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Combustion and Flame 191 (2018) 408–416

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Comparative study of laser ignition and spark-plug ignition

in high-speed flows
Takuma Endo∗, Keisuke Kuwamoto, Wookyung Kim, Tomoyuki Johzaki, Daisuke Shimokuri,
Shin-ichi Namba
Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering, Hiroshima University, 1-4-1 Kagamiyama, Higashi-Hiroshima, Hiroshima 739-8527, Japan

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Laser ignition and spark-plug ignition were experimentally compared in high-speed ethylene-oxygen mix-
Received 25 September 2017 ture flows of up to approximately 100 m/s. Nd:YAG laser of 12-ns pulse duration and a semi-surface-
Revised 27 October 2017
discharge-type spark plug of 1.8-ms discharge duration were used to conduct the experiments with de-
Accepted 17 January 2018
posited energy of approximately 24 mJ in both cases. The self-emission was observed by a high-speed
camera. The flame-spread behavior and ignition ability were examined in lean-fuel conditions. The study
Keywords: findings revealed that laser ignition was superior to the spark-plug ignition in the aspect of the early-
Ignition stage rapid flame spread, although it showed lower probability of successful ignition than that by the
Laser spark plug near the lean-fuel ignitable limit. These findings suggest that the ignition in high-speed flows
Spark plug
is significantly influenced by the turbulence via the enhancement of heat transport in particular.
High-speed flow
© 2018 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction MIE, higher ignition ability of a laser-induced spark compared to

that of an electrode-induced spark has been demonstrated [10,11].
Currently, the ignition process in most of the spark-ignition Recently, the ignition ability of a laser-induced spark was com-
combustors is initiated by gaseous breakdown between a pair pared with that of an electrode-induced spark using the same de-
of high-voltage-applied electrodes. Such ignition schemes involve posited energy into quiescent lean-fuel propane-air mixtures [12].
leaner fuel mixtures that require larger discharge energy, and This study showed that the ignition ability of a laser-induced spark
higher initial pressure that requires higher voltage to be applied was higher than that of an electrode-induced spark near the lean-
to the electrodes; both of which result in enhanced erosion of the fuel ignitable limit. This behavior was attributed not only to the
electrodes and shorten the lifetime of the spark plug [1]. lack of heat loss to electrodes but also to the large initial flame
It has been known since 1963 that gaseous breakdown can also kernel. The effective energy contained in the large initial flame ker-
be realized by focusing a high-power laser beam in a gaseous nel was augmented by the rapid heat release from the combustible
medium without a pair of electrodes [2]. In addition, the high- mixture sucked into the kernel by a non-spherical inward flow that
power laser has been used as an ignition device in laboratory ex- was created by the laser-induced spark.
periments since the 1970s [3,4]. Subsequently, the advancement in As a result of past investigations, the characteristics of laser ig-
high-power laser technology has led to the recent emergence of nition in a quiescent gas mixture have become understood to some
the laser-ignition systems as a new practical spark-ignition tech- degree. However, an actual gas mixture in a practical combustor
nology [5–9]. is not quiescent when it is ignited. For example, in a reciprocat-
The purpose of this study is to compare the characteristics of ing engine, the mean and fluctuating velocities of 1 to 10 m/s are
laser ignition to those of the conventional spark-plug ignition sys- obtained in the clearance volume at the top-center crank posi-
tems that are widely used around the world. When considering the tion [13]. In a scramjet engine, ignition in a combustible gas flow
ignition ability of a laser-induced spark, it is known that the mini- of approximately 20 0 0 m/s is required [14]. Apart from internal
mum ignition energy (MIE) of the laser ignition is higher than that combustion engines, a high-frequency pulse detonation combustor
of the conventional spark-plug ignition for a wide range of equiv- developed for thermal spray requires a combustible gas flow of ap-
alence ratios [10]. However, in some lean-fuel conditions of high proximately 100 m/s to be ignited [15].
The influence of flow on the characteristics of spark ignition in-
duced by a pair of high-voltage-applied electrodes has been stud-

Corresponding author. ied for more than half a century [16–19]. It has been reported that
E-mail address: (T. Endo). both the flow speed itself and the turbulent nature of the flow
0010-2180/© 2018 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
T. Endo et al. / Combustion and Flame 191 (2018) 408–416 409

have significant influence on the ignition characteristics. Limited rangement similar to that of a high-frequency pulse detonation
research that examines the characteristics of spark ignition induced combustor [15]. The advantage and disadvantage of laser igni-
by laser in a flowing medium has been conducted [20–22]. Specif- tion in comparison with conventional spark-plug ignition were dis-
ically, to the best of the authors knowledge, no experimental study closed. The study findings revealed that the laser ignition exhib-
has been conducted to compare the characteristics of laser ignition ited the advantage of rapid flame spread; however, it showed lower
with those of spark-plug ignition in a flowing medium using the probability of successful ignition than that by the spark plug near
same deposited energy. the lean-fuel ignitable limit.
When the ignition of a combustible gas mixture flowing at the
speed of approximately 10 m/s is considered, the initial flame ker- 2. Experimental arrangement
nel is moved and/or deformed several millimeters in several hun-
dred microseconds. This means that the initial flame kernel expe- Figure 1(a) shows a general view of the experimental setup. The
riences movement and/or deformation comparable to its own size combustor was a straight rectangular channel the cross-sectional
during its growth to the self-propagating flame. In such cases, both area of which was the same as that of a circular tube, whose in-
the heat loss to electrodes in a conventional spark-plug ignition ner diameter was 10 mm, which was the combustor of a high-
and the flow driven by a laser-induced spark must be largely dif- frequency pulse-detonation thermal-spray gun [15]. This geomet-
ferent from those in quiescent media cases. Therefore, it is impor- rical arrangement was adopted because of its simpleness. Ethylene
tant to clarify the characteristics of laser ignition in flowing media and oxygen were mixed at the right end of the rectangular channel
in comparison with those of spark-plug ignition using the same as head-on colliding jets from nozzles of 3 mm in diameter. The
deposited energy. flow rates of ethylene and oxygen were independently controlled
At the end of Introduction, the difference between laser ig- by both of their supplying pressures and orifice diameters. These
nition and spark-plug ignition is briefly described. Basically, a parameters were selected based on the data obtained from the
gaseous medium is ignited by thermal and/or chemical effects of preliminary experiments in which the flow rates of ethylene and
a tiny plasma, which is usually called a spark. In laser ignition, a oxygen were measured as functions of their supplying pressures
spark is created in a gaseous medium by laser-induced breakdown. and orifice diameters. The preliminary experiments confirmed that
For realizing the laser-induced breakdown in a gaseous medium, the total flow rate from both gas-supplying pipes was the sum of
the laser power density of the order of more than 1011 W/cm2 the flow rates from the respective gas-supplying pipes under some
is needed when the duration of a laser pulse is longer than a conditions. Nitrogen was used to purge the residual gas from the
nanosecond. This breakdown threshold in a gaseous medium is combustor. In the ignition experiments, the magnetic valves began
usually much higher than that on the surface of a solid material. to close 5 ms after the beginning of the breakdown so that the ig-
Therefore, the laser beam should be focused apart from the sur- nition and subsequent flame spread occurred in a high-speed flow.
face of the glass window through which the optical access of the Figure 1(b) shows the experimental setup of the spark-plug ig-
laser beam to the combustion chamber is realized. Otherwise, the nition. The spark plug used in the experiments was the semi-
surface of the glass window is damaged. In some cases, the laser surface-discharge type (NGK R847-11), which was driven by an au-
beam is focused on the surface of the inner wall of the combus- tomotive spark-plug driver: 90919-02240 (TOYOTA). As shown in
tion chamber, and a spark is created on the solid surface. In this Fig. 1(b), only the center electrode of the spark plug, whose di-
laser-ignition scheme, the laser power density needed for creating ameter and thickness were respectively 1.6 mm and 0.6 mm, pro-
a spark is much lower than that in the case of the laser-induced truded from the inner surface of the flow channel. The tempo-
breakdown in a gaseous medium because of much lower break- ral waveforms of voltage and current of the electrical spark were
down threshold. However, the laser-irradiated solid surface is ab- measured in the quiescent atmospheric air in advance using a
lated and a hole is bored there. Accordingly, this scheme is usually high-voltage probe: P6015A (Tektronix) and a current probe: CT-
considered different from the ordinary laser ignition. Another char- B0.5 (Magnelab), respectively. The deposited energy was calculated
acteristic of laser ignition forced by the high breakdown threshold to be approximately 24 mJ, where the duration of the discharge
is the short pulse duration. Because the size of the focal spot of was approximately 1.8 ms. In the ignition experiments, the spark
a laser is usually of the order of 10 μm, the duration of a laser plug was driven under the same conditions as that of the pre-
pulse, whose energy is of the order of 10 mJ, needs to be less than liminary measurements carried out in the quiescent atmospheric
the order of 100 ns for realizing the laser-induced breakdown in air, although the temporal waveforms of voltage and current of
a gaseous medium. On the other hand, in spark-plug ignition, a the electrical spark in the high-speed gas flows were rather dis-
spark is created between a pair of electrodes when the electrical turbed compared with those in the case of the quiescent atmo-
voltage applied to the electrodes is higher than a certain thresh- spheric air. The observed disturbances might be attributed to the
old. Therefore, the spark is created essentially near and on the multiple discharges due to the high-speed gas flows [17]. In fact,
solid surface. In spark-plug ignition, the duration of the electrical self-emission images showing the rebuilding of the discharge path
pulse applied to the electrodes is arbitrary in principle. However, if were observed in some cases, as shown in Fig. 2(b).
the pulse duration is too short, the electrical current becomes too Figure 1(c) shows the laser ignition experimental arrangement.
large, and accordingly the lifetime of the electrodes becomes too The laser system used in the experiments was a multimode Q-
short due to erosion. Therefore, the duration of the electrical pulse switched Nd:YAG laser: model LS-2131M-10 (LOTIS TII) with pulse
applied to the electrodes is usually of the order of a millisecond in duration of approximately 12 ns [23]. The laser beam diameter was
the practically-used spark plugs. In summary, the duration of the expanded from 5 to 40 mm before focusing. An aspherical plano-
energy deposition in laser ignition is shorter than that in spark- convex lens with a focal length of 37.5 mm was used for focusing
plug ignition more than four orders in magnitude, and a laser- the laser beam at the center of the channel. Based on the past ex-
induced spark is created apart from any solid surface while a pair perimental data [23], the effective diameter of the focal area was
of high-voltage-applied electrodes creates a spark near and on the estimated to be approximately 12 μm as it was assumed to be pro-
electrodes. portional to the focusing F number. The absorption efficiency of
In this study, the characteristics of laser ignition and conven- the laser pulse was measured in advance as a function of the in-
tional spark-plug ignition were compared in high-speed flows of cident energy, where the channel was filled with ethylene-oxygen
up to approximately 100 m/s using the same deposited energy. gas mixtures of various equivalence ratios and flow speeds. In the
Ethylene–oxygen gas mixtures were used with a geometrical ar- ignition experiments, the incident energy of the laser pulse was
410 T. Endo et al. / Combustion and Flame 191 (2018) 408–416

Fig. 1. Schematic of experimental setup. (a) General view. (b) Spark-plug ignition. (c) Laser ignition.

measured using a wedge beam splitter and an energy meter: PE shows the result of spark-plug ignition. In this study, “medium-
25-C (OPHIR). A half-wave retarder and polarizing beam splitter speed cases” correspond to the experimental conditions with Uav =
were used to adjust the incident energy of the laser pulse to be 40 − 46 m/s and “high-speed cases” correspond to the experimen-
31 mJ so that the absorbed energy was 24 mJ. tal conditions with Uav = 82 − 114 m/s, although both cases fall
A high-speed camera: FASTCAM SA4 (Photron) was used in the under the high-speed flows category considering the movement
ignition experiments to observe the self-emitted visible radiation and/or deformation of an initial flame kernel as explained in the
from the reacting and/or heated gas. The observation was carried Section 1 “Introduction”. Additionally, “almost quiescent cases” are
out at the frame rate of 5 × 104 fps (frame per second) in order to the cases in which ethylene and oxygen were supplied to the
quantify the behavior of the ignition and subsequent flame spread. combustor under the conditions of medium-speed flow rates for
On the other hand, the frame rate of 5 × 103 or 1 × 104 fps was the designated equivalence ratio first, then the magnetic valves
used for the observations to assess the probability of successful ig- were closed 150 ms before the ignition. Thus, the “almost quies-
nition. The successful ignition was defined as the case in which the cent cases” are the cases that involved some remaining turbulence
flame propagated along the whole combustion chamber. Multiple although the average flow speed was zero.
trials were carried out to determine the probability of successful It should be noted that the time range shown in Fig. 2(a) is one
ignition for each experimental condition. The number of trials was order of magnitude larger than those in Fig. 2(b) and (c). Specif-
40 except for the cases of “almost quiescent gas” explained later, ically, the flame spread in the flowing gas was much more rapid
in which the number of trials was 10. than that in the “almost quiescent cases”. In addition, the flame
spread in the case of the laser ignition occurred earlier than that
3. Results in the case of the spark-plug ignition at the same flow speed. In
order to quantify the behavior of the flame spread, one half of the
Figure 2 shows the observed self-emission images, where the emitting region width: (xR − xL )/2 was plotted against time, whose
origin of the time axis corresponds to the beginning of the break- origin corresponds to the beginning of the breakdown, in Fig. 3. As
down, Uav is the average flow speed of the unburned gas, φ is shown in Fig. 3, in the flowing gas, the flame spread was more
the equivalence ratio, FL shows the result of laser ignition, and SP
T. Endo et al. / Combustion and Flame 191 (2018) 408–416 411

Fig. 3. Flame-spread behaviors in almost quiescent cases (a), medium-speed cases

(b), and high-speed cases (c).

Fig. 4. Probability of successful ignition.

Fig. 5. Propagation speed Su,L and thickness δ LF of the stationary laminar flame.

Figure 4 shows the probability of successful ignition as a func-

tion of the equivalence ratio φ . The laser ignition showed lower
probability of successful ignition compared with the spark-plug ig-
nition in flowing gas near the lean-fuel ignitable limit, which rep-
Fig. 2. Self-emission images. (a) Almost quiescent cases. (b) Medium-speed cases.
resents the disadvantage of laser ignition in flowing gas.
(c) High-speed cases. FL and SP stand for “Focused Laser” and “Spark Plug”,
respectively. 4. Discussion

rapid in the laser ignition than in the spark-plug ignition. This Initially, the propagation speed and the thickness of the sta-
characteristic presents the advantage of laser ignition in flowing tionary laminar flame for the combustible gas mixtures used in
gas. Figure 3(a), which shows the results in the almost quiescent the experiments were calculated using the Flame Speed model
cases, expresses the larger burned-gas region in the laser ignition of Chemkin-Pro [24] and the reaction model GRI-mech 3.0 [25].
compared with that in the spark-plug ignition. This is qualitatively Figure 5 shows the results of the calculations, where Su, L and δ LF
consistent with the past experiment [12]. denote the propagation speed and the thickness of the station-
412 T. Endo et al. / Combustion and Flame 191 (2018) 408–416

Fig. 7. Evaluation of the size and position of the initial flame kernel in a laser-
ignition case (a) and a spark-plug ignition case (b).

garding Fig. 5 using the following equation.

  S 2 ρ
au 2 2γb 1 u,L u γb + 1  Su,L 2
q= + −
Fig. 6. Flame-propagation speeds in almost quiescent cases (a), medium-speed 2 γb − 1 γu au ρb γb − 1 au
cases (b), and high-speed cases (c).
 ρ 2  S 2

u 2 u,L
× − + (3)
ρb γu − 1 au
ary laminar flame, respectively. For the calculation of δ LF , used Namely, Eq. (2) shows that the density ratio ρ u /ρ b is a function of
was the formula δLF = (Tb − Tu )/|∇ T |max in which Tb and Tu were the propagation speed of the combustion wave Su . Accordingly, the
the temperatures of the burned and unburned gases, respectively, left-hand side of Eq. (1) is a function of Su only, and the results
and |∇ T|max was the maximum magnitude of the temperature shown in Fig. 3 can be converted to Su by solving Eq. (1) numer-
gradient. ically. Figure 6 shows the results of the data reduction. Note that
In order to quantitatively discuss the behavior of the flame ac- in Fig. 6(a), the ordinate is one order of magnitude smaller and
celeration, the flame propagation speeds are deduced from the re- the abscissa is one order of magnitude larger than Fig. 6(b) and
sults shown in Fig. 3 assuming quasi-steady planar flame propa- (c). As shown in Fig. 6(b) and (c), the flame-propagation speeds in
gation. When a flame propagates at the speed Su relative to the the flowing gas were much faster than the corresponding laminar-
unburned gas with mass density of ρ u , the mass of the burned gas flame speeds, and the flames in the flowing gas were accelerated
created per unit area per unit time is ρ u Su , which corresponds to in a significantly early stage. As shown in Fig. 6(b) and (c), the be-
the volume of vb ρu Su = (ρu /ρb )Su , where vb = ρb −1 is the specific havior of the flame acceleration is similar between the laser igni-
volume of the burned gas. In the present experiments, assuming a tion and the spark-plug ignition once the significant flame accel-
pair of planar combustion waves propagating along the axis of the eration begins. However, the time at which the significant flame
combustor in the opposite directions, d(xR − xL )/dt corresponds to acceleration begins is earlier in the laser ignition than the spark-
2(ρ u /ρ b )Su , and their relation can be expressed as follows: plug ignition. Specifically, the time at which the significant flame
acceleration begins in the laser ignition was approximately a half
d xR − xL
 of that in the spark-plug ignition after the beginning of the break-
Su = . (1)
ρb dt 2 down. The fact that the duration of the laser pulse (approximately
12 ns) was five orders of magnitude shorter than that of the spark-
plug discharge (approximately 1.8 ms) is thought to be one of the
In fact, as shown in Fig. 2, the flame did not propagate at the same
major causes of the early flame acceleration observed in the laser
velocity in both directions even if the flow speed of the unburned
ignition. The shorter duration of the energy deposition in the laser
gas was taken into account. Therefore, the speed Su defined by
ignition results in the faster development of the initial flame ker-
Eq. (1) is the representative speed characterizing the flame-spread
nel. As shown in Fig. 2, the burning region in the laser ignition
behavior. Considering the conservation laws of mass, momentum,
spreads faster and reaches the side wall of the channel earlier. Af-
and energy in the coordinate frame moving with the combustion
ter the burning region spreads over the whole cross-section of the
wave in steady state, the density ratio between the unburned and
channel, the flame is significantly stretched by the gradient of the
burned gases can be written as follows:
2 γb 2 γb 2 1
ρu γb −1
γu + M u − γb −1 γu + M u
2 2
− 4 γγb +1 Mu 2 γu2−1 + Mu 2 + 2 aqu 2
b −1
= , (2)
ρb 2 γγb +1 Mu 2
b −1

where γu , au , γb , q, Mu = Su /au denote the specific-heat ratio of mean flow velocity, and the rapid flame acceleration begins. Al-
the unburned gas, the sound speed of the unburned gas, the ef- though the beginning of the flame acceleration in the spark-plug
fective specific-heat ratio of the burned gas, the specific heat re- ignition cases was delayed compared with that in the laser igni-
lease by combustion reduced to the absolute zero of temperature, tion cases, it should be noted that the flame acceleration occurred
and the propagation Mach number of the combustion wave, re- in the spark-plug ignition cases in significantly shorter time scale
spectively. The values of γ u and au can be calculated easily if the than the discharge duration of approximately 1.8 ms.
perturbation by the precursor compression waves is ignored. The In order to discuss the influence of flow on the flame-kernel de-
value of γ b can be estimated using NASA CEA [26] assuming iso- velopment, the size and position of the initial flame kernel are esti-
baric combustion. The value of q can be obtained from the results mated using the early-stage images obtained in the “almost quies-
of Su, L and ρ u /ρ b of the laminar-flame calculations stated above re- cent cases”, as shown in Fig. 7. The influences of the turbulent flow
T. Endo et al. / Combustion and Flame 191 (2018) 408–416 413

in the channel are discussed for the initial flame kernels shown in cosity of the unburned gas, and is calculated as follows.
Fig. 7. 
First, the Reynolds number (Re) of the unburned-gas flow is 30(νu /u∗ ) = 0.18 − 0.20mm for the medium − speed cases
calculated based on the hydraulic diameter [27] of the rectangu- 30(νu /u∗ ) = 0.079 − 0.10mm for the high − speed cases
lar channel used in the experiments: DH = 4A/L = 8.86mm, where
A is the cross-sectional area of the channel and L is the wetted
perimeter of the cross-section of the channel. Hereafter, the in- When these values are compared with the size and position of the
fluence of the turbulence on the flame-kernel development is dis- initial flame kernel shown in Fig. 7, the initial flame kernel can
cussed based on the replacement of the actual rectangular channel be considered as created in the turbulent core. Finally, the Kol-
by the circular pipe with an inner diameter of DH = 8.86mm. The mogorov microscale η and the Taylor microscale λ were calculated
calculated values of Re are as follows. using η = 1.28Re∗ −3/4 DH and λ = 6.36Re∗ −1/2 DH , respectively [32],
 where Re∗ = u∗ DH /νu was the turbulent Reynolds number and the
Re = (2.4 − 2.8) × 104 for the medium − speed cases
(4) factors of 1.28 and 6.36 were quoted from Ref. [33]. The calculated
Re = (5.0 − 6.8) × 104 for the high − speed cases
results are as follows.
According to Ref. [28], flow in a channel is, in general, turbulent 
Re∗ = (1.3 − 1.6) × 103 for the medium − speed cases
when Re > 5 × 103 . Although the entrance length of approximately (8)
Re∗ = (2.5 − 3.4) × 103 for the high − speed cases
40DH is required to form a fully developed turbulent flow when
the fluid flows smoothly into the channel [28], the flow in the 
channel is considered as fully developed turbulent flow in the en- η = 46 − 51μm for the medium − speed cases
tire region because the ethylene and oxygen are mixed as head- η = 25 − 32μm for the high − speed cases
on colliding jets at the entrance of the channel in the present
Based on the calculated values of Re, the Fanning friction factor
λ = 1400 − 1600μm for the medium − speed cases
[28]: f = |τw |/( 12 ρuUav 2 ), where |τ w | is the magnitude of the shear
λ = 970 − 1200μm for the high − speed cases
stress on the wall and ρ u is the mass density of the unburned gas,
It is expected that dissipative eddies consist of vortex tubes with a
can be calculated using the Prandtl’s universal
law of friction for
diameter of the order of the Kolmogorov microscale η and a length
smooth pipes [27]: 1/ 4 f = 2.0log10 (Re 4 f ) − 0.8. The calculated
or spacing of the order of the Taylor microscale λ [34,35]. In the
values of f are as follows.
case of the present experiments, the relation: η < δ LF < λ holds as

f = (6.0 − 6.2) × 10−3 for the medium − speed cases shown in Eqs. (9) and (10) and Fig. 5. In this case, the flame is
(5) categorized as the “severely wrinkled flame” according to the text-
f = (4.9 − 5.2) × 10−3 for the high − speed cases
book by Glassman [36].
In Fig. 2(b) and (c), it can be seen that the flame spread to the
Using the calculated values of f, the friction velocity u∗ = |τw |/ρu
upstream was faster than that to the downstream in some time
[27] can be calculated as follows.
 region. The temperature increase at the stagnation point was esti-
u∗ = 2.2 − 2.5m/s for the medium − speed cases mated to be less than 10 K for the incoming unburned gas flow.
(6) Therefore, there seems no possibility of auto ignition by stop-
u∗ = 4.2 − 5.6m/s for the high − speed cases
ping of the incoming flow by the flame. Although the detailed
The friction velocity u∗ indicates the order of magnitude of the ve- mechanism for this phenomenon is not clear at present, the fol-
locity fluctuation in the turbulent flow [29,30]. The friction veloc- lowing qualitative explanation may be possible. The rapid flame
ity u∗ has the same order of magnitude as the calculated laminar- spread drives compression waves toward both the downstream and
flame speed Su, L shown in Fig. 5. The dissipation rate of the kinetic the upstream. In the downstream, a large exhaust chamber ex-
energy of the turbulent motion per unit mass ɛ was evaluated by ists near the observed region as shown in Fig. 1(a). Accordingly,
the relation: ε = 0.202k3/2 /DH , where k = (3/2 )u∗ 2 was the rep- the compression waves propagating downstream decay in the ex-
resentative kinetic energy of the turbulent motion per unit mass. haust chamber by the diverging effect, and rarefaction waves prop-
The factor of 0.202 was quoted from Ref. [31]. As a result, ɛ/cp, u , agate from the exhaust chamber toward the combustion region.
where cp, u was the specific heat at constant pressure of the un- As a result, the compression of the unburned gas ahead of the
burned gas, was estimated to be less than 10 K/s. In the present flame propagating downstream may be negligible. On the other
experiments, the transit time of the flowing gas through the ex- hand, in the upstream, the pressure release occurring in the down-
perimental apparatus was shorter than 0.1 s. Therefore, the tem- stream does not occur, and therefore the effects of the compres-
perature increase due to the dissipation of the turbulent kinetic sion waves accumulate to some degree in the unburned gas ahead
energy is negligible. In addition, as shown in Fig. 4, the probabil- of the flame propagating upstream. By this compression, the flame
ity of successful ignition did not vary sharply near the ignitable propagating upstream becomes gradually thinner compared with
limit as the equivalence ratio varied in high-speed flow. The lo- the flame propagating downstream. The present experimental con-
cal equivalence ratio at the ignition point possibly fluctuated with ditions correspond to the parameter region of “severely wrinkled
time due to turbulence. As a result, the local equivalence ratio at flame.” When the severely wrinkled flame becomes thinner, it be-
the ignition point at the instant of ignition might not be exactly comes easier for the unburned gas pockets to be brought into the
the same as the global equivalence ratio. Consequently, the proba- burned gas. Consequently, the micro explosions of the unburned
bility of successful ignition obtained from 40 trials became scatter- gas pockets behind the flame front occur in the upstream side
ing as shown in Fig. 4. Estimating the time scale of the fluctuation more frequently than the downstream side. By these micro ex-
of the local equivalence ratio at the ignition point by DH /u∗ , the re- plosions, the rapid extension of the combustion region to the up-
sult is a few milliseconds. Therefore, taking account of the lifetime stream begins in some time region.
of the created plasma, the results of the probability of successful The experimentally observed flame speeds were not saturated
ignition can scatter to some degree. Using the calculated values of yet. As a reference, the Chapman–Jouguet deflagration speed Su, CJ ,
u∗ , the total thickness of the viscous sublayer and the buffer layer which is the upper limit of the propagation speed of a quasi-
can be obtained by [28]: 30(ν u /u∗ ), where ν u is the kinematic vis- steady flame accelerated smoothly, is calculated by the following
414 T. Endo et al. / Combustion and Flame 191 (2018) 408–416


+ −
Su,CJ = au −
2 2
  2   (11)
γb − γu 2 γb − 1 q γb
= + , = ,
γu (γu − 1 ) au 2 γu
as Su,CJ = 51.6 m/s for the case shown in Fig. 6(b) and Su,CJ =
52.4 m/s for the case shown in Fig. 6(c). The obtained values of
Su, CJ are slightly higher than, but remarkably close to, the ex-
perimentally observed flame speeds. In the calculations of Su, CJ ,
the values of au under the conditions of 1 atm and 293.15 K
were used ignoring the perturbation by the precursor compres-
sion waves. Therefore, the calculated values of Su, CJ may rather
be underestimations. However, it was suggested that the ob-
served flames were accelerated by turbulence up nearly to the
upper limit of the propagation speed of a quasi-steady flame
accelerated smoothly. Although the deflagration-to-detonation
transition is difficult to occur in the present experiments because
of small equivalence ratio, the observed flame speeds almost cor-
respond to the final stage of the flame acceleration before the
deflagration-to-detonation transition.
Next, Prandtl’s mixing-length theory is used to calculate the Fig. 8. Evaluated spatial distributions of ux , dux /dy, αT /αL for the cases when
transport coefficients and the average velocity distribution of the φ = 0.216 and Uav = 40 m/s (a) and when φ = 0.205 and Uav = 89 m/s (b).
turbulent flow in the pipe [29,37]. Using the Prandtl’s mixing
length l, the eddy kinematic viscosity ν T is expressed as νT =
l 2 |dux /dy|, where ux (y ) is the ensemble average of the flow veloc- In addition to the velocity gradient, the thermal diffusivity is
ity along the axis of the pipe and y is the distance from the side critical for the initial flame-kernel development. Based on the as-
wall of the pipe. The Prandtl’s mixing length l is empirically given sumption that the turbulent Prandtl number equals unity, the eddy
as a function of y by the following formula for fully-developed tur- thermal diffusivity α T is given as αT = l 2 |dux /dy| [37]. On the other
bulent flows in smooth pipes [27]. hand, according to the study by Cardin et al. [20], the heat loss
  2  4  
from an initial flame kernel in a laminar case is governed by the
y y DH following thermal diffusivity α L :
l = RH 0.14 − 0.08 1 − − 0.06 1 − RH =
RH RH 2 λb
αL = , (16)
(12) c p,b ρu
In order to connect l with ux (y ), the balance of the forces acting where λb , cp, b , andρ u are the thermal conductivity of the burned
on a control volume of a thin disk with a radius of r, thickness of , gas, the specific heat at constant pressure of the burned gas, and
located at the center of a circular pipe, is written as π r 2 |d p/dx| = the mass density of the unburned gas, respectively. Thus, the effect
2π r |τ |, where |τ | is the magnitude of the shear stress at radius r. of the turbulence on the development of an initial flame kernel
Similarly, the balance of the forces acting on a control volume of a via heat loss can be evaluated using the ratio α T /α L , the evaluated
thin disk with a radius of RH , thickness of , located at the center values of which are shown in Fig. 8.
of a circular pipe, is written as π RH 2 |d p/dx| = 2π RH |τw |, where Figure 7 shows that the initial flame kernel is created in the
|τ w | is the magnitude of the shear stress on the side wall of the region of approximately 0.5 ≤ y/RH ≤ 1 in the laser ignition and
pipe. Based on these force-balance relations, the following relation 0 ≤ y/RH ≤ 0.15 in the spark-plug ignition, where RH = 4.43 mm.
is obtained considering y = RH − r. Thus, the effects of the velocity gradient and heat loss on the de-
r y
  velopment of initial flame kernel will be discussed based on the
|τ | = |τw | = |τw | 1 − (13) above-mentioned values on the positions of the initial flame ker-
nels and the evaluation results plotted in Fig. 8 where Fig. 8(a) and
Therefore, from the above relation and the expression of the shear
(b) correspond to the typical conditions of “medium-speed cases”
stress: |τ | = ρu νT |dux /dy| = ρu l 2 (dux /dy )2 , the following equation
and “high-speed cases”, respectively.
is finally obtained assuming that dux /dy > 0.
As shown in Fig. 4, the ignition ability of the laser was slightly
dux u∗ y y inferior to that of the spark plug in “medium-speed cases”, and
= 1− 0≤ ≤1 (14)
dy l RH RH the former was considerably inferior to the latter in “high-speed
cases”. In general, an initial flame kernel in a high-speed flow may
Based on the above discussion, the velocity distribution in the pipe
be extinguished by excessive stretching of the flame kernel as a
is calculated by the following formulas.
⎧ result of excessive velocity gradient or by excessive heat loss from
⎨ux =
u∗ 2
νu y for 0 ≤ y ≤ 5 νuu∗ the flame kernel as a result of excessive thermal diffusivity. As
ux = 5u∗ ln νu y + 1 − ln (5 ) for 5 νuu∗ < y ≤ 30 νuu∗ (15) shown in Fig. 8, the velocity gradient in the region corresponding
⎩u = u |   
for 30 νuu∗ < y ≤ RH to the initial flame kernel created by the spark plug is much larger
y dux
x x y=30 νu + 30 νu dy
u∗ u∗ than that in the region corresponding to the initial flame kernel
The first row in Eq. (15) shows the velocity distribution in the vis- created by the laser. However, the ignition ability of the spark
cous sublayer [28], the second row shows the velocity distribution plug was superior to that of the laser in both of “medium-speed
in the buffer layer [28], and the third row shows the velocity dis- cases” and “high-speed cases”. This means that the large velocity
tribution in the turbulent core. The evaluated velocity distributions gradient near the wall did not have critical influences on the de-
are shown in Fig. 8. velopment of the flame kernels in the present experiments. In
T. Endo et al. / Combustion and Flame 191 (2018) 408–416 415

contrast, as shown in Fig. 8, the ratio of the thermal diffusivi- Supplementary materials
ties α T /α L in the region corresponding to the initial flame ker-
nel created by the spark plug is smaller than that in the region Supplementary material associated with this article can be
corresponding to the initial flame kernel created by the laser in found, in the online version, at doi:10.1016/j.combustflame.2018.01.
both of “medium-speed cases” and “high-speed cases”. Further- 029.
more, the difference in the ratio α T /α L between the regions cor-
responding to the initial flame kernels created by the spark plug
and the laser is more remarkable in “high-speed cases”. These are References
consistent with the behavior of the experimentally-observed prob-
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