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„  This lead to a series of software packages like

         finally leads to an all encompassing package
        called       .

  ERP systems integrate business activities
    across functional departments from
       manufacturing, distribution and logistics,
sales, purchasing, inventory, shipping, ware
    house management, invoicing, accounting, to
order tracking. These systems are used across
  several industry segments like Manufacturing,
µComputer¶ was arguably the greatest Healthcare, Energies and Utilities, hospitality
and entertainment etc.
inventions of the 20th century. Though it was
invented a good 6 decades ago, it took some These systems are designed in such a way that
time to be put into widespread use. Advent of information across modules is stored in a
the Internet and personal applications changed common platform. This provides better
the way computers were used and this was transparency and enables far better planning.
indeed the most significant breakthrough of For example a person sitting in Inventory
the modern computer era. division will be able to monitor the sales data,
and increase the inventory level of the raw
µComputerization¶ was one of the most
commonly used terms in all sorts of businesses material, whose end product has the maximum
demand. ERP¶s can provide data output of any
and workplaces, through the past decade and
even till now. Design, development and desired form. It can be an interactive screen
implementation of µWork flow software¶ were for the user to view the data or a report
provided to the user. A variety of other
one of the greatest aides which furthered this
systems interact with the ERP systems for both
cause. This helped in building a seamless
interface both within and between workplaces. input and output of data.
It improved the efficiency of processes to an Some direct benefits of implementing an ERP
unparalleled extent. are,
‘  ‘ |c Integrating financial information
|c Integrating customer order
In simple terms, ERP is an extension of the
work flow software which specialises in
|c speeding up the manufacturing
dealing with multiple business modules. |c inventory reduction.
Evolution of ERPs has a strong connection
with the manufacturing industries. These O  ‘
industries have a series of planning
As said above there are several modules in an
requirements like product planning, raw
ERP. A brief description of few widely used
material purchasing, inventory management,
modules is explained below.
production control, sales and distribution, etc.
These functions required the combination of   O   ± These systems store the
Information Technology support to their complete flow of inventory information, right
businesses for them to plan and produce better. from its entry into the ware house through its
c c cc c
c  c

movement in the shop floor and its translation Management (CRM); supply chain - Supply
to the final product. Some of the other Chain Management (SCM). Just that these
functions include identifying inventory packages are totally focussed on the
requirements, providing replenishment independent modules, whereas an ERP has a
techniques and options, monitoring item holistic view of streamlining the entire
usages, reconciling the inventory balances, and business process.
reporting inventory status.
ERP¶s are customised to a great extent
 !   O   - The Sales Order depending on one¶s requirement.
Module maintains extensive customer/supplier Customisation levels of the implemented
information, defines pricing and tax ERP¶s vary depending upon the requirements.
information, generates sales orders, manages A study shows the average customization
picking, issuing, packing and shipping levels of ERP as follows;
operations, and checks credit. Orders raised
through external systems are also integrated
with ERP databases through interface specific 0 

processes. Purchasing and sales modules have
a close interaction with the inventory module .-  
for better forecasting of demand and supply.
+/- +,-  c
"  O   ± This is one of the core
modules of an ERP, which needs to be
0 c
implemented in combination with most other
modules. Because data pertaining to all the .,-
functional modules has some sort of financial ' !c
implication. This module includes maintaining
general ledger files, profit and loss accounts,
balance sheets, trial balance, and bill of
materials. It can also provide financial
statements on a term basis. Every industry requires a tailor made
application to suit its needs. Numerous brands
#O   ± Another widely used module of
of ERP¶s are available in the market to choose
an ERP. An employee database comprising of
from. One can also look at a combination of
all the information like personal data,
vendors which can make integration a little
compensation details, organizational
complex. Some of the market leaders in ERP
hierarchy, attendance, performance appraisal
packages are listed below.
and hiring.
An ERP system in most cases does not
function independently. Though most ERP¶s
comprises of most required modules, they 
c ! c

specialise only in certain modules. For eg, an c #c
c  " c   c
SAP system has a very robust Finance and HR
 c $c c (c
module. But a different ERP may be used for
c   c c
an inventory module. This required integration %
cc ) c
of data between these modules for the & c
c ' !c
functioning of enterprise as a whole. Also ''c
c *c
there are some specialised tools for areas like  "c
 ! "c c
customer relationship ± Customer Relationship   "c
c c cc c
c  c

 c 1c companies which it acquired to establish a

')c strong presence in the ERP market. Oracle also
*c offers an e-Business Suite comprising of
0  c several
'  c CRM/SCM/PLM/ALM/Procurement/Manufac
! c turing modules. Oracle is planning on a
platform called µFusion¶ which encompasses
c all these functions to offer a seamless solution.
Oracle has a strong presence in the UK and
SAP and Oracle eBusiness suite are the market France Markets.
leaders amongst the ERP vendors.
Netweaver platform which is offered by SAP,
There are several factors involved in selecting as the integrated network platform based on
the ERP vendors; which the eBusiness suite applications operate,
gives an edge to SAP over Oracle and other
|c Size of the organisation competitors.
|c Total package and implementation
cost Though all Tier1 provides are high on the cost
|c Implementation duration structure, Oracle scores over SAP in a slight
|c Customization required
manner when it comes to implementation
|c Transformation ease from legacy
costs. Analysts say that Oracle implementation
|c Maintenance and support cost costs 20% lesser than SAP for a solution of
|c Business benefit realisation similar magnitude. But when it comes to
business satisfaction, SAP scores heavily over
Oracle, and this plays in great favour of SAP

 as a single solution builder for most costumers.
SAP and Oracle are the clear leaders in the
ERP market. Their rivalry in this segment is O 

indeed fascinating. 
SAP¶s business suite comprises of several
products like SAP R3, SAP SRM (Supplier
Relationship management), SAP SCM, SAP 

CRM, SAP PLM (Product Lifecycle ./ 
management). Earlier SAP was targeting only
the large scale industries. But of late it has
shown great interest in the Small and Medium +/
enterprises market as well. SAP, being a
German company has a very strong base in the
European markets like Spain and Italy.

Unlike SAP, Oracle is an enterprise with

several core competencies and its growth in 
  ‘ O‘  
the Enterprise segment has largely been
inorganic. It acquired a number of companies ERPs were historically designed to serve huge
in this segment to prove a strong competitor to corporations and mostly Fortune 100
SAP. People soft, JD Edwards, Siebel, manufacturing companies. But in the last few
Primavera, Hyperion, Retek Inc. are a few years the market is heavily tilted in the favour
of Small to Medium enterprises.
c c cc c
c  c

As implementation of ERP¶s involve huge 

costs, vendors are looking at alternative
solutions which are relatively cheaper to Despite the developments already in place,
attract these industries. Software as a Service ERP segments present huge opportunities for
is a step towards this direction. With the innovations. The concept of inclusiveness is
increasing popularity of cloud computing, just catching up with respect to the ERP
SaaS is an offering based on this technology. It market, where along with the large players;
offers ERP solutions on the server, which can small industries are also driving the vendors
be used by small enterprises based on a rental for better and cheaper products. This provides
basis. SaaS model offers simple and flexible challenges for consolidation in both the
solutions which are cost effective and easily business front as well as in the technological
accessible. Another advantage of ERP SaaS is front.
that user can change the software without

worrying about the cost that has been invested
in purchasing and deploying the software. If |c
services are not satisfactory or user finds better |c Panaroma Vendor consulting report
ERP software he can terminate the present |c
arrangement and can shift over to another |c
solution. |c
Even giants like SAP are moving in this
direction, with their latest offering of c
µBusiness by design¶ model. This targets the
SaaS segment. Because of the increasing
awareness of ERP¶s and their advantages to
the company, most SMEs also want to
implement these solutions though on a much
smaller scale. SaaS helps this cause by
reducing the large-up front expenses
associated with software purchases by offering
less costly monthly pricing and reducing the
investment on server hardware.

Another option for such enterprises is the open

source ERPs. µOpen Bravo¶, µOpen ERP¶,
µDolibarr¶ are a few open source ERP¶s
available in the market. But open source
systems do come with the traditional
advantages and disadvantages of any open
source application.

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