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Summative Test in English for Academic and Professional Purposes

Name: _____________________________________ Grade and Section: ____________

I. Multiple Choice
Directions: Read the questions carefully and choose the correct answer that corresponds to the questions.
Write the answer in a space provided.

___1. What do you call the academic paper which refers to an essay that presents an opinion about an issue,
typically that the author or some specified entity?
a. Concept paper b. personal essay b. reaction paper d. position paper
___2. What do you call the academic paper which refers to a critical analysis of a current facts, data and
research literature and present an argueable
a. Concept paper b. report paper b. position paper d. reaction paper.
___3. Which part of the position paper where, you should clearly identify the issue and state the author’s
position, and should be written in a way that cathces the readers.
a. Body of the position paper b. introduction c. conclusion d. evidence and explanation
___4. which part of the position paper where each paragraph should present an idea or main concept that
clarifies a portion of the statement and is supported with facts and evidences?
a. Body of position paper b. introduction c. conclusion d. evidence and explanation.
___5. It is a part of the position paper that summarizes the main concepts and ideas and reinforce without
repeating, the contents of the introduction or body and leaves suggested course of action and possible
a. Body of position paper b. introduction c. conclusion d. evidence or explanation
___6. It refers to the statement that have valid and sound reasoning and explanation about a certain issue.
a. Logical thinking b. objective expression of ideas
b. balanced assignments of conflicting opinions d. deductive reasoning.
___7. It refers to fairness of statement towards the issue.
a. Objective of expression of ideas c. logical thinking
b. Balance assignments of conflicting opinions d. inductive reasoning
___8. it refers to the mode of reasoning that derives a generalization from specific examples and situations.
a. Deductive reasoning b. logical reasoning c. inductive reasoning d. rational reasoning
___9. it refers to the mode of reasoning that proceeds from a general statement that leads to particular or
specific inferences.
a. Deuctive reasoning b. logical reasoning c. inductive reasoning d. rational reasoning.
___10. One of the guidelines of writing the report is the value communicated. The following are the value
communicated in writing the report except:
a. Objective b. accurate c.honest presentation of facts and results d. personal point of view
___11. this is one of the modes of ordering in writing the report that presents the procedure or sequence of
a. Cause and effect b. chronological or time order c. problem-solution d. spatial order
___12. this refers to the report that is prepared and presented according to the form laid by law.
a. Informal report b. formal report c. statutory d. non-statutory
___13. it is a report that is prepared in a prescribed form and is presented according to an established
procedure to a prescribed authority.
a. Informal report b. formal report c. statutory d. non-statutory
___14. it is a report related to a single occasion or situation such as a technical report of a particular product.
a. Routinary report b. special report c. statutory report d. non-statutory report
___15. it is a report that is prepared and presented regular prescribed intervals. Maybe submitted daily,
monthly, quarterly or annually.
a. Routinary report b. special report c. statutory report d. non-statutory report


Write TRUE if the statement is true and FALSE if not.
______1. The position paper should use first person pronoun and use superlatives to convince your readers
on the gravity of your arguments.
______2. The position paper should be clear and explicit and must be written in the present tense
______3. convincing position paper must contain a clear proposition or statement that must be defended.
______4. convincing position paper should avoid conflicting or opposing views on the issue.
______5. convincing paper takes a firm stand on the issue.
______6. position paper can also be acceptable even without factual evidence or proofs to support each
______7. convincing position paper lists arguments in an organized manner to defend the stand.
______8. report must be broad and lenghty enough with direct sentences.
______9. report must be based on the personal interest of the proponent or the one who writes the report.
______10. the content of the report may consist of eyewitness accounts or first hand information.
______11. the purpose of writing a report is to tell primarily the failures.
______12. the purpose of writing a report is to present findings and results.
______13. a good report does not require clear logical structure.
______14. report and essay are both must have analytical, careful proof-reading, and neat presentation.
______15. a report present information, not an argument.

III. Chronology

A. Arrange the process of writing a position paper, in a chronological order. Put the number before the

__ Narrow the topic of your position paper to something that is manageable.

__ Research your issue thoroughly, consulting experts and obtaining primary documents.
__ Choose an issue where there is a clear division of opinion and which is argueable facts and inductive
__ You may choose an issue on which you have already formed an opinion. However, in writing about issue,
you must examine your opinion critically.
__ Consider feasibility, cost-effectiveness and political, social/climate when evaluating possible solutions and
courses of action.
__ Prior to writing your position paper, define and limit your issue carefully. Social issues are complex with
multiple solutions.

B. Arrange the steps of writing a report, in a chronological order. Put the number before the statement.

___ taking notes ___ making an outline ___ analyzing the data ___ writing the report ___ investigating the
source of information

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