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Date/Time JUNE 3, 2019 Grading Period FIRST
I. Objectives

A. Content Standards Demonstrates an understanding of scientific practices in planting trees and fruit trees

B. Performance Standards Applies knowledge and skills in planting trees and fruit trees

Explains benefits derived from planting trees and fruit-bearing trees to families and communities
C. Learning Competencies TLE6AG-0a-1

II. Content
Propagating trees and fruit trees
A. References

1. Teacher’s Guide

2. Learner’s Materials

Learning and Living in the 21st Century pp. 72-73; Home Economics and Livelihood Education
3. Textbook pages 6

4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning
Resources Manila Paper, pictures, video clip

A. Reviewing previous Ask pupils to talk about a person they admire most and why they admire her or him.
lesson or presenting the - What are the ways of developing desirable work habits?
new lesson ( Do this for 5 minutes) ( Reflective Approach )

B. Establishing the A. Using the objective board, the teacher will read the objective of the lesson.
purpose of the lesson Explains benefits derived from planting trees and fruit-bearing trees to families and

B. Show pictures of trees. Elicit pupils’ reaction about the pictures. Show and read aloud
the poem “ Trees “ by Joyce Kilmer.
Let pupils appreciate the joy of having trees in their streets, grounds, parks, etc.
by Joyce Kilmer

I think that I shall

never see
A poem lovely as a

A tree whose hungry

mouth is prest
Against the earth’s
sweet flowing breast;

A tree that looks at

God all day,
And lifts her leafy
arms to pray;

A tree that may in

Summer wear
A nest of robins in
her hair;

Upon whose bosom

snow has lain;
Who intimately lives
- What happens if there are no trees?
- What can be said about your surroundings?
- What kind of life will there be if there were no trees?
( Do this for 5 minutes) ( Reflective Approach )

- Show individual pictures, showing an area affected by soil erosion and floods in your
C. Presenting examples / - Ask the pupils to describe the pictures and relate these with the words on the blackboard.
instances of the lesson - Define the terms:
pollution , soil erosion , flood
( Do this for 5 minutes) ( Reflective Approach )

D. Discussing new Group pupils into four (4). Each group will present the benefits derived from planting trees and
concepts and practicing fruit-bearing trees to families and communities.
new skills #1
GROUP I – Role Playing
GROUP II – Collage
GROUP III – Pantomime
GROUP IV – Poster Making


4 3 2 1
All Group members All group members Some group Only 1 or 2 group
participate equally. participate. members participate. members participate.
Group members help Group members help Some group Most group members
each other as each other as members speak are hard to
needed. needed. clearly and are easy understand.
to understand.
All members speak to Most group members Group members Most group members
the entire audience. speak to the entire speak to only part of speak only to part of
audience. the audience. the audience.
Information is Information is Information may be Information is
presented in an presented in an only partially presented in a
organized way. organized way. organized. disorganized way.
Oral presentation Oral presentation Oral presentation Oral presentation
includes many includes some includes few details. includes no details.
details. details.
Presentation is Presentation is Presentation is Presentation is
visually organized organized and complete. disorganized and
and complete. complete. incomplete.
( Do this for 5 minutes ) ( Collaborative Approach )

- What did you feel while doing the group activity?

- What are the benefits derived from planting trees and fruit-bearing trees to families?

* Let them enumerate the benefits derived from planting trees and fruit-bearing trees
E. Discussing new through filling up the chart below.
concepts and practicing
new skills #2 Health wise Livelihood Environmental Benefits

(to be processed in 5 minutes) (Reflective Approach)

F. Developing mastery Let the students analyse the given situation by comparing the Dela Cruz family and the San
(Leads to Formative Juan family.
The Dela Cruz family wakes up early and each of them immediately get busy with their
work at home. They all have a working schedule, there is no time wasted. The children are very
hard working like their parents. The family has a small vegetable garden with lots of trees and
fruit-bearing trees. Their surroundings are clean. They love the natural resources and know how
to take care of it.
Meanwhile, San Juan family wakes at the time they desire to and doesn’t want to get busy
with things. They take time to enjoy their rest and love to procrastinate. Children on the other
hand are fond of playing computer games and watching TV. They hate plants and so they’re
surroundings are not neat. They don’t mind wasting the available resources.
Assessment 3) The source of income of the Dela Cruz family and the San Juan family is almost the same.
But in the case of the San Juan’s lifestyle is a reverse of that of the later family.

The teacher may illicit questions like:

- Now can you tell why Dela Cruz family is not as good as the way of life of the San Juan’s
family ?
- Whom do you want to be?
- Can you give any suggestion so that the San Juan’s family will also have a better way of
( Do this in 5 minutes) (Problem Based Learning Approach/Integrative Approach)

G. Finding Practical Let the pupils watch the video about the importance of a tree.
applications of concepts
and skills in daily living - What can you say about the video?
- What are the ways and means in which you can help save trees?

- Can you cite Plant a Tree project that can be launched in every home and community?
- As a pupil , what are the things that you can do to be a part of the project?
(Do this in 10 minutes) (ICT Integration/Integrative Approach)

The learners will answer the questions that follows:

1. What are the benefits of benefits derived from planting trees and fruit-bearing trees to
families and communities?
Planting and growing plants and vegetables have many benefits and contributions for
the family and the community. Likewise, growing of trees and fruit trees is also important.
Trees give us shade against sunlight and their roots help in controlling the flow of rain
and prevent flooding by absorbing rainwater. Moreover, the woods that come from the
trees are used for shelter, transportation, and other decorative purposes.

2. Can you think of other benefits that trees can give to us?
Flash floods have killed so many people these past years and one of the major
H. Making generalizations
causes of floods is deforestation or the cleaning of an area of forest without replanting.
and abstractions about
Therefore, we need to plant more trees not only to prevent further damage to nature but
the lesson
also for the good of the future generations.
Though most Filipinos know that planting trees is a good hobby and leisure time
activity, planting trees are valuable to the family and the community for the many
products it can give. As one of the major sources of food such as fruits and nuts, wood
from trees is also a major source of fuel for heating and cooking. Likewise, construction
materials like plywood and plyboard, and the production of paper and pulp are also from

3. As a pupil, how would you relate to yourself the benefits derived from planting trees and
fruit-bearing trees to families and communities?
(Do this in 5 minutes) (Reflective Approach)

I. Evaluating learning Write True on the blank space provided line if the statement is correct. Write False if it is
incorrect. Be able to explain the false statements by encircling the errors and by supplying the
correct answer.

______ 1. Planting trees protects all evil things in this world including bad spirits and the like.
______ 2. Planting trees reduces destruction to homes and crops by serving as windbreakers
during typhoons and storms.
______ 3. Fruit-tree growing are boring hobby or leisure activity of some Filipino individuals and
______ 4. Knowing the basic principles, skills, techniques, and the latest trends in planting
trees and fruit-bearing trees and raising animals provide creative ideas on how to
use the available resources to start your own business or livelihood activities for the
________ 5. The woods that come from the trees are used for shelter, transportation, and
other decorative purposes.
(Do this in 5 minutes) (Reflective Approach)

Create your own poem or jingle on the importance and benefits of planting trees.
5 - Oral presentation is exceptionally clear, thorough, fully supported with the importance and
benefits of planting trees.
J. Additional activities for
4 - Oral presentation is generally clear and reflective of learners’ personalized ideas, and some
application or
accounts are supported with the importance and benefits of planting trees.
3 - Oral presentation is reflective of something learned; it lacks clarity and accounts and has
limited support.
2 - Oral presentation is unclear and more descriptive than analytical.
1 - No oral presentation was presented.

A. No. of learners who

earned 80% in the

B. No. of learners who

require additional
activities for
remediation who scored
below 80%

C. Did the remedial

lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the

D. No. of learners who

continue to require

E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with other

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