Onset of hypertension in persons younger than age 20 or
older than age 50 suspected of having atherosclerotic renal artery
• Significant hypertensive target organ damage
stenosis, which usually involves the proximal
renal artery. Patients suspected of having FMD,
• Lack of family history of hypertension
which tends to involve the distal renal artery,
disease) should be auscultated for a renal bruit. should undergo conventional angiography or
About one half of patients with renovascular computed tomographic angiography.
hypertension will have an abdominal bruit
identifiable on physical examination. Bruits Renal arteriography remains the gold standard
heard in both systole and diastole are more for defining the vessel anatomy but does not
suggestive of renovascular hypertension than always correlate with postprocedural outcomes
systolic bruits alone6. Hypertensive patients with (i.e. surgical correction of the renal artery
the above characteristics should be subjected to stenosis often does not resolve the hypertension).
a renal artery doppler. Renal arteriogram establishes the presence of
a renal arterial lesion and aids in determining
Renal artery stenosis can be due to atherosclerosis
whether the lesion is due to atherosclerosis
(65%) or fibromuscular dysplasia. The incidence
or FMD. It does not however prove that the
of renovascular hypertension is less than 1%. It
lesion is responsible for the hypertension.
is important to identify RAS because surgery
RAS is a frequent finding by angiography
or angioplasty can reverse the hypertension,
and at poatmortem in many normotensive
especially if performed early enough to prevent
individuals. Bilateral renal vein catheterization
permanent renal damage.
and estimation of plasma renin activity (PRA)
If RAS is suspected, the patient should be will assess the functional significance of any
subjected to one of the three noninvasive lesion noted on arteriography and also whether
techniques: captopril-augmented radioisotopic surgical correction will be beneficial. The kidney
renogram (the preferred choice), magnetic on the side of RAS has PRA at least 1.5 times
resonance angiography (MRA), or duplex higher than the normal side. The renal vein
Doppler flow study of the renal arteries. renin level in the normal kidney is the same as
Captopril-augmented radioisotopic renogram is that of the inferior vena cava.
based on the fact that a kidney that is receiving
Bad Kidneys
an inadequate blood supply will activate the
renin-angiotensin system. Therefore, a single Renal function tests are routinely done in all
dose of the angiotensin-converting enzyme hypertensive patients. Elevated BUN and serum
(ACE) inhibitor captopril will abruptly reduce creatinine levels and decreased creatinine
renal function in the ischemic kidney. A scan clearance diagnose renal dysfunction, although
is considered positive if there is delayed or it may be impossible to tell if the dysfunction
decreased uptake of the radioisotope in the is primary or secondary to the hypertension.
stenotic kidney compared with the nonstenotic Ultrasonography will show small size of the
one, so this test is not as useful if stenosis is kidneys. Kidney biopsy may be required to
574 Medicine Update 2008  Vol. 18

determine the cause of renal failure, and for hypertrophy of the heart chambers and their
further management. function. CT / MRI of the chest and aortography
C. Catecholamines, Coarctation, Cushing’s may be useful to delineate anatomic narrowing.
Syndrome Doppler ultrasound and cardiac catheterization
can be used to see if there are any differences
in blood pressure in different areas of the aorta.
Patients having sweating, tachycardia,
This is very important prior to surgery and to
palpitations, and tremors in addition to a raised
determine post surgical prognosis.
BP usually have elevated catecholamine levels.
Elevated catecholamines play a role in causing Surgery is usually recommended. The narrowed
white-coat hypertension and hypertension in part of the aorta will be removed. In some cases,
pheochromocytoma, OSA, and other diseases balloon angioplasty may be done instead of
discussed in this article. Acute stress induces surgery.
catecholamine release and often contributes to
Cushing’s Syndrome
preoperative or postoperative hypertension.
Over-the-counter or prescription decongestants Cushing’s syndrome can cause hypertension
can have sympathomimetic effects, as do via the mineralocorticoid effects of excess
nonprescription weight-loss preparations glucocorticoids. Weight gain, fatigue, weakness,
containing ephedra (ma huang).7,8 Cocaine and hirsutism, amenorrhea, moon facies, buffalo
amphetamines also have hypertensive effects hump, purple striae, truncal obesity suggest
because of stimulation of the sympathetic nervous Cushing’s syndrome. Serum potassium may be
system. Hence the value of a thorough history low.
and physical examination in a hypertensive
For initial screening of Cushing’s syndrome,
patient should not be undermined.
8.00 a.m. serum cortisol or the overnight
Coarction of the Aorta dexamethasone suppression test is
Coarctation of the aorta is a congenital narrowing recommended. In difficult case (obese or
of the aortic lumen, most often occurring just patients with depression), measurement of a
distal to the origin of the left subclavian artery. 24-hour urine free cortisol can also be good
Patients with less severe forms of the disorder screening test. A level > 140 nmol/d (50 μg
may not be diagnosed until young adulthood but is suggestive of Cushing’s syndrome). The
have a high incidence of premature death. 9 definitive diagnosis is then established by
Decreased lower-extremity (femoral) pulses failure of urinary cortisol to fall to < 25 nmol/d
with upper-extremity hypertension suggest (10 μg/d) or plasma cortisol to fall to < 140
Coarctation of the Aorta. Hence it is very nmol/L (5 μg/dL) after a standard low-dose
important to examine all the peripheral dexamethasone suppression test (0.5 mg every
pulsations and take BP in all four extremities. 6 h for 48 hrs). Once the diagnosis is established
Patient may have dyspnea on exertion. Chest further testing should be done to determine the
radiographic findings of notched ribs (from
dilated collateral vessels) and dilation of the
aorta above and below the constriction (the “3” D. Drugs, Diet
sign) are highly suggestive.9 Drugs : Many prescription and nonprescription
Other diagnostic tests that should be done drugs can cause or exacerbate hypertension
include ECG and Echocardiography for (Table 4).
Young Hypertensive : How and How much to Investigate? 575
Table 4 : Drugs That Can Raise Blood Pressure edema, hair loss, diastolic hypertension, muscle
Drug class Drug examples weakness. Measurement of TSH is a screening
Immunosuppressive agents Cyclosporine, Tacrolimus, test for hypothyroidism. If TSH is elevated, free
corticosteroids T4 level should be done to confirm the presence
Nonsteroidal anti- Ibuprofen, naproxen, of clinical hypothyroidism. T 3 measurements
inflammatory drugs piroxicam are not indicated because free T 3 levels may be
COX-2 inhibitors Celecoxib, rofecoxib, normal in about 25% of hypothyroid patients.
Hyperthyroidism induces increased cardiac
Estrogens 30- to 35-mcg estrogen oral
contraceptives output and compensatory decreased vascular
Weight-loss agents Sibutramine, phentermine, tone, causing a greater increase in systolic
ma huang blood pressure. Heat intolerance, weight
Stimulants Nicotine, amphetamines loss, palpitations, systolic hypertension,
Mineralocorticoids Fludrocortisone exophthalmos, tremors, tachycardia suggest
Antiparkinsonian Bromocriptine
hyperthyroidism. The TSH level is suppressed,
while total and free T 3 and T 4 levels are
Monoamine oxidase Phenelzine
inhibitors increased.
Anabolic steroids Testosterone Hyperparathyroidism (primary or secondary
Sympathomimetics Pseudoephedrine to chronic renal insufficiency) is a potentially
reversible cause of hypertension. Its incidence
in hypertensive patients is about 1%, compared
Dietary factors that can cause hypertension are with a 0.1% incidence in the general population.
excess consumption of salt (sodium); while low However, only 30 to 40 per cent of patients with
intake of potassium, calcium, and magnesium hyperparathyroidism have hypertension,
can have a similar but less pronounced effect.
Kidney stones, osteoporosis, depression,
The lower limit of “excess salt” has not been
lethargy, muscle weakness are features of
determined. An average typical Indian diet
hyperparathyroidism. Serum calcium and
contains at least 17-20 g of salt. Blacks, elderly,
parathormone levels will determine the
patients, those with diabetes, and patients with
diagnosis. It is important to distinguish between
essential hypertension appear to be particularly
primary hyperparathyroidism and secondary
sensitive to dietary sodium intake. High calorie,
hyperparathyroidism due to renal failure.
low fiber diet and dietary patterns that cause
It should be remembered that in primary
obesity also can cause hypertension. Sustained
hyperparathyroidism, parathyroidectomy may
weight reduction lowers blood pressure--often
not reliably resolve hypertension.
to normal levels--in at least one half of obese
patients. A loss of 5 to 10 per cent of body weight Pheochromocytoma is another endocrine
can significantly reduce blood pressure. cause of hypertension. The classic symptoms
include headache, diaphoresis, palpitations, and
E. Endocrine Disorders, Erythropoietin
paroxysmal hypertension. The syndrome can
Hypothyroidism causes decreased cardiac vary depending on the types of catecholamines
output with a compensatory increase in vascular being produced, the amount and frequency of
tone, resulting in a more prominent rise in their release into the circulation, and other
diastolic blood pressure than in systolic blood factors. The usual screening test has been urinary
pressure. Features of hypothyroidism are fatigue, measurement of catecholamine metabolites
cold intolerance, weight gain, non-pitting (vanillylmandelic acid, metanephrines,
576 Medicine Update 2008  Vol. 18

Figure 1 : General strategy for diagnosing a secondary cause of hypertension.

Evaluation for Secondary Causes of Hypertension

Suspected hypertension

Test accury of reading (check cuff size, repeat

office readings, out-of-readings)

Confirmed hypertension Normotensive

White-coat hypertension

Screening history
Screening physical examinaton
Screening laboratory tests (Table 4)

Risk factors for secondary

hypertension present
(Table 3)?

No Yes

Treat hypertension and

assess response
Screening results suggest a Screening results do not
specific cause (Table 1). suggest a specific cause.

Identify and treat suspected Consider more aggressive evaluation for

cause and assess response secondary hypertension (see “futher
diagnostic studies” in Table 1)
normetanephrines).11 Determination of plasma (widely spaced teeth), increased ring and shoe
free metanephrines might be the test of first sizes; hands become enlarged, moist and soft
choice for diagnosis of this tumor, although with tufting of distal phalanges. Generalized
availability of this test at hospital and reference thickening of the skin with increased sweating
laboratories is limited. Pheochromocytoma is and oiliness, hypertrichosis, acanthosis nigricans
very rare, and routine screening in hypertensive and acne are also seen.
patients is not recommended. MIBG scan is one When acromegaly is clinically suspected,
more useful diagnostic modality, IGF-I estimation is a useful screening test and
Acromegaly (elevated growth hormone -GH) estimation of serum GH is confirmatory.
is a rare endocrine cause of hypertension. There IGF-1 measurement (normal ranges vary in
is coarsening of features, prognathism, diastema different laboratories) is an indirect measurement
Young Hypertensive : How and How much to Investigate? 577
of GH. Since IGF-1 levels are much more stable chronic renal failure).
over a day, they are often more practical and In conclusion, the value of accurate measurement
reliable than the measurements of GH levels. of BP, thorough medical history and clinical
Another advantage of this test is showing activity examination should not be underestimated.
of the disease. IGF-I level is a useful laboratory Doing so would screen for most of the secondary
screening measure when clinical features raise causes of hypertension discussed in this article,
the possibility of acromegaly. along with signs of target organ disease and
The normal level of serum GH is 3 to 5 ng/ comorbid factors.
mL. GH level greater than 10 ng/mL is found
in 90% of patients with acromegaly. A single References
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