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2020 Did Parents Notice Lack Of Learning?

Page By Jonathan Small noted in a column that 90 tinued teaching and grading
A005 When schools in Okla- percent of homes in Edmond new material. That school
Clip homa and nationwide transi- have internet access, yet serves many students with
tioned to distance learning in he wrote that students in significant economic chal-
April in response to COVID- that suburban school were lenges and a lack of home
19, many schools simply asked to cover only “material internet access, yet school
stopped teaching students. they’ve already mastered” officials found a way to serve
Recent polling indicates that “doesn’t count” because those children anyway.
parents noticed—and aren’t it was not graded. As a result, those young
happy with that fact. Insufficient techni- boys in North Tulsa received
A recent RealClear Opinion cal expertise was not the a better education this year
Research nationwide survey chief barrier. EPIC Charter than many of their affluent
found 40 percent of families Schools, the state’s largest peers who attend suburban
are now more likely to home- online K-12 provider, offered schools. The suburbs may
school or use virtual school several free distance-learn- have lavish facilities, but
after the COVID lockdowns. ing tools to other Oklahoma long-term benefit is gener-
The desire for alternatives is public schools, including two ated by student learning, not
understandable given how hours of staff development. school architecture.
many traditional schools han- Reportedly, only four districts Many students at Cross-
dled their duties during the took EPIC up on that offer by over attend that school
shutdown. In too many cases, the April start of the state- thanks to the Oklahoma
schools simply stopped wide school re-opening via Equal Opportunity Educa-
teaching new material or even distance learning. tion Scholarship Act, which
grading lessons that students In March, the director of the supports school-choice
were asked to complete. Center on Reinventing Public options for low-income stu-
And that trend was not a Education estimated that only dents. Lawmakers had the
product of the “digital divide” 10 percent of schools nation- chance to build on success
that makes online learning wide would provide “any kind and expand that program
more challenging for low-in- of real curriculum and instruc- this year, but House Repub-
come students. In fact, some tion program.” lican leaders refused to hear
of the state’s wealthiest sub- It turns out student demo- the bill even after the Senate
urbs were among those who graphics mattered less in passed it.
did the least for students. this process than school offi- Perhaps House Republi-
Norman Public Schools cials’ grit and dedication. For can leaders feel what hap-
informed parents and stu- example, Crossover Prepa- pened to students in Edmond
dents that “no grades will be ratory Academy, a private and Norman should be the
taken on activities assigned school in North Tulsa that standard statewide. But poll-
during distance learning.” serves mostly working-class ing suggests that parents, in
Longtime journalist and minority male students in Oklahoma and elsewhere,
Edmond parent Ted Streuli grades six through nine, con- disagree.

Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.

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