Page Wise Guidelines For Project Work in Business Studies

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Page wise Guidelines for Project Work in Business Studies


Page:1(cover page)
Project work

Business Studies

Class 12

Submitted by:


Roll no:_______________

School name_____________:

Year: 2014-15

Page :2

Application of
the general Principles of management
advocated by Fayol.

Page:3 Acknowledgement

I extend my sincere thanks to ------------------------------------------

Write this on your own and acknowledge
all the people who have helped you like
industrial person, teacher, Librarian,
websites etc.
Page:4 Certificate
This is to certify that _________________ of class 12 has successfully completed the project work on
Business Studies for class XII practical examination of the Central Board of Secondary Education in
the year 2014-2015.It is further certified that this project is the individual and bonafide work of the

Mentor: Your teacher will sign here

Name : Write name of your teacher


I am pleased to submit project work in Business Studies for class XII.I am extremely grateful to
CBSE for introducing this project in Business studies.

This project has given me ample opportunity to observe the application of the general
Principles of management advocated by Henry Fayol ,thus increased my understanding of the
concepts studied. This has resulted in enhancing my analytical, interpreting and creative skills.

The Project work is strictly according to the guidelines given by CBSE

The salient features of this project are:

 Visiting the outlet (Mention name and area of outlet)

 Interview of Branch Manager

 Survey of employees

 Survey from customers who are visiting that outlet regularly

 Use of Personal observation to see the application of Fayol’s Principles of Management

 Use of online information and news about organisation

This project has helped me to understand the benefit of application of Principles of

management to the organisation and other stakeholders.

Page:6 Index: List of contents(Leave one page ,we will fill this in the end)

Page:7 Introduction of Henry Fayol (Paste his picture ,write about his birthplace
,profession and significant contributions)

Page:8 Principle of Management given by Fayol (Explain all 14 Principles of Fayol ,you
can paste or draw related pictures or diagrams or flow charts ,this can take 14 pages –
explain one principle on one page)
Page:9 Organisation selected

 Name of Organisation
 Brief introduction of Organisation
 Way of working (Paste Pictures )

Page:10 Application of Fayol’s Principle of Management in organisation

(Explain application of all 14 principles in that organisation ,Find which principle is applicable
and which is not and how ?.Also of which principle application cannot be identified)(Paste
pictures where ever applicable )

Page:11 Appendix (Includes all tables , questionnaires , worksheets , Interview questions

,diagrams etc. used for study .Make a table showing which principle is applicable and which
is not ,you can put tick marks or cross sign ,check table drawn below)

Sno. Name of principle Applicable Not applicable Could not be

1. Unity of Command 
2. Division of work 
3. Scalar chain 

Page:12 Conclusion (write about your observation and finding about applicability of Fayol’s
principles in that organisation .It will be summary of topics covered in Page no. 10 . Also
write how these principles have helped that organisation in achieving popularity, profits

Page:13 Bibliography (list of the sources you used to get information for your project like
Website ,books ,magazines ,newsletter ,newspapers etc.)

Page:14 Teacher’s Remarks and Observation (Teacher will write this )

Name of Teacher:


General Guidelines

 The Project should be hand written

 Use interleaf coloured sheet (ruled on one side ,blank on other side)
 Draw margin on left side, so that these sheets can later be spiral
 Spiral binding will be done after your teacher has checked ,approved
and you have made modifications suggested by teacher
 Paste picture, drawing, flow charts make it more attractive
 The total length of the project will be of 30 to 40 pages

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