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Fill out the following rights and explain how it is important to you!

Amendment Description In your own words/real life example

Congress makes no law respecting an One of the most important amendments. Allows free
1 establishment of religion or prohibiting expression and allows opinionated views. Enables citizens to
its free exercise. It protects freedom of protest for improvements in society where as in some other
speech, the press, assembly, and the countries the ability of free speech is prohibited.
right to petition the Government for a
redress of grievances.
Gives citizens the right to bear arms Personally I would not take advantage of this amendment as
2 there are other dangers, but in the sense if you were in danger
it is a great privilege in the means of protection or survival.
prohibits the government from While this is not as big of an issue now, in the sense a
3 quartering troops in private homes, a scenario such as the American Revolution occurred again this
major grievance during the American is very beneficial for privacy and resources.
protects citizens from unreasonable This is of huge importance for privacy. Protects an individual
4 search and seizure. The government immensely and ensures more safety and protection against
may not conduct any searches without prejudice.
a warrant, and such warrants must be
issued by a judge and based on
probable cause.
provides that citizens not be subject to Aids towards being committed for a crime you did not commit.
5 criminal prosecution and punishment Analysis and thought has to be taken into account.
without due process. Citizens may not Investigation is necessary for an arrest. Also you and your
be tried on the same set of facts twice, property cannot be taken advantage of without the rightful
and are protected from compensation such as payment.
self-incrimination (the right to remain
silent). The amendment also
establishes the power of eminent
domain, ensuring that private property
is not seized for public use without just
assures the right to a speedy trial by a You can appeal to the public as to why you did not commit a
6 jury of one’s peers, to be informed of specific crime. You can rally for your innocence. Help to
the crimes with which they are persuade the acquittal of a crime.
charged, and to confront the witnesses
brought by the government. The
Fill out the following rights and explain how it is important to you!

amendment also provides the accused

the right to compel testimony from
witnesses, and to legal representation.
provides that civil cases also be tried Not one person decides the fate of someone but a committee
7 by jury. helps to ensure justice and the eyes of many are more
unbiased than the eyes of one.
prohibits excessive bail, excessive Again one cannot be taken advantage of. This is very
8 fines, and cruel and unusual important in means of someone's living standards and station
punishments. in life.
states that the list of rights enumerated People have other rights not just those that are stated in the
9 in the Constitution is not exhaustive, Constitution
and that the people retain all rights not
assigns all powers not delegated to the This keeps the power of the U.S. government in check and to
10 United States, or prohibited to the not become all powering.
states, to either the states or to the
Rights Guaranteed, Privileges and Citizenship may not be infringed. The rights to life, liberty, and
14 Immunities of Citizenship, Due Process property are to be upheld. Power of the states is to be
and Equal Protection​6 distributed equally. To become a representative of the
government you must not have taken part in rebellion of any
The right of citizens of the United Extended the rights of women. This is extremely important to
19 States to vote shall not be denied or me as I am of the female kind. It goes without saying that this
abridged by the United States or by amendment is of great importance to my wellbeing, my rights,
any State on account of sex. Congress and opinions.
shall have power to enforce this article
by appropriate legislation.

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