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' . [¼~
Time Allowed: l .JOHows] . . arfcs:so
·nates of focus, the equat10n of directrix and len h
., I2.:. find the coor d1 - gt ofJ
I. For th e parabola y~= - '·· atus
rectrn11 . _ . . I· 2+y2 _ 4x - 6y + I I = 0 is (8, 4). Show that the coorct· I
2. If one end of a di ameter of the cu e ex IOates of
the oth er end are (- 4, 2). . . . I
. .. f· ·I . . le which JJasses through the pomts (0, - 1), (2, 0) and has Its centre 0
3. Fmd tl1 e equation o t 1e Cll c · n the

line 3x + v = 5. • · · dI h 4
. · . ftl 11- . with axis alongx-ax1s, centre at ongm an engt oflatusrectum
4. Fmd the equation o 1e e 1pse . . equaJ
to 1O. Distance bet,veen foci is equal to leng th of mmor axis. . 4
5. 5 4
Find the equation of ellipse whose vertices are at(± , O) an~ foci at (_±_ , O).
6. Find the length of axes, the coordinates of the vertices and foci, eccentricity, length oflatus rectum and
2 2
equations of directrices of the hyperbola ~ - 16x = 16. 4
7. Find the equation of hyperbola such that distance betwen foci is 16 and eccentricity is ✓2. 4
8. Find the equation of a crr:cle whose centre is (3, -2) and which passes through the point ofiritersection
oflines 5x + 7y = 3 and 2x- 3y = 7. 4
9. Find the equation of hyperbola who_se vertices are(± 6, 0) and one of the directrix is x = 4. 4
10. Find the equation of a circle which passes through the points (1, 1), (2, 2) and whose·radius is 1. 4
11. Find the eccentricity of the ellipse with foci on x-axis, if its latus rectum be one half of its major axis.4
12. Find the .equation of the ellipse whose foci are (0, ± 4) and eccentricity . 4
. 5
13. Find the length of transverse axis, conjugate axis, eccentricity, vertices, foci and directrices of the
hyperbola 9x2 - 16y2 = 144. 4
14. Find the equation of the ellipse with foci (±5, 'O) and 5x = 36 as one of the directrices. 4

1. (-3,0);x=3;12 3. x2+y-7x+Ily+10=0 x2 y2
4. -+-=1
100 50
6. 8; 2; (0, ± 4)· (0 ± G . )· ✓17. 1. _ 16
5. 9x + 25y2 = 225
17 ' -
' ' 'VII - y-±--
4 '2' ✓ 11·
7. x 2 - y2 = 32 x2 y2
8. x2 +y2 - 6x + 4y + 11 = 0
9. - - - = 1
36 45
10. x2 + y2 - 2x - 4y + 4 = 0 or x2 + 2 4 ,
y - X- 2y + 4 == Q
11. ✓2
12. 25x2 + 9y2 = 225 l3. 8 6 5
; ; -· (±4 0)· (±5 O)
4' ' • , ; 5x == ±I 6. 14. 1lx2 + 36y2 = 396
Time Alloived : 1.30 Hours]
[Maximum Marks:

. d arallel to the line ax + by+ c O is

1. Prove that the line through po111t (x 1, Y1) an P .
a (x -.,) + b (v - 1) = 0
.· ,; . . . intercept form and find its slope and the
2. Reduce the equation x + v3 y + 4 = 0 m the s1ope
,·-intercept. t fi d th I f ·
3. if the lines 3x + v - 2 = O,px + 2y - 3 = 0 and 2x - y - 3 = 0 are concur~en '_ m . e va ue o p. 4
4. The point ( l , 2) the foot of the perpendicular from the origin to a straight lme. Fmd the equation

of the line. 4
·5. Usmg ~
· · slopes, find the value of x 1or h. h th e p01·nts (x , - 1) , (2 , 1) and (4 ' 5) are collinear. 1
w 1c . .
6. A line is such that its segment between the lines 5x - Y + 4 = 0 and 3x + 4y - = 0 IS bisected at
point ( l. 5). Obtain its equation. 4
7. The extremities of the base of an isosceles triangle are the points (2a, 0) and (0, a) and the equation
of one of the equal sides is x = 2a. Find the equation of the other equal side. 4
8. Find the image of the point (- 8, 12) with respect to the line mirror 4x + 7y + 13 = 0. 4
9. IfA(l , 4), B(2, -3) and C(-1, -2) are the vertices ofa ~ABC. Find the equation of median throughA.4
I 0. ·what are the points on x-axis whose perpendicular distance from the line 4x + 3y = 12 is 4 ? 4
11. Find the equations of the lines which cut off intercepts on axes whose sum and products are
I and - 6 respectively. 4
12. Find the equation o~the line through the point (2, -5) and parallel to the line 2x- 3y = 7. 4
13. Find the equation of the line through the point of intersection of the lines x - 3y + 1 = O
and 1x + 5y- 9 =.0 and whose distance from the origin is ✓5 . 4
14• A triangle is formed by the lines x + y- 6 = 0, 3y- x +2 = 0 and 3y = 5x + 2, find the coordinates
of the orthocentre of the triangle.
15. ~ind the equation of straight line passing through origin and making angle 600 with the
hnex+ fj y+ 3 fj = 0.

2. y =- _1 X 4 . l I
fj - .jj ' s ope = - ✓3 ; y-intercept = - 4. 3. 5
4. x+ 2y-5 =O
5. I
7. 3x - 4y + 2a =0 6. 107X - 3y - 92 = Q
8. (- 16, - 2) 9.
10. (8, 0), (- 2, 0) I3x-y-9 = o
11. 2x-3,,-6=0·3
.,, , x- 2:,V+6=0
l2. 2x-3y- l9=0
13. 2x +y _ 5 == O.
IS. X- ✓3 y = O; X = 0
[Maximum Mi ,..
Time Allowed: 1.30 Hours] ar,.,.s : 50
_ . . . . • ·( l 1 t). If the coordinates of A and Bare (3 _.5_ _
1. The centroid of a tr1an,gle ABC 1s al the pomt • ' , , 7)
and (- 1, 7, --6) respectively. Find the coordinates of point ~· . _ 1
2. Find the lengths of the medians of the triangle ABC wi th 2
vertices A(O, O, ), B(O, 4, 0) and
C(8, 0, 0). ._ l
3. Show th.a t th e po1·n t s (- 2, 3 , 5) , (l· , 2, 3) and 11
· (7 ' 0, - 1) are co mear. _ 2
4. Find the equation of the path of p which moves such that PA2 + PB = 2k where A and B are the
points (3, 4, 5).and (-1, 3, -7) respectively. 4
. o~, th· a·t th e po1n
5 . Sh · ts (I , 2, 3) , (-1 , -2, -1) , (2 , 3 , 2) and (4, 7, 6) are the vertices of a parallelogram

which is not a rectangle. 4

,6. Find the equation of set of points P which moves so that its distances from points (3, 4, -5) and
(-2, 1, 4) ave equal. 4
7. If a point C with y-coordinate 2 lies on the line joining the points A(- 4, - 4, 5) and B(4, 6, -5).
Find the coordinates of point C. :....---- 4
8. Show that ifx2 + _y2 = 4, the point ( x, y, .j4 - x 2
- y2 ) is at 2 ~its distance·from origin. 4
9. Are the points (3, 6, 9), (10, 20, 30) and (25, - 41, 5) -ar-e the.vertices of a right -angled triangle? 4
10. Using section formula, show that the points (-4, 6, 10), (2, 4," 6) and (14, 0, -2) are collinear. 4
11. Find the ratio in which the plane x - 2y + 3z = 17 divides the line joining the points (-2, 4, 7) and
(3, -5, 8}. ~so obtain cp<:>rdinates ofp(?int of intersection. 4
:12. Showthatthepoints(a, b, c),, (b, c? ·a)1a,nd (c, a, b) are vertices -of an equilateral triangle. 4
13. Find the ratia in which the line segme~t joining the ·points (4, ·s, 10) and ( 6~ 10, -8) is divided by
YZ-plane. 4
14. Find a point on ZX-plane which is equidistant from the points (1, - _
l , 0), (2, 1, _2), (3, 2, -1). 4

1. (1, I, 2).
2. Lengths,of medians from A, B, Care 2✓6, ✓'33, .f69 respectively.

4. 2x2+2y2+2z2-4x-14y+4z-2k2+ 109:;::Q
6. lOx + 6y- 18z- 29 = 0.

7. (2,2,-1).
9. No. . ·
11. 3: 10 mternally; ( -11
- -25, - . 94)
13' 13 13

13. 2 : 3 internally
14. ·( ~ O
10' '5

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